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Why Ram Janmabhoomi Temple at Ayodhya is more about India’s honour than religious belief


I vividly remember that Sunday afternoon when I was loitering in our neighborhood along with other children. We were school students then, and apart from cricket the other topic of our passionate discussion was the ongoing agitation at Ayodhya. A few minutes into our discussion, we saw a hefty man running towards us. He was panting. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he repeatedly yelled “Jai Shri Ram” (Hail Lord Ram). Before we could react, several others in our locality had joined in and roared back “Jai Shri Ram”. Within minutes almost everybody, including me and my friends, were chanting “Jai Shri Ram” in unison.

This day was December 6th 1992.

The Babri Structure at Ayodhya had been demolished and news spread like wild fire. Conch shells were blowing, sweets were distributed, diyas and candles were being lighted.

This was the scene and extent of celebrations at a small colony in Kanpur an industrial city around 220 kilometers from Ayodhya–the birth town of Lord Ram. Remember this was 1992– a different era with no Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter. Mobile phones were super luxury and 24×7 television news was nowhere. The only mode of communication were landline phones and word of mouth. Yet, news of the demolition of Babri Structure spread like wild fire and instigated hysterical celebrations all across India.

It’s been more than two decades since that eventful day in 1992, nevertheless I can recall even the smallest details of my life post the demolition of Babri Structure (some historians may call it a Mosque but I prefer to call it a structure). And why only I, most of us who were witness to that historic moment will remember every detail of that day. In fact, many historians and commentators like to describe the history of post-independence India as pre-1992 and post-1992. Such was the impact of Ram Janmabhoomi (birthplace) Movement on our lives. This impact has only grown over time.

Recently, the Supreme Court of India restored criminal conspiracy charge against three senior leaders of the ruling BJP (Bhartiya Janata Party). This, in effect, means patriarchs LK Advani, MM Joshi and a Union Minister Uma Bharti will be tried for a conspiracy that flared up passions of the millions of karsevaks (volunteers) who went ahead and demolished the Babri Structure on 6th December 1992.

In recent years during my interaction with journalists and political observers, especially from the West, a question recurs: “How could a political party (read BJP) whip up mass frenzy on a scale that remains almost unparalleled in post-independence India”?

Well, first things first. The Ram Janmabhoomi Movement was never the brain child of one political party or any of its offshoot. So neither the BJP nor its ideological mentor RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) or the VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) can claim sole ownership rights of the Ayodhya movement. None of the people in my colony who were celebrating the demolition of Babri Structure were members of the BJP. It would be imprudent to discuss about the court’s verdict and the subsequent fate of BJP leaders being tried for conspiracy but since I have been a witness to the events leading up to the demolition I can say that emotions ran high among karsevaks (volunteers) and the movement was self-led. Every karsevak (volunteer) saw the Babri Structure as a symbol of slavery and humiliation.

Historical context

Let’s go back in history to put things into a perspective.

Mughal invader Babur’s commander-in-chief Mir Baki demolished the Ram Janmabhoomi Temple in 1528. The psyche behind temple’s demolition was to prove to the indigenous Hindu population that world order has changed and Babur is the new ruler who is here to take possession of the country, its people and the God. Since Lord Ram is an integral part of India’ psyche so demolition of his temple at his birthplace would send a powerful message to the locals, was the thought of invaders. Babur thought if the large Hindu population in India is unable to defend Lord Ram’s temple at his birthplace in Ayodhya then they could easily be subjugated and ruled over.

Yes, Babur did demolish the temple but faced stiff resistance from the then local population to an extent that he was unable to build a grand mosque in its place. It was a hurriedly built “Structure” that resembled a mosque; the minarets, place for ablutions and other essential structures of a mosque were starkly absent. The walls were hurriedly built from the temple remains and had distinct imagery of Hindu Gods–something that is strictly forbidden in Islam.

During Babur’s short rein of four years the then local people fought four battles to regain control of the Ram Janmabhumi site. The very fact that Babur was unable to build a grand mosque even after being the victor speaks volumes about the resistance he faced from the then Hindu population. And then these fights never stopped. Till 1934 Hindus fought a total of seventy six battles to regain control of the Ram Janmabhoomi site. Be it the rein of Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan or the brutal Aurangzeb at no time did the Hindu population stop battling to re-gain control of the Ram Janmabhoomi site. After India’s independence in 1947, this fight shifted to the court rooms. So, while earlier the battles were bloody and violent with time it has now become judicial.

The makeshift Temple of Lord Ram on the Land where he was born in Ayodhya

Oftentimes it is said that much fuss is made about a temple site and that it can be built at any other place in India. Well, for Hindus a temple at the Ram Janmabhoomi site is not an issue of mere bricks and mortar. It is an issue of our cultural resurgence and identity, where Lord Ram has a prime place of importance. The movement is an expression of the collective consciousness of the Hindu ethos, their honor and dignity. Apart from the temple this piece of land, is also revered by virtue of being the birth place of Lord Ram.

Any interpretation of the Babri Structure, which was built after demolition of an existing Ram Janmabhoomi Temple, other than as a monument which celebrates slavery will clearly indicate that Hindus are being asked to live with the feeling of humiliation that Babur wanted to inflict on them as “conquered people”.

Dilemma for Indian Muslims

Now where does this leave the India’s Muslim population? Since it was never a mosque the Babri Structure is not a holy place for Muslims and there is absolutely no need for them to own up the barbarism of Babur and others like him. In 1857, the year when India fought its first war of independence against British colonialism, Amir Ali the local Muslim leader from Ayodhya announced that Muslims must hand over the Babri Structure to Hindu brethren. Unfortunately, rebels lost the 1857 war and British Army hanged Amir Ali and his associate leader Ramcharan Das from a tamarind tree on March 18, 1858. For several years this tamarind tree was worshiped by both Hindus and the Muslims. The developing camaraderie between Hindus and Muslims worried British colonial rulers. Soon they uprooted the tamarind tree that was turning into a rallying point for the indigenous population. Sadly, this portion of history is skipped in present day narrative.

Further, a little bit of historical research proves that present day Indian Muslims are converts from Hinduism and it is their forefathers who died fighting the marauding army of the likes of Babur. Later on, their families were forced to convert to Islam by the invading Mughal army. The right way for Indian Muslims is to distance themselves from such acts of vandalism and barbarism of the past.

Similar examples around the world

Even elsewhere in the world, there has been several precedents of such acts. When the Germans are asked to apologize for the crimes of Hitler, they never hesitate to do so, clearly indicating that they do not own Nazism.  Around the 12th century, Spain was conquered by Moors and the people were forcibly converted from Christianity to Islam. In the 16th century, when Christians recovered the whole of Spain from Moors they gave Muslims in their country only three choices–reconvert to Christianity, leave the country along with the Moors, or be killed. All the Muslim places of worship were converted back to Christian churches.

In 1918 in Warsaw, at the end of first Russian occupation of Poland, one of the first things that Polish people did was to bring down the Russian Orthodox Christian Cathedral that was built by Russians in the center of the town. This was done despite the fact that Poles are Christians and Jesus Christ was worshiped in that Cathedral. The Poles demolished the Cathedral built by Russians only because they viewed the Cathedral not as a place of worship, rather as a structure that reminded them of their slavery. The question in these cases was about restoring the nation’s honour and disassociating from the barbarism of yesteryear.

The Babri Structure was a similar construction that reminded India of the savagery of foreign Islamic rulers and so its demolition was celebrated all across the country. A grand temple at the birth place of Lord Ram will instill a sense of pride for Indians in their rich cultural heritage and correct the historical wrong.

Why Kapil Sibal’s definition of Hinduism is flawed

Kapil Sibal, former telecom minister in the UPA government, in an Oped article in Times of India (May 2, 2017), has urged “Asli Hindus” to distance themselves from Hindutva which, in his view, is nothing but fundamentalism in the name of Hinduism and mirrors intolerance, casteism and a sedition-happy government.

The trouble is Sibal saying so is like the devil quoting from the scriptures. He was the father of the notorious amended 66A section of the IT Act under UPA which could land anyone in jail for three years for “offensive” tweets. Anyone arrested had to apply for a bail under this cognizable offence.

The need for this draconian measure was to crush dissent against the corruption in the UPA government. A Jadavpur University Professor, Ambikesh Mohapatra, was arrested in April 2011 for merely forwarding an email containing a cartoon on Mamata Banerjee. Similarly, cartoonist Assem Trivedi, in solidarity with Anna Hazare’s crusade against corruption, was arrested and had to shut-down his website.

This was like an Emergency; a true muzzling of freedom of speech and expression. In the end, Supreme Court had to step in and squash the amended 66A Act, terming it “unconstitutional.” This “unconstitutional” move went all the way up to your door, Mr. Sibal. It isn’t like Una, Dadri or Alwar where Modi government is being dragged for no role of their own.

Indeed, such outrageous were your moves and utterances as a minister, that Supreme Court had to intervene once again and bring the guilty to book. I of course am referring to the 2G Scam.  It was you, as telecom minister, who rubbished all the investigations under the 2G spectrum scam, be it of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), CBI, Justice Shivraj Patil report, or by the one of telecom regulator, TRAI.  You even made the absurd claim that your predecessor A. Raja’s spectrum allocation in 2008 caused no loss to the exchequer! It was only after Supreme Court bristled in anger that you had to buckle down. It’s a reminder to you readers that 2G scam was worth 170,000 crores.

After such a “distinguished” record as one against the dissent or contempt for authorities such as CAG and TRAI, don’t you think your moral stances are a little facile? Do I need to remind you of the “intolerance” of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru against iconic poet Majrooh Sultanpuri who was put behind bars in Arthur Jail Road in Mumbai for a year for a rebellious poem penned by him? The poem went something like this:

“Aman kaa jhandaa is dharti pe
kisney kahaa lahraane na paae
ye bhii koii Hitler kaa hai chelaa,
maar le saathii, jaane na paae!
Commonwealth ka daas hai Nehru
maar le saathii jaane na paae!”

(Who has stopped the flag of peace from blowing in the air on this land? Is this someone a disciple of Hitler and we must not let him get away with this. Nehru is no better than a slave of Commonwealth and he ought not to be allowed to get away with it).

Do I need to remind you of the number of sedition cases which were filed while UPA was in centre? Or films which were banned by Congress? And who amended Article 19 (I) to rob people further of their freedom of speech?

This “freedom of speech” and “intolerance” nonsense against the Modi government which is being used to put them in a corner on the Hindutva issue isn’t cutting much ice with the voters of this country. “Asli Hindus” aren’t willing to be drugged any further by anti-India left-liberal-media factions. Newspapers like Times of India could reserve the best space in its edition for your harangues but trust me the people of this country don’t give a damn. Divide and rule won’t work in today’s India.

वक्त आ गया है की, हाथ खोल दिए जाये

क्या कुत्ते के दुम को, कभी सीधे होता देखा है?
कया किसी ने सूरज को पूरब मे डूबते देखा है?
क्यों तुम पाकिस्तान से, शराफत की उम्मीद रखते हो?
क्यों कटे हुए सिरों का सिर्फ हिसाब रखते हो?

वक्त आ गया है की, एक हुंकार फिर भरी जाए।
दबोच गर्दन दुशमन का, उसकी मिट्टी पलीद की जाए।
दो कौड़ी का पड़ोसी, आंख हमे दिखलाता है?
जो ढंग से तन नही ढ़क सकता,
वो न्यूक्लियर बम्ब की धौंस दिखाता है।

वक्त आ गया है की, हाथ खोल दिए जाये,
हर एक शहादत का, गिन के हिसाब लिया जाए।
बस निंदा करने से बात नही बन पाएगी,
गुरूर तोड़ दुशमन का, तभी चैन की नींद आएगी।।

कहाँ गया ५६ इंच का सिना?

फिर एक बार पाकिस्तानने भारतीय जवान के शव के साथ वो हरकत की जो किसी भी देश की सेना ​किसी भी देश के सेना के साथ करने से पहले सौ बार सोचेगी. पाकिस्तान की सेनाने भारतीय जवानों के शव के साथ फिर वही सुलुक किया.

लेकीन मेरा मानना है के वो ये सुलूक भारतीय जवान के शव के साथ कर सकते हैं क्यूंकी उनमे इतनी हिम्मत है. लेकीन क्या हमारे ‘५६’ इंच के सिनेवाले नरेंद्र मोदीजी में इतनी हिम्मत हैं के वो उन जवानोंका बदला ले सके? पिछली बार भारतीय सेनाने सर्जिकल स्ट्राईक की. उस दिन से आजतक बीजेपी के प्रवक्ता राष्ट्रीय चॅनेल पर सिर्फ यही पिपडी बजाते हैं के हमने सर्जिकल स्टाईक की. अरे भाई वो बात पुरानी हो चुकी है. वैसे भी अगर किसी रोग का इलाज उस दवाई से ना हो तो दवाई बदलनी पडती है. क्या मोदी अपनी दवाई बदलने वाले हैं? इसका जवाब तो अभी नही में ही है.

जो लोग पहले विपक्ष में बैठकर दस सर लाने को कह रहे थे वो आज चुपचाप हैं. और भारतीय नेताओं के कायरता के कारण आज भारतीय सेना को उसका नुकसान चुकाना पड रहा है. चाहे वो कश्मिर के पथ्थरबाज हो या पाकिस्तानी सेना. इन नेताओं के वजहसे भारतीय आर्मी आज घुटने पर आ गई है.

मोदीजी कलतक अपना ५६ इंच सिना लेकर घुम रहे थे लेकीन उनका सिना आज कहाँ है? दुनिया को पता है अगर पाकिस्तान से बात करनी है तो सिधा आर्मी से करे ना की नवाज शरीफ से. फिर क्यू मोदीजी शरीफ के साथ दोस्ती के गीत गा रहे हैं.

इस बार भी भारतीय सेना के जवानों के शव के साथ गलत व्यवहार किया हो लेकीन पिछली कुछ घटनाए देख के तो मुझे नही लगता इस घटना का कडी निंदा या फिर बैठकों के दौरसे आगे कुछ होता. हमने तो तब भी कडी निंदा की थी आज भी करेंगे. हम हर बार ट्वीटर पे ट्रेंड करेंगे ‘बदला लो’.

पाकिस्तान का एक ही ईलाज है बलुचिस्तान अलग प्रांत, सिंध अलग प्रांत. लेकीन हमारे नेताओं में इतनी हिम्मत नही के वो खुलके बोले. मेरा मानना ही नही बल्की यकीन है ऐसी घटना आगे भी होगी. क्यूंकी आज तक वहाँ से १ सर के बदले १० सर आये नही हैं. क्या मोदी इसका जवाब देंगे? सर्जिकल स्टाईक से बात नही हो रही है क्या खुल्लम खुल्ला स्टाईक मोदीजी करेंगे?

How communists persecute the RSS in Kerala

“We should learn (how to kill adversaries) from Bengalis. They do it without shedding even a drop of blood. They kidnap people, bury their bodies in deep pit . The world will not (even) know about the blood.”

The macabre-sounding lines above were not uttered by Idi Amin or Pol Pot. They are not from a horror novel. They were not even said by a demonic dictator or a psychopath behind bars. These lines were reportedly articulated by the present CM of Kerala, Pinarayi Vijayan.

What the former Kerala CPM secretary (and now the CM) said to his close comrades is just a tip of the iceberg. The God’s own country, a misnomer used for Kerala where state sponsored massacres of BJP and RSS workers are the norm of the day, has turned into a hell for people not subscribing to the communist ideology.

All in all, more than 267 RSS workers and volunteers have been butchered in the state of Kerala (official figures, unofficial figure might be much higher) in the past 50 years and among these, 232 have been killed by the communists.

16 RSS volunteers and associated workers have been put to death since 2010. In a tragic turn of events, 32-year-old BJP worker Remith was hacked to death in the Pinarayi village, and what aggravates this tragedy is that in 2002 his father too was murdered by the communist goons. Entire families and clans have been wiped off for voting for the BJP.

The blood-soaked political history of Kerala has left a long trail of tragedies among those who dare to defy the tyranny of the communists. Allegedly, more than 1500 persons have got their limbs chopped off, blinded or rendered bedridden due to injuries inflicted by the Communists.

As highlighted by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in one of the rallies, the indefatigable Sadanandan Master ji’s both the legs were chopped off by the communists simply for having a different political opinion and wanting to express his opinion through the available democratic means provided by our Constitution.

In a recent display of aggression and political intolerance, the CPI(M) activists vandalised the newly-inaugurated office of the RSS. According to reports, the 10-member gang not just smashed the windows and equipment inside the Kesava Seva Kendram in Thalassery, they also threatened women and children that were present at the premises.

The mainstream media, mostly dominated by Left-influenced journalists and intellectuals, either largely ignores the communist violence in Kerala, or presents the narrative in such a manner that it seems as if violence originates from all sides, that both the RSS-BJP combined and the communists inflict violence on each other and casualties are on both the sides.

This is far from the truth. In fact, if you believe the mainstream English media, it’s the life of Pinarayi that is in danger, such is the travesty that goes on in the name of news and analysis.

The entire law and administrative infrastructure is either controlled by the communists themselves, or the governments sympathetic towards the communists and hostile towards the RSS. Pinarayi becoming the CM, despite having a violent history against the RSS-BJP supporters, despite the documented evidence of his psychopathic tendencies, is one of the biggest examples of state patronage of use of murderous attacks on RSS supporters and sympathizers in the state. How can violence be from both the sides if the entire state machinery is controlled by the communists.

Communists, with the help of their intellectual friends in the mainstream media, have perfected the art of running with the hair and hunting with the hounds. While their communist comrades on the ground unleash waves upon waves of terror their intellectual comrades create a narrative to show that it’s the communists who are being victimized. This narrative need to be changed and the real truth needs to be brought to the fore.

According to this report, Kerala is the only state in India where there are “party grams” or villages, especially in the violence-ridden Kannur district, where only communists can enter and live. Even during the polls only the members of the CPI M can enter these areas.

The institutionalized violence in Kerala has gone unabated for many decades and despite an unparalleled streak of violence the brave RSS workers have been carrying on their work whether it is empowering the poorest of the poor at the grassroots level or by creating a groundswell of opposition to the sanguinary communist rule under the yoke of brutality. The bravery of these relentless RSS workers is unparalleled who have been carrying on their work in one of the most hostile territories in the world.

My poor motherland


Countless springs have passed away,
The immortal summer and fiercest sun
conspires to burn the life,
budding inside the womb.
The mother is crying
with fear and insufferable pain,
Eyes filled with tears,
She collapses in a dead faint,
Here comes the loving son,
Carrying a speech of condolence
and a short verse in praise
for, only she cries
Bravado, not dies.

(कड़ी निंदा कब तक)

No, the mainstream media doesn’t represent the actual plight of Dalits

Media is regarded as the 4th estate of democracy and commands immense power over the formation of public opinion. Proliferation of print and electronic media has further led to information revolution. Today, information has become the most potent form of empowerment. Whoever controls media or has access to information is in a powerful position to sway public opinion. It’s not that Ambedkar did not realize this; in fact, he came up with a series of journals to highlight the plight of Dalits in a society which was heavily biased in favour of the upper castes. The Congress controlled most of the print media and it was in a position to provide leadership in the national movement.

After independence, there has been a rapid growth in print media and the number of TV channels has also multiplied but the sad part is that the media industry is not yet socially diverse. Most of it is controlled by the big corporate houses in which Dalit representation is minuscule. When we look at the demographic profile of the employees working in the media organizations, it is rare to find persons belonging to lower castes in higher positions. Cases have been reported when Dalit employees had to keep their caste identity secret for fear of being victimized by their senior upper caste colleagues. The harsh reality is that unlike the state, the media is not under any compulsion to provide representation to the scheduled castes.

Issues that are of significance to Dalits rarely get any substantial coverage in the media which gives more importance to news that have more TRP ratings. Since the media houses have their own vested interests, the reporting of the information they provide tend to be biased. A recent survey of the World Economic Forum has revealed the low credibility of the Indian media which has lost connect & trust of the people. This was evident in its biased reporting on issues like intolerance & demonetization. How the agenda driven media tried to portray anti national figures as heroes was evident to everyone. Media has lost the pulse of the people, failed to read popular mood on more than one occasion during elections and has become mouthpiece of vested interests. Most of the pages are not about people but about boosting TRP.

Whatever little coverage is there about Dalits, most of it is about the atrocities committed on them. The media is guilty of bringing out a negative image of the Dalits in which they are painted as weak & incompetent whereas their leadership is shown as greedy, self serving and nuisance creator. It has never made an attempt to give coverage to news that celebrate Dalit achievements or put Dalits in better perspective.

But all is set for change with the growth of alternate media. Internet and social media have democratized the information sector by creating a level field in which anyone can express his opinions. The best part is that there is no external control that takes note of your caste, gender & skin colour in allowing you access to information. This alternative media platform can act as a sort of interactive space for the various subaltern forums to put forth their views strongly and forge unity among them. The marginalized voices were previously restricted in print and electronic media due to lack of deep financial pockets but the likes of Twitter, Face book and Google have removed this barrier.

Whatever information you want can be obtained by the click of a mouse or a swipe on your mobile screen. The nation saw how the Rohith Vemula incident and the Una incident gave vent to Dalit angst and aspirations in a very forceful way. The social media uproar was so vociferous that it forced the main stream media & TV channels to give due attention to the issues of atrocities committed on Dalits. The social media exposed the hypocrisy and the agenda driven coverage of the main stream media to such an extent that its credibility was in tatters.

Most of the Dalits live in rural India in which the information revolution is yet to penetrate in a big way. The print media is still basically confined to the urban places. Availability of electricity despite some improvement is still not good enough in the rural interiors. The Digital India Mission is a wonderful initiative to connect the rural people with internet and mobile telephony. The ultimate vision of any digital revolution should be to make technology available to the common people that empowers them. It is highly pleasing to see the youths of the marginalized communities taking readily to internet and mobiles. More and more voices highlighting issues touching the lives of downtrodden are on social media. This has provided more visibility to the Dalit aspirations but more often than not, it’s the urban middle class Dalits who are making all the noises and not the rural Dalits. It’s high time all the layers of the Dalit population articulate; after all, their views are not as monochromatic as the leftist Dalit groups would like to make us believe.

The rise of the Dalit middle class has also led to growth of Dalit capitalism. If this capitalism finds expression in Dalit ownership of media, then this will be a harbinger of Dalit hopes for expression. Finding voice and then articulating it forcefully is very vital in representational democracy. Dalits need organs to present their side of the story to convince public opinion. After the Hindu temples of India, media remains the strong citadel of the caste Hindus. The Dalits have stormed the temples and now the time has come to make their presence felt in media. They are present in the executive, the legislature and the judiciary but the 4th estate of democracy has still eluded them. A strong independent media is the life blood of any democracy and Dalits have no option but to take to media in a big way to highlight issues that can have significant bearing on their lives. Visibility is very vital in democracy and this is where media will benefit Dalits. It will get them to present their side of the story.

Of late, media organizations like National Dastak & certain websites have taken the lead in raising issues related to Dalits which is a very positive thing in Indian democracy. They have brought to public domain issues that were previously swept under the carpet; no wonder, their popularity is increasing but all said and done, they need to be cautious in their coverage. Issues have to be dispassionately and neutrally examined and reported rather than attempts to present one sided biased view by distortion of facts with the intention to sensationalize matters & play victim card.

People are matured enough to separate facts from fiction. Public purpose and national interest are important yardsticks that have to be kept in mind by every media organization. As far as social media is concerned, intemperate and vitriolic language as used by some of the left leaning radical Dalit groups, is simply uncalled for. Debates have to be reasoned and responsible to elicit public attention. Access to a platform should be for highlighting genuine problems, dialogue with other stake holders and putting forth view points; it should not be hurling abuses and breeding animosity among people. Empowerment is not about confrontation & blame game but finding ways to seek engagement on an equal footing.

Kattappa killed Baahubali because he asked for corn fry in the local drama theatre


Mahizhmathi. In a dramatic turn of events, Kattappa killed Baahubali over a corn fry, known as popcorn in the 20th century and afterwards. The incident happened in a local drama theatre which was not too far away from the palace, it was learnt by the kingdom’s spy.

Kattappa and Baahubali went to a dance-drama enacted by one of Mahizhmathi’s art, cultural and literature teams. Both were disguised as local potato sellers. The entry fee was exorbitant due to the popularity of the drama. Kattappa was restless from the beginning as he was the one to pay for the entry fee. When Baahubali asked for corn fry during the intermission, Kattappa decided to kill.

The corn fry was served in three sizes. Small, medium and large scoops. When Baahubali asked for the large scoop, Kattappa planned the coup. He did warn Baahubali that the corn fry prices are a killer. Baahubali wouldn’t understand. The next warning was even more explicit. He said the corn will sharply cut into anyone asking for it. Still Baahubali wouldn’t listen. In one swift motion, Kattappa took out his sword and killed Baahubali.

When he reported of the incident to the Royal high command, Kattappa was appreciated for his act. Anybody who spends disproportionate prices on anything, spending people’s money, cannot be in power, Sivagami said. Since the corn fry vendor was from a nearby Kingdom under the provisions of Direct Investment Act, Mahizhmathi couldn’t take action on them, Sivagami explained to Kattappa.

The corn fry would go on to kill several families, Mahizhmathi’s descendents would learn centuries later. In the war of power, money and greed only the popcorn survived and is still killing people in the 21st century, Baahubali viewers from all over the world would learn further after watching the magnum opus.

Bahubali 2 deserves nothing less than celebration

Some movies gives goosebumps just to our hair but Bahubali-2 gave goosebumps to my thoughts and I couldn’t stop myself from writing this.

We all have grown up watching Hollywood movies like Matrix, Terminator, Gladiator, Jurassic park, MI-2 and after watching every such movie we always used to discuss only 1 thing, why such movies are not being made in India. One most common reason we could think that Indian producers don’t have that much Money or technological prowess. But in last decade we have seen some movies which were made with humongous budget and used world class technology straight out of Los Angeles and yet they failed to fascinate in same way as a Hollywood movie does “some times” (Hollywood is also producing crap).

Today after watching Bahubali 2 and now I feel like my desire to watch an Indian movie of that standard has quenched. SS Rajamouli has done it. Now I understand what was actually lacking is not technology or Money , it was actually Imagination which is amazingly captured in Bahubali 2.

This movie is a phenomenon happening in India right now and it doesn’t need just a watch….it needs celebration.
This is the celebration of an Indian’s beautiful imagination and whole team’s “Purushaarth”.

You have to celebrate because this is happening for the first time, I am not saying that no great movie has been made so far in India, saying so will be a huge insult to some of the great directors, but all I am saying is this movie has beaten Hollywood in it’s own class. That’s what needs to be celebrated and also for the first time 75mm screen is utilized in a way it should be.

So please don’t get annoyed by seeing everyone sharing status that they are watching Bahubali 2, let them post because its a moment of celebration for Indian cinema and Bahubali team deserve this.

दरिंदों का खूनी पंजा

हमारे देश में नारी को शक्ति के रूप में परिभाषित किया जाता रहा है. पर आज ये शक्ति स्वरूपा नारी-शक्ति के साथ ही सबसे ज्यादा अत्याचार हो रहा है. हालांकि हिन्दुस्तानी सरकार ने महिलाओं को सुरक्षा देने के नाम पर हजारों योजनाएं चला रखी हैं, रोज़ नए-नए नियम-कानून बनाएं-बिगाड़े जा रहे हैं. हज़ारों-करोड़ रूपये इन नियम-कानून को अमल में लाने के लिए खर्च किए जा रहे हैं. बावजूद इसके स्थिति सुधरने के बजाए और बिगड़ती जा रही है.

पांच साल की छोटी बच्ची हो, स्कूल-कॉलेज में पढ़ने वाली छात्राएं हों, या कोई अधेड़ उम्र की महिला. सब पर समाज के भेड़ियों की नज़र है. और ये इस बात से सहमी हुई हैं कि समाज के यह दरिंदे कहीं उन्हें अपने हवस का शिकार न बना लें.

इस पूरे मामले में आश्चर्य की बात यह है कि हवस के दरिंदों के लिए हवस का इंतज़ामात बहुत ही संगठित रूप से मेट्रों सीटिज़ सहित देश के विभिन्न छोटे-बड़े शहरों में भी किए जा रहे हैं. दिल्ली का जी.बी. रोड का एरिया हो, मुम्बई के भिंडी बाज़ार की बात की जाए, या कोलकाता का सोनागाछी की बात हो. इन जगहों पर हमारे देश की मासूम बच्चियां खुलेआम बेआबरू हो रही हैं. चीख रही हैं. चिल्ला रही हैं. सिसक रही हैं. सुबक रही है. लेकिन उनकी चीख, उनकी चिल्लाहट को सुनने वाला कोई नहीं है.

कोई सुने भी कैसे? जिनके हाथों में हमने सत्ता सौंपी है, वो अपने घोटाले की फाइलों को जलाने में अपना दिमाग़ नष्ट कर रहे हैं. जिनके ज़िम्मे भेड़ियों को सुधारने की ज़िम्मेदारी है, वो खुद इन भेड़ियों की टोपी पहन कर घूम रहे हैं. ऐसे में सवाल उठता है कि देश की इन तमाम मासूम ज़िन्दगियों के साथ हो रहे अन्याय को कैसे रोका जाए? क्या केवल कुछ नीतियां बना लेने भर से समस्याओं का समाधान हो जाता है? शायद नहीं!

आए दिन मीडिया में इस तरह के तमाम किस्से-कहानियां, रिपोर्ट्स सुनने, पढ़ने व देखने को मिल जाती हैं. जिसमें दिखाया जाता है कि किस प्रकार मासूम बच्चियों को देह व्यापार के दलदल में जबरन धकेला जा रहा है.

पिछले दिनों की एक घटना की बात की जाए तो दिल्ली के जी.बी. रोड से पुलिस ने कई ऐसी नाबालिग़ लड़कियों को छुड़ाया था, जिन्हें कच्ची दीवारों के अन्दर और फिर बक्से में बंद करके रखा गया था. यह बच्चियां तो खुशनसीब थी जिन्हें समय रहते दलदल में फंसने से बचा लिया गया. लेकिन ऐसी लाखों बच्चियां आज भी सिसक रही हैं. कहीं वो कोठों की शोभा बढ़ा रही हैं, तो कहीं खुले आसमान के नीचे बेघर बेआबरू हो रही हैं. तो कहीं नौकरानी के रूप में छत नसीब तो हो रही है, लेकिन इज़्ज़त व आबरू नहीं बचा पा रही हैं.

एक तरफ हम औरतों की रक्षा के लिये एक सख्त कानून बनाने की बात कर रहे हैं और वहीं दूसरी तरफ हमारे नाक के नीचे हजारों छोटी-छोटी मासूम ज़िंदगानियां हर रोज़ ताकतवर हाथो द्वारा कुचली जा रही हैं. हम आँख बंद किए हुए इसलिए बैठे हैं, क्योंकि ताक़तवर पंजों में हमारी बहू-बेटियां नहीं हैं. क्या हम उस दिन का इंतज़ार कर रहे हैं, जब यह खूनी पंजा हमारी बहू-बेटियों को अपने रंग में रंग ले.