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Why liberals are called anti-national


Social media is a platform where anyone can write or express his opinion on different issues related to nation, government and other social things and it plays a vital role in sharing the information and creating an opinion among the readers. But now a days or after 2014, social media is divided into ideologies of Left and Right. Left, which belongs to the opposition, and right, which identifies themselves as the supporter of ruling party.

On every incident related to mostly Hindu-Muslim and armed forces etc. there are only two types of opinions, one ideology- the right wing choose to support it and other one left starts opposing it, they (Left) also write meters long articles without any facts to justify why they are opposing it and since we already know that left has better establishment as compare to right so their views reach to masses earlier and easily than Right and they successfully set the narrative for their targeted audiences and if you question them for being a liar or for not doing a fact check, they term you an abusive troll or a right-wing militant group.

In reply to that, most of the RWs blame them for being anti national, (which is not entirely wrong). Then comes another famous victim play from left “we are being called anti-national because we criticize Modi/BJP government and easy escape (or we can call it a shifting the goalpost from the main topic of the debate). For which I disagree because people do not call them anti national for criticizing Modi. People call them anti-national because sometimes they start abusing nation because of their blind hate for Modi. There are many incidents to prove my point.

Let us start from a recent one; few days ago, one prominent leftist’s portal published a news in which they particularly highlighted how a Hindu RPF constable raped a Muslim woman during Ramzan in Yogi Adityanath’s Uttar Pradesh.

Most of the leftist celebrities started sharing it on Twitter Facebook and WhatsApp without doing a fact check and (you know who) demanded death penalty for the RPF Constable. Later the news turned out to be a fake news piece. But the damage was already done, narrative was set and since the news belonged to Uttar Pradesh where Yogi Adityanath is the CM hence, was well marketed that she was raped for being a Muslim. This is not the only damage this fake story caused, Former Hizbul Mujahideen commander Zakir Musa, in his first message as an al-Qaeda operative used the same fake story to incite Jihad in India, and he called Indian Muslims world’s most shameless Muslims for not joining Jihad. He also apologized to victim that Muslims did not avenge her rape.

So a fake story published by a leftist portal was used by a leftist news portal was used by a terrorist organization to incite Jihad in India and then they complain that they are being called antinational for criticizing Modi government.

Second incident is Gujarat boat story, when on a fine morning Indian Cost Guard claimed that they blew up a boat carrying terrorists near the shore of Gujarat. Top officials from Navy also claimed that it (the boat) was on a suicide mission. The consequences would have been disastrous had the boat slipped past our defenses”.

Our leftists (and when I say leftists it means complete opposition including congress and other small parties, which are in a race who turns out to be more secular) could not digest this success because they hate current ruling party. Therefore, they wrote articles claiming that the incident was fake. Praveen Swami even went further and claimed that according to his sources suspected on the boat were smugglers but not terrorists. I do not know what kind of source anyone can have in middle of the sea, which works better than our intelligence agencies.

However, at that time, both Pakistan defense agencies and our opposition were speaking the same language. Both Pakistan and Indian liberals called the incident a fake encounter.

Few days later India today published a report on the same incident where “The National Technical Research Organization (NTRO), which had recorded the radio communication between the two boats, revealed that the terrorists had plans to repeat 26/11 carnage in Porbandar.”

I do not know how successful they were in proving their agenda but don’t you think our security forces and intelligence agencies did a good job while saving us from a potential terrorist attack? Should not we applaud them for saving us? What else you were expecting they should have let the attack happen like 26/11? Doesn’t that degrade our armed forces’ reputation at the world level?

Let us come to another incident where court ordered life time punishment for Yakub Memon proven terrorist of Mumbai blast. Stage was all set for his hanging and what our leftists did? After trying hard enough to prove him innocent for all these years, they forced the Supreme Court to function at midnight just to save him from hanging though Supreme Court judges did not listen to their agenda and they allowed the hanging but this time also they successfully peddled the agenda. Indian express even went ahead and published a full page article with title AND THEY HANGED YAKUB by Rashmi RajputVivek Deshpande. What does this article prove? Who are “they” here? Didn’t you try to prove that a Right wing government in center hanged Yakub because according to his name he was a Muslim?

The agenda behind whole drama was “Yakub wasn’t hanged for being a terrorist he was hanged because he was a Muslim” and since Right wing government is ruling so only Muslims are being hanged. Another attempt to show our judiciary biased in front of the world. Another attempt to sell the propaganda of Pakistan and Jihadis that in India Muslims are not treated fairly. (Refer to Moussa’s Audio recording in first Para).

Let us come to Surgical strikes: last year army announced that they did a Surgical strikes across the border. Another indigestible bait for our leftists and opposition. They did all hue and cry to prove army a liar. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal even asked for the proofs of surgical strikes from the army. At the time, both Pakistan enemy nation and our opposition were playing the same flute.

What does that mean? Were you criticizing only government there? Weren’t you supporting the enemy nation at that time? From Burhan to stone pelters from calling Army chief general dyer and Sadakchhap Gunda from Manishankar asking Pakistan’s help to remove Modi to Hafiz Saeed praising few Seculars because they are doing good work there are multiple incidents to prove that people do not call them antinational just because they criticize Modi. In their blind hatred for Modi, they have started abusing anything, which Modi does for the betterment of the country. During all these incidents in 3 years of Modi government our leftists chose to play the same flute what enemy nations wanted them to.

I do not think it would be too judgmental to call them antinational for all their good deeds.

Guha and the Gandhi he hides


Ramachandra Guha today hogged the Indian Express edit page with his column: “Does Gandhi have a caste?”. Guha, already a book old on Gandhi–“Gandhi before India”– will have his second one on the man next year. Apparently, the cottage industry on Gandhi is a useful tool for self advancement and setting up the political agenda in this country.

Guha’s peg is the recent reference of Amit Shah where the BJP president had called Gandhi the “Chatur Baniya.” This has Guha in an outrage even though he himself reminded readers of “residue of Bania upbringing” in Gandhi in his book.

Guha’s entire premise is built on the assertion that Gandhi didn’t differentiate between castes and he repeatedly asked Hindus to “disregard matters of caste in where they lived…”

Gandhi is larger than life to most Indians. That doesn’t mean he is above examination. A Hindu mind isn’t shy of evaluating his own Gods. There is no reason a Mahatma be exempt from such a scrutiny. Gandhi himself would’ve approved of such “experiments with truth.”

So let’s examine if Gandhi didn’t differentiate between castes. In his over two decades of stay in South Africa, Gandhi didn’t think Black Africans were worth his time. In 1893, he wrote to the Natal parliament saying that Indians were better “than savages of the Natives of Africa.” He supported more taxes on impoverished African people and turned a blind eye to the brutality of the Empire on Africans. He termed them “kaffirs” an extremely offensive racist slur.

No less than Gandhi’s grandson and his biographer, Rajmohan Gandhi, has acknowledged that Gandhi was “prejudiced about South African blacks.” Historian Patrick French wrote in 2013 that “Gandhi’s blanking of Africans is the black hole at the heart of his saintly mythology.” Today a large number of Africans view Gandhi as a racist vis-a-vis Black Africans. A revision in his stature is already underway.  Last year his statue was banished from Ghana University in Accra after massive protests by professors over his racist stance.

Guha of course would hide such facts from our view. Closer home, one would be interested to find out Guha’s opinion on Gandhi’s role in the Khilafat Movement (1919-1924). Most of us don’t know about it as a sanitized history is propagated by Left-Liberal combine in whose company Guha clearly is comfortable.

At the end of the World War I in 1919, Ottoman Turkey lay beaten by the Allied forces. Their pretensions of being Caliphs of the Islamic world was in ruins. It got the hackles up of Muslim leaders in India. They formed a committee to force the British government to restore the Sultan. This in brief is known as the Khilafat Movement.

Gandhi and the Congress launched the non-cooperation movement in support of the Khilafat demand. It clearly was a quid pro quo move. Gandhi, in return, got the Muslim support. It helped him become the biggest political actor of the Indian stage. (Bal Gangadhar Tilak had died on August 1, 1920). Gandhi justified his move thus:

“I would gladly ask for the postponement of the Swaraj activity if we could advance the interest of the Khilafat.” So Swaraj, which meant self-rule, became a subordinate action compared to restoration of Caliphate in a faraway land! It never occurred to Mahatma how the natives would make sense of such a sympathy for the Muslim cause which had nothing to do with India’s reality.

Mohammad Ali, a prominent leader of the Khilafat movement, went further: “If the Afghans invaded India to wage holy war, the Indian Muhammadans are not only bound to join them but also to fight the Hindus if they refuse to cooperate with them.”

This clearly was not respect-all-castes approach. And what was Gandhi’s reaction to this all? He supported Mohammad Ali for being true to his religion! So much for caste-free politics and the spirit of nationalism.  Over to Gandhi:

“I claim that with us both the Khilafat is the central fact, with the Maulana Mohammad Ali because it is his religion, with me because, in laying down my life for the Khilafat, I ensure the safety of the cow, that is my religion, from the knife of the Mussalman.”

Let’s leave cow for a moment as it is a more sensitive subject than Mahatma these days. It must be mentioned though that Gandhi diverted a substantial sum of money from the Tilak Swaraj Fund to the Khilafat movement.

Gandhi’s support for Khilafat led to Mopla Rebellion of 1921. (Moplas are a Muslim sect of Malabar in Kerala). Murder and rapine followed the failure of Khilafat. It soon became a full-scale rebellion. Civil authorities caved in and army had to be summoned. Khilafat flags were hoisted on police stations and government offices. It took seven months to put it down completely.

Guha’s subtle message is that all religions are the same. Hindus must not make any distinctions vis-à-vis Islam, Christianity and other religions. And by inference, Ahimsa, the cornerstone of Gandhi’s philosophy, must be internalized.

But religious distinctions are there for all to see. Hindus don’t follow one book like Koran or Bible. They don’t have one God like Islam and Christianity. There is no prophet or messenger who stands between the God and humanity. There is no central religious authority like Pope to them.

Every time you open a newspaper, you read a piece by Guha, Sagarika Ghose and their ilks who appeal to the pacifist image of Hindus. Their method to neutralize the majority is simple: beat them with the creeds of Mahatma and shame them on the untouchability ills of Hindu society. Hemmed in by such imagery, India hasn’t responded to million cuts which aggressive neighbours inflict on it regularly. Bleed India to death is this creed. The Break-India plot must be thwarted with rigour and alertness for the forces have shifted gears.

A fun story to differentiate being secular or plural


Met a friend after long years and somehow, we get into a conversation about John Dayal. I of course go on my bitch fest. Because let’s face it, that guy is a doorknob who can’t tell his ass from his face.

So this friend turns around and says, “What do you even know about Christianity? I bet you haven’t stepped foot in a church ever”. To that I inform him, that I studied in a catholic school and all my life, I was in the church choir. Attended mass on more Sundays than him. He of course thought I was lying. So he decided to test me on my knowledge of hymns. Needless to say, I knew the hymn book by heart. I sang it for 10 long years.

Then, he decided to discuss the Bible. It was embarrassing. Not for me. But because he didn’t know jack shit. I threatened to inform his mom, in jest. That’s a different story though.

Finally, the guy realized he couldn’t really argue with me on the religious doctrine itself. He grudgingly decided to discuss Dayal, on facts. He conceded Dayal was a bigot. But, he thought I was too with my Bhagwakaran and Hindu Rashtra beliefs.

So, I decided to flip the tables and question him on the Bhagavad Gita. He again, didn’t know shit. Basically, I was amazed how he has lived 30 odd years of his life without running into poles. A different story.

So, I stopped with the Bhagavad Gita discussion and asked him to sing some Bhajans. I mean, I’m a Hindu bigot who knows the Lord’s Prayer and “the lords my Shepard” etc. Why shouldn’t he know Bhajans being secular and all?

Wait. We are not done.

So, he had nothing to say, once proven to be a complete fool. So then, I asked him what the difference between a secular and plural country was? So he said, Secular means all religions are equal. And plural, ‘ermm’, many religions in the same country. Told you he is an idiot, no? To that I rolled my eyes and resisted to insurmountable urge to either punch his nose, or jam a fork in my ears. Difficult as that was.

I explained, Secular is separation of religion and state. Pluralistic means coexistence, tolerating diverse views. He was flummoxed. Surprised? I explained, we are not secular. We wouldn’t have Muslim Law for Muslims if we were.

He has a eureka moment and shouts “OH YES! JUST LIKE AMERICA! SECULAR AND PLURAL”. At this point, I’m ready to throw a chair at him. Right?

So anyway, I asked him if he knew about hate crimes in the USA towards people of different faiths and ethnicity. I also ask him if in America, political dispensation itself can get away by insulting Christians. Even the commies there bow to the church.

So I asked him “why “secularism” has become the insistence to insult the majority faith?”, the resident faith. And why idiots like him fall for it. Also asked him, that if America can be Christian, and yet plural. Why does he have a problem with India being Hindu Rashtra and plural? Vatican can’t be plural. Saudi can’t be plural. Even USA, to a large extent isn’t as plural. So why hate Hindus who are intrinsically plural?

To this he lets out an intellectual “hmmmm”. Like his little pigeon brain is capable of critical thinking. But anyway, I said “being secular is being completely cut off and equidistant from Every religion”. Which country is? He said “Probably none”. To that I asked “if no country can be considered 100% secular, why shun the idea of a Hindu Rashtra since Hindus are the most tolerant and plural”?

What is the problem, if the MAJORITY religion is the predominant? Does that mean Christians can’t be Christians? No. It simply means that the majority sentiment prevails. And how is that so terrible since Hindus are inherently liberal? Also, if no country is truly secular, and the aim, why are we hurting the majority and appeasing minority in the name of secularism?

Hindus temples aren’t free. Hindu schools aren’t free. We can’t even ask you guys to stop eating one damn animal. Why do u guys hate us? We let you have your churches. Your mass. Your minority rights. Everything. Why must you deny us ours? Our only land, the only one Hindu land? I mean, for fuck sake! I know more about Christianity than you about Hinduism. Who is the real “plural” person and who is the ignorant bigot? Why must 8 out of 10 people sacrifice, adjust, give up, concede to make the 2 happy? Does that sound fair at all? *He’s listening intently*.

Cutting through the chase since I’ve rambled enough and the entire conversation was about 3 hour long, he conceded. Happily. He said “Man! I had no idea secularism per se was such a farce. No, it isn’t fair to put down 8 people to appease 2 sensitive people”. Apologised for calling me bigot and conceded, there’s nothing wrong with Hindu Rashtra. But only because it’s HINDUS that we are dealing with and said “this is one country that the most tolerant people have. Hindus have nowhere else to go. You aren’t wrong in fighting for your right”. I said “Shouldn’t you fight for me too? You might be Christian by religion, but your ethos’s are woven from this Hindu land. This is your Dharma too, This is your Karmabhoomi. You relate to Hindus more than you would relate to Vatican padres. No?”

Yes, he said. That’s true. The heart is Hindu. Always will be. Since we are made from the same mitti, even if we worship different gods.

Our conversation drifted then.

Courtesy: Nupur (@UnSubtleDesi)

No change in the pre-GST review by RBI


With the biggest tax reform in the country to be implemented from the first day of the next month, today’s bi-monthly monetary review came out with no surprises as India’s central bank governor Dr. Urjit Patel kept the key rates unchanged in it’s second policy review for the FY 2017-18. With the apex bank currently holding excess liquidity and the economy unable to tackle the growth slowdown, keeping the rates unchanged was a balanced and cautious move, also keeping in mind the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) from 1st of July.

With today’s decision in the monetary review, Repo-Rate remains unchanged at 6.25 percent, Reverse Repo Rate at 6 percent, Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) at 6.50 percent and Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) at 4 percent respectively. Although, the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) has been brought down by 50 basis points to 20 percent from 20.5 percent previously, which will take effect from the fortnight beginning 24th June. In the post demonetized era, RERA implemented across the country with majority states still to follow suit and GST to come up next; residential demand and prices are expected to make an upward movement. Realty experts and stalwarts feel that this monetary review should have provided a rate cut as prices after RERA and GST are projected to go up.

Industry Reacts:

Avneesh Sood, Director, Eros Group

Looking at the market dynamics, we were projecting the RBI to maintain the status quo as it is currently holding high liquidity and a historic tax reform in the form of GST is in the pipeline. A balanced move today will allow the market to absorb the upcoming impacts from GST on various industries and sectors. The next policy review might allow the RBI to cut repo rate, the benefit of which might be passed on by the banks in the near future.

Manoj Chaudhary, MD, Airwil Infra Ltd.

We were anticipating a rate cut this time which would have pushed the banks to further reduce the lending rates. Any reduction in lending rate allows the sentiments to improve as the net cost on the buyer for the housing unit gets decreased. With RERA and GST to have a joint impact on the realty sector, a rate cut this time could have provided a much needed breather for the sector, its players and the buyers as well.

Dhiraj Jain, Director, Mahagun Group

Even though the RBI has not cut the repo rate today, still there is a lot of room for the banks to further reduce the lending rates. The previous repo rate reductions by the apex bank are yet to offer the complete results; that is held by the banks. A lending rate of 6-7 percent is ideal for our realty sector as we are moving towards strong policy changes at the national level which will leave long term effects on the realty sector and its allied industries.

Kushagr Ansal, Director, Ansal Housing

A rate cut of 25 bps could have helped ease the pressure off the market which has been balancing itself through the confusion still pertaining with RERA. With GST to become operational from July, prices for properties are expected to shoot up. During such scenarios, a slash in repo rate would have meant drop in home loan rates by banks, which ultimately reduces the burden off the buyers. With no change today, we expect the market to run uniformly with a static demand in the short run.

Deepak Kapoor, President CREDAI-Western U.P. & Director, Gulshan Homz

This decision of RBI to keep the rates unchanged will prove very substantial in the first quarter post GST is implemented. Before questioning the judgement of the apex bank on holding the rates, one must not forget that it has to keep sufficient cushion for the economy with the massive changes that will come about in the next few months in form of REITs, InvITs, GST, and SPVs.

A right-wing Indian’s solution to Kashmir problem


A lot of column inches have been written by people from all sides regarding the “solution” to Kashmir. I would also like to put my thoughts on the same. I am an unabashed Right Wing Indian Hindu Nationalist. I will give my solution from a right-wing perspective.

These days it is fashionable for the left liberals to say that Modi govt is making Kashmir situation worse and they should go for “talks” with all stakeholders. My simple counter question is that Modi came to power in 2014 before that for 10 long years it was so called “secular” govt in India. What was the benefit form all the “talks” they did with Hurriyat, Pakistan and the Separatists? If “talks” could lead to a solution then it would have happened. As Albert Einstien said “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Talks have failed for 25 years (1989-2014) There is no point in continuing for 25 more years

It is now time to change the dynamics of the game. We should shift the gears. To give a cricketing analogy it is time to get out of languid test mode and into the slam bang T-20 mode.

We need to do the following things to have a meaningful outcome based strategy

  1. Define the red lines– India has some red lines. The structure of these are broadly known. Now it is time to put them on the table in a crystal clear manner. The biggest redline of India is that Independence for Kashmir is unequivocally ruled out. The second red line is no referendum in Kashmir. Short of these two things India is willing to discuss any other issue
  2. Define the Stakeholders– The next obvious thing is to define who exactly are the stakeholders for the talks and solution. Who is a stakeholder flows from India’s redlines. Since referendum and independence is out of question that automatically rules out Pakistan as a stakeholder as far as India’s internal matter of Kashmir is concerned. Any talks with Pakistan should be related to cross border terrorism and the return of PoK. Similarly, if the separatists are not able to accept India’s redlines then there is no benefit of talking to them. We should talk to only those who are willing to discuss within the red lines.

A stakeholder should also be a representative of the people. Just by saying that you are a “leader” does not prove anything. The true leadership is proven by the EVM. If you are truly the representative of the people then you should fight and win elections. If the people follow you then they will vote for you. So, the true stakeholder for any talks will only be an elected representative of the people

  1. Peaceful Atmosphere– We should call out the bluff of the so-called stakeholders. Are they actually interested in the peaceful solution or not? To do that they should demonstrate their commitment to peace. Any talks will take place if and only if there is complete peace for a minimum period of 6 month. There should be no violence, no stone pelting, no militant attacks for 6 months and then we will come to the negotiation table. If any violence takes place then the talks are off the table.

Any solution to the problem obviously must include some concession from our side. So, India should propose the following:

  1. Elections to choose the representatives – India has said that the talks will be held only with the actual representatives of the people. To facilitate this, India should say that if there is no violence for a period of 6 months then the govt will step down and fresh elections will be held under international supervision. The separatist leaders will be given full freedom to contest these elections. If and when they win they can take part in talks
  2. Withdrawal of Army – A big CBM will be the proposal to withdraw the army from the urban areas. Army will stay in their barracks outside the cities. They will be called into action if and only if there is any violent incident. The law and order situation will be handled by J&K police and CRPF. The corollary is that if there is violence and stone pelting then the Army will be given full freedom to do whatever it takes to stop the violence. And as already stated – any violence will automatically end the possibility of talks

The Govt of India should publicly announce these conditions and concessions. Anyone willing to work within this framework should be called for talks and the solution to the problem should be found.

Now that the carrot has been shown it is time for the stick

  1. Stricter action against Stone Pelters – There should be stricter action against stone pelting. If the stone pelting is disrupting an Army Operation against militants then ther should be full freedom for the army to use whatever means necessary to achieve their task even if it means use of live bullets.
  2. Parents responsible for children stone pelting – If any children are found to be indulging in stone pelting they should be sent to juvenile homes and their parents should also be brought in for questioning. Put pressure on both parties and see the result.
  3. Freeze of bank accounts and withdrawal of security of separatists – the bank accounts of all Hurriyat leaders should be frozen and the security given to them withdrawn if there is any incident of violence or if they give any calls for violence.
  4. No House arrest but jail – Instead of keeping Hurriyat leaders in house arrest they should be jailed – not in Srinagar but in Delhi.
  5. Monitoring of Friday Sermons – there should be strict monitoring and video graphing of Friday sermons to see if there are calls for violence. The imams must be held responsible for what happens in the sermon.

A strict Carrot and stick policy with no pandering to left liberal human rights brigade will bring an end to the Kashmir issue like it did in case of Punjab

गणेश कुमार को कोस कर कुछ नहीं मिलेगा, समस्या का ‘श्री गणेश’ कैसे हुआ ये सोचिए

बिहार बोर्ड के परिणाम घोषित हुए और अगले ही दिन ये सुर्ख़ियों में था. सुर्ख़ियों में होने की वजह थोड़ा दुखद थी. बारहवीं कक्षा के कला वर्ग के टॉपर गणेश कुमार, टीवी पत्रकारों को बेसिक सवालों के उत्तर भी नहीं दे पा रहे थे. संगीत के प्रैक्टिकल में सबसे ज्यादा अंक लाए लेकिन सरगम भी ठीक से नहीं सुना पाए.

और तो और, बाद में पता चला कि इन्होंने उम्र कम दिखाने के लिए कागजों में भी हेराफेरी की थी. अंततः पुलिस ने उनको पूछताछ के लिए हिरासत में लिया और अब उनपर कानूनी कार्रवाई की जा रही है. कुछ ऐसा ही पिछले साल भी हुआ था. बारहवीं की टॉपर रूबी राय को न तो पॉलिटिकल साइंस बोलना आता था और ना ही ये पता था कि उसमें क्या पढ़ाया जाता है.

लेकिन इनसे ज्यादा दुखद भी थीं कुछ बातें. कुछ बहुत महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दों पर विचार करने का मौका हो सकता था ये लेकिन हर बार की तरह इस बार भी हम चाँद को छोड़ उसकी तरफ इंगित करने वाली उंगली पर ध्यान लगाए रहे.

मीडिया का अत्यधिक गैर-जिम्मेदाराना रवैया तो अपेक्षित है, आखिरकार बिहार को एक बार फिर से अनपढ़, गंवार, भ्रष्ट दिखाने का मौका था. बिहार है भी कुछ हद तक लेकिन इन मुद्दों पर मीडिया की अति-सक्रियता संदेहास्पद रही है. लेकिन सबसे ज्यादा दुखद बात रही सोशल मीडिया पर लोगों के विचार.

नितीश कुमार के प्रति गुस्सा जायज हो सकता है लेकिन किसी राजनेता की तरह हर बात को नितीश से जोड़ देना उतना ही दुखद है जितना भ्रष्टाचार को हर अपराध की वजह बता देना.

भ्रष्टाचार अपने आप में कोई कारण नहीं बल्कि एक साधन है. मैं नितीश का प्रशंसक नहीं हूँ लेकिन इस मुद्दे का दोषारोपण नितीश पर किये जाने से आहत इसलिए हूँ क्योंकि ऐसा करने की वजह से ये मात्र एक राजनीतिक दोषारोपण बन कर रह गया. हमार ध्यान चाँद को छोड़ ऊँगली पर चला गया. कई महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दे उठाये जा सकते थे, वो सब दब गए.

इस पूरे प्रकरण में मुझे दो बातें कहनी हैं:

सबसे पहली बात कि ये नितीश कुमार की देन नहीं है. ना ही सरकारी तंत्र में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार इसका मूल कारण है. भ्रष्टाचार इसका माध्यम या साधन अवश्य है लेकिन मूलभूत कारण नहीं.

इसका कारण है शिक्षा के प्रति हमारा नजरिया और गिरता हुआ उद्देश्य. ये प्रक्रिया शुरू मैकाले ने की थी, और अभी तक आने वाली हर सरकार ने जारी रखी है. सरकार ही नहीं, हमारा समाज भी उतना ही दोषी है. शिक्षा एक यात्रा है, गंतव्य नहीं.

हम शिक्षा को एक प्रक्रिया न मानकर डिग्री तक पहुँचने का साधन मानते हैं. और ‘डिग्री’ और ‘सर्टिफिकेट’ को ही शिक्षा का पैमाना बना दिया गया है. हमारा उद्देश्य शिक्षा नहीं, डिग्री बन गया है. हम शिक्षा नहीं चाहते, उसका सबूत चाहते हैं.

और यही वो वजह है कि अभिभावक अपने पाल्य को शिक्षा नहीं बल्कि येन-केन प्रकारेण डिग्री दिलाना चाहते हैं. विद्यार्थी भी शिक्षा में नहीं शिक्षा के ‘सर्टिफिकेट’ में रूचि ले रहे हैं. एक व्यक्ति जो एक गरीब घर से निकलने के बावजूद न सिर्फ एक कुशल राजनेता बना बल्कि भारत का प्रधानमंत्री बन गया, जो हमारे विश्वविद्यालयों में राजनीति शाश्त्र में अध्ययन और शोध का विषय होना चाहिए, हम उसकी ‘राजनीति शाश्त्र’ की डिग्री खोजते हैं.

हमसे बहुत बेहतर थी वो पीढ़ी जिसकी साक्षरता दर हमसे बहुत कम थी. अनपढ़ कबीर दास की डिग्रीयां खोजने के बदले कबीर दास को पढ़कर पीएचडी कर ली. अगर पैसे देकर डिग्री खरीद लेना अपराध है तो पिछले पांच साल के सवाल पढ़ कर डिग्री पा लेना भी अपराध ही है. आई आई टी से इंजीनियरिंग सिर्फ MBA में आसानी से दाखिला लेने के लिए करना भी गलत है. नैतिक अपराध तो है ही. रूबी राय या गणेश कुमार प्रकरण के लिए नितीश उतने ही दोषी हैं जितने मैं, आप या कोई भी और. हमारा पूरा समाज दोषी है इसका, जिसने शिक्षा से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण डिग्री और ‘मार्क्स’ को बना दिया है.

दूसरी और सबसे ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण बात ये कि, ये बिहार की समस्या नहीं है, पूरे देश की समस्या है.

बिहार को शर्मसार करने की हमारी अति-सक्रियता का एक कारण ये भी है कि हम भी उसी शिक्षा व्यवस्था से निकले हैं. अपना अपराधबोध छिपाने की अचेतन कोशिश हो सकती है ये. बच्चे के मरने पर डायन ज्यादा जोर से रोती है. हाजीपुर के किसी सरकारी प्राइमरी स्कूल से लेकर आई आई टी और आई आई एम तक की यही हालत है. किसी परीक्षा को उतीर्ण करके डिग्री ले लेना और उस डिग्री के भरोसे खींच-खांच कर एक नौकरी पा लेना जीवन की आवश्यकता तो हो सकती है लेकिन योग्यता का पैमाना और शिक्षा का उद्देश्य नहीं.

राजधानी दिल्ली का कौन सा ऐसा शिक्षण संस्थान है जिसके बाहर “रेडीमेड प्रोजेक्ट रिपोर्ट और थीसिस” नहीं बिकती? कौन सा ऐसा आई आई टी है जहाँ बाज़ार से खरीदे हुए प्रोजेक्ट नहीं जमा होते? कितने ऐसे संस्थान हैं जहाँ विज्ञान में रिसर्च के नाम पर प्रोफ़ेसर और गाइड के घर सब्जी, दूध और गैस का सिलिंडर नहीं पहुँचाया जाता?

आप खुद एक बार याद कीजिये जब आप पढ़ते थे तब क्या आपका उद्देश्य विषय को जानने से ज्यादा उसमें अधिकतम अंक लाना नहीं था? भारत की ‘बूमिंग’ आई टी इंडस्ट्री में 90% लोग ऐसे हैं जो एक दिन अगर गूगल बंद हो जाए तो राहुल गांधी के बौद्धिक स्तर पर पहुँच जायेंगे.

80% चिकित्सक “कुछ दिन ये दवाई खाओ, फिर दवाई बदल के ट्राई करेंगे…” पद्धति से इलाज कर रहे हैं और ‘भगवान’ बने हुए हैं. मेरा व्यक्तिगत अनुभव तो ऐसा ही रहा है. इंजीनियरिंग जैसी पढ़ाई में भी शिक्षक यही बोलते पाए गए कि “आज हम ये टेक्नोलॉजी पढेंगे, परीक्षा में में ये ऐसे-ऐसे पूछा जाता है और उत्तर में कैसे लिखा जाएगा वो मैं आपको लिखवा दूंगा.” उनका उद्देश्य विद्यार्थियों को इंजिनियर बनाना नहीं बल्कि इंजीनियरिंग की परीक्षा पास करवा कर डिग्री दिलवाना था. और कमोबेश सारे विद्यार्थियों की भी यही इच्छा थी. वो हमको यही सिखाते रहे कि लाप्लास ट्रांसफॉर्म कैसे निकाला जाता है, क्यों निकाला जाता है, वो बताने की जरूरत उन्होंने नहीं समझी. कला, विज्ञान, वाणिज्य अथवा चिकित्सा, हर जगह कमोबेश यही हाल है.

नितीश को दोषी बताने में राजनीतिक दलों के निहित स्वार्थ हैं, लेकिन हमको ये मौका मिला है आत्मावलोकन का. राजनीतिक रोमांस से ऊपर उठकर समाज के बारे में सोचने का. गरीबी और भ्रष्टाचार जैसे मुद्दों पर विचार करने के हजारों मौके मिलते हैं, लेकिन इन मुद्दों पर बात करने के मौके कम ही आते हैं.

खराबी हमारी शिक्षा व्यवस्था में ही नहीं, हममें भी है. राजकुमार हिरानी ने यही सब शिक्षा देने के लिए “3 इडियट्स’ फिल्म बनायी थी, उससे भी हमने ये शिक्षा तो नहीं ली, लेकिन शादी के मंडप से दुल्हन को भगाना जरूर सीख लिया.

Namonomics to eliminate global poverty

The demonetization scheme, which the Indian Prime Minister Mr. Modi introduced last year on 8th November, 2016 has created numerous ‘Slumdog Millionaires’ in India. In the capital city of Gujarat province, Ahmedabad, the Income Tax Department sent out about 5000 notices to people, who made large cash deposits in banks during demonetization.

All these individuals had deposited cash much beyond their declared source of income as per their income-tax returns. 1500 persons did not reply to these income tax notices. When the income tax department sent its team to check their addresses, most of the houses were found located in slums and their owners had run away.

These people had deposited astronomical amounts like Rs. 4, 5 and 15 Crores into their accounts. Now, none of these individuals can be traced and the money deposited into their accounts has also disappeared. Multiple layers of RTGS (Real Time Gross settlements) transactions were created. The total amount was divided into smaller sums, which were then transferred to numerous accounts from the main account thereby creating a long chain of transactions.

The Income Tax Department says that they are highly under-staffed. A few of their officials fainted due to exhaustion, when examining the trail of such large bank account transactions. They have expressed their inability to do anything further in this regard.

Ahmedabad is not the only city, such news have been coming from all over India.

Prime Minister Modi is very happy. He said, “Friends, I declared in 2014, when I became the Prime-Minister of India, that I would make India the number one country in the world. Look, I have achieved this feat in less than 3 years. So, many poor people have become millionaires due to my brilliant scheme of demonetization”

Modi further said that he was going to make this demonetization exercise an annual affair in India so, that all poor people living in slums would get a chance to become millionaires.

Mr. Modi declared that this was his ‘skill India’ programme, wherein rich people would be standing at the door-steps of poor slum dwellers with folded hands and bags of cash to deposit into their accounts in return of 15-30% commission.

The new bank notes to be used in the country for a year would all be printed in India. This would take care of mission, ‘Make In India’, said Mr. Modi. The ex-prime minister of India, Mr. Manmohan Singh when contacted about his views on this issue, said that he couldn’t speak unless allowed by Miss Sonia Gandhi.

When prodded further, he said that Muslims have the first right on Indian resources so, all Muslims should be allowed to deposit as much cash into their accounts without any questioning. This resulted in an avalanche of responses from politicians belonging to different communities and regions of India.

Mamta Banerjee the Chief Minister of West Bengal declared; “Modi babu, yeah demonetization Bengal maeyy cholbaeey naa, hobaeey naa. Delhi government yeah Bengali ma mati manush kaeey saath korbaeey naa” (Mr.Modi, this demonetization scheme will not work in Bengal province. The Central government of Delhi cannot do this atrocity on the mothers, soil and men of Bengal).

Jats of Haryana declared that they also should be allowed to deposit unlimited money into their accounts since, their community members are farmers and soldiers. A prominent Jat politician declared, “If our demands are not met, we will block all the roads besides stopping the supply of milk to Delhi”

Gujjars from the adjoining province of Rajasthan threatened to sit-on the railway tracks and block the movement of all trains, if any Gujjar is asked questions regarding large-scale bank deposits.

In the Western province of Maharashtra, Shiv Sena, a regional political party has strongly demanded waiving off all requirements regarding bank deposits for the local ‘sons- of- soil’ Marathas.

Political leaders from various nations are keen to meet Mr. Modi regarding getting this unique poverty alleviation idea implemented in their countries.

United Nations invited Mr. Modi at its headquarters in New York to give a speech sharing the demonetization details with the whole world but Mr. Modi declined the invitation.

When asked about the reason for refusal. A source in the Prime Minister’s Office on strict condition of anonymity said; “Look, it is the dream of our Prime Minister to tour every country on this planet at least once during his term as Indian Prime Minister because then it’s free and Mr. Modi doesn’t need to spend any money from his own pocket. He has asked us to make a list of countries, where he hasn’t travelled yet and fix up his travel plans with the authorities of those nations. Now, that Mr. Modi has removed Indian poverty altogether. He can travel around the world to tackle global poverty”.

NAMO Sena (Army of Narender Modi) comprising of hardcore Modi supporters has demanded the Nobel Prize in economics for Modi because of his innovative idea of removing global poverty through demonetization. This has been termed as ‘The Namonomics’.



How Devendra Fadanvis is trapped between ours and theirs


It’s a sad situation in Maharashtra as the government is ready to waive off farmers loan by 31st Oct.2017 but some political parties highjacking farmers agitation to settle the score with the government especially with the chief minister of Maharashtra Mr. Devendra Fadanvis. Some electronic channels, print media are supplying the fuel. Since the time Mr. Fadanvis sworn in as the chief minister of the state in and outside of the party leaders were trying to sabotage his image but thankfully his RSS banking helped him in coming out of all odds successfully. The major problem with the Maratha & Non-Maratha leaders with Fadanvis is that he is a Brahmin, while Maharashtra politics had been ruled & managed by Maratha community for a longer period. Fadanvis proved his metal when he was in the opposition party. He has very well studied the issues of Maharashtra &  he is a good orator. Having started his political career in Nagpur he is everytime a blue eye boy of the RSS.

From a municipal corporator to the chief minister of Maharashtra is a long journey that he traveled very successfully. After the assembly polls in 2014 where Shiv Sena & BJP contested separately, BJP got more seats than Shiv Sena so naturally, on chief minister’s post the first right was of BJP, senior leaders like Eknath Khadse, OBC leaders like Pankaja Munde & Maratha leader like Vinod Tawade thinks themselves as the Chief Minister but all said and done RSS finalized way before Devendra Fadanvis’s name as CM of Maharashtra. The tussle started from there as soon as Fadanavis’s sworn in. BJP insiders think it was demoralizing for the senior leader like Eknath Khadse. Media too added spicy stories to widen the gap. Later, Khadase landed in Bhosari land scam & Pankaja Munde in Chikki scam. Vinod Tawade fake degree issue placed him backfoot. As inside rivals finished automatically; ally party Shiv Sena tried to malign CM’s image on every corner but CM Fadanvis managed that as well.

After the Corporation elections when Fadanvis put his blood & soul in the campaign and managed 82 seats in Mumbai, Sena’s home turf, it was clear that all the unsatisfied BJP insiders, Sena leaders & some Maratha leaders of NCP -Congress joined hands to target CM for the final nail in the coffin.

Farmers agitation is due lack of rain, which is quite understandable. They are already in debt and last year when there was ample rain, the cost for their product was negligible. Due to this, farmers who took private loans, were pressured by the Sawkars and hundreds of farmers committed suicide in Maharashtra. But Fadanavis took the JalYukt Shivar Yojana on the highest priority to help the farmers for a long time.

The real issue started when Fadanvi’s dream project Mumbai Nagpur Highway work started, north & south Maharashtra politicians don’t want this project to happen so with the help of farmers they started the agitation giving it color as if the state government were snatching farmers land. Meantime loan waiver issue was also boiling up. In the both the cases, Devendra Fadanvis single-handedly managed the situation. Maratha leaders from inside and outside the party were enjoying the situation and putting fuel in the fire.

But Fadanvis managed that situation as well and announced complete loan waiver to farmers putting the deadline of 31st Oct,2017

The issue is sorted. But it is unbearable for the Non-Brahmin leaders to welcome this. They want the situation to go out of the hand & CM’s clean image to get tarnished. Their dissatisfaction led to Rasta Roko movement. They start vandalizing buses. And that is how, naturally, being head of the state, Fadanvis trapped between ours & theirs.

Farmers and their leaders should wait till 31st Oct if the chief minister don’t fulfill his promise farmers can do the agitation but can the Maratha Lobby make this happen, this is the question.

The long wait continues to take a Toll

Toll-free Maharashtra, a poll promise made by BJP in October 2014 elections has not become a reality yet. The Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, who is rising in political ranks by making swift decisions and cutting through the red tape, has not found a toll-free line yet. This is the first time ever any government has initiated serious actions to shut down the toll booths, however, nothing much has changed for people of Mumbai and nearby districts. The toll still continues on all five entry points of Mumbai (Vashi, Airoli, Mulund, Bhandup, Dahisar).

Let’s first look at how Maharashtra government has responded on this issue in last 2.5 years:

Nov 2014:
“Toll-free Maharashtra is a huge procedure. We will do that but we will first correct the lack of transparency and huge crowding at toll plazas which irks the common man.”- Chandrakant Patil, State PWD minister (read).

Feb 2015:
“The toll-free Maharashtra promise was never mentioned in our manifesto but still we are on the way to ensure it.- Devendra Fadnavis, Chief Minister of Maharashtra (source).


Jun 2015:
No toll for private four-wheelers (light vehicles) and state transport buses at 53 toll plazas while 12 toll plazas were fully shut down. The decision on five Mumbai entry points postponed (source). 

Apr 2016:
“It is not feasible to implement a completely toll free policy in the state. However, the new toll policy that the government is drafting will bring in transparency and make sure that small vehicles have a toll-free ride on as many roads as possible,” Chandrakant Patil, State PWD minister (source).


Apr 2017:
Can’t waive off Mumbai entry point toll tax at least for now- State PWD Minister Chandrakant Patil (source).

The delaying tactics of state government is quite evident. Here’s why the toll collection on Mumbai entry points is completely unjustified:

  1. Lack of Transparency by the Contractor
  • The toll contractor MEP Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. has historically underreported the collection figures by 27% to 50%. This was revealed in an investigation done by the government of Maharashtra through a videography between 8th to 15th July 2015.
  • While toll collection started in 1998, details of money collected were only available from 2002, when the authorized resolution was passed by the government.
  • The MSRDC website, which reports the day-wise toll collection figures has nothing reported for 5th June 2017. Whereas I myself have paid the toll on that evening. (receipt below)
  1. Violation of Terms of the Contract
    • The contract signed between government of Maharashtra and MEP Infrastructure clearly mentions that waiting period at toll plaza shall not exceed 4 minutes.
    • The contractor has clearly failed on this clause- anyone who has ever passed through any of these entry points can validate this. During the peak hours on weekdays, the waiting period on a good day is between 10-15 minutes and on a bad day it could be up to 20-35 minutes [my personal experience in last few years].

The Public Works Department (MSRDC) minister Eknath Shinde had earlier commented that vehicles at toll plazas will be allowed to leave without paying the toll at the time of heavy traffic jams. He also assured the legislative council that such directives would be issued to the toll companies across the state. However, this again turned out to be a poll gimmick and no action has been taken yet.

3. Wrong Principle of Toll Charging

  • The Toll is generally charged to recover the investment in developing a new infrastructure (such as bridge, highway, etc.). Leave aside the construction cost of entry point roads, the contract for MEP Infrastructure includes the maintenance of 55 flyovers (on Western express, Eastern express, Sion-Panvel highway, LBS Marg and Mumbai Island roads); and in return they are allowed to collect the toll.
  • In nutshell, government is using the toll collection mechanism to get free maintenance of road infrastructure across Mumbai. About 250,000 vehicles pass through the five toll booths every day and they fund the road infrastructure maintenance need of ~23 Million Mumbai population.
  • Why not rather come up with an alternate mechanism through which 23 Million people of Mumbai can also share this flyover maintenance burden in equal proportion. For example, an additional 5 paisa per litre surcharge on petrol and diesel in Mumbai and nearby area (In any case, fuel in this region is the costliest in India so let the price go marginally up further). Of course, there could be many other ideas to gather the maintenance fund.

4. The GDP impact

  • It is a noteworthy fact that about 75% of these 250,000 vehicles belong to the people (from Navi Mumbai, Thane, Dombivali, Kalyan, Virar area) who travel to Mumbai every day for their jobs.
  • A Maharashtra state appointed consultant worked out the arithmetic of the futile waiting time and estimated that 2% of the city’s GDP was lost due to the long queues at the toll plazas.
  • In currency terms, the GDP loss is whopping INR 6,260 crore annually as against the INR 222 crores toll collected from light motor vehicles at five entry points of Mumbai.

The Maharashtra government says that contracts signed by the previous government have no buy back option and a new toll policy has to be created to ensure small vehicles have a toll-free ride. A committee was appointed in June 2015 to suggest the way out and was asked to submit the report within a month. But the report has not been submitted to date.

According to a rough estimate, the government might have to pay INR 250 crore annually for at least the next 10 years to exempt the entry point toll for small vehicles. Unfortunately, Devendra Fadnavis inherited a debt-ridden state economy and the decision to delay the toll waiver may be financially justified. However, at some point in time the government would need to bite the bullet and that must happen very soon given the turbulent relationship of BJP and Shiv Sena, which may force the state into a mid-term poll anytime.

The phrase “toll free Maharashtra” which was popularized by the state BJP unit, seems to have stuck in everyone’s mind and any failure to achieve that may give a new lease of life to the opposition parties.

Unfortunately it’s always a long wait for ordinary citizens- whether it’s about paying the toll or expecting the toll waiver!

क़ानून से ऊपर मीडिया की आज़ादी?

मीडिया को सरकार का पक्ष नहीं लेना चाहिए, उसे सरकार की कमियां हमेशा उजागर करनी चाहिए. यही पत्रकारिता का उसूल होता है शायद. लेकिन क्या मीडिया को सरकार विरोधी भी होना चाहिए? निष्पक्ष पत्रकारिता और सरकार विरोधी पत्रकारिता में बहुत फर्क होता है. अभी कुछ दिन पहले एनडीटीवी के संस्थापक प्रणय रॉय के यहाँ सीबीआई का छापा पड़ा था. ये छापे कथित तौर पर एक निजी बैंक को नुकसान पहुंचाने के मामले को लेकर सीबीआई द्वारा किये गए थे. ध्यान रहे की सीबीआई ने एनडीटीवी के किसी भी दफ्तर में छापे नहीं मारे थे इसके बावजूद चैनल ने इन छापों को प्रेस की आज़ादी के लिए खतरा बताना शुरू कर दिया और सरकार को इन छापों के लिए जिम्मेदार ठहराना शुरू कर दिया, जबकि सरकार का इस मामले से कोई लेना देना नहीं था.

क्या पत्रकारिता के ‘व्यवसाय’ से जुड़ा हर व्यक्ति कानून से ऊपर हो गया है? अगर उसपर कोई आरोप लगे तो क्या उसकी जाँच करने का हक़ देश में किसी को नहीं है? अपने बॉस के घर पड़े छापों से बौखला कर एनडीटीवी के पत्रकार जिस प्रकार से सरकार को ललकार रहे थे उसे देखते हुए तो ऐसा ही लगता है की आज मीडिया-कर्मी खुद को कानून से ऊपर ही समझने लगे है. वह कुछ भी कर सकते है. वह जानते है की उनके पास देश की जनता को गुमराह करने की ताकत है. तभी एनडीटीवी में काम करने वाले पत्रकारों ने सीबीआई के छापों को लेकर सब कुछ बताया मगर यह नहीं बताया की उनके बॉस ने ऐसा क्या किया की सीबीआई उनके घर तक पहुँच गयी.

चैनल के एक वरिष्ठ ‘निष्पक्ष’ पत्रकार रविश कुमार ने तो सीधा प्रधानमंत्री को आमने-सामने बैठकर बात करने की चुनौती दे डाली थी. वैसे बात-बात पर प्रधानमंत्री को दोष देने की इनकी पुरानी आदत है जिससे सब वाकिफ है. पर बाकि पत्रकारों ने भी जमकर सरकार पर अपनी भड़ास निकाली. सरकार से या यूँ कहें की नरेंद्र मोदी से इनकी चिढ देखने के बाद क्या जनता इन पत्रकारों को निष्पक्ष मानेगी अब?

आज सोशल मीडिया के ज़माने में हर व्यक्ति के विचार सार्वजनिक है, मीडिया में काम करने वालों के भी. यह सत्य है की कोई भी व्यक्ति पूर्णता निष्पक्ष नहीं हो सकता फिर चाहे वो मीडिया में काम करने वाले लोग ही क्यों न हो. भारत की दिलचस्प राजनीति सबको अपना विचार रखने पर मजबूर कर ही देती है. नरेंद्र मोदी के प्रधानमंत्री बनने के बाद से राजनीति अब देश के हर व्यक्ति का पसंदीता विषय हो गया है. देश में अब दो विचारधारा ही रह गयी है. एक नरेंद्र मोदी के पक्ष की और एक उनके विरोध की. आम जनता हो या फ़िल्मी हस्तियां, खिलाडी हो या बड़े कारोबारी सभी दोनों में से एक विचारधारा की तरफ खड़े है. यही हाल मीडिया में काम करने वालों का भी है.

आज हमारे देश के पत्रकार भी दो भाग में विभाजित हो चुके है. इसमें वैसे कुछ गलत नहीं है, उन्हें भी हक़ है अपने विचार रखने का. सबसे ज्यादा हक़ उन्ही के पास तो है. मगर उनके व्यक्तिगत विचारों का असर उनकी पत्रकारिता पर पड़ रहा है. पत्रकारों का एक वर्ग मोदी सरकार की उपलब्धियां बताता है तो दूसरा वर्ग उसे छुपाता है और पहले वर्ग के पत्रकारों को चाटुकार बताता है. और यही देश के लिए खतरनाक है. मीडिया में काम कर रहे वो लोग जो निष्पक्ष होने का दावा करते है असल में वो सिर्फ अपने स्वार्थ को पत्रकारिता से ऊपर रख जनता को गुमराह कर रहे है. देश में न आज ‘मीडिया की आज़ादी’ को खतरा है और न ही खुद को निष्पक्ष कहने वाले पत्रकारों के ‘बोलने की आज़ादी’ को खतरा है.

आज सबसे ज्यादा वही बोल रहे है उनको टीवी की स्क्रीन काली करने की भी आज़ादी है और प्रधानमंत्री को ललकारने की भी आज़ादी है लेकिन नरेंद्र मोदी से अपनी निजी चिढ के चलते ये पत्रकार सरकार को दमनकारी साबित कर जनता को बेवक़ूफ़ बनाने का कोई मौका नहीं छोड़ते. लेकिन क्या जनता इतनी नासमझ है? शायद नहीं, वह जानती है की कोई भी कानून से ऊपर नहीं है. मीडिया भी नहीं है. इसीलिए वह अब खुद इन निष्पक्ष पत्रकारों से सवाल करती है. उनके पूछे सवालों से खिसियाकर ये पत्रकार जनता को मोदी-एजेंट बोलकर अपना दिल बहला तो लेते है मगर साथ-साथ यह भी जता देते है की वह निष्पक्ष पत्रकार का चोला ओढ़े एक मोदी-विरोधी व्यक्ति ही है बस. ऐसे व्यक्ति अपने पत्रकार होने के अधिकार का गलत उपयोग कर विपक्षी पार्टियों की तरह बस बेवजह सरकार पर हमला कर रहे है.

आप भी ऐसे निष्पक्ष पत्रकारों से बचकर रहिये!