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India at 70: some thoughts on Independence Day


Remember that day when you didn’t have to carry school bag to your school? You just watch the flag hoisting and few cultural skits and songs, collect your “boondi laddu” and go back home, and enjoy a chilled out day of playing in the parks and just having fun? That felt so free, I wish I could time travel and go back to my childhood, just for that day. We wished everyone “Happy Independence Day ” without knowing much what it meant.

That was the time when we took our independence for granted. We did not know the sacrifices behind that. The centuries of British rule. We were told Mahatma Gandhi fought for our freedom and Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Khudiram Bose, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose were the heroes of the freedom struggle, which was understood partly, as we were too busy being free!

As we grew up a bit and read a little, we discovered a little more. Alright, now being independent means having your rights. I can choose what I like and what I don’t. I can choose what I eat what I don’t. I can choose what I worship and what I don’t. The concept of independence became a lot more serious.

We understood a bit more. Now we knew Bhagat Singh died at such a young age just to infuse the idea of his vision of free India into the young minds of his generation. This concept was so glamorous in the teenage years, he became your hero in an instant.

As you grow older and get jobs and start with your professional lives, you change the meaning of independence again. Now you understand the struggle for freedom completely. You know in the chronology who all were martyred from 1857-1947. You even regret why you weren’t born in those 90 years, which was the time to become the legend. You have read extensively on the subject, seen a trillion documentaries, have a political orientation and/or affiliation and you feel you know it all. Now you even know the freedom fighter backing my political affiliation was better than other freedom fighter!

As you approach midlife, you change the meaning of freedom again. You really don’t care about the freedom struggle anymore. You are just so burdened down by the responsibilities of family and kids that this idea of independence seems to take a back seat. It’s just a holiday to finish chores at home. You are worried all the time. You don’t read anymore, you don’t think anymore about life’s purpose in general, you don’t care anymore. All this, but your left/right orientation is intact from earlier years, so you never miss an opportunity to vent out your frustration. You get more toxic and venomous with time.

As we go through social media you find the best creative minds at work, creating memes making jokes and liners about the day. ‘Liberals’ mocking ‘right wingers’ and vice versa. Everyone taking a jibe at rival countries. Putting tricolor as “DP” and all that.

Okay, hypocrisy apart, I enjoy all of that too. That somehow proves our patriotism to our conscience. If I think about it, I partly understand it. We love our country and since we are too occupied with our own selves, we find social media to express our patriotism. That’s quick and provide a way wider range of audience to spread ideas.

Are we as free as, was dreamt by the heroes of freedom struggle? We hate anyone with a different ideology, anyone with different views, different orientations and which we learn at a much later age. In childhood we were naive to think that all is good and happy and free. Sometimes I feel we as a nation could go back to childhood and just feel free and be receptive to the happiness around.

I wish we could just forget the differences and free our minds of the slavery of mentality and stereotyping. At 70, India is a young country but Indians as a whole appear to be having a mid-life crisis. Let’s be naive again, let’s be innovative and creative. Let’s make mistakes and not point them in others. Let’s free ourselves from the judgmental psyche. Let’s free ourselves to develop new ideas and create wonders. Let’s be a team and not competitors. We all love our country, don’t we? Let that not be a competition.

An appeal to my right-liberal friends on the Gorakhpur tragedy

What happened at the Baba Raghav Das Medical College hospital where 60 children died allegedly due to disruption of oxygen supply in the paediatrics ward is a mind-numbing tragedy. There can be no defense whatsoever for the criminal negligence that led to this tragedy.

I also count myself amongst those who are striving to build a robust right-liberal ecosystem in India to take on those from the Left who have for long enjoyed state patronage and are deeply entrenched. However, this should not blind us to our own faults or make us exactly like those whom we oppose. This short note is an appeal to my right-liberal friends to focus on the “Right” fight and not lose focus.

In commenting on the Gorakhpur tragedy many of those subscribing to the right-liberal ideology (don’t like this name but using it for convenience and because it is most in vogue) have either reacted churlishly or not at all – both are in my opinion wrong. The fact is that this was a tragedy that happened on Adityanath’s watch and no matter how we look at it the buck stops with him.

I would request my friends who subscribe to this right-liberal ideology to mull over the following:

(1) I saw a few posts that speculated about something being fishy and this being a grand conspiracy to tarnish the image of the UP CM – My take on this is that in the absence of credible proof/evidence shooting darts in the air is simply not done. Order an enquiry by all means and if it does show that this was indeed a grand conspiracy then bring the roof down and the axe as well on the perpetrators. Till such time indulging in speculation will be construed as muddying the waters.

(2) Adityanath and his government owe an apology to the parents and wards who lost their children – In fact, this is the first thing that should have been done. Instead, there were attempts to deflect the blame – again not done.

(3) Those that subscribe to this right-liberal ideology must understand that subscribing to an ideology does not necessarily mean that they must also support all of what a person who they think represents this ideology does. It is the job of those who are believed to be the thought leaders (de facto or de jure) within this ecosystem to sift facts from fiction and differentiate between subjective analysis and objective assessment. – Not doing this will mean that we will be guilty of the same kind of obfuscation we accuse the leftist-lutyens cabal of.

(4) Finally, this is a tragedy that has no defence – none whatsoever. The responsibility falls squarely on Adityanath. – Bringing up other instances where the leftists did not “outrage enough” is a sorry argument to make. It belittles us as humans. This is not the time. If we do that, how can we claim to be different from them then?

After 70 years of Independence, how much have we achieved


On 15th August , 1947 the first Prime Minister of Independent India Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru said “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.”

And from that day to today, we have travelled 70 years. Yes, today we complete 70 years of Independence.

Lets ask ourselves how much we have achieved. Have we eradicated Poverty. Have we been able to stop communal violence. Have we achieved our goals in Literacy, Employment and Women Safety. Answer to all these questions lies below…

Poverty — It is an important issue in India, despite having one of the fastest growing economies in the world, clocked at a growth rate of 7.6% . Researches points that around 170 million people, or 12.4%, lived below poverty line. Governments have lauched many progrmes for upliftment of poor people but we still have to go a long way for eradicating poverty totally from our country.

Unemployment —With about 800 million people below the age of 35 , India has the largest young population in the world, but still we fail to create environment for quality employment. There have been drastic decline in job creation across different sectors. The solution to this growing unemployment lies in bridging the wide skill gap, better labour policies and creating more opportunities.

Communal Violence — Communal violence has simmers under the skin of India society and often erupts into riots. In 2015 there was 751 cases of communal violence, while there was 268 cases in 2016 and in 2017 , till July there have been around 104 cases of communal violence. The Dhulagarh riots & Basirhat riots in West Bengal are example of mad frenzy of communal violence gripping India. As one act of violence supersedes the other, it unleashes an atmosphere of fear, pain and anguish. Government should take strict action against those who instigate these riots.

Literacy – The literacy rate in our country is 74.04% . According to a report about  282 million people are illiterate. One in every three child in the age group of 7-14 is illiterate, said a study based on Census data. Over one-third of Indian population living in rural areas cannot read or write. The harsh fact is that the drop in illiteracy rate has not matched the rise in population. Its time for government to have a look at primary education.

Women Safety – We talk about women safety alot, but still crimes against them are rising. Womens are harassed, eve –teased, mis-behaved on the regular basis. Many crimes against women do not even get reported because of the social stigma attached to them..A single working woman is seen as a menace to the society. She is frowned at, looked down upon and called names. A woman who speaks her mind, has male friends, wears clothes of her choice ,who works late hours is a certified Characterless , hugely deserving of any trouble she might face. According to a 2014 report of  the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), 93 women are raped in India every day. The figures aren’t getting any better and woman’s safety in India is questioned globally.

I am not saying we have achieved nothing in these 70 yrs. But to call ourselves a developed country & a super power we have to travel a long way.

India vs China : Who is on the verge of two sided wars?


Bhutan complained a Chinese construction party was building a road inside Bhutan’s territory Dokla at Doklam area towards Bhutan army camp area at Zompelri on 16th June. In coordination with the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB), Indian troops entered Doklam on 18th June approached the Chinese construction party and urged them to desist from changing the status quo. These effort lead to eye-ball to eye-ball confrontation between Indian & PLA army.

As per the RGOB press release on 29th June, Bhutan refers written agreements of 1988 and 1998 stating that the two sides agree to keep up peace and tranquility in their border areas pending a final settlement on the boundary question, and to maintain status quo on the boundary as before March 1959. The agreements also state that the two sides will refrain from taking unilateral action, or use of force, to change the status quo of the boundary.

India is deeply concerned at the recent Chinese actions and has conveyed to the Chinese Government that such construction would represent a significant change of things with serious security implications for India (Siliguri junction may come direct attack). India insists on maintaining status quo as before 16th June.

On the other hand Beijing says Doklam is located in Tibet and that the border dispute between China and Bhutan has nothing to do with India. It has demanded Indian troops withdraw unconditionally.

Chinese did try all the tactics of psychological war to push India back off. In the last week of June even the Manas Sarovar yatra was also held hostage due to crisis. China side was adamant on no talks till army is withdrawn.  Next was Chinese media suggest they taking similar measures for India-Pakistan issue on Jammu Kashmir. War cries were daily written in Chinese daily. India reminded of loss during 1962. How China is worried about Malabar exercise. How Hindu nationalism adding to India’s outrage over China.

On the Indian side defence minister Arun Jaitley confronted 2017 isn’t 1962.  Taking quick u-turn China did speak to NSA Ajit Doval however nothing constructive came out. China did restrict the Manas Sarovar yatra via Nathu la pass in Sikkim however the pilgrimage through Lipulekh Pass in Uttarakhand continued as scheduled. Common people of India did call off for China Boycott, effectiveness to be assessed only after Deepawali. India did assure China Malabar exercise was not directed at third country.

However more remarkable in MEA Sushma Swaraj speech in parliament where she categorically mentions India is for peace. Strictly mentions war isn’t solution. She stressed upon maintaining decorum, temperance in language is a must. India is ready for dialogues & expects simultaneous retribution of both India & PLA army from Doklam.

Let’s look at the other war which is hanging on China’s head, North Korea vs USA. On the ground China is the only major country with which NK has political, economical & defense relations. With NK threatening to attack on US military base in Guam and US president responded such threats will be dealt with fire & fury. This surely puts china on dock. China has clarified it will pitch into war if US attacks first & NK is forced to go defensive.

Surely Chinese foreign ministry is working overtime to defuse the situation. They are dealing with two hot heads,  Kim Jong vs Donald Trump. In this case can they afford another skirmish with India? At times when India is becoming trusted allay of USA. Also note that Japan is supporting USA which has its own territory issue with China.

Considering gravity of the nuclear weapon clashes, China needs face saved over Doklam  more than India & Bhutan. China may have agreed to back off by 100m however this is yet to be confirmed by official channels. Going by this India has won round 1 in the tug of war!!

Doklam Dummies: Why China Can’t Invade India… Directly!


“It is not a soldier’s weapon but his courage that achieves victory in battle.”

Since its creation in 1949, the People’s Republic of China has always been paranoid. Why?

The deep insecurity of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) over their counterparts in Taiwan. The power-hungry CPC had to establish its grip over the vast population of the nation, and quickly. So started the autocratic government controls over every aspect of a Chinese citizen’s life from before conception to death. Where to live, what to think/read/talk/do, how many children… all as per a dystopian rulebook.  Despite all these controls, the CPC was still not feeling secure. And they finally arrived at the one inevitable conclusion of all tyrants–stoke nationalistic (read as “support for rulers”) fervour among the citizenry through threats of external aggression and hopes of territorial expansion. After all, which impoverished person is not afraid of foreigners and does not want more land…! But, war meant more taxing of citizens, and the CPC was scared of pushing the people any further. The trick was to go to war sustaining minimum damage but achieving maximum land. The answer: Unarmed Tibet!

The Chinaman’s love for walls is well known. What wall could be better than the planet’s tallest wall—the Himalayas! The CPC has always dreamt of capturing all of Himalayas and converting it into China’s very own Great Southern Wall with India. Besides being an impregnable security barrier, the Himalayan glaciers would also provide control of all the great rivers flowing into South Asia and South-East Asia. For this “Great Wet Dream”, the CPC needed to capture:

  • The sovereign nations of Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan
  • The Indian states of Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh
  • The Indian territories of West Bengal Hills and Assam Hills

In 1950, the CPC invaded unarmed Tibet! After annexing the pacifist nation and murdering meditating monks, Chinese “soldiers” felt all puffed up.

In 1962, the CPC invaded unprepared India! After throwing 100,000 Chinese soldiers on 10,000 Indian jawans, CPC withdrew following the threat of US (JFK, not Nixon, of course!) entry into the war supporting India.

In 1965, the CPC tried to capture Kashmir by getting Pakistan to wage war with India, but this too failed.

In 1967, the CPC tried to annex the tiny kingdom of Sikkim, but lost after 80 jawans killed off 400 Chinese soldiers.

In 1971, the CPC tried to capture Meghalaya, Tripura and West Bengal Hills through its bedfellow West Pakistan, but ended up losing the whole nation—and the birth of a new nation called Bangladesh!

In 1975, when the CPC again tried to sneak into Sikkim, the kingdom joined India as its 22nd state. The CPC was most upset!

All these repeated failures against India drained China’s resources and citizens’ patience. This scared the CPC into opting for a more indirect approach to its “Mission Capture Himalayas” fantasy. The Chinese military had learnt its lesson—the Indian jawan can never be defeated in battle again. So, in 1978, the CPC changed strategy from militaristic to economic expansionism and adopted a new Constitution in 1982 (32 years after India’s Constitution). Now, they tried the indirect (Sun Tzu) way—“psychologically scare the enemy”. For this, they captured (by bribery and/or blackmail) a large group of Indian politicians (Leftists, Congress), senior bureaucrats (diplomats, military chiefs), journalists (print, TV, online) and other opinion leaders, and made them cook up a false image of an all-powerful Chinese military machine (quite like the “scary” plastic dragon used in Chinese dragon dance) and feed it to the Indian population steadily over a generation. With strict control over China’s media, the CPC unwaveringly pushed this illusion—a carefully manipulated perception—for the last 35 years, just like it manipulates China’s currency for trade advantages. All the while, the CPC has halved the number of fighting men and doubled their firepower—knowing fully well that these “dummy” soldiers from China’s one-child families are unfit for face-to-face bloody combat.

This CPC long-con has outlasted even the long-con of the Soviets and it yielded fruits when the CPC propped up the “South China Sea Scarecrow” with feisty Vietnam and Philippines. Emboldened by this naval victory against ASEAN neighbours, the CPC has now turned towards its one real challenger in the region—India—the nemesis of its “Operation Capture Himalayas” daydream. Ergo, the “Doklam Scarecrow” bluff. Now, the problem with bluffing is that it lasts only until someone calls it. NSA Ajit Doval knows that if India backs off from Doklam, Bhutan and Nepal will surrender to China in quick succession. Next, Pakistan would attack Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, while China would simultaneously invade Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and West Bengal Hills (the GJM unrest is already an indication of a foothold situation). Of course, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not going to back off. The longer he digs in, the greater the chances of Bhutan joining India as its 30th state (just like Sikkim in 1975). There is no downside for India, but only downsides for China. And, for smoke-and-mirrors illusionist Xi Jinping, the deadline is 1st October 2017—his re-election day!

The CCP knows that the vast Tibetan frozen desert, the Himalayas, the Karakoram and the Hindukush mountains make it impossible to sustain a long conventional war with India. Prime Minister Modi has also proactively placed the NAVIC global positioning satellite system to watch over the borders 24×7. In the extremely unlikely scenario that war does break out…

  • India’s mountain fighting forces as well as the Airforce enjoy the home-ground advantage (i.e., strong supply lines) in defending the south side of the Himalayas.
  • Japan and Israel will provide weapons and munitions support.
  • Bangladesh and Nepal will provide logistical support.
  • The US may provide diplomatic backing.

Inevitably, the PLA will lose, and lose miserably if their incursion stretches beyond two weeks. China’s defeat against India will immediately embolden the ASEAN littorals to reclaim their lost territory and national pride.

Albeit, CPC’s agents in India and abroad will repeatedly remind Indian citizens of 1962 and the “Almighty Han Forces” to “deceive and dishearten the enemy” like Sun Tzu, carefully projecting the scary plastic dragon, hiding its empty insides.

And the CPC junta—obsessed with their Go gameboards and ancient “glory”—will move on to propping up other scarecrows in Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Sikkim and West Bengal Hills. The futile “Mission Capture Himalayas” game will continue…

Remember: When it comes to the Chinese, it may look like a duck, quack like a duck,
and may even swim like a duck, but it is NOT a duck, just a f…!

Follow the given teachings and become Darling of Indian Liberals


Dear all, given below are the verses to recite to become darling of Indian liberals. You can also call it as ‘Stranger’s guide to Indian Lieralism’:

Muhammad; who enslaved thousands of jew women by killing their husbands is secular.
Shree Krishna who rescued the enslaved women and gave them respect by marrying them is communal.

Demand for Babri Mosque is secular.
Demand for Ram Mandir is communal.

Inquilab Zindabad is secular.
Vande Mataram is communal.

Hate and big moustache is secular.
Saffron robes are communal.

Celebrating EID on streets by blocking traffic is secular.
Kanwariya precession on streets is communal.

Murders of RSS workers is secular.
Lynching of Cow Smugglerd is communal.

Visiting Gyanvapi mosque is secular.
Ganga Aarti is communal.

Supporting INC is secular.
Supporting BJP is communal.

Asaduddin Owaisi is secular.
Yogi Adityanath is Communal.

Bashirat riots secular.
2002 riots communal.

Follow this principles and be a darling of ’emminent’ ‘seculars’.

Pakistan’s Panama Verdict and Mental Constipation of India’s ‘Intellectuals’


Pakistan’s Prime Ministerial post is like that of ‘Defence Against Dark Arts’ post of Hogwarts; cursed by its own ‘He who must  not be named’ -The Army. Keep with the tradition of not letting any of its PM complete his full term; Nawaz Sharif was ousted by Pakistan’s Supreme Court.

The condition for disqualification was that mentioned in Article 62/63 of Pakistan’s constitution; added by then Dictator Zia ul Haq. It sets high the Morality Criteria for  Civilians to hold the highest positions. The verdict invited much criticism from the International Diaspora terming it as Indirect Military coup. Any sane person would understand this that it was not about the justice being served; but not some self declared champions of ‘Intellectualism’ from India.

The tweet by a so-called liberal

I am here posting the tweets of two ’eminent’ ‘secular’ ‘liberal’ ‘intellectuals’ without any comment. You can judge from that:

So some of the ‘blessed with monopoly over intellectualism’ souls of our country used this verdict to thrash the current establishment. Suddenly Pakistan’s judiciary which hanged its own Prime Minister; which never took any action against its Army Generals which were  involved into High-scale corruption and Genocide, too became a very much independent one.

I mean they didn’t even care to take into consideration various editorials written on the verdict criticising Pakistan’s Military for it in Various ‘Elitist’ newspapers like WSJ, FP, Economic Times; which these souls regard as Bible. In fact, Nawaz Sharif hasn’t even been probed; the accusations on him arent even proved; but our intellectuals have ‘probed and sentenced’ those Indians who have  alleged to be named in those papers.

And funny thing is Panama Papers aren’t even considered to be genuine by many of the people in International Community. But  who would  explain this to these souls who have been driven by an agenda to  oppose each and everything that this government does.

Sometimes I feel the constant win of Modi will one day drive this people crazy. They will go to any extent to criticise him and his actions. The tranquility and hostility of these souls towards current establishment will never end but we surely can expose them wherever needed.

Article 35A- A clear example of subversion of democratic credentials of India


Article 35A is the most controversial Article, or it can be better called as “the worst form of treachery”, in the history of India.

I call it the worst form of treachery because the then ruling party in India twisted the entire rules and procedures in continuation of the policy of appeasement, of a few, at the cost of the entire country. This appeasement policy, which was followed during that time, was resulted in the worst form of discrimination by the powerful political class of that time.

The seeds, of separatists’ tendency, were sowed in the heart of the people of the state, especially of the valley, via this Article. The insertion of article 35A created obstacles in the complete integration of Jammu and Kashmir with the entire country.

It is important to note here that Article 35A, which was supposed to be added between Article 35 and Article 36 by any parliamentary procedure was not added there. Neither it was in the list of constitutional amendments. Instead it was mentioned in the Constitution of India as appendix and it is still there. It is surprising that an important amendment was missed from the main body of the constitution though it has been implemented on the ground. It is important to mention here that had this Article been there in the main body of the constitution, it surely would have been challenged.

The worst part was that the said Article was passed through without even involving the parliament, which has the presence of democratically elected individuals in whom people have put their faith. The said Article was passed through the presidential ordinance route. So, it has remained out of the purview of judicial scrutiny for so long and it has never been challenged for the last six decades.

Jammu and Kashmir, or more specifically Kashmir, has been the problematic area because of its handling from the day the India has acceded to the state. The presidential order dated May 14, 1954 amended the constitution of India in a clandestine manner to subvert the democratic credentials of the country that requires the involvement of people’s representative in any amendment.

As per the clearly laid down provision, in the constitution of India in Article 368, any Article can be amended only by the parliament yet the same has not been invoked in the case of 35A. It is difficult to understand what propelled the then government to add this Article secretively and subverting the democratic functioning of India. Though it is clearly mentioned in the constitution of India that the President of India does not have the power to make amendments in the constitution but in this case the President overstepped his authority and the parliamentary form of governance was taken for granted.

Though the 1954 order mention that the order was issued “in exercise of powers conferred by clause (1) of Article 370 of the Constitution, with the concurrence of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir” yet it is important to mention here that the constitution does not give unbridled power to the president to amend the constitution of our country. The validity of any presidential ordinance is of six weeks, unless it would be extended by the parliament, yet this case is quite peculiar, wherein all laid down procedures and rules were violated.

It is important to mention here that this particular amendment is not mentioned in the text of the main body of the constitution so it remained obscured from audit. Another important thing is that this amendment does not find place even in the list of amendments and also it was not the part of the original constitution adopted by the constituent assembly on 26th November, 1949. Therefore, it can be construed that this amendment is a clear case of blatant misuse of political power enjoyed by Delhi and only one Kashmiri.

The provision of 35A, on the one hand, clearly epitomes the brazen treachery, on the other it propelled discriminatory practices not only towards the residents of Jammu and Kashmir itself but also with the citizens of the entire country. Under this provision, the state is empowered to distinguish between permanent and non-permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir; confer special rights and privileges on permanent residents of the state and; deprive others from employment, acquisition of property, scholarship right and settlement in the state.

Though this Article is presented as correct and out of the purview of judicial scrutiny, yet it is essential that this secretively amended Article must pass through judicial scrutiny to establish its validity. I really feel strange how the incumbent CM of Jammu and Kashmir was quite antagonised and even threatened that no one will hold the Indian tricolour flag in the Kashmir valley if Article 35A is tinkered with. Though such pressures can work in an autocratic rule but it would not work in a democratic country like ours. Also, the judiciary is there in our country, which is very well equipped to take decisions on such a matter of national importance.

It is widely acknowledged fact that one should fight against injustice otherwise it will perpetuate; the same became true when an NGO named ‘We the Citizens’ challenged the tenability of this Article in 2014. It sought to strike down this controversial Article as it has not been inserted via due parliamentary process of amending the constitution. Another organisation that has challenged the validity of this Article in the Supreme Court is Jammu and Kashmir Study Centre. The Apex Court of the country has issued notice to the state government and the union government in this matter.

The other discussion, which is going round in this context, is that a handful of people consider that it is BJP’s agenda of saffronisation. I feel it has become fashionable to put the blame squarely on RSS and BJP for everything and every event is seen with the lenses of saffronisation. Even if something has to be set right and legal course of action is to be taken for it, it is considered the saffronisation agenda. Such rhetoric is out of context in this matter and I believe that it is the right thing to challenge the validity of such Article and undo the wrong done in the history.

I also think when other parts of the country do not put such restrictions on the residents of Jammu & Kashmir, why should they be restricted in Jammu & Kashmir. I think such Article bolster the people to talk about India and Kashmir as two separate entities though Kashmir is not separate from India but it is an integral part of India. I do consider that abolishing of this Article will actually help in complete integration of Jammu & Kashmir with India.

At last, it can be said that Kashmir has remained a problematic area because it was not handled as dextrously as other states of India. Calling Article 35A a special status in itself is controversial as the backdoor route was adopted by the then Congress Government in 1954. The specialty of this provision is not special status, but the commission of treachery in the history of a democratic country. By any logic, the people of India, who have shown faith in the constitution, should not have been kept in dark.

The worst part is that the said Article has remained in the constitution till today. I think that the then government should have dealt with Jammu & Kashmir issue cautiously but instead of caution the secrecy route was taken. Also, the implementation of this Article resulted in deprivation of lakhs of Indian citizens from Justice (social, economical and political) and equality of status and opportunity.

The most vital feature of our constitution i.e. fraternity is also compromised to a great extend due to this Article. Further, this Article is the blatant violation of Article 14 which states “Equality before law”; Article 15 “Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth”; Article 16 “Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment” and; Article 21A “Right to Education”. Continuation of this provision is like giving sword into the hands of unruly dictator.

If the said Article is not abrogated the discriminatory practices will continue and the state will be ruled by oligarchy. The deprived sections in Jammu& Kashmir will not have their rightful place in it. This Article is the clear case of violation of Article 13 also which states that “Law inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights”.

The Supreme Court of India has recently pulled up the Modi Government for taking ordinance route and has categorically observed that “the ordinance making power is not a parallel source of legislation” and the ordinance route is the “subversion of democratic legislative processes”. The top court of the country has also stated that ordinance are to be essentially placed before legislatures under the mandatory provisions of the constitution and failure to do so is tantamount to “serious constitutional infraction and abuse of the constitutional process”.

Therefore, this Article must be abrogated by the Apex Court. I believe that judiciary will deliver justice not only to the people (including West Pakistan refugees, women, SCs, etc.) living in Jammu & Kashmir, who have been deprived of their basic rights because of this draconian Article, but also to the citizens of the rest of the country.

Curious case of Hamid Ansari


The ex vice president of India if hardly known for making any reconciliation speeches in the past. He was finally elected to the post of the Vice president where he was supposed to be the VP for all Indians, irrespective of their caste, faith, political belief or ideologies. With such an honor bestowed upon him, instead of making any tangible impact on the society he reduced himself to be a mouthpiece of of community, that too with a very narrow mindset.

The headed the upper house, so called “Federation of Anarchist” which disgusted him, but not the fruits and perks that came with him. This is not the first time he has reduced himself to be a spokesman of one community with such a narrow mindset. I purposely refuse to use the word minority here because minority does not mean only Muslims. So saying he is representing concerns of minority would be a great injustice to our fellow citizens. Amit Shah who is one of the greatest nemesis of the opposition today is a Jain, also a minority but instead of feeling insecure he is making his opponents uneasy.

Somewhat around two years back speaking at 50th anniversary of Majlis-e-Mushawarat he clearly expressed his views on how Islam crosses borders of India and Muslims in India. this belief of larger Ummah will always contradict when it comes to making tough choices for your country, in such a battle Ummah will always win. In his speech he talked about what state needs to do to uplift the community and how its duty of the state to ensure the betterment of the community, what it lacked however was a thought of what the community needs to do for the nation and for themselves. It is upon the community to realize if he is a true leader who keep on reminding you only of your rights but not your duties. Full text of his speech can be read here.

Even as a VP his majority of views were either on one society or one language (Urdu). His work being published in portals/websites on one particular community only. He expressed his pain on the state of Urdu calling its condition like a homeless person, but what he did in reality for betterment of it is not much known.

Tough the criticism of the Ex-VP should not be seen as criticism of the whole community but it is important that the prominent voices from the community respectfully submitting their opinion on if Mr. Ansari is their voice when he says that the country not safe for them anymore. The absence of such voice from within the community itself makes peaceful, patriot Indian Muslims irrelevant to the likes of him.

The narrative over past few days have been based on a rhetorical statement made by ex VP, which escalated very quickly in a Hindu-Muslim issue. What was brushed under the carpet was why was the upper house adjourned and Lokpal bill could not see light of the day. It was a rare case when Honorable members were ready to sit thought the night for a debate. While many newspapers/media houses talk about his long and illustrious career as a diplomat, no one talks his failure to be not even concern about abduction of two Indian Operatives in Iran. (courtesy R.K Yadav – Mission R&AW). This was a case when the person who was duty bound to assist the people risking their life for the nation decided to do nothing. Again was it due to his love for the Ummah or towards the Nation. Only him would know better.

The last thing I would say is, this is not the last of him which we have seen. The couplet he read in his farewell speech makes it amply clear that he has no love lost for the current dispensation and he would use the rest of his time to tell about the broken love affair.

Women aint no hashtags!

A hashtag. Every movie you see, every food you eat, every festival, every emotion, every relationship, every person is a hashtag. Everything is condensed into two words and prefixed with a “#” symbol, a symbol which had little or no meaning before social media took over our lives. Before you outrage, another thing that has taken over our lives in the post social media world, I have no issues with the “hashtag-isation” of our lives, but some things cant be turned into a hashtag, because it sometimes loses its essence, its beauty, its meaning.

One such hashtag that recently surfaced, on social media was “#Aintnocindrella”. It was meant to be an appeal to not be judged for our choices and our gender. But after reading some of the responses to this campaign by prominent personalities, I believe it ended up doing quite the opposite. The people who ran this campaign ended up turning it into a charade, much like the torch-bearers of feminism, who instead of celebrating everything that women can do and have been doing over the centuries, have reduced it to a mundane we-can-do-what-men-do argument.

An Emmy nominated journalist wrote, “I am so tired of Beti, Behen, Ma – Labels. I dont want to be your sister, mother, wife or daughter for my rights”, followed by #Aintnocindrella. So being called Ma is somehow a bad thing? The powers that be, have bestowed upon us women, this ability to create and nourish life. This ability to create another human and nourish him with our own blood. Isn’t that the most empowering thing. The ability to create life, second only to god himself. Yet it was made to look as if it is a unnecessary label that weighs women down. Another padma-awardee feminist equated being a mother to satisfying male lust and producing their children, THEIR CHILDREN! The statement was meant to deride a user, who had questioned the mighty varisht patrakaar, but ended up exposing the inherent bias in the woman’s comment. Do children belong only to their fathers? Isn’t that an acknowledgment of the patriarchal structure that these feminists wish to change.

You want to celebrate women. Celebrate the Maa who gives birth because labor is the most excruciating pain in the world. Celebrate the beti who wrestled her way to the biggest sporting event of the world to fulfill her father’s dreams. Celebrate the behen who fought tooth and nail to protect her brother captured by enemies. These titles of maa, behen, beti didn’t bog these women down, they empowered them to fight greater battles. But these women dont feature in these social media campaigns. Reasons, are well, best known by the people who know-it-all, commoners like me can only speculate.

These fancy hashtags dont matter to these women though, but since we do have to come with one, lets come up with one for the ones who come up with these. How about #Aliceinwonderland