Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Seven bye-elections in six states: Takeaways for BJP


Results of the recent seven bye-elections are out. Held following the formation of I.N.D.I.A coalition it was keenly watched by the political analysts and countrymen alike. On the whole, the NDA and I.N.D.I.A constituents retained their tally of 3 and 4 respectively. But the composition of these numbers changed which have good measure of significance.

Of the six states involved, mandates coming from two largely populated states viz., Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal were watched keenly for their possible significance in 2024. The results of Ghosi of UP and Dhupgudi of West Bengal merit close attention. Along side, Dumri in Jharkhand sent a signal. The article discusses significance of these three constituencies in the context of 2024. However, before taking these three,  that some general observations can be made:

BJP must have realized that mere welfarist measures whether free house, or free cooking gas, or electricity connection or drinking water pipes, or free ration, or free Covid vaccine, or pension, or higher MSP, are not enough to win election. Neither good roads, nor new railway tracks, nor high speed trains nor sending Chandrayaan to moon suffice to clinch election. Similarly, great oratory, or mega rallies, or banners or massive doses of TV advertisement, are no guarantees to win elections.

The critical factor is the attitude to understand the voters’ mind and devising the right strategy on that basis. Whether or not BJP is world’s largest party is of little consequence to common people. These self-centricity and self-aggrandisement can rather cause revulsion to them. It is important to listen to the common voter and not indulge in pretending to be ‘omniscient’ and indulge in one-sided communication.

Having said the above, let us look at key shortcomings of BJP’s working style that reflected in its strategy in this round of bye-elections:

The first case is that of Ghosi in Uttar Pradesh:

Going by several social media reports, this bye election was needlessly caused. Two factors seemed to have led to it. First, the ministerial aspiration of the BJP candidate who had resigned from Samajwadi Party and defected to BJP to pursue his aspiration and BJP leadership agreeing to accommodate him because it saw an opportunity to spread its influence over a particular caste in the state by welcoming him in its fold. The party overlooked the issue of his competence.

The whole election centred on caste-politics. This was in serious breach of ‘good governance’ model of Yogi Adityanath. His very approach has been to retrieve the state from the evil grip of caste politics. While his tireless efforts have been bringing results and uniting people under the banner of good governance, such needless disturbances were bound to hurt BJP’s image. No surprise, people gave a decisive mandate against BJP. Its candidate was defeated comprehensively. Many BJP voters, frustrated by party’s style, seemed to have voted for NOTA.

Hopefully, Ghosi will open eyes of BJP top leadership and dissuade it from indulging in caste politics in 2024 LS polls. Though euphemistically labelled as Chanakya niti by sections of the party and media, this has become largely counterproductive since UP, under Yogi regime, has made considerable transition from that in favour of development politics.

In nutshell, it may make sense not to drive the state again in the abyss of caste politics in 2024 LS polls and leave the matter of candidate selection to state leadership. The party must realise that it cannot take any risk in UP which is expected to be its main pillar in 2024.

Second case is of Dumri constituency in Jharkhand:

The pattern of voting in Dumri has cast serious doubts about the merit of PASMANDA politics of the party. BJP-supported AJSU candidate had a good chance against JMM (I.N.D.I.A camp) but lost plausibly due to consolidation of Muslim votes in favour of the latter. In 2019, JMM’s victory margin was 34,288. In this bye election the AJSU candidate gave tough fight, narrowed the gap and lost by 17153 votes. That she could not make it may arguable be linked to minority Muslim votes swerving to the JMM candidate in a big way.

On her way to victory, the JMM candidate got crucial help from Muslim voters even ahead of the AIMIM candidate. Significantly, the vote for AIMIM shrunk by 20660 in this bye election compared to last assembly polls held in 2019. To many analysts, this was a display of tactical voting by minority which can potentially find replication in 2024.    

Empirically speaking since bulk of minority voters have been found to be more politically conscious making maximum use of voting rights tactically, the BJP is likely to face tough challenge in coming Lok Sabha polls unless it gets its core voters to come out in large numbers and cast their votes. This brings us to the case of another bye-election.

The third case is of Dhupgudi in West Bengal:

BJP had won this seat in 2019. It fell vacant due to untimely death of its MLA. In the normal course, it should have benefitted from sympathy factor and was expected to retain it. But it lost to ruling Trinamool. This defeat was more significant as it came despite the ruling party having been embroiled with numerous corruption charges.

Further, the presence of a common candidate of two other major contesting parties viz., Congress and CPM both of whom formed the I.N.D.I.A group along with the Trinamool was expected to work in favour of BJP. But it did not. Not only BJP lost but its vote share dipped from nearly 46 % in 2019 to  around 44.5 % in this bye election. What went wrong for BJP?

The state polls in 2021 had showed a gigantic rise in BJP’s vote share in West Bengal from nearly 10.16% in 2016 to 37.97%. Its voters were essentially from religious majority, and they expected BJP to give them relief from the ‘anti-democratic’, and  ‘minority appeasement’ policies of the ruling party. BJP’s promise of giving citizenship to large numbers of refugees under CAA had also contributed to its success.

However, despite a huge surge of votes in BJP’s favour, the centre’s failure to protect BJP’s voters from prolonged and severe post-poll violence unleashed by the ruling party in the state, its procrastination to implement CAA and its soft-handling of multiple corruption cases against the ruling party leaders seem to have been frustrating its voters in the state. Dhupgudi seems to reflect their accumulated concerns.


A discussion of the bye election results therefore point out to the grave challenge  the BJP led NDA would face in 2024 unless they can motivate their voters enough to turn up and vote in view of strategic consolidation of minority votes against them. The disenchantment seen growing in West Bengal seems to be present in several other states as well in varying measures.

BJP’s core voters expectations on multiple issues such as Uniform Civil Code, Population Control, Abolition of Hindu Temple Control, Abolition of Places of Worship Act, Modification of Wakf Property Act and more such lie completely untouched even at the end of 9 years of NDA regime. In the circumstances  it remains to be seen how does the party handle the challenge of bringing its voters out of home to the polling booth!

Ghosi in UP, Dumri in Jharkhand and Dhupgudi in West Bengal have sent alarm signals to BJP. If it takes lessons from these mandates, it should show up in forthcoming state polls. That will possibly be the last chance before 2024 knocks at the door.

AIADMK-BJP alliance, story of Hiranyakashipu and Prahlad embodiment – Annamalai, Next versus Best


The mythological story of Hiranyakashipu and Prahlad is well known to everyone in Bharat, especially those who follow the essentials of Sanadana dharma. Hiranyakashipu was so proud of his strength, valiancy, arrogance and was always spreading atrocities, crime and injustices towards humanity.  We can easily relate the pomp, arrogance and money power intoxication of AIADMK to Hiranyakashipu. 

Yes, indeed, AIADMK was a powerful political force in Tamil Nadu, had ruled the state for several years, had great leaders like MGR and Jayalalithaa. The history and legacy of AIADMK synonymous with corruption and goonda-ism is also well known to the people of the state.  The convictions by not less than the Honorable Supreme Court of India is the proof, that everyone can verify. 

Annamalai in every sense, we can be related to Prahlad, the person of truth, honesty, earnestness, hard-work, dedication, commitment, a true manifestation of Sanadana dharma and above all, the most intelligent political leader ever Tamil Nadu politics has seen. 

Like how Prahlad being the son of Hiranyakashipu, still was a pious, honest and an up-right devotee of Lord Vishnu whom the father Hiranyakashipu always oppose and hate, Annamalai, in spite BJP having an alliance with AIADK, seen as the best leader the state has ever got and people have developed new hope and aspiration on Annamalai and started to think that soon the state will raise to the horizon of development, become corruption free and free of dynastic politics.   

A defining day came to the life of Prahlad and so was in the life of Hiranyakashipu. That was the day Hiranyakashipu not just lost his pride and arrogance but his life as well to Narasimha, one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakashipu mocked, ridiculed and laughed at Prahlad for his age, his impecuniousness and experience of not having a kingdom or never was a king and finally Hiranyakashipu asked Prahlad to show where Vishnu reside.  As a mark of fun, Hiranyakashipu exploded a pillar nearby, then got killed by Narasimha. 

If we look at the arrogant utterances of some of the senior leaders of AIADMK, we can easily find similarity with the arrogance of Hiranyakashipu, before his death from the hands of Narashimha. They are ridiculing Annamalai by citing him, he is too young, never was a MLA or MP, the party has never ruled the state etc. 

Honesty need no age, experience, doesn’t need covetous curriculum vitae, nor need a great leader to reflect.  Truth will run faster than the speed of light which was never known to the state of Tamil Nadu until Annamalai convince the same to people. Excessive display of muscle and money power by AIADMK towards Annamalai shows the fear and restless of AIADMK towards the politics of Annamalai and his gaining popularity and mass appeal.

People of Tamil Nadu see Annamalai as Modi of Tamil Nadu and the vanity bags of DMK and AIADMK will be exposed soon and both parties will vanquish soon from the state. The anger of some leaders of AIADMK towards Annamalai’s popularity is like the unfound anger of Hiranyakashipu towards Prahlad which finally led to the death of Hiranyakashipu. 

People of Tamil Nadu are a bit excited and thankful to Modiji for giving freedom and support to all central agencies to probe the corruption cases against several DMK Ministers. People of the state wants quick, speedy and rapid convictions of many DMK Ministers and only then the trust in our judicial system can be restored. 

Only through such merciless act, all anti-DMK voters can be galvanized towards BJP as people are looking at BJP and not AIADMK as the best option.  AIADMK is hoping the party would be the next option, but people are clear, they do not want next option but best option and that is BJP and Annamalai. 

Annamalai has caused enough and more sleeplessness to AIADMK politically, the central agencies also must do the same to all those corrupt AIADMK leaders for their past corruption charges and only then AIADMK would realize the extrapolation of the past is not going to work in the state, Annamalai and BJP has changed the entire landscape of Tamil Nadu politics.

जब बातचीत और आतंकवाद साथ साथ नहीं तो फिर क्रिकेट और आतंकवाद साथ साथ कैसे?

तुम्हें क्रिकेट में पाकिस्तान को हराना है और BCCI को पैसे कमाना है। तुम्हें खेल का रोमांच चाहिए BCCI को अपना पैसे वाला रुतबा चाहिए। तुम पाकिस्तान को हरा कर खुश हो BCCI पैसे कमा कर खुश है।

परन्तु तुमने क्या तनिक भी सोचा है, की तुम्हारी ये खुुशी और BCCI के झोली में बरस रहे पैसे किसी के बेटे, किसी के भाई, किसी के पति और किसी के बुढ़ापे के सहारे के खुन से सने है।

तुमने जितने समय भी पाकिस्तान के साथ मैच खेला, उतने समय तक तुमने एक आतंकवादी देश को “क्रिकेट खेलने वाले देश के रूप में देखने के लिए विश्व को विवश कर दिया”! अरे कमबख्तों तुम जीत कर भी हार गये वो हार कर भी जीत गये।

ISI और पाकिस्तानी फ़ौज को इससे कोई सरोकार नही की पाकिस्तान क्रिकेट में हारा या जिता, उन्हें तो बस उतने समय से मतलब है जितने समय ये क्रिकेट खेला जाता है और उनके आतंकवाद से लोगों का ध्यान हट जाता है।

हाफिज सइद, दाऊद इब्राहिम, सलाहुद्दीन, लखवी, मौलाना मसूद अजहर जैसे अनगिनत खूंखार अंतर्राष्ट्रीय आतंकवादियों को पनाह देने वाले , कभी पुलवामा, कभी उरी और अब नया जख्म देने वाला आतंकवादी मुल्क पाकिस्तान तुम्हे क्रिकेट खेलने के लिए चाहिए, टकी तुम उन्हें हराकर खुश हो सको, तो जाओ जरा:-
१:- उस मां को भी अपनी खुशी में शामिल कर लो, जिसके बेटे को कल आतंकियों ने बलिदान ले लिया;
२:- उस बहन को भी अपनी खुशी में शामिल कर लो, जिसके भाई का आतंकियों ने बलिदान ले लिया;
३:- उस नारी को अपने खुशी में शामिल कर लो, जिसके पति का आतंकियों ने लहुपान किया और
४:- जाओ उस मां बाप को अपनी खुशी में शामिल कर लो, जिनके बुढ़ापे के सहारे का बलिदान इन आतंकियों ने ले लिया।

क्या तुम उन्हें अपनी खुशी में शामिल ना करोगे।
तुम्हें क्या फर्क पड़ता है, देश के कितने भी वीर जवान अपना बलिदान दे दे, तुम्हारे लिए तो वो सैनिक बनते हि हैँ अपना बलिदान देने के लिए, खैर वो आतंकी कितना भी हमारे देश के जवानों का खुन बहाये, पर तुम क्रिकेट खेलते रहना।

अरे वो तो मां भारती के वीर और निर्भीक सैनिक थे:-

“कर्नल मनप्रीत सिंह ने बुधवार को सुबह ६:४५ बजे आखिरी बार अपने परिवार के सदस्यों से बात की थी! उन्‍होंने कहा था- ‘फिर वापस फोन करेंगे’… लेकिन अब कर्नल का फोन कभी नहीं आएगा!पिछले साल उन्हें उनकी ड्यूटी के लिए सेना मेडल से सम्मानित किया गया था।कर्नल सिंह, १९ राष्ट्रीय राइफल्स के कमांडिंग ऑफिसर थे!
पर तुम्हें क्या तुम आतंकवादी देश के साथ क्रिकेट खेलो।

“जम्मू-कश्मीर में अनंतनाग जिले के कोकेरनाग के ऊंचाई वाले क्षेत्र में आतंकवादियों के साथ मुठभेड़ में सेना के एक कर्नल, एक मेजर समेत तीन सैन्यकर्मी और जम्मू कश्मीर पुलिस के एक उपाधीक्षक ने अपना सर्वोच्च बलिदान दे दिया, जबकि एक जवान लापता है। बलिदानी जवानों के परिवारों के पास अब सिर्फ यादें रह गई हैं।”

पर तुम्हें क्या तुम अपना क्रिकेट खेलो और खुशियां बटोरो।

३४ वर्षीय मेजर आशीष धोनैक के परिवार में उनकी पत्नी और दो साल की बेटी है, जो हरियाणा के पानीपत में रहते हैं! मेजर धोनैक के चाचा ने मीडिया को बताया, “आखिरी बार उनसे टेलीफोन पर बात हुई थी. वह डेढ़ महीने पहले घर आए थे. वह घर बदलने के लिए अक्टूबर में फिर वापस आने वाले थे, लेकिन अब….” निशब्द……

पर तुम्हें क्या तुम क्रिकेट खेलो और आनंद मनाओ।
जम्मू-कश्मीर पुलिस के उपाधीक्षक हुमायूं भट्ट, जम्मू-कश्मीर पुलिस के सेवानिवृत्त महानिरीक्षक गुलाम हसन भट्ट के बेटे थे और काफी खून बहने के कारण उनकी मृत्यु हो गई. भट्ट और उनकी पत्नी ने एक महीने पहले ही एक बेटे का स्वागत किया था। अब उस नौनिहाल को उसके अपने पिता के दर्शन कभी नहीं होंगे……

पर तुम क्रिकेट खेलते रहना।

पुलिस अधिकारी और दो सैन्य अधिकारियों के पार्थिव शरीर अनंतनाग के कोकेरनाग इलाके के जंगलों से बरामद किए गए।

पर कसम है तुम्हें तुम्हारी खुशी और आनंद की अपना क्रिकेट मत छोड़ना, उस आतंकवादी देश के साथ खेलते रहना।

जम्मू कश्मीर के किश्तवाड़ में एक परिवार, भारतीय सेना में शामिल जवान की शादी की तैयारी कर रहा था, लेकिन भाग्य को कुछ और ही मंजूर था। जिस जवान की दिसंबर में शादी होने वाली थी, उस बहादुर ने राजौरी जिले में आतंकवादियों से लड़ते हुए अपना बलिदान दे दिया. इस भारतीय सपूत का नाम था रवि कुमार राणा और वह सेना में राइफलमैन थे।

पर तुम अपना क्रिकेट खेलना जारी रखना।

मेरी समझ में नहीं आता ये गुलामों के खेल में इतनी खुशी कोई कैसे प्रपत कर सकता है, क्रिकेट अंग्रेजों का खेल था और अंग्रेजों के गुलाम आज भी क्रिकेट खेल रहे हैँ और खुश हो रहे हैँ।

आपको बताते चलें कि सुरक्षा बलों पर हुए हमले की जिम्मेदारी आतंकी संगठन लश्कर-ए-तैयबा की शाखा ‘द रेजिस्टेंस फ्रंट’ ने ली है। हमले की जिम्मेदारी लेते हुए उसने कहा कि इस महीने की शुरुआत में पीओके में उसके कमांडर रियाज अहमद (Riyaz Ahmad) की हत्या हुई थी, ये उसी का बदला है। हालांकि अभी भी अनंतनाग में सुरक्षा बलों का एंटी-टेरर ऑपरेशन जारी है।

गैरोल गांव में छिपे आतंकी पाकिस्तान के रहने वाले हैं। एक की पहचान ‘द रेजिस्टेंस फ्रंट’ (TRF) के कमांडर बासित डार तो दूसरे की लश्कर-ए-तैयबा के आतंकी उजैर खान के तौर पर हुई है। प्रतिबंधित रेजिस्टेंस फ्रंट को पाकिस्तान स्थित लश्कर-ए-तैयबा से जुड़ा आतंकी संगठन माना जाता है।

द रेजिस्टेंस फ्रंट जम्मू-कश्मीर में पाकिस्तान द्वारा समर्थित आतंकी संगठन लश्कर ए तैयबा की भारत में एक ईकाई है। अगस्त 2019 में 370 हटने के बाद पाकिस्तान की मदद से लश्कर ए तैयबा ने इस आतंकी संगठन को जम्मू कश्मीर में लॉन्च किया. सबसे पहले इसे ऑनलाइन माध्यम से प्रमोट किया गया उसके बाद वादी में पहले से ही मौजूद तहरीक-ए-मिल्लत इस्लामिया और गजनवी हिंद सहित विभिन्न संगठनों ने घाटी में इसका नेटवर्क बनाने में मदद की।

और ये आतंकी संगठन जख्म पर जख्म दिये जा रहा है। पर तुम्हें क्या तुम अपना क्रिकेट एक आतंकवादी देश के साथ खेलते रहना और उसे मजबूत करते रहना ताकि वो तुम्हारे पैसे के बल पर भारतवर्ष को ऐसे हि घिनौने जख्म देता रहे।

अरे जब बातचीत और आतंकवाद जब साथ साथ नहीं हो सकते तो करमजलो आतंकवाद और क्रिकेट साथ साथ कैसे हो सकता है। क्या तुमने पैसे के आगे शर्म लिहाज सब बेच दिया और बेच दिया हमारे देश के जवानों के बलिदान को, धिक्कार है ऐसे पैसे पर….

एक ओर हमारे देश की जनता अपने देश के जवानों के लिए कुछ भी करने को तैयार हैँ, वही हमारे जवान मां भारती के लिए हर पल सांस लेते हैँ और सांस छोड़ते हैँ, और एक तुम हो जो जनता की भावना और जवानों के बलिदान से खेलते हो “मैदान के अंदर भी और मैदान के बाहर भी”!

हम इन मां भारती के महान सपूतों को अपना शिश नवां कर कोटी कोटी वंदना करते हैँ। आपका यह बलिदान ये देश और यंहा की जनता जनार्दन कभी नहीं भूलेंगे। आप हमारे दिलों में पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी सदैव जिंदा रहेंगे।

भारत के वादियों में बसते रहोगे तुम
देशभक्ति की बयार में बहते बहोगे तुम
हमारे हृदय की हर धड़कन ऋणी है तुम्हारी
हमारे हर भाव में जिंदा रहोगे तुम।।

जय जवान जय किसान
जय हिंद की सेना।
जय मां भारती

Syrian Christians in Kerela: The emerging fault line due to different traditions


The history of Christianity in India began with the arrival of the “Doubting Thomas” better known as Thomas the Apostle, one of the twelve discipline of the Jesus Christ as per the Bible in Muziris (Modern Day Kodungallur in Thrissur District of Kerela) in the year 52 AD.

There he established “Ezharappallika” i.e seven churches or communities in Kodungallur & Palayur in Thrissur District, North Paravur in Ernakulam district, Kokkamangalam in Alappuzha district, Niranan & Chayal in Pathanamthitta district and the city of Kollam (Old Name Quilon).

It was these seven churches established by Thomas the Apostle that led to the growth of Syrian Christians of Kerala. The Saint Thomas Christian or Syrian Christian in Kerela, employ western liturgical rites of the Syriac Christianity. As per the 2011 Indian Census, the total Christian population in Kerela was 19.19% and out of this the Syrian Christian make 70.73%. 

Christian Division in Kerela

The Syrian Christians of Kerela reiterate to the traditions of St. Thomas, which were different from the traditions of St. Peters adopted and followed by Rome and thereafter enforced by the Pope on all Christians worldwide. It was not until the “Synod of Diamper” introduced by the Portuguese in 1599 that the Christians of Kerela were brought under Rome. Rome thus recognized the Syro-Malabar and Syro-Malankara liturgical rites alonge with its universally practiced Latin Rite.

The two sects are different from one another, the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church based out of Kakkannad, Kochi follows the East Syriac rites while the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church based out of Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram follows the West Syriac Rite.

The Syro-Malabar Church used the same vestment for its clergymen as Rome has approved, which is greatly influenced by the Roman Civilization and uses the Latin rite for liturgical purposes with minor differences, the Syro-Malankara has been using its orthodox vestments as is now a part of the Eastern Church.

Reforms in the Second Vatican Council

The Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, or more commonly known as the second Vatican council was the 21stEcumenical council of the Catholic Church. The council which started on October 11, 1962 under Pope John XXII closed three years later on December 8, 1965 under Pope Paul VI. Though the Catholic Church is known for its rigid conservative approach, the second Vatican council shows that reforms were possible in this rigid institution. 

Among the major reforms, women no longer had to cover their hair in Church, the Holy Mass (Prayer Service done in the Church) could not be done in local vernacular languages and not in Latin, so that people could understand and participate in the prayer services. The Alter, which until now, back faced people, was turned around to face the people, and this has become a major point of contention today between Rome and the Syro-Malabar Church. Though the Catholic Chruch in the Council made a declaration of Religious Liberty, it laid silent on the issue of Divorce, contraceptives and abortion. 

Politics over Christian Divisions

The Pinarayi Vijayan government envisaged a legislature to resolve the contention raised by the 2017 Supreme Court of India order, granting the Syro-Malankara church control over 1100 church and parishes in Kerela, while declaring that the Jacobite’s had no legal basis to content for ownership over any of the church. While the Jacobites have welcomed the Vijayan Government’s  move to introduce a legislature, the Syro-Malankara Chruch finds the legislature, a devious move to the alter the judgement of the Supreme Court of India. 

The Jacobite faction arose in 1912 out of a dispute within the Syro-Malankara Chruch over the issue of whether it should be under the Syriac rite based in Antioch (Modern Day Antakya, Turkey) or be Independent. The Jacobite’s argued for communion with the Antiochian Patriarchate, the more orthodox faction, argued for its independence. The Supreme Court’s Verdict in 2017 did not resolve the problem, and the situation went from bad to worse. Due to Instances of Violence in bigger churches such as Piravom and Kakkannad in Ernakulum in Ernakulum District, Police has to intervene to maintain law and order. The District Collector has to take control of the churches and hand over the keys to the Kerala High Court. 

As the Supreme Court of India came down heavily on the state government for non-implementation of its verdict, the state government was in the same dilemma as a few months later it will be in the Sabarimala verdict. The Government of Kerala decided to talk to both the parties but to no benefit and finally decided to end the stalemate by bringing in a new legislature in the Legislative Assembly of Kerala.

Police Intervening in Kochi to maintain Law and Order. Courtesy Photo: The South First 

Punnadath Rajeev, the then Law Minister of Kerala briefed the LDF (Left Democratic Front) State Committee that the new legislature in violation of the Supreme Court Judgement would allow each faction to exercise its right to worship in churches. While the Supreme Court’s verdict was based on the interpretation of the 1934 Malankara Church Constitution.

In February 2023, the Jacobite faction told the Supreme Court that a bill prepared by the Kerala Law Reforms Commission chaired by Justice (Retd) K.T Thomas is pending before the Government of Kerala, replying to this the Orthodox Syro-Malankara stated that the Government of Kerala had made it clear that it had no such intension, while the Advocate General of Kerala (Highest Law Officer of the Government) was silent on the matter. 

As this Issues drags with Government of Kerala trying to appease both the factions, on August 17, 2023 Catholics under the Syro-Malabar church burned an order from Archbishop Cyril Vasil, Delegate of the Pope. Archbishop Cyril Vasil was appointed by the Vatican to find a solution to a decade-old liturgy dispute, had threatened the priests, bishops and non-clergy persons with excommunication if they fail to comply with the Latin rite rules of serving the Holy Mass.

To this out of the 328 parishes only 6 complied with the Synod-approved uniform mode of Rome, the remaining stuck to their traditional Convention leaving the Vatican Red Faced and Embarrassed. The Crux of the matter is protracted controversy, wherein the synod-approved liturgy (Latin Rite of the Rome) asks priests to face the people while offering the Holy Mass, the Syro-Malabar Catholics refused to follow this Vatican Council II Rules and adhere to their own traditional norms of facing the alters during the Holy Mass. There seems to be no solutions and the Syro-Malabar catholic church stands in open defiance to the Pope, looking to be an independent church.

Connecting the Dots

While the History of Christianity in Kerala is as old as Christ itself, the almost 20% Christian population of Kerala is a fragmented group each having acrimonious relations with each other. The Church usually divided between the Catholic and the Protestants, in Kerala is seeing new variation with factions within factions. The Eastern Church, the Protestants, the Catholic are themselves not in order and infighting between these groups over traditions and conventions are only increasing.

The Religious-Socio demography of Kerala is getting more and more complicated with more than 50% Hindus divided among themselves into various sects and factions, while around 25% Muslims also share the fruits of fragmentation. These factionalisms have been known for long, and the Politics of Kerala has adopted to this, but this increasing factionalism among the Christian might look an internal issue as of now, but with time it will have larger socio-political and economic repercussions. 

Vjay Paul is the former Director of Policy Innovation Lab and a Public Commentator on Policy Issues.

When Dr Shashi Tharoor lies in lucid English

The readers are requested to visit this recent YouTube link,, before reading the article. This article is restricted to the opening remarks of Dr Shashi Tharoor in this link. Dr Tharoor made a narrative that was full of blatant lies and unsubstantiated bla..bla..bla.

Firstly, as opposed to the belief of Dr Tharoor, our country was very much divided on the basis of ideology, that was the ideology of a religion. India was divided on the basis of a religious ideology that teaches to divide the world into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb; the religious ideology that teaches to divide the human beings into Momin and Kafir, where Kafir are hell-going sub-human to be converted or put under Dhimmitude or killed.

The religious ideology that publicly cries in loud speaker across India five times a day “There is no God but Allah”; the religious ideology where “Ishwara Allah Tero Naam” is Shirk (associating any other God with Allah), that is, worst form of crime to be punished by death, – can easily escape the consideration of Dr Tharoor.

These exclusive, violent and cruel teachings are still in operation among the followers of that religion in India. And Dr Tharoor dreams to be inclusive with them. Dr Tharoor can’t be called an ignorant person about that religion, but he was definitely lying for his narrow political gain and this political narrowness of the Congress party has brought India to the present stage.

Dr Tharoor’s sermon to the nationalist Hindus about “inclusiveness” is like carrying coal to Newcastle. But this inclusiveness of nationalist Hindus is against the Islamization of India. Muslims took away Pakistan when they were about 24.5 percent of the total population of British India. Now they have again become 18-20 percent of India’s population (because of high breeding rate and illegal infiltration from neighbouring countries) and hence is their violently dominating restlessness.

It is 100 percent a lie that those who fought for Pakistan had left India and migrated there after partition. While all 28 Muslim seats in the Central Legislative Assembly of Madras Province were won by Muslim League in 1945-46 elections, very few South Indian Muslims migrated to Pakistan. Same was the case with Bengal and Assam. However, a good proportion migrated from UP, Bihar, CP and Delhi. Maximum Muslim migration to Pakistan was from Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat. So, a larger section of present-day Indian Muslims carries that Muslim League DNA. Not surprisingly Indian Union Muslim League has been an ally of Congress party and Rahul Gandhi finds it a secular party.

So as per Dr Tharoor, to make independent India inclusive, about 35 million of Muslims (about one-third of British India’s Muslim population) were encouraged to remain in India. Nobody cared to remember that 90 percent of those Muslims were staunch Muslim League supporters, who cried “Pakistan ka matlab keya, La Ilaha Illallah” across India during 1945- 47.

Keeping them in India was keeping the DNA of separatist and exclusive Islamic elements in the country. Those Muslims were later further encouraged by the Congress regime to propagate Islamism in India. It was very strange that the learned and wise Congress leaders of the then India were oblivious of the fact that secularism and inclusiveness were antitheses of Islam.

In 2019, to demean BJP government, Dr Tharoor told that he did not want a Hindu Pakistan. This he said because he equated Hinduism with Islam. Was Dr Tharoor’s ignorance about the basic tenants of Hinduism and Islam appalling? No. He knew that, unlike Islam, inclusiveness and tolerance are ingrained in Hinduism. But he was just lying.

Wafa Sultan, a Syrian-American medical doctor, writer, and critic of Islam in her book A God Who Hates said, “No one can be a true Muslim and a true American simultaneously”. This applies to Indian Muslims also because of the universal Islamic teaching of exclusiveness. Islam rejects nationhood and only accepts Ummah. Even Dr Ambedkar has written about this attribute of Islam.

After eulogising Indian Constitution in a stereotypical manner, Dr Tharoor blamed BJP government for destroying India’s inclusiveness and implicated BJP for one religion, one language, one leader culture, as well as, weaponizing the history for dividing, damaging and wounding the India that existed before 2014. But such bla..bla..bla..without substantiation has downgraded Dr Tharoor’s arguments to the level of street-corner debate only.

However, Dr Tharoor cunningly suppressed the fact that, Constitution-sanctified “Equality-abiding” Congress regime not only cheated Hindus through enacting States Religious and Charitable Endowments Act and Hindu Code Bill, but also tried to crush Hindus by bringing in Anti Communal Violence Bill twice in the Parliament. Congress party staunchly opposed the Ram Janmabhoomi Case in the Supreme Court and fought against abrogation of Article 370, enactment of CAA within Parliament and in public.

On the other hand, Congress regime (1) helped in making Pakistan and Bangladesh for Muslims, (2) remained silent on the failure of Nehru-Liaquat Pact 1950 to sacrifice Hindus of Pakistan (East and West), (3) brought in Article 370 for the Muslims, (4) accorded Hajj subsidy for the Muslims, (5) made Minority Commission for the Muslims, (6) constituted Muslim Personal Law Board for the Muslims, (7) made Ministry of Minority Affairs for the Muslims, (8) legalised and expanded the scope of Wakf Board for the Muslims and (9) gave Minority Institution Status to AMU and Jamia Millia Islamia University for the Muslims.

Again, under Article 30 (1), Muslims were allowed to study Islam in educational institutions. But under Article 30 (A), Hindus were prevented from studying their religion in educational institutions. Against this background, the “Equality-obsessed” Dr Tharoor must introspect rationally.  Dr Tharoor does not feel tired in reminding us the gospel of equality of all Indians before the laws of the country, but he fails to see that his Congress regime had made Indian Muslims more than equal in a systematic and sustained manner.

So far weaponizing history by BJP is concerned, Dr Tharoor had himself accepted in a TV discussion with Shri Vikram Sampath that the deliberate distortions of Indian history were made by the post-independent Congress regime to bring in unity among the people of newly independent India.

Thus, repeated brutal Muslim invasions on India were downplayed and Muslim colonialism (with its Islamization) in India for about 800 years was whitewashed and made to look ‘holier than thou’ by the successive Congress governments. The history of our freedom struggle was also hijacked by the Congress and bestowed all credits on the duo of MK Gandhi and Nehru. The less Dr Tharoor blames BJP for “weaponizing history” is better for him and his Congress party.

Dr Shashi Tharoor is a well-read person. So, when he lies in public forums in favour of Muslims of India, his deep-seated frustration is understood. Because, he can’t tell the truth publicly, which Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad has recently said (after leaving Congress) about the Muslims of India in general and Kashmir in particular. Congress party has become the B-Team of ‘Muslim League’ in past 76 years and Dr Shashi Tharoor is a pole bearer of that anti-Hindu party.

How do Abduls set narrative of India?

(Edited and translated version of the Hindi post of ‘Ex-Muslim Bharat’)

One Indian Abdul had the habit of making railway journeys without tickets. Fortunately, he was never caught and so his courage kept on increasing. Then he started occupying anybody’s seat in the train forcefully. If a protest was made, he manhandled the other person. This way Abdul’s courage was reaching the peak.

One day Abdul entered an air-conditioned railway coach without a ticket and occupied the seat of another gentleman. When the gentleman objected, Abdul resorted to his old habit, abused the gentleman and even threatened him. As these did not work, he started beating the gentleman.

When the gentleman called the Police, Abdul did not get cowed down. By that time TT had also arrived at the spot. The TT asked Abdul to show his ticket. But as Abdul had no ticket, he started to beat around the bush. When the TT asked Abdul to pay fine and the Police tried to arrest him, Abdul thundered,

Where were you when I entered the station?

When I entered this coach, why did you not prevent me?

When I sat in this seat, you did not forbid me!

Now when this person has started to quarrel with me, you are taking his side in the pretext of a ticket?

I don’t have money and I have to go on this train. In that case, will you throw me out of the train?

Where is the JUSTICE?

You need to give me notice prior-hand. I have been traveling by train without a ticket for years. Why did you not see then?

Now, just to side with this man, you are ready to impose fine on me”.

Abdul was in the top gear of his anger. A few more Abduls of the train came forward in support of the original Abdul and started creating ruckus.

They asked “What is this?

This is our train. We have been travelling in it without a ticket for years. We have shed sweat while travelling in this train. Our ancestors gave blood for this train. You are discriminating against ticketless passengers like us.

If you want to give a seat, then give it to all, but you only give seats to passengers with tickets and discriminate against us. You are doing DICTATORSHIP.

Had this man not started the quarrel; would you have come for checking? You are doing everything to support this man only. This is gross injustice.

There is nobody to take care of the poor from minority community. This is injustice.”

Thereafter a few politicians from the cohort of Abdul came. They started claiming that the passengers without tickets had the first right on the railway seats. They were shocked that the railway was intentionally spreading HATRED (Nafrat) between with-ticket and without-ticket passengers.

They would not allow continuation of this game of hatred by the railway. They also resolved that they would make such laws so that all without-ticket passengers would be given seats first and if any more seats were left, those would be given to with-ticket passengers.

The TT and Police were confused and wondered if they made any mistake by trying to impose fine and arrest the passenger without ticket?

Then a new TT with the Police Force came and arrested all passengers without tickets and their supporters. Absolute restlessness fell on the arrested gang.

Since then, the CONSTITUTION, DEMOCRACY, INCLUSIVENESS and SECULARISM are in danger in India.

The matter has not ended there. Meanwhile, Adb al-Zubair has certified the authenticity of the incident in Fault-News after (?)fact-checking. Lately, the intellectual and journalist Abduls (and a few Ayeshas) of India have taken-up the issue of this gross HINDUTVA-WADI injustice against one Indian minority community with Harvard University, OIC and United Nations; wrote articles in The Washington Post; and gave interview in BBC and Al-Jazeera. Audrey Truschke has also joined the gang of Abduls (and Ayeshas) and announced to organise a Seminar in New York on the topic of “Secular and Inclusive Aurangzeb”.

Today Abduls (and Ayeshas) are trying to set NARRATIVE like this about India across the country and the world with direct support from Congress, Communists, and so-called regional secular parties like AAP, SP, BSP, RJD, TMC, JDU, TRS, YSRCP and NCP etc. China, Soros, CIA and ISI have established direct links with Abduls (and Ayeshas) to destroy India, that is Bharat.

The bogy of ‘Hindu terror’ & ‘hate speech’

When will Indians see ‘Taklu Diggi’ of Congress party to start his crying, in the company of the likes of Aziz Burney and Mahesh Ashraf Bhatt, on the non-existence “Hindu Terror” for the 2024 general elections propaganda of the anti-Hindu Congress party? Digvijay Singh refuses to understand that Hinduism and Terrorism are mutually exclusive.

The term “Hindu terror” was first invented and used by the Congress party under its own government in the aftermath of the 2007–2008 Islamic terrorist attacks in Samjhauta Express and Malegaon to defame the BJP as a terrorist organization.

The “Hindu Terror” propaganda of Congress party had the blessings of Sonia Gandhi and was peddled by the top-ranking Congress leaders like Sushil Kumar Shinde, P Chidambaram and Digvijay Singh et al. A prominent reference to “Hindu terrorism” was also made by Congress leader Digvijay Singh in the campaign of 2007 Assembly elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. 

It is a well-known fact that Islamism and Congress have Choli Daman Ka Rishta since pre-independence days. Aziz Burney and Mahesh Ashraf Bhatt are case-studies to explain the malicious nexus between Islamists and Congress party in India. Congress party, even today, thinks that by being anti-Hindu, covertly and overtly, it can win the general elections of 2024 with Muslim votes alone.

Aziz Burney has been a recognized anti-Hindu Urdu journalist and very close to the Congress party. He was an official member of the Indian delegation which accompanied PM Manmohan Singh to France and Egypt during 2009. In December 2010, Burney launched his new book “26/11, RSS Ki Saazish” both in Delhi and Mumbai. To express solidarity with Islamists, the then General Secretary of Congress party Digvijay Singh released the said book at both places. This was happening when the Indian court had given the death sentence to Ajmal Kasab, the lone surviving Pakistani terrorist of 26/11, seven months back.

Mahesh Ashraf Bhatt, the Hindi film director, was born to a Muslim mother and Hindu father. He later converted to Islam and became a very vocal Islamist like all neo-Muslims. He is expert in sugarcoating Islamic Jihad in public forums. His hatred for Hinduism and Hindu nationalism is well known.

The followers of the Congress party fail to see that religion-based terrorism has been the monopoly of the followers of Desert Cult. This community killed, enslaved and converted tens of millions of non-believers in the name of their Sky Daddy through centuries across Asia, Africa and Europe. And surprisingly, those barbaric and violent activities were sanctified by their religious scriptures.

One can understand the Islamic agenda of Aziz Burney and Mahesh Ashraf Bhatt. But how a Hindu Congress leader like Digvijay Singh could become mentally Islamist (remember his Osama-ji and Hafeez-ji?) for political reasons? His politics is for crushing Hindu Dharma? Well, this can happen only in India. The fact of the matter is Hindu religious scriptures do not advocate violence and aggression against non-Hindus. It has no concept of proselytization, apostasy and political expansion. 

To boost-up the self-created and non-existent “Hindu Terror”, the Muslim-centric Congress party has created another lie of “Hate Speech” in collaboration with Islamists. Any criticism of Islam and anti-Hindu activities of the Muslims is labelled as “Hate Speech” by Congress and its cronies. Indian Supreme court has also come forward in October 2022 to support Islamism in India in the guise of preventing / stopping the so-called “Hate Speech”.

The part-time politician and Prince of Congress party, Rahul Gandhi, has taken this fake issue of “Hate Speech” (by Hindus towards Muslims) to another level by opening his God-knows-what imaginary “Mohabbat Ki Dukan”. But in respect of “Hate Speech”, Rahul Gandhi and his Islamist-Leftist gang were deliberately following “Bagal Mein Chhora, Gaon Mein Dhindora”.

During the rule of Congress party under Rajib Gandhi, Metropolitan Magistrate of New Delhi Shri Z.S. Lohat in his judgment of 31 July, 1986, pronounced “With due regard to the holy book of ‘Quran’, a close perusal of the ‘Ayaats’ (verses) shows that the same are harmful and teach hatred and are likely to create differences between Mohammedans on one hand and the remaining communities on the other.” He cited 24 verses of Quran which promoted enmity, ill-will, hatred, deception, fraud, strife, robbery and murder. [Source:].

As an example, in Quran 68:13 Allah reveals about non-believer (Kafir) to be “brute – on top of all that – an illegitimate child”. [Source:]. This is not any random or isolated verse. There are more than two dozen of such uncouth, violent and hatred-filled verses in Quran for the Kafir. Islamic apologists try to side-step those hate-filled verses of Quran for the Kafir by resorting to “context”. But, none of them comes forward in public to disown those verses in today’s context.

To have a better understanding about the violence and hatred-filled anti-Kafir Quranic verses and its legal side in India from 1985 to 2021, one can visit the following link:

Had there been any ‘Hindu Terror’ and ‘Hindu Hatred’ towards non-Hindus, at least one-third of the world would have been Hindu countries today and Congress-Islamist gangs would not have any Mughals or Brits to eulogize. What violence and Shuddhi ceremony (Ghar Wapsi) one sees from Hindu side today in India is reactive in nature. This has developed after centuries of subjugation, conversion, enslavement and destruction of Hindus and their religious places by the Muslims.

Even after getting their Islamic Pakistan from British India 76 years back, the Islamists of independent India got engaged in extracting more Islamic pounds of flesh. Congress, Communist and most of the so-called regional secular political parties are still pampering Muslims and playing the tune of Islamism in India.

The paradigm shift in Indian politics, after independence, came in 2014 when Modi became the Prime Minister of BJP led NDA government at the centre. From day one, Modi started pushing a no-nonsense governance in India. Modi broke the colonial hangover of Congress and its allies in the corridor of power-politics of Lutyens Delhi. Modi revived the Sanatani soul of India and its pride. Days of lavish government funded Iftar parties and Ganga-Jamuni Tehjeeb were gone.

With the rise of Hindutva politics in India from 2014 and its further endorsement by the countrymen in 2019, Islam-centric Congress and its allies have lost the functioning of their brains. They became a lot of wandering political lunatics. With no clue to counter Modi and BJP, they have resorted to foul-mouthing Modi and mock Hindus and Hinduism.

Congress is like an old and dying lion today. Among its two calves, Pappu is a part-time politician, whose only qualification is Familial Entitlement and Pappi is an alcoholic. Though the likes of Digvijay Singh, Jairam Ramesh and Mallikarjun Kharge et al are trying to make the old lion feel like a mane, the hyenas of Islamists, Marxists and Missionaries are nibbling the old lion from all sides.

The first two of the four reasons reported by A K Antony Committee for the debacle of Congress party in 2014 general elections were: (1) the strategy of pitching the Lok Sabha polls as a battle between secularism and communalism, and (2) general perception of minority (Muslim) appeasement by the Congress party. After almost 10 years, Congress has not shifted an inch from its above two attributes.

To score some secular points before 2024 general elections, Congress is now calling its own Ex-PM (1991 to 1996) P V Narasimha Rao a Hindu communal. It also continues with its Muslim appeasement by opposing Ram Janmabhoomi case, abrogation of Article 370 and enactment of CAA.

It fails to accept that Indian politics has changed forever from the Nehru-Gandhian fraudulent Muslim-centric secularism to Hindutva-vadi nationalism. Thus, the more anti-Hindu Congress party, Communist parties and so-called secular regional parties try to be, the more anti-India those become.

‘West Bengal Day’ & minority appeasement

Each year in Odisha state of India, ‘Odisha Day’ is observed on 1 April, the day on which the state was established in 1936. In Bihar, ‘Bihar Day’ is celebrated each year on 22 March, the day on which the state was born in 1912. Similarly, ‘Telangana Day’ is celebrated each year in the state of Telangana on 2 June, the day the state was carved out of Andhra Pradesh and formed in 2014.

In the same manner ‘Jharkhand Day’ is celebrated each year in the state on 15 November, the day on which the state was carved out of Bihar in the year 2000. ‘Maharashtra Day’ and ‘Gujarat Day’ are celebrated on 1 May every year, the day on which both the states were born out of Bombay Province in 1960.

These examples are given to clarify the single reason for which each of these states celebrates a particular day of the year as its ‘State Day’. These days are unique and exclusive for each state. The matter has generated interest, as West Bengal Chief Minister has been contemplating to officially fix a day of the year for celebration as ‘West Bengal Day’. But, stupidly or other-wise, Bongs must be different in their ideas and thoughts from other Indians.

In a recent (29 August, 2023) all party meeting, in the state headquarters of administration, members and intellectuals were invited by the Chief Minister Ms Mamata Banerjee to give their opinion, on which day should be celebrated as ‘West Bengal Day’? Dr Saugata Bose, a history professor of Harvard University, USA and grandnephew of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was one of those invited intellectuals. Dr Bose suggested that 1st day of the Bengali annual calendar, also locally known as Poila Baishakh, should be celebrated as ‘West Bengal Day’.

The current Bengali calendar owes its origin in Bengal to the rule of Mughal Emperor Akbar who adopted it to time the tax year to the harvest. Akbar’s Finance Minister Todar Mal back-calculated the pre-existing Bengali Hindu Lunar calendar and adjusted with Islamic Hijri to fix 593 CE as the first year of the Bengali calendar. The Bengali year was thereafter called Bangabda. In the past two centuries, Hindu Bengali have been celebrating the 1st day of Bengali annual calendar or Poila Baishakh as a socio-religious celebration with new clothes, good meals and Puja of Ganesh and Lakshmi in the shops and commercial establishments to open their annual Accounts Book.

Meanwhile in 1987, Bangladesh officially adopted Poila Baishakh as a national holiday with socio-cultural celebration across the country. In Bangladesh, Poila Baishakh always falls on 14 April of each year. However, in West Bengal, the Bengali calendar is adjusted for Solar Cycle and Poila Baishakh falls on 14th or 15th April, as the case may be. It is pertinent to point out here that Bangladesh celebrates Poila Baishakh with hundred times more pomp and grandeur than West Bengal. So even ceremonially and phonetically speaking, Poila Baishakh is neither unique nor exclusive for West Bengal.

During his deliberation before the Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr Saugata Bose discarded 20 June to be the ‘West Bengal Day’ by saying that West Bengal was not created on that day of 1947. He cited that in the India Independence Act, which got Royal Assent on 18 July 1947, it was told that Punjab and Bengal would be divided on a later date.

So, 20 June, 1947 that predated 18 July, 1947 had no significance in West Bengal. He further added that India was in Dominion Status till 26 January 1950 when it became fully independent. And so, 20 June, 1947 had no meaning in West Bengal’s history.

Well, if a history professor of Harvard University, like Dr Saugata Bose, could not distort Indian history, who else could do that? As per his argument, Bihar and Odisha have been wrongly celebrating their State Days as those dates were linked up with 1912 CE and 1936 CE respectively, when India was under British rule. Dr Bose also cunningly avoided telling what happened on 20 June 1947 for West Bengal. He told a blatant half-truth to peddle his misplaced agenda of mixing-up West Bengal and Bangladesh at the cost of pride of West Bengal.

Dr Bose gave an alternate half-hearted proposal for 20 July as ‘West Bengal Day’. On that day British Bengal was divided in 1905 by Lord Curzon and Tagore spear-headed Raksha Bandhan on that day of 20 July, 1905 across the whole of Bengal to show solidarity between Hindu and Muslim Bengali people. But what Dr Bose suppressed was that, majority Muslims of Bengal were happy with the partition of Bengal in 1905 and Tagore was not at all impressed with the violently invasive nature of Islam.

In the following year of 1906, All India Muslim League was established in Dhaka (East Bengal) to fight for the cause of Muslims of Bengal and India. This mental and political division between Hindus and Muslims of British Bengal kept on increasing. By 1945-46, Bengal became the largest and strongest hold of Muslim League in India and culminated in the creation of Islamic East Pakistan on 14/15 August 1947. Dr Bose was trying to overlook all those bitter communal histories of Bengal for some stupid ‘Bengali identity’ cutting across the religious and boarder divides.

Coming back to 20 June, 1947, one should know what happened on that day. Under the Mountbatten Plan, the Legislative Assembly of Bengal was called on that day to decide on division or no-division of Bengal by the two Nationalist groups of members by a simple majority. Three rounds of voting took place among the legislators.

To cut the long story short, members of Muslim majority Eastern part of Bengal voted for inclusion of the whole of Bengal to Islamic Pakistan. But members of Hindu majority Western part of Bengal voted for division of the province and merger of Western part of the Bengal with India. So, on the bases of principle, legality and legislative sanctity, the decision to create West Bengal, as a part of India out of British Bengal, was taken on 20 June, 1947.

Thus, 20 June is a unique and exclusive day for the state of West Bengal to become “West Bengal Day”. However, Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of the state, is inclined to push Poila Baishakh as ‘West Bengal Day’. Her party is against the 20 June proposal, as made by the Central government, to avoid remembering the communal holocaust of 1946-47.

Even Dr Saugata Bose’s deliberation also hinted for maintaining communal harmony while selecting the ‘West Bengal Day’. TMC’s approach is politically motivated and devoid of morality. But, neither Saugata Bose nor TMC could explain how selection of 20 June as “West Bengal Day” will hurt the sentiment of the Muslims of the state.

In West Bengal, it is highly shameful and communal on the part of Hindu Bengali to talk about the Great Calcutta Killings of August 1946 or Noakhali Massacre of Hindus in October 1946. Present generation of Bong youths even don’t know about those nefarious riots on Hindus of Calcutta and Noakhali (East Bengal) by the Pakistan-demanding Muslim League supporters of Bengali Muslims.

These are no BJP or RSS propaganda, as the Congress, Marxist and TMC Bongs of today may like to label. London-born Yasmin Khan in her book “The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan” (published by Yale University), in Chapter 4: The Collapse of Trust, has given a vivid background and description of those riots. The successive Congress, Left Front and TMC governments of West Bengal found it to be highly secular to suppress those facts from public memory of Hindu Bengali.

After independence, the Congress government of India made the same mistake in developing Indian history. To achieve communal harmony, it white-washed the cruelty and devastation of Islamic invasions and rule in India that lasted for about 800 years. But that has back-fired after seven decades.

In Social Psychology, there is a term called “Collective Memory”. It is a type of community memory that preserves its bad experiences, in an unconscious and effortless manner, which it faced generations back. The recent rise of Hindutva and Hindu civilizational pride, we see under BJP rule, are the effects of suppression of historical facts by the Congress government after getting independence.

Instead of suppressing the information of Great Calcutta Killings and Noakhali Massacre from Hindu Bengali of the state, those were to be discussed and treated with “forgive but don’t forget” policy. Because George Santayana, a Spanish-American philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.

So, if Hindu Bengali are to stop repeating their going through communal holocaust, they are to know about the communal riots in Bengal at least between 1905 and 1947. Sweeping information of those under the carpet or avoiding talking about those, were like running away from the problems, instead of facing and solving those.

Proportion of Muslims in West Bengal was 15.85 percent in 1951. This sharply rose to about 33.50 percent now. Whereas, the proportion of Hindus in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) in 1951 was 20.05 percent and sharply declined to 8.20 percent at present. The Congress, Communist and TMC Bongs of West Bengal refuse to look at this Demographic Pogrom of Hindu Bengali community both in East Pakistan/Bangladesh and West Bengal. They find it more comfortable to behave like ostrich.

Occurrence of about a dozen of communal riots across West Bengal in past some years tell that Hindu Bengali are heading towards another communal holocaust, like 1946-47, sooner or later in the state. Uncalled for and unnecessary appeasement of Muslim community of the state, for vote-bank politics and misplaced idea of secularism, has brought the Hindu Bengali of the state to this situation. Bongs proudly refuse to learn from history. They are many times bitten but never shy. They are a strange lot with death-wish.

A large group of Hindu Bengali of West Bengal is pathologically secular. They don’t care to know that secularism is anti-thesis of Islam. No Muslim can be friendly with any Kafir under any situation. Because Kafir are sub-human and hell-goers. These are the teachings of Islam. Against this background, this group of secular Hindu Bengali shouts “Hindu-Muslim bhai bhai”.

They experience secular orgasm by allowing Muslims to give Azan from their Durga Puja pandals. However, slogan of “Hindu-Muslim bhai bhai” has always been non-existent in East Pakistan/Bangladesh. And in Durga Puja pandals there, timings of Azan are displayed, so that Pandit can’t chant any religious hymn in those timings. Beating of drum and bell is also prohibited during those timings.

The bottom line is Hindu Bengali’s becoming secular does not make Muslim Bengali secular. Let West Bengal come to its sense and decide on 20 June as the “West Bengal Day” without any self-loathing.

Nearly 75,000 Jihadists enter the US, poses national security risks

US federal agencies have identified nearly 75,000 individuals who entered the country illegally as potential national security risks, and this number only represents those who are known to be risks. The existence of unknown numbers of potential threats is deeply concerning, highlighting the security challenges posed by open border policies.

According to NBC Chicago, the FBI has admitted that a known smuggler with Islamic State (ISIS) ties helped migrants enter US from Mexico. No free society can survive open borders in the long term.

In the past, immigrants were subjected to a vetting process, and refugees had to meet specific criteria to be granted refugee status. However, the current open border policies create opportunities for individuals with criminal intent or ties to terrorist organizations to enter the country without scrutiny.

These “individuals of concern” often collaborate with individuals already in the country who pose threats to public safety and national security. There have been instances where known smugglers with ties to terrorist groups facilitated the illegal entry of migrants into the US from Mexico.

The term “special interest aliens” is used to describe illegal migrants who may have travel patterns or origins linked to terrorism or countries with such ties. Border Patrol agents encountered a significant number of “special interest” illegal migrants in recent years, reflecting the growing concern about national security risks associated with illegal border crossings.

The FBI is actively searching for a group of Uzbek migrants who were released into the country after using an ISIS-linked smuggler to enter the US illegally. It is alarming that individuals known to be “special interest aliens” were released into the country, raising questions about the effectiveness of border security measures.

Former Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan emphasized the importance of tracking down these individuals due to their connections to terrorism and their status as “special interest aliens.” This underscores the need for robust border security and immigration policies to protect national security interests.

The nearly 75,000 illegals who are flagged as potential national security risks are just those who are known to be risks. The unknown numbers are the alarming factor. Open border policies present a wide-open, golden opportunity for literally any level of criminal or jihad terrorist. In the past, immigrants were vetted, and refugees fulfilled various criteria just to be deemed refugees.

These “individuals of concern,” once they have entered America (and elsewhere), often then combine efforts with individuals who are already in place, and who pose threats to public safety and national security.

“EXCLUSIVE: Feds Flagged Nearly 75,000 Illegal Migrants As Potential National Security Risks,” by Jennie Taer, Daily Caller, September 1, 2023:

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) flagged 74,904 illegal migrants nationwide for potentially posing risks to national security between October 2022 and August, according to CBP data obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Certain illegal migrants are deemed to be “special interest aliens” because they may have travel patterns that “possibly have a nexus to terrorism” or may come from countries with such ties, according to a 2019 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) fact sheet.

Border Patrol agents encountered 25,627 “special interest” illegal migrants in fiscal year 2022, compared to 3,675 encounters in fiscal year 2021, according to internal agency data previously obtained by the DCNF; however, this data doesn’t account for all CBP encounters of special interest aliens….

….The FBI is currently searching for a group of more than one dozen Uzbek migrants that federal authorities released into the country after they used an ISIS-tied smuggler to cross the southern border illegally.

Former acting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan told the DCNF it’s alarming that federal authorities chose to release illegal migrants who were known to be special interest aliens. “So why is it so important to track them down?

Because they’re freaking special interest aliens that were smuggled in by somebody with connections to terrorism. Come on, guys. Follow the bouncing ball. I mean, the reason it’s so important is twofold. One, they actually were connected to someone who is connected to a terrorist organization and [two], they’re special interest aliens”, Morgan said.

What is G20 India । What is the purpose of G20



In a world marked by globalization and interconnectivity, international organizations play a pivotal role in shaping global policies and fostering cooperation among nations. One such prominent entity is the Group of Twenty, commonly known as G20. In this article, we will delve into the significance, history, and implications of G20 India, shedding light on its contributions to the global stage.

Understanding the G20

What is the G20?

The Group of Twenty, or G20, is an international forum consisting of 19 individual countries and the European Union. It was established in 1999 with the primary aim of promoting international financial stability and sustainable economic growth. The G20 member nations account for a significant portion of the world’s economic activity, making it a crucial platform for global economic coordination.

The G20’s Role

The G20 serves as a platform for high-level discussions and policy coordination among its member nations. It addresses various global challenges, including economic crises, trade disputes, climate change, and more. Through its regular summits and meetings, the G20 seeks to find common ground and facilitate cooperation on pressing issues.

The Emergence of G20 India

India’s Inclusion

India’s inclusion in the G20 in 1998 marked a significant moment in its diplomatic and economic history. As one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, India brought a unique perspective and considerable influence to the table. Its presence in the G20 has played a crucial role in shaping discussions on economic growth, trade, and development.

India’s Contributions

Since joining the G20, India has actively participated in various initiatives and discussions. It has advocated for the interests of developing countries, emphasizing inclusive and sustainable development. India’s contributions extend to areas such as digitalization, renewable energy, and financial reforms.

G20 India Summits

G20 India Hosts

India had the privilege of hosting the G20 Summit in 2022, a testament to its growing influence on the global stage. The summit provided India with a platform to address critical issues, including post-pandemic recovery, trade dynamics, and climate change.

Key Outcomes

The G20 India Summit in 2022 resulted in several noteworthy outcomes. These included agreements on climate action, efforts to enhance global health infrastructure, and initiatives to bolster economic resilience in the face of future crises. India’s leadership during the summit played a pivotal role in driving these discussions forward.

The Impact of G20 India

Economic Growth

G20 India‘s active participation in the group has contributed to its own economic growth. The exchange of ideas and best practices with other member nations has allowed India to make informed policy decisions and implement reforms that have positively impacted its economy.

Diplomatic Influence

Participation in G20 meetings has enhanced India’s diplomatic influence globally. It has allowed the nation to forge stronger ties with key partners and engage in constructive dialogues on a wide range of global issues.


In conclusion, G20 India has emerged as a crucial player in the international arena, leveraging its economic prowess and diplomatic finesse to address pressing global challenges. As a member of the G20, India has not only benefited from the collective wisdom of the group but has also made significant contributions to shaping the world’s economic and political landscape.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What are the primary goals of the G20?
    • The G20 primarily aims to promote international financial stability and sustainable economic growth.
  2. How often does the G20 hold summits?
    • The G20 holds annual summits, with each member nation taking turns hosting the event.
  3. What was the significance of India hosting the G20 Summit in 2022?
    • India’s hosting of the G20 Summit in 2022 allowed it to address critical global issues and play a leadership role in shaping discussions.
  4. What are some of India’s key contributions to the G20?
    • India has contributed to discussions on inclusive development, digitalization, renewable energy, and financial reforms within the G20.
  5. How does G20 membership benefit India’s economy?
    • G20 membership provides India with access to valuable insights and policy recommendations that positively impact its economic growth and stability.