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RAW & ISI- Fight for dominance


‘Research and Analysis Wing’ isn’t a department in a University where a bunch of scrawny unkempt Professors work on a thesis, RAW is India’s equivalent of the likes of CIA & MI5 where a phalanx of well-trained and committed officers strategize and work on gathering information vital to the security of the Nation.

Snoop organisations of all nations deny that they have undercover assets in other countries to spy & and in some cases, subvert. But, people privy to information on such organisations know that it is not true. James Bond and his antics maybe a bit too exaggerated, but toned-down versions of Bond do exist. They may not be romancing beautiful blond’s and driving ‘Aston Martin’ at breakneck speeds in hostile countries, but may well be assimilating critical data about troop mobilisation, weaponisation and preparedness of enemy that could help security forces periodically re-access threat perception of a hostile country.

India is bigger of the two warring siblings, but when it comes to intelligence, Pakistan’s ISI is far bigger than RAW. ISI is powerful, resourceful & dreadfully frightful. It’s like James Bond cast in a negative role- a very dark and negative role would be apt.

ISI isn’t just the eyes and ears of the Pakistani army, it’s also the incisors that the army uses to rip its enemy apart. India, Afghanistan and the Middle East are its theatres of influence, it has also made huge inroads in Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri-Lanka.

For years RAW has had its task cut out. It’s scope was limited to gathering Intel, monitoring the airwaves to pick up enemy chatter and keeping tabs on enemy spies and infiltrators. Critical Intel that helped the security forces to secure India from enemy attack and terrorism.

RAW was denied the teeth to inflict damage on its own, that role remained the sole prerogative of the Armed Forces, it was RAW’s job to provide actionable Intel and leave the rest to the forces.

Recent years clearly indicates a changed strategic thinking vis-à-vis RAW, a role enhancement of sorts is evident, the tight leash that restrained RAW from offensive roles has slackened, RAW can be seen in a new ‘Avatar’- that of a limited combat role without the combat fatigues covertly deployed in hostile countries to infiltrate enemy ranks. In other words- strike and subvert the enemy deep within his territory.

In the few years of its new ‘Avatar’, RAW has notched up a string of successes. Pakistan that used to sing paean of its ISI has now started to raise a hue & cry about RAW and its covert and disruptive activities within Pakistan.

They now blame RAW for the Baloch unrest, terrorism within Pakistan is the handiwork of RAW they claim. RAW is active and meddling in Afghanistan is another allegation. Mohajir incitement is an old gramophone record of theirs, but they keep renewing their claim. So much so that they even claim that Imran Khan’s Osama allegation is at the behest of India. Murmurs about RAW’s hand in Panama papers to defame Nawaz can also be heard in the power circles of Pakistan.

Carte Blanche, Pakistan blames India and the Research and Analysis Wing for all its troubles.

The surgical strikes saw the Army’s elite commandos working in tandem with RAW to strike targets deep within POK and Myanmar underlining the importance of accurate intelligence. RAW and it’s officers remain away from the limelight, relegated to the shadows, but their contribution to the Nations security will always remain in the limelight.

RAWage of the snoops is a clear and present danger to India’s enemies.


Is the MASUKA fiasco a distraction?


The National Campaign Against Mob Lynching (NCAML) had organised a rally for the Manav Suraksha Kanoon (Masuka) pledge on 12 July 2017. The Masuka law is an anti-mob lynching law proposed for the protection of human lives against crimes perpetrated as mob lynchings. About 30 participants of the rally were detained by the Delhi Police according to an article.

First of all, the Award Wapsi Brigade and the liberals of the media world are devoted proponents of the Masuka law. This brigade is well known for its animosity against Hindus, which may not be obvious due to the liberal and secular garbs they utilize to hide their distaste for the right-wingers. As a result, this entire campaign of ‘Stop Mob Lynching’ has been enacted and on-going for the past 1-2 months in a very systematic manner. The liberals have joined hands to enact a law that will inevitably be needed for themselves in the future, because as we know, the left voice is in its last leg.

This stump in the plan towards enacting the Masuka law is surprising. We have to accept that the liberals are also intelligent, and they very well know how to play victims. Their seamless planning in the introduction of the draft Masuka bill and successful online campaigning, makes one think that they would not have organised any protests or rallies without obtaining the correct permission. Therefore, when the rally that was supposed to happen in Jantar Mantar was moved to outside the parliament, then we have to concede that this was a deliberate attempt to distract and politicise the group’s pledge and their campaign against mob lynchings.

Masuka is a law that is especially being drafted and proposed to protect the minorities in India. Instead of Manav Suraksha Kanoon, they could have named it as Minorities Suraksha Kanoon. Anas Tanwir, a lawyer and one of the key members of the drafting committee for Masuka, said in an interview with, “It is a specialized law. Because in many cases of lynching it was evident that cow or beef was secondary but identity of the victim was primary reason of their targeting.” When Tanwir says ‘identity of the victim’, what he means is the religion of the victim. Therefore, it is obvious that Masuka is a law for the protection of the minorities, aka Muslims. The BJP, RSS and VHP often get blamed for playing communal politics, but one has to wonder who here is actually playing communal politics.

A detailed inspection of the Masuka draft bill reveals several sections that may already be provided by other laws in the Criminal Acts/Sections in Indian Penal Code. Certain sections of the draft bill do not have any relation whatsoever to the mob lynchings. For example, Section 10 of Chapter V titled “Other Offences and Punishments Thereof”, described the punishment for dissemination of offensive material as follows:

Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, whoever publishes, communicates or disseminates by any method – physical or electronic, any offensive material, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term of not less than one year which may extend to three years, and with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees.

The above law has been inserted into a dubious section of the bill, calling into question the qualifications of the drafting committee. If the Masuka law, which is the Minorities Suraksha Kanoon, ever comes into fruition, this law will stifle the freedom of speech and freedom of expression, which are so cherished by the liberal brigade.

We can only come to the conclusion that the Masuka bill may not even be enacted. Unless of course if the Congress comes back to power, then there is no doubt what is going to happen. The appeasement mentality of the Congress geared especially towards the minorities and the liberal media, is enough to secure this Minorities Suraksha Kanoon. In the meantime, one has to reflect on why the NCAML is deliberately creating a ruckus to gain publicity and instigating the Central government to act. All we can conclude is that this entire ‘Stop Mob Lynching’ brigade is creating a distraction from larger issues at hand, especially to do with the encroaching Islamic terrorist and Marxist problems in India. It would be wise if the Central government does not give much fuel to this burning fire.

Yogi’s UP Police stopped Hindus’ worship, forced to displace statute of Maa Durga


Selective media, who outrage for special community, is silent on this news. Recent news is from Jabtaganj Mohalla, Nazibabad of Bijnor district where Hindus were forcefully stopped from worshiping Maa Durga. A Facebook post with video is viral on social media in which it is claimed that a Jagran in the name of Maa Durga was organized by Hindu community of that area. Some people from Muslim community objected and informed to UP police, asked them to stop this Jagran. In response to this objection, 3 PCR van came on the spot and forced people there to stop worship, even they forced them to displace statue of Maa Durga and forced to blow off ‘Akhand Jyoti’ of goddess too.

We can remember the news and pictures over media where people from other community offering their prayers on road and even police were protecting, diverging routes of that particular area. From the video uploaded, we can clearly see that how Yogi Police is helping Islamic radicals in the name of appeasement. Question should be asked to BJP spokespersons, why they are supporting appeasements in the states where they are ruling. Where they are not in government, raising voice in those states only. Is this not a selective approach by a so called ‘Hindutva Vadi Sarkar’? Is this ‘Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas’?

Calcutta HC lifts Puja curbs, slams Bengal ‘bid to appease minorities’
Calcutta HC lifts Puja curbs, slams Bengal ‘bid to appease minorities’

These types of news were common in west Bengal, where Mamata government stopped Hindus to put the statue of Maa Durga in their locality and even Hindus were stopped from offering prayers in Navratri. In recent months, we heard news where Calcutta High Court intervened and released a statement that government should not hamper majority sentiments in the name of minority appeasement. We can see Tapan Ghosh, Rupa and many more BJP leaders who are raising voice against minority appeasement in Bengal, but what about UP? Here, they are in government.

Media could highlight the name of men killed by mob by a hashtag ‘NotinMyName’ but at the same time they deleted Mohd Ayyub Pandit and Hindus killed by a particular mob. A simple robbery in the train can be attached with the name ‘Muslim’ for creating selective outrage by media but when ‘Hindus’ are targeted in real, media goes in indefinite silence. Is this journalism? No, this is appeasement journalism.

Rajnath Singh: From Bharatiyat to Kashmiriyat


Generally whenever there is a terrorist attack tempers run high and especially if the attacks are focused more on a particular religion and the pilgrims, people are more agitated. The anger is less on those terrorists, but mainly on the government for their failure to protect their citizens. The Amaranth Yatris were singled out and killed just because they were “Hindus”, who actually had nothing to do with the politics of the state.

To be honest, people of the nation are largely fed-up with the “pampering” of the Kashmiris, off course they are Indians and many of them are nationalistic at core towards the nation, but why is there always a rush and madness to show-case that the Kashmiri society are equally a concerned lot? Every sane human being and a patriot will always condemn it, why is there a need to over-emphasis?

We have seen this during the Congress and Janata regimes and now the BJP is no different.

The union home minister Rajnath Singh was more worried about the “Kashmiriyat” and its “Jamooriyat”, he is less thoughtful about why did the attack happened and technically what precautions should have been taken, but is more mindful about playing to the galleries to keep projecting himself as a secular leader. Being a home minister, the country expects an answer on why there was an attack at the first place and that is where your work of focus should have been, instead we see a lip service on the condolence offerings and other meaningless repetitive dialogues of “Ninda” and “Kadi Ninda” which in every practical scenarios is of no use. The minister also had no reason to respond to a tweet (@Shushi Singh Kalra) who merely had raised her frustration against the reasoning of priorities raised by the minister.

Rajnath Singh over all is just not up to the mark as a home minister, after every tragedy, he only seems to be taking briefings and meetings. He is also guilty of peddling the falsehood that ISIS has no following or cells in India. It has been repeatedly proved that there are many ISIS cells, especially in Kerala and Kashmir. There is no proposal for any action against those who constantly rant Kashmir is not a part of India. Nothing proposed against those who celebrate convicted terrorists. No surgical strikes, choking of finances and arms against the Maoists. No reaction on the West Bengal Basirhat riots, where the CM kept attacking the center and insulting the Governor as a “Sanghi propagandist” and a “BJP Block president” while the Hindus were openly attacked and threatened by the rioting Muslim mob.

It is a known fact that there has been a number of groups of stone throwing and demonstrating miscreants who have been blocking the security forces and helping the terrorists to flee. What action has been taken against them, cannot one such escaped terrorist lead such attacks on the pilgrims or the security forces? The lost Kashmiri Pandit is still a lost Kashmiri, why is their resettlement now taking ages with the BJP government been in power at the center for more than 3 years and in the state for around 2 years, why is the HM silent on these issues, why is there no tweet explaining its progress?

It is not as if the Congress was better than the BJP, but the expectation from the BJP has been 3 fold more and currently they have been able to climb only 2 notches up.

Kashmir belongs to everyone, just as much as Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu or any other state belongs to the people of this country. For example men in uniform are rightly Indians first and belong to any region or state, but their sole objective is to safeguard the borders and security of this nation whether it is Kashmir or Rajasthan or Arunachal Pradesh.

So the Minister must stop blowing this trumpet of one up man ship by showing us time and again the “spirit of Kashmiriyat” and instead focus on the real work of complete elimination of the terrorists from the valley.

Amir Khusro, a Hindu-hater, beyond words


Amir Khusro is a legend for good reason. The Sufi giant of the 13th century had his Urs celebrated in Hazrat Nizamuddin Dargah in Delhi on Saturday The Indian media hailed him as the champion of India’s unique “composite culture” which is under threat, in their vicious propaganda, by the BJP at the Centre.

Khusro deserves all the accolades for introducing “Urdu”, “Qawaalis”, the instruments of tabla and sitar and the musical genres of Khayal and Taraana in India. His Ghazals, Masnavi (poems in Persians) and Rubai are landmarks. But don’t be a sucker to this “composite culture” nonsense.

Khusro was everything but the champion of “composite culture” over which Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru swooned in his Discovery of India. Nehru was just one in the long line of historians and academicians who created, swallowed and spread the bogus credentials of Khusro as a shining symbol of “composite culture.” We have all grown up reading in our school textbooks on Khusro and his “composite culture.” These “secularists” and their bastard child, Indian media, would invent new phrases but never criticize the Islamic intolerance as and when it occurred.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad, India’s first President, wrote: “The beginning of India’s composite culture could be traced to Amir Khusro’s efforts.”

Really? Do you see a neutrality in this mention by Khusro?

“Had not the law granted exemption from death by payment of poll-tax (jizia), the very name of Hind, root and branch, would have been extinguished.”

Do you see “composite culture” in Khusro’s below views on Hindu temples?

“There were many capitals of Devs where Satanism had prospered from the earliest times…but now with a sincere attempt the Emperor removed these symbols of infidelity.”

Khusro’s contempt for Hindu women below would never be mentioned in anything you read. Sample:

“The stone idols called Ling Mahadeo…on which women of the infidels (Hindus) rubbed their vaginas for (sexual) satisfaction… The Musalmans destroyed all the Lingas.. and the Deo Narain fell down.”

In Khusro’s view, Muslims were “master” and Hindus were “slaves.” Sample:

“Turk is like a tiger and the Hindu a deer… Hindus exist for the sake of the Turks. Hindu happens to be a slave in all respects—it does not become one to scowl at a goat which is being reared for one’s meals.” (That’s why Mr. Saif Ali Khan, Hindus have taken an exception to you naming your son, Taimur, for his name is a symbol of Islamic atrocities against the original inhabitants of this land).

Do you see any sign of “composite culture” in these utterances of Khusro?

This is what perplexed famous historian R. C. Majumdar (who refused to write history as Indira Gandhi wanted at one time—By the way, does Sagarika Ghose mention this in her book on Indira?):

How come Khusro could never appreciate the architectural marvels of Hindus? Why his literary and artistic accomplishments contain no Hinu poetry, Puranic or Bhakti ideals, Upanishadic mysticism? Without such inclusion, could he be described as the rockstar of “composite culture”?

You might not have read of this all because there is an academic apartheid in India against those who go against the grain. Just make sure your children don’t fall to the nonsense by this devilish clique. These are inbreeding Huns in saddle, hell-bent on taking away your culture, pride, heritage–and in consequence your identity.

Amartya Sen’s freedom of expression and Left’s amnesia


With the progress of time as the furor over India being lynchistan was getting settled, Indian left liberals are again enraged now as their freedom of expression is in danger. This time, the patriarch of Indian progressives, Amratya Sen’s freedom of expression is allegedly in danger.

As per the media reports, a documentary titled ‘The Argumentative Indian’, directed by Suman Ghosh has been asked to beep four words-cow, Gujarat, Hindutva and Hindu Nationalism by Central Board of Film Certification to get U/A certificate. While whether it constitutes to someone’s attack on freedom of expression can be debated, Indian left liberals have instantly determined that it’s the attempt by an authoritarian regime to curb the freedom of speech of Amartya Sen and all the rational voices. One can do well by examining their claim of being the champions of freedom of speech, there isn’t any shred of doubt regarding their amnesia and hysteria.

In the last 70 years when Congress was ruling this country with the support of Indian communists, freedom of expression has always been a concept to be repeated time and again in theory but seldom practiced without any reservation. The very existence of CBFC points out that there is an institution which is implementing censorship and this particular instance isn’t unprecedented which may cause such uproar. However, left liberals are extremely vocal about their freedom of speech, the freedom of speech of their ideological opponents doesn’t need any consideration.

Sitaram Goel, noted historian and political philosopher who was denied his due place in academia due to the hegemony of Marxists and left liberals here, the hardships which he faced in his career is enough to reveal that Indian left only cares about its own freedom of expression. Ram Swarup, Hindu Philosopher, had written a book titled ‘Understanding Islam Through Hadith’, published for first time in 1982 in USA. Sitaram Goel was the long time compatriot of Ram Swarup and decided to publish his book in India in 1983. The first Indian edition was sold out quickly after the publication.

In 1987, Sitaram Goel decided to publish its another edition along with its Hindi translation. This move was enough to enrage Muslims who started asking for ban on the book. Government succumbed to the pressure of Muslims and seized all the Hindi copies of book and Goel was arrested. He was released after 18 hours of police custody. This book is still banned in India. Now, comparing this particular event with Amartya Sen saga, one can gauge how actual assault on freedom of expression looks like. Interestingly, none of the left liberals came in support of Sitaram Goel or Ram Swarup and defended their freedom of expression. However, as we have seen systematically in Indian history that any criticism of Communism and Islam isn’t covered in the freedom of expression, criticism of India and Hinduism is always their prerogative.

While everyone has seen what could be the result in case of someone exercising his freedom of expression related to Islam, any such freedom of expression related to Hinduism only results in few litigation and beeping of certain words. If one is for the unconditional freedom of speech, he must be defending the freedom of speech of both the camps but Indian left has established different precedent. Owing to multiple reasons, criticism of Islam is almost nonexistent, it becomes laughable to talk about absolute freedom of speech in Indian context. People advocating for the freedom of expression of Amartya Sen only are either suffering from amnesia or selectively defending one ideological side.

Freedom of expression is essentially linked with human’s natural freedom but this fundamental right can’t be invoked in the selective manner to champion one’s own cause and to suppress other’s. Any right is the result of social transaction based on the set of rules agreed upon but that seems nonexistent in Indian context. Labeling any criticism of left and Islam as trolling while that of Right and Hinduism as rational endeavour, one endangeres the very foundation on which freedom of expression rests by discrediting other’s opinion without examining. When Sen and his compatriots starts getting the taste of their own medicine in mild manner, they resort to invoke the very principles which they’ve always violated. Although, this hypocrisy is counting its last breath now a days.

Islamic movement in Kashmir and how India is losing it


Kashmir problem of India is an age old problem now. Kashmir has been a very vulnerable and volatile region since Independence. With Pakistan’s cross border terrorism, Islamic indoctrination and Government of India’s illusion about the real issue of Kashmir has worsened the situation further. Every government, be it Secularists or the Conservatives have fueled the unrest in Kashmir by false theories, claims and  studies.

Seventy years have passed and the leaders of India still live and believe in the illusion of ‘Kashmiriyat’. What they don’t get that the term ‘Kashmiriyat’ was proved false after the 1990’s genocide of Kashmiri Pundits who were forced to leave their houses by Islamofascists. Now what remains in Kashmir is an Islamic Movement based on Wahabic principles fueled by Pakistan and Saudi. There are many proofs to explain this.

First is the tilt of Kashmiris towards Pakistan. Although our leaders may say things like ‘All Kashmiris are not terrorists’ or ‘Kashmiris are moderates’ etc etc; we can’t see this ‘moderate’ Kashmiris when stones are pelted over our army or when Kashmiri Pundits were thrown out of their homes and their women were raped. We do not see this ‘moderate’ Kashmiris when Ayub Pundit was lynched. We  did not see this ‘moderate’ Kashmiris when funerals of terrorists are taken out as ceremonies and they are celebrated as heroes.

Kashmir’s tilt towards Pakistan show how Islamic doctrine is far sown in their minds. As why would any sane thinking person choose a rogue state like Pakistan over India unless religion as a prime aspect; is taken into consideration. Waving of ISIS and Pakistan flags and a very surprising silence of ‘moderate’ Kashmiris shows what struggle or movement in Kashmir is really all about. And more proof was provided when  Hizbul Mujahdeen Chief himself declared that Kashmir is not an Aazadi Movement but Islamic War. Just increasing the Army is not enough in Kashmir.

What is important, is to ban the Madarsas in Kashmir no matter what the consequences. Sufism has long gone from the very land ever since the footprint of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. And  now it is really impossible to remove Wahabbism from Islam. And wahabism is taught in Madarssas of Kashmir. The day Government of India realises that Kashmir is all about the Islamic Jihad struggle and not Aazadi and The Kashmiriyat is dead and irrelevant after the genocide of Kashmiri Pundits half of Kashmir problems will be solved.

The more Government of India defends and remains in illusion of Kashmiriyat the situation will be worsened and can engulf  the whole of India in a civil war one day.

Gopal Krishna Gandhi: What India must know about The Gandhi Grandson


Congress party as usual being a flag-bearer of nepotism announced Gopal Krishna Gandhi as the Vice Presidential Candidate in the upcoming elections. While India reveres him for being the grandson of India’s most respected Leader Mahatma Gandhi we should also take into account his personal credentials.

Gopal Krishna Gandhi graduated from St.Stephens College, Delhi and is a former Beaurocrat and a Diplomat. He has served as the Governor of West Bengal. Important to note is the he is the sympathizer of Terrorism and has filed a mercy petition for Yakub Memon, a culprit of 1993 Mumbai attacks which killed over 257 Indians. He is also a strong supporter for abolishing the death penalty and has also authored a book on it. He criticised  CBI by calling it ‘A department of Dirty Politics’. He is a strong supporter of Palestine whose militant group Hamas is responsible for death of many innocent Israeli lives. He also wrote an article in ‘The Wire’ criticizing Modi’s visit to Israel and citing it as  ‘ill advice’ by his policy makers.

Gopal Krishna Gandhi is the best candidate for Vice-President in a world where nepotism and dynasty are principle criteria.

वो आग जो धुंधली पड़ गयी

आज के दिन वो सर्द हवा ना तो वो रूमानी थी, ना ही और सर्द रातों की तरह वो रात और काली थी क्योंकि एक बेसहारा लड़की की इज्ज़त दिल्ली की सङकों पर सरेआम नीलाम हो रही थी| हवस में मदमस्त दरिंदे उस बेबस के शरीर के चीथड़े कर रहे थे और देश की सुरक्षा का जिम्मा लिए लोग चैन की नींद में खर्राटें मार रहे थे| कभी किसी के सामने ना झुका सिर अपनी इज्जत के लिए राक्षसों के सामनें हाथ जोड़ कर दुहाई माँग रहा था| उसके होंठों पर बस एक ही शब्द “मुझे छोड़ दो” और आँखों में आंसू बनकर निकलते लहू की हर एक बूँद भगवान की बजाए शैतान से आस लगा बैठी थी कि शायद उन्हें दया आ जाये और उसकी इज्जत पर लग रही आग ठण्डी पड़ जाये| पर दरिंदों को ना तो दया की तनिक भी छुअन लगी| ना ही उनके दिल में सरकार, समाज और प्रशासन का डर|

हो भी क्यूँ ना? सरकार वादें करती है, लाशों पर राजनीति तो इनका पुराना पेशा है| समाज- समाज तो एक मजाक बन गया है| प्रशासन हमेशा घटना की ‘इंक्वायरी’ ही करती रह जाती है|

जंतर -मंतर पर प्रदर्शनकारियों को ज़बरदस्ती हटाती हुई तात्कालिक मनमोहन सरकार की पुलिस

शायद यहाँ स्वतंत्रता ही गुनाह है| अपनी स्वतंत्रता को भुनाने में उसे यह कीमत चुकानी पड़ेगी, शायद यही सवाल उसके मन में गूँज रहा था|शायद वह खुद से पूछ रही थी कि क्या अपने ही देश में उसका वजूद नहीं है? सिर्फ इसलिए क्योंकि वह एक महिला है, सुरक्षित नहीं रह सहती? खुलेआम स्वतंत्र सड़कों पर चल नहीं सकती? दस लोगों के बीच बैठ नहीं सकती, जिसे हम समाज कहते है?

स्वतंत्र भारत, अतुलनीय भारत के सीने पर तलवार से वार पर वार किए जा रहे थे, और वाह रे भारत! तूने आह तक नहीं भरी! आज फिर एक द्रोपदी इज्ज़त की दहलीज़ पर बिलख रही थी पर कृष्ण नदारद थे| उसकी चीख एक चार पहिये की बस तक ही सिमट कर रह गयी| आखिर पूरा शहर बहरा हो गया था या अंधा?

खैर सवाल तो सवाल है पर हकीक़त को सवाल में बदलने से क्या मिलेगा? सवाल से जवाब मिलते है, घाव के मरहम नहीं; और फिर बिना गलती के मिले घाव के लिए मरहम का क्या वजूद? आज ना कोई सांप्रदायिक दल था जो महिला सुरक्षा के लिए ताल ठोक कर सड़कों पर नंगा नाच करते है और ना ही कोई समूह था जो खुद को महिलाओं का हितैषी बताकर सत्ता की रोटी सेंकने की फिराक में रहता है| आज थे तो सिर्फ बेबस लड़की के आंसू, तार-तार होती इज्ज़त और बेख़ौफ़ दरिंदे| अपने पुरूष मित्र के साथ घूमना उसका गुनाह था या फिर बदकिस्मती?

सवाल बहुत छोटा है लेकिन बहुत अहम|

घंटों तक उसकी रूह काँपती रहीं, बदन थरथराता रहा, खून से लथपथ वो अपनी इज्जत के लिए लड़ती रही और पाँच हैवान अपनी प्यास बुझाते रहे| देश की राजधानी के सबसे अधिक चहलकदमी वाले इलाके मुनरिका से शुरू हुई घटना सड़कों पर यूँ ही कौधती रही पर अपनी धुन में अंधे समाज को कुछ ना दिखाई दिया, ना सुनाई दिया!

‘लाईफ आफ पाई’ देखते वक्त उसने कभी नहीं सोचा होगा कि उसकी ज़िन्दगी खुद मौत से जूझ पड़ेगी| एक फिजियोथिरेपी इंटर्न, २३ वर्षीय लड़की के हालात पर पूरा देश क्या पूरा विश्व रो पड़ा लेकिन देश चलाने वाले, राजनीति और सत्ता की रोटी सेंकने में ही लगे थे! मैं पूछता हूँ कि क्या इनका ज़मीर मर गया है या फिर ये इतना बेख़ौफ़ है कि हमें मूर्ख समझ बैठे है?

रात के ९.३० से ११ बजे तक वो लड़ती रही…पर अकेली…लाचार…बेबस (माफ करना शब्द नहीं है अभिव्यक्ति के लिए)

अर्धनग्न वो दिल्ली की सड़कों पर बेसुध फेंक दिए गये थे लेकिन प्रशासन अभी भी सपनों में लीन था और हद तो तब हुई जब वो आपस में ही सीमा विवाद को लेकर लड़ने लगें और एक निर्लज्ज महिला अधिकारी को घर जाने की जल्दी थी क्योंकि उसके घर में सब्जी नहीं थी! वाह रे सुरक्षा के सिपाहियों! वाह!

सफदरजंग अस्पताल में वो जिन्दगी मौत से लड़ती रही और बाहर युवा पीढ़ी ने घटिया प्रशासन और निर्लज्ज सरकार के खिलाफ़ जंग का ऐलान कर दिया| ये वो युवा थे जो ना तो कभी उस बेसहारा लड़की को देखे थे, ना ही उससे कभी मिले थे, पर उनकी आँखों में आंसू और दिल में हजारों सवाल थे कि क्या यही है स्वतंत्र भारत? क्या यही है वो समाज, संस्कृति जिस पर हम थोथा गर्व करते है? क्या हालात सुधरेंगे या फिर बद्तर होंगे?

वो लड़ते रहे, इंडिया गेट से राजघाट के सीने पर चढ़ बैठे और पुलिस की लाठियों आंसू के गोलों के बावजूद एक कदम भी पीछे नहीं हटे|

उन युवाओं को मेरा सलाम! लेकिन फलस्वरूप हमें क्या मिला एक और झूठा वादा!

आज के हालात सबके सामने है| तब से लेकर अब तक हजारों दामिनी अपना सर्वस्व लुटा चुकी है और आग…धुँधली पड़ गयी है…आखिर क्यों?

राजनीति का नवीनीकरण अब जातिनीति है

भारतीय राजनीति ने अब नयी करवट ली है, अब दौर है जातिनीति का| कड़वे शब्दों के बीच कितना भी उफ़न हो, वैचारिक खून दिमाग से बहते-बहते ज़बान तक आ जाये लेकिन सत्य तो यही है कि भारतीय इतिहास में राजनीति तो कभी हुई ही नहीं, आज़ादी से ठीक पहले और ठीक बाद.. जो हो-हल्ला सत्ता के गलियारों में मचता रहा, वो कभी तुष्टिकरण तो कभी धर्म के इर्द-गिर्द ही घूमता रहा|

‘राजनीति’ शब्द जिस परिभाषा को संजोये हुए है उसमें साफ़ ज़िक्र है कि सत्ता और समाज में मध्यस्थता कायम करके सत्ताधारी दल एवं विपक्ष के बीच सामाजिक सरोकारों हेतु वाद-विवाद, वार्तालाप एवं क्रियाकलाप ही राजनीति है| लेकिन भारत की राजनीति में यह परिभाषा कभी भी सटीक नहीं बैठती| आज़ादी के बाद से लेकर अबतक अगर गौर किया जाय तो राजनीति सिर्फ जाति-धर्म के गलियारों से ही गुजरती रही|

चित्र में: एनडीए के राष्ट्रपति प्रत्याशी राम नाथ कोविंद के साथ प्रधानमंत्री मोदी एवं बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री नितीश कुमार

सन 1946 में राजनीति के पहले चरण में नेहरू बनाम जिन्ना का ज़िक्र ही पर्याप्त है| कटु सत्य की तरफ रुख़ करे तो यह पूरा खेल गद्दी का था, वो गद्दी थी आजाद भारत के प्रधानमंत्री के रूतबे की| उस वक़्त की जनता खुद भूख से निवाले की तरफ दौड़ लगा रही थी तो दोनों ही नेताओं ने जो मुद्दा चुना, अपनी राजनीति को संजोने और सत्ता को हथियाने के लिए, वो था धर्म| धर्म के गलीचे पर पैर फैला कर कुर्सी को छीनने के लिए खूब लड़ाई हुई, शुक्र था कि वैचारिक| लेकिन जब एक कुर्सी पर दो दावेदार की लड़ाई शुरू हुई तो ये वैचारिक लड़ाई किस तरह एक ही थाली में खाने वाले दो परिवारों को आपस में ही मरने-मारने को मजबूर कर दी, इसका गवाह तो इतिहास है ही| खून से सनी सड़के, खेत-खलिहान, बिलखते बच्चे, कंपकंपाते बूढ़े और लाचार मर्द. वो मंज़र भारतीय इतिहास का काला दशक कहा जाय तो कोई अपराध नहीं होगा|

सत्ता पर काबिज़ हुई भारतीय कांग्रेस या यूँ कहे कि नेहरू (गाँधी) परिवार नेहरू के छत्रछाया में न जाने कब अपना अस्तित्व खोता रहा, किसी को कानो-कान ख़बर तक नहीं हुई| दो दशक तक नेहरू परिवार कांग्रेस के अस्तित्व में नवीनीकरण करते हुए सत्ता पर काबिज़ रहा लेकिन इसी बीच जून, 1974 को भारतीय राजनीति में एक बदलाव का सूरज दिखा, जय प्रकाश नारायण| उनके सम्पूर्ण क्रांति के आह्वान से लगा कि अब जाति-धर्म की राजनीति में बदलाव आयेगा| अब एक नयी परिभाषा वास्तविक राजनैतिक परिभाषा के इर्द-गिर्द घूमेगी| जयप्रकाश नारायण नें कहा कि सम्पूर्ण क्रांति में सात क्रांतियाँ शामिल है- राजनैतिक, आर्थिक, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, बौद्धिक, शैक्षणिक व आध्यात्मिक क्रांति। इन सातों क्रांतियों को मिलाकर सम्पूर्ण क्रान्ति होती है।

पटना के ऐतिहासिक गांधी मैदान में जयप्रकाश नारायण ने संपूर्ण क्रांति का आहवान किया था। मैदान में उपस्थित लाखों लोगों ने जात-पात, तिलक, दहेज और भेद-भाव छोड़ने का संकल्प लिया था। उसी मैदान में हजारों-हजार ने अपने जनेऊ तोड़ दिये थे। नारा गूंजा था:

जात-पात तोड़ दो, तिलक-दहेज छोड़ दो।
समाज के प्रवाह को नयी दिशा में मोड़ दो।

इस राजनैतिक परिवर्तन की आग में झुलस कर तत्कालीन इंदिरा गाँधी सरकार को सत्ता से हाथ धोना पड़ा था| उम्मीद की किरण तो जगी लेकिन 26 जून 1975 से 21 मार्च 1977 के बीच आपातकाल ने इंदिरा गाँधी को और मज़बूत किया, वो कुछ समय के लिए सत्ता से गयी ज़रूर पर वापस 1980 के दौर में वो सत्ता पर काबिज़ हुई| 1981 में राजनीति ने फिर करवट बदलते हुए सिख बनाम अन्य का रुख इख्तियार कर लिया| यह भारतीय राजनीति का तीसरा चरण था|

चौथे चरण की राजनीति फिर से हिन्दू बनाम मुस्लिम के बीच फंस गयी| कांग्रेस से टूट कर निकले समाजवादी, जय प्रकाश की राजनीति से उपजे जनता वादी मुस्लिम तुष्टिकरण तो जनसंघ (वर्तमान भाजपा) हिन्दू तुष्टिकरण की राजनीति के साथ सत्ता के लिए जोर आजमाने लगे| 1991 से 1992 के बीच हिंदुत्व का झंडा बुलंद किये अडवाणी रथयात्रा लेकर निकले तो मुस्लिम सहानुभूति की होड़ में विपक्ष की लड़ाई समाजवादियों और जनवादियों के इर्द-गिर्द ही रही| बाबरी विध्वंस के बाद भारतीय राजनीति ने मुस्लिम बनाम हिन्दू का चोंगा पहन कर बचपन से लेकर जवानी गुजारी|

अब भारतीय राजनीति का पांचवा चरण है जातिवाद बनाम जातिवाद| इस चरण के कई सूरमा है, मायावती, मुलायम, उठावले| लेकिन अभी-अभी इस चरण के बाहुबली बनकर उभरे है नरेंद्र मोदी| आज वो भाजपा के साथ दौड़ लगा रहे है. ‘सबका साथ-सबका विकास’ की बातें करते है लेकिन इस राजनितिक दौर में वो चुपके से जातिवाद बनाम जातिवाद का नया फार्मूला लाये है| चाहे उत्तरप्रदेश चुनाव में टिकट वितरण हो या फिर दलित के घर जाकर खाने की होड़| धमा-चौकड़ी के साथ वो राहुल गाँधी को भी घसीट लाये है| जातिगत राजनीति के इस दौर में एक उप-विभाजन है ‘दलित बनाम दलित’ का|

भाजपा ने जैसे ही राष्ट्रपति पद के लिए रामनाथ कोविंद को चुना कम से कम सौ दफा याद दिलाया कि वो ‘दलित’ को राष्ट्रपति बनाने जा रहे है| अब बेचारा विपक्ष भी क्या करे? इस राजनितिक महाभारत में वो भी ‘दलित’ रथ लेकर निकल पड़ा है| इन सभी के बीच कुछ पंक्तियाँ लिख दी है:

योग्य, कर्म न पूछो भैया…बोलो अपनी बात
महामहिम भी चुनने के लिए…पूछो केवल जात