Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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Trudeau’s Hobson’s choice – Canada India relations

The ongoing diplomatic tensions between India and Canada has taken the center stage both in Canada and India. The war of nerves continues without resolution, with a series of tit for tat responses. Leaders on both sides appear to have firmed up their stances as the relations between two key democratic countries in the world flounders.

At the center of this rift is the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey in Canada’s British Columbia earlier in June this year. He was a plumber by day and a Khalistani terrorist by night who had active links to Pakistani and Canadian Intelligence agencies. The man was wanted by Indian security agencies for several years now, on multiple charges that included terrorism, narcotics, murder, and fake passport rackets.

Can two major liberal democracies snap their relations over the death of an otherwise smalltime plumber cum terrorist who was unknown to Canadian public? Had Canada not gone public with its accusations, the matter would have had a greater chance of resolution by prudent heads via bilateral negotiations behind closed doors in Ottawa or New Delhi.

There was further escalation when Prime Minister Trudeau, while addressing Parliament had the chutzpah to ask India to cooperate with them in the on-going investigations, thereby preemptively declaring his presumptions of guilt on part of India. This is no diplomatese or for that matter able statesmanship.

In a further embarrassment to the Canadians, media reports1 have pointed out the plain incompetence of Canadian security agencies who have made no headway in the murder investigations even after three months, despite the availability of CCTV footages and eyewitness accounts.

Its appeal for support from its Five Eyes partners had at best, a cautious response from the US, while others mouthed carefully measured statements but offered no direct condemnation of India. Canada’s diplomatic intransigence pushed itself into a corner thus magnifying a problem that it created in the first place.

The Canadian government as well as media – electronic media in particular – have been actively shepherding the narrative on the row to one of freedom of expression and Canada’s sense of justice and propriety in international conduct. 

The reality of course is at variance with Mr. Trudeau’s public posturing. The real problem, between the two countries is the shelter, support and sustenance provided to anti-India terrorists who are seeking to break away territory from India.

The Canadian government has been supporting anti-India groups and individuals for many decades now. In recent years however, Canada under Mr. Trudeau, has crossed the diplomatic red line on several occasions – by repeatedly commenting on India’s domestic politics and turning a blind eye to terrorists putting up posters to kill Hindus and Indian diplomats in Canada.

Slicing through the crafted diplomatic veneer of Prime Minister Trudeau’s “… rule of law, country and the protection of our citizens and defense of our sovereignty are fundamental…”, speech in Parliament, we continue to see Canada’s serial duplicity in mouthing something and doing the exact opposite. How come Canada’s sovereignty is more sacrosanct than India’s territorial integrity?

So that explains the anxiety of the Trudeau administration and major sections of its media to spin doctor a narrative far removed from the real reasons for the current state of Indo-Canadian affairs. The Indian media, on the other hand, has been level headed and reported the unfolding episodes by bringing in opinion makers from both countries to the table. 

The fragility of Trudeau’s ruling coalition and hence his compulsions to pander to extremist Sikh groups that spearhead the National Democratic Party of Canada are well understood. But to jeopardize Canada’s key international relationship, particularly during a less favorable economic cycle, for the sake of political expediency only smacks of myopia and political immaturity.

Prime Minister Modi on the other hand, runs a very strong and stable government and enjoys the loyal support of almost 80% of its vast populace. India under Modi today is of a different mettle. Lot of quiet transformations are already in place – be it bilateral dealings or securing India’s vital interests. As a powerful economy that is leading the resurgence of global economies, it has over the years invested and upgraded itself to deal with existential threats from far and near.

Unlike the past, the Indian security establishment is now more than willing and capable of delivering a “global solution to global threats” to the safety, security, and territorial integrity of India. Furthermore, India has demonstrated the political will to execute it.

The problem is that Canada, like many other countries, has discovered much to its chagrin, that it is no longer business as usual with India. India is no more the worlds’ whipping boy who will take state duplicity lying down when it comes to its security and safety of its citizens.

It must be noted here that in official communiques, the government of India while rejecting Trudeau’s statements, has sought evidence of Indian hand in the murder of the plumber-terrorist. India knows fully well that no intelligence apparatus of a nation worth its salt will share its intelligence on matters of such high visibility that would compromise its assets.

It is worth mentioning that India has not publicly denied its hands in getting rid of threats to its territorial integrity. As the Indian foreign minister Dr S Jayshankar said, ”political convenience cannot give way to terrorism”. But if Canada or any other country would choose to do business with India in its old-fashioned ways, there will certainly be a “global response to global terror”. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has a Hobson’s choice on his hand.


1 A video of terrorist Nijjar’s killing, coordinated op, bickering cops: Report – India Today 

Political Parties’S Quota: The catalyst for Women Reservation


Indian politics is nothing but the mirror of patriarchal male dominated Indian society. At the onset of vedic civilisation we have ample proof of active participation of women in politics, economy as well as in religious affairs. After post-vedic period various customary traditions curtailed women’s rights so did their political space. They were made limited to the household duties and all their decision making power is decreased with the passage of time.

Although Indian women made an impeccable presence in the freedom struggle specially in Gandhian movements, their dream of being equal partners in the newly ushered democracy remained a far distant dream. Constitution granted them equality in letter that never witnessed its essence in practice. Several governments initiated reforms aimed at economic emancipation and educational improvement. But they remained half fulfilled promises.

Even they were given the political representation at the local bodies by 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendment act 1992, which initially proved as dressing window for male participation in the name of their daughters, wives and sisters. This brought improvement at local level but its impact didn’t percolate to political culture of the country.

Despite all these efforts, their presence at highest decision making bodies of Parliament and state assembly remained at lower ebb. Even in the current Parliament they have only 15% representation and this performance is worse than many developing neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and Pakistan etc. It is well established fact when women are given the share indices and making it improves the quality of governance and growth of economy.

Even before “Nari Shakti Vandan Bill” so many efforts were made for women’s reservation but male dominated attitude of Indian politician never let it happen. Meanwhile development of women’s movements got strengthened and their growing power and participation made all political parties to acknowledge their potential voters. Current Modi government is striving hard to revive the glory of grand Indian ancient wisdom. Hence, to give women their lost stature and role in the politics, this bill was introduced by them and it has finally been passed by the Parliament too.

There is so much hue and cry going about when and how of its implementation. Mainly all political parties in the queue to take it’s credit. We need not forget that one who accomplishes the mission is a winner. In this sense BJP led by Narendra Modi will always have an upper hand. But political parties must show to the people that this important issue is not a vote bank politics for them. It is a matter of nation’s priority, country’s development and society’s upliftment.

Hence moving ahead of the bill political parties must bring organisational reforms at their own level like various countries have done. Following the examples of Argentina and Nepal Indian political parties should declare that quota on their candidate list. This will show their sincerity in promoting women in politics. This move of political parties can help us in harnessing the true potential of this bill.

When women will be given equal representation in the House, we will have participatory and inclusive democracy which will make the equality granted to women by the Constitution a live reality both in letter and spirit. Hence, political parties must act as catalyst for the implementation of this bill. They must answer that if not now then when?

Swadesh Darshan Scheme


Travel opens a country’s doors to the world, inviting others to experience its unique culture, heritage, and beauty.

India’s tourist sector has historically made significant contributions to the national economy. Along with creating career opportunities it promotes cross-cultural interaction and helps local businesses. However, the tourism industry’s quick expansion has also brought along some drawbacks, such as environmental deterioration, congestion, and the exploitation of local populations.

The Government of India under the Ministry of Tourism launched its flagship scheme of Swadesh Darshan in 2014-15. This scheme was to promote tourism and boost economic development through the development and beautification of tourist places across the country. This initiation is to encourage domestic and international travellers to explore the rich cultural, historical and natural diversity of India.

To further promote the nation’s tourism products, especially coastline tourism, the Ministry of Tourism engages in a variety of marketing initiatives on both the domestic and international markets. The launch of media campaigns under the Incredible India brand, promotional activities, and social media promotions falls under this category. Through its website, the Ministry of Tourism promotes coastal travel.

“Swadesh Darshan” translates to “Tour of One’s Own Country”, promotes domestic tourism, which increases employment opportunities, encourages local economies and ensures sustainable development all over the country.

The main aspect of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme is that it focuses on developing theme based tourist circuits. These circuits are carefully designed to showcase India and her rich heritage.

The Swadesh Darshan programme of the Ministry of Tourism has been updated with the goals of generating employment for the local population, including self-employment, and preserving and enhancing the area’s natural and cultural treasures.

In accordance with this plan, the ministry offers financial support to state governments, administrations of Union Territories, or central organisations for the development of the nation’s tourism infrastructure.

“There is a large potential to be tapped in tourism. The sector holds huge opportunities for jobs and entrepreneurship, for the youth in particular,” Sitharaman announced in the Union Budget 2023-24.

The Ministry of Tourism’s Swadesh Darshan Scheme has approved 76 projects in 13 themed circuits. The government’s allocation for 2021–2022, which was INR 630 crore, has increased to INR 1,180.30 crore, or over 88%, of the budget forecast for 2022–2023. The highest allocation was for Swadesh Darshan Scheme around INR 2400 crore, which indicates the government will be focusing on the tourism sector in near future.

The Tribal Sub Plan, which would develop tourism infrastructure in tribal communities, will receive INR 98 crore of the entire investment.

The Ministry will assist in finishing the ongoing initiatives under the programme by the financial allocation, and the produced infrastructure will improve the travel experience for travellers visiting smaller and less well-known locations. Under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme, 55 additional locations are slated for development, and the Ministry would continue to place a priority on the Northeast, the Himalayan region, and tribal areas, the Minister said.

Under the Swadesh Darshan project, the integrated development of tourist circuits centred around particular themes will be handled by the tourism ministry with funding of 2,400 crore. The program’s goal is “to develop theme-based tourist circuits on the principles of high visitor value, competitiveness, and sustainability in an integrated manner by coordinating efforts to focus on the needs and concerns of all stakeholders to enrich the visitor experience and improve employment opportunities.”

The Swadesh Darshan2.0 programme indicates a transition away from theme-based tourist circuits and towards destination management. Destination management entails a thorough approach to tourism development that takes into account the industry’s effects on the social, economic, and environmental spheres.

Through the participation of local communities in the tourism development process, the Swadesh Darshan2.0 programme seeks to advance sustainable tourism practices. Additionally, it aims to create tourism infrastructure that respects the community’s ecology and culture.

The action is being taken as part of the Swadesh Darshan 2’s initial phase, which will begin in January. Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra are among the 15 States that make up the first phase. There are two places from each State that have been chosen.

According to reports, the centres had chosen their destinations after consulting with the state tourism offices, and they were now awaiting clearance from the ministry’s tourism minister, G. Kishan Reddy. The Swadesh Darshan programme is entirely subsidised by the government.

With a focus on tourists and destinations, the government has redesigned the programme as Swadesh Darshan 2.0 (SD2.0) to create sustainable and ethical travel destinations.

The Swadesh Darshan 2.0 programme is expected to have a incredibly beneficial effect on the Indian tourism industry. It encourages visitors to travel wisely, to respect the environment, and to protect the local cultures. By employing sustainable practises,it is possible to lessen the damaging impacts of tourism on the environment and nearby populations.

This programme aims to support local businesses and create new employment opportunities. Tourism will increase demand for goods and services in the transportation, hotel, and allied industries, creating more employment opportunities for the local population.

The Swadesh Darshan 2.0 programme aims to promote environmentally friendly behaviours, increase employment possibilities, and draw in private capital to promote the expansion and prosperity of India’s tourism sector. India wants to establish itself as a leader in ethical and successful tourism by protecting the environment, strengthening local communities, and encouraging private firms.

भारत: विश्वगुरु से विश्व नेतृत्व की यात्रा

भारत में जी20 सम्मेलन होने से भारत का एक अलग ही माहौल बना है दुनिया भर में। विश्व स्तर पर प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी का कद वास्तव में पहले से कई गुना अधिक ऊंचा हुआ है। देश को विश्व गुरु बनाने की जो मुहिम छेड़ी है माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी ने उसपर अमल भी किया हैं। सबसे बड़ी बात क्या मोदी जी के पट्टिका पर “भारत” लिखा गया गया था। सम्मेलन में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी की पहचान “भारत” का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले नेता के तौर पर पेश की गई। सरकार ने जी 20 के कई आधिकारिक दस्तावेजो में देश के लिए “भारत” शब्द का प्रयोग किया।

मोदी जी ने जब शिखर सम्मेलन को संबोधित किया था, उस समय उनके सामने रखी नाम पट्टिका में “भारत” लिखा था। अर्थात एजेंडा तय है कि देश के अस्तित्व एकता और अखंडता संप्रभुता से कोई खिलवाड़ नही कर सकता है। जब बात भारत को उसकी खोई हुई विरासत और पहचान दिलाने की है तो सबसे पहले नाम पर ही काम करना जरूरी था।मोदी जी ने आह्वान किया की विश्वास की कमी को “भरोसे” में बदले। अशांत वैश्विक अर्थव्यस्था,आतंकवाद तथा खाद्य, ईंधन एवं उर्वरकों के प्रबंधन का ठोस समाधान को लेकर जोर दिया और आह्वान किया की इसका सामूहिक रूप से समाधान निकाले। साथ ही साथ क्षेत्रीय अखंडता को बनाए रखने का आह्वान हुआ।

जी20 देशों के ‘नई दिल्ली लीडर्स समिट डिक्लेरेशन’ में शनिवार को कहा गया कि आज का युग युद्ध का युग नहीं है और इसी के मद्देनजर घोषणापत्र में सभी देशों से क्षेत्रीय अखंडता तथा संप्रभुता सहित अंतरराष्ट्रीय कानून के सिद्धांतों को बनाए रखने का आह्वान किया गया।घोषणापत्र में कहा गया है कि संघर्षों के शांतिपूर्ण समाधान के साथ-साथ कूटनीति और संवाद भी जरूरी है। इसमें कहा गया है कि यूक्रेन में युद्ध के संबंध में बाली में हुई चर्चा को याद किया गया और संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद तथा संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा में अपनाए गए प्रस्तावों को दोहराया गया।

यूक्रेन संघर्ष पर घोषणा पत्र की खास बातें :

■ आज का युग युद्ध का युग नहीं है

■ संघर्षों के शांतिपूर्ण समाधान के साथ-साथ कूटनीति और संवाद भी जरूरी

■ सभी देश संयुक्त राष्ट्र चार्टर के उद्देश्यों और सिद्धांतों के अनुरूप कार्य करें

■ परमाणु हथियारों का इस्तेमाल या इस्तेमाल की धमकी देना अस्वीकार्य

■ जी20 आर्थिक सहयोग का प्रमुख मंच है, भू-राजनीतिक और सुरक्षा मुद्दों के समाधान का मंच नहीं

■ रूसी संघ और यूक्रेन से अनाज, खाद्य पदार्थों और उर्वरकों की तत्काल और निर्बाध आपूर्ति सुनिश्चित करने का आह्वान

इसके साथ 55 देशों के सदस्यों वाले अफ्रीकन यूनियन को प्रधानमंत्री मोदी जी ने स्थायी सदस्यता दिलवाई। अफ्रीकी संघ सात वर्ष से पूर्ण सदस्यता की मांग कर रहा था सभी लोग जानते है इस बात को, बाली में हुए सम्मलेन में प्रधामंत्री ने कहा था मोदी की गारंटी है चिंता मत करिए सदस्यता मिलकर रहेगी। इससे होगा क्या की ग्लोबल साउथ को आवाज को मजबूती मिलेगी। भले ही जी20 में अफ्रीकन यूनियन को शामिल कराने का श्रेय चीन और रूस भी ले रहे हों लेकिन दिल्ली शिखर सम्मेलन में इसका फैसला होने से यह उपलब्धि भारत के ही खाते में दर्ज की जायेगी। इससे ग्लोबल साउथ की अंतरराष्ट्रीय राजनीति में भारत में भारत का प्रभाव भी बढ़ेगा।

जी20 में अफ्रीकन यूनियन को शामिल करने का फायदा अफ्रीका के 55 देशों को होगा। अफ्रीका के कई देशों में अभी भी उपनिवेश का प्रभाव है और तमाम देशों में ज्यादा विकास नहीं हुआ है। चीन इन देशों में अपना प्रभाव बनाना चाहता है, हालांकि इन देशों को भारत से नजदीकी बनाना अधिक अनुकूल लगता है। वजह साफ है कि भारत उन पर चीन की तरह अपनी शर्तें नहीं थोपता।इस बात पर गौर करना होगा कि घाना, तंजानिया, कोंगो, नाइजीरिया जैसे अफ्रीकी देशों से भारत की पुरानी निकटता है और भारतीय वहां लंबे समय से रह भी रहे है। विशेषज्ञ कहते है कि अफ्रीकी देशों का अब इटली, फ्रांस और जर्मनी सरीखे देशों से मोह भंग हो गया है। वह भारत, चीन और जापान जैसे एशियाई देशों में संभावनाएं देख रहे है।

चीन अफ्रीका का सबसे बड़ा व्यापारिक भागीदार है और अफ्रीकी देश सबसे ज्यादा कर्ज भी उसी से लेते हैं। वहीं रूस अफ्रीकी देशों का सबसे बड़ा हथियार प्रदाता है। देखा जाए तो दुनिया को जिन संसाधनों की जरूरत है, उनमें अफ्रीकी देश बेहद समृद्ध है। अफ्रीकी महाद्वीप में विश्व की 60% नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा संपत्तियाँ और 30% से अधिक खनिज है जो नवीकरणीय और निम्न-कार्बन प्रौद्योगिकियों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। अफ्रीका के आर्थिक विकास पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र की रिपोर्ट है कि अकेले कांगो में दुनिया का लगभग आधा कोबाल्ट है, जो लिथियम-आयन बैटरी के लिए आवश्यक धातु है। जी20 में अफ्रीकी यूनियन को शामिल करने का सबसे बड़ा उद्देश्य वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था को अधिक समावेशी और न्यायसंगत बनाना है।

अफ्रीकन संघ को इसका लाभ तो होगा ही। अफ्रीका के विकास को बढ़ावा मिलेगा, वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था में अफ्रीकी देशों की वास्तविक भागीदारी होगी और तो और तो अफ्रीकी देशों की आवाज बुलंद होगी..! जिसका श्रेय भारत को ही जाता है। इस जी20 सम्मलेन में प्रधामंत्री मोदी के बाद तो दो ही सबकी नजरें ज्यादा टिकी हुई थी वो है अफ्रीकन संघ के प्रमुख अजाली असोमानी का प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के साथ पास आकर गले लगना और ब्रिटिश प्रधानमंत्री ऋषि सुनक और उनकी पत्नी अक्षता।

बाकी हमे इटली की प्रधानमंत्री जियॉर्जिया मेलोनी को भी नही भूलना चाहिए। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी के साथ हुई बैठको का नतीजा ही है जो इटली चीन के बेल्ट रोड परियोजना(BRI) से बाहर निकलने का फैसला किया।सबसे बड़ी बात क्या की सबकी नजरें मोदी जी पर टिकी हुई थी चीन और रूस के राष्ट्रपतियों के आने न आने का कोई फर्क नही पड़ा। हालांकि रूस ने भारत का समर्थन किया है घोषणा पत्र को लेकर।

बाकी जो भी हो मोदी ने दुनियां को सबका “सबका साथ, सबका विकास, सबका विश्वास, सबका प्रयास का” मंत्र दिया। यह जी20 सम्मलेन भारत की एक ऐतिहासिक सफलता है। जिसे आने वाले समय में स्वर्णिम अक्षरों में लिखा जायेगा। वैश्विक स्तर पर मोदी जी के नेतृत्व में भारत ने जो पहचान बनाई उसको आने वाले समय में भी बरकरार रखना होगा तभी देश विश्व गुरु बन पायेगा।

जहरीले बाप का विषधर सपोला: सनातन पर जहर जमकर घोला

मित्रों उदयनिधि स्टेलीन ने अपने पोतनहर जैसे भक्सावन मुंह से दुर्गंध फैलाते हुए अपने पिता और दादा के दिखाए गुःखोरी वाले मार्ग का अनुसरण करते हुए “सनातन धर्म” के बारे में अनर्गल प्रलाप और मिथ्या प्रवँचनाये की गयी। खैर ये तो दो बोरी चावल का प्रभाव था। ये एक कन्वर्ट ईसाई है, इसलिए अपने मजहब की निम्न कोटी की निकृष्ट मानसिकता का प्रदर्शन तो करेगा ही।

पर आप आइये सर्वप्रथम हम कुछ शब्दों में बताते हैँ कि सनातन क्या है?

जो सृष्टि के साथ उत्पन्न हुआ वो सनातन है,
जो प्रकृति के साथ पला बढ़ा वो सनातन है,
जो शाश्वत है, जिसका कोई आदि है ना अंत है
जो अखंड, अविरल, अलौकिक और अनंत है
जो जीवन का सही राह् दिखाए वो सनातन है
जो परोपकार का पथ दिखलाये वो सनातन है

जो सत्य, अहिंसा, त्याग, करुणा और प्रेम की मूर्ति है
जो दया, धर्म, सदाचार और समाजिकता की अभियक्ति है
जो वसुधैव कुटुंबकम की प्रकल्पना करे वो सनातन है
जो जियो और जिने दो की संकल्पना करे वो सनातन है

पशु पक्षी, पेड़ पौधे, किट पतंगे,पर्वत पठार और मरूस्थल
काल, समय, गति ,ऊर्जा, ज्ञान विज्ञान और दर्शन का हर पल
जो सबमें स्वयं को देख सबको समान माने वो सनातन है
जानते हुए भी अनजान बनकर सबको जाने वो सनातन है

वेदों से बहता अविरल विज्ञान सनातन है।
पुराणों की कथाओं का सार सनातन है।
उपनिषदों से निकला ज्ञान सनातन है।
रामायण , महाभारत, गीता का अभिप्राय सनातन है
सृष्टि के आरम्भ का अध्याय सनातन है।

मित्रों कुछ (कन्वर्ट) जीवों के मस्तिष्क में समय समय पर उत्पन्न होने वाले नकारात्मक प्रभाव इतने दुश्प्रभावी हो जाते हैँ कि वो विक्षिप्त अवस्था में पहुंच जाते हैँ और अपने मुखद्वार को गुदाद्वार बना “अनाप शनाप” बोलने लगते हैँ। परन्तु इन पर कठोरता से दया दिखाने की आवश्यकता मुझे महसूस होती है।

आइये सनातन का विश्लेषण कर लेते हैँ:-
‘सनातन’ का अर्थ है – शाश्वत या ‘सतत बना रहने वाला’, अर्थात् जिसका न आदि है न अन्त। अब यंहा पर आप सोच रहे होंगे की यंहा परम शक्ति को छोड़ कोई भी शास्वत और निरंतर नहीं है केवल उसी का ना आदि है ना अंत है, फिर “सनातन” क्या उस “परम शक्ति” के समान है जो इसका भी ना आदि है ना अंत है।

आइये इसे समझने का प्रयास करते हैँ।

अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य एव च।
नित्य: सर्वगत: स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातन:।।
अर्थात- हे अर्जुन! जो छेदा नहीं जाता। जलाया नहीं जाता। जो सूखता नहीं। जो गीला नहीं होता। जो स्थान नहीं बदलता। ऐसे रहस्यमय व सात्विक गुण तो केवल परमात्मा में ही होते हैं। जो सत्ता इन दैवीय गुणों से परिपूर्ण हो। वही सनातन कहलाने के योग्य है।

अब आप महायोगी श्रीकृष्ण के द्वारा अर्जुन को उदेश देते वक्त कहे गये इस श्लोक को ध्यान और सूक्ष्मता से समझने का प्रयास करें। इस श्लोक के माध्यम से भगवान कृष्ण कहते हैं कि जो न तो कभी नया रहा। न ही कभी पुराना होगा। न ही इसकी शुरुआत है। न ही इसका अंत है। अर्थात ईश्वर को ही सनातन कहा गया है।

इसका तात्पर्य यह है कि “सनातन” एक ऐसी व्यवस्था है जिसे सृष्टि के क्रमिक विकास ने स्वयं के साथ पाला पोसा है, इसको किसी ने जन्म नहीं दिया, ये इस सृष्टि के साथ सतत प्रस्तुत है और इस सृष्टि के विनाश के पश्चात उत्पन्न होने वाली नई सृष्टि को आत्मसात कर ये फिर उसके साथ हो लेगी अत: इसका कभी भी अंत नहीं होने वाला।

उदाहरण के लिए :- एक मुसलमान के घर में पैदा हुआ बच्चा जन्म से सनातनी हि होता है, क्योंकि वो प्राकृतिक रूप में पैदा होता है, अन्य बच्चों की तरह फिर बाद में उस बच्चे के साथ कुछ क्रिया कर्म करके उसको मोमिन बनाया जाता है।

इसी प्रकार ईसाई के घर में पैदा हुआ बच्चा भी सनातनी हि होता है, वो प्राकृतिक रूप में पैदा होता है फिर उसे कुछ क्रिया कर्म करके ईसाई बनाया जाता है।

आप इस प्रकृति में विचरण करने वाले किसी भी जीव को देख ले चाहे हो वो स्तनधारी हो या अंडज हो , जलचर हों, स्थलचर हों, नभचर हों या उभयचर हों ये सभी सनातनी होते हैँ, क्योंकि इनके बच्चे सनातन धर्मियों की भांति हि प्राकृतिक रूप से पैदा होते हैँ और प्राकृतिक रूप से अंत को प्राप्त होते हैँ।

इस दुनियाँ का कोई भी जीव पैदा होते समय सनातनी होता है, मजहबी घरों वाला फिर मोमिन या ईसाई बन जाता है। शेर, भालू, गाय, घोड़ा, गधा या चिल और कौवा या फिर अन्य जानवर, जीव और जन्तु कभी भी मोमिन या ईसाई नहीं होते।

वेदेषु यज्ञेषु तपःसु चैव दानेषु यत्पुण्यफलं प्रदिष्टम्‌।
अत्येत तत्सर्वमिदं विदित्वा योगी परं स्थानमुपैति चाद्यम्‌৷
(अक्षरब्रह्मयोग अध्याय ८ श्लोक २८)

अव्यक्तोऽक्षर इत्युक्तस्तमाहुः परमां गतिम्‌।
यं प्राप्य न निवर्तन्ते तद्धाम परमं मम৷৷
(अक्षरब्रह्मयोग अध्याय ८ श्लोक २१)
भावार्थ : जो अव्यक्त ‘अक्षर’ इस नाम से कहा गया है, उसी अक्षर नामक अव्यक्त भाव को परमगति कहते हैं तथा जिस सनातन अव्यक्त भाव को प्राप्त होकर मनुष्य वापस नहीं आते, वह मेरा परम धाम है॥

बीजं मां सर्वभूतानां विद्धि पार्थ सनातनम्‌।
बुद्धिर्बुद्धिमतामस्मि तेजस्तेजस्विनामहम्‌॥
(अध्याय ७ ज्ञानविज्ञानंयोग श्लोक १०)
भावार्थ : हे अर्जुन! तू सम्पूर्ण भूतों का सनातन बीज मुझको ही जान। मैं बुद्धिमानों की बुद्धि और तेजस्वियों का तेज हूँ॥

उपर्युक्त श्लोकों का सूक्ष्म विश्लेषण करने पर गहन ज्ञान की प्राप्ति होती है। सनातन अव्यक्त भाव, वेदों का अध्ययन, यज्ञ और हवन, तप, और त्याग इत्यादि को जान लेने वाला मनुष्य रूपी जीव सदैव के लिए परमापिता परमात्मा में विलीन हो जाता है और मुक्ति प्राप्त कर लेता है।

लोकरझ्जनमेवात्र राज्ञां धर्मः सनातनः।”
अर्थात- प्रजा को सुखी रखना यही राजा का सत्यसनातन धर्म है । प्रजा के हित में अपना हित और प्रजा के दुःख को अपना दुःख मानकर सदैव प्रजा के खुशी और सुख के लिए राजकार्य करना हि एक राजा का सत्य सनातन धर्म है और इसके लिए उसे कभी कभी कठोर या अति कठोर निर्णय भी लेने पड़ते हैँ।

अद्रोहः सर्वभूतेषु कर्मणा मनसा गिरा।
अनुग्रहश्च दानं च सतां धर्मः सनातनः।।”

अर्थ – मन, वाणी और कर्म से प्राणियों के प्रति सद्भावना, सब पर कृपा और दान यही साधु पुरुषों का सनातन-धर्म है।

सत्यं ब्रूयात् प्रियं ब्रूयात् न ब्रूयात् सत्यमप्रियं।
प्रियं च नानृतं ब्रूयात् एष धर्मः सनातनः॥”
अर्थात- सच बोलते रहना चाहिए, मीठा बोलते रहें लेकिन अप्रिय सच नहीं बोलना चाहिए और प्रिय झूठ नहीं बोलना चाहिए, यही सत्य सनातन धर्म की परम्परा है।

अथाहिंसा क्षमा सत्यं ह्रीश्रद्धेन्द्रिय संयमाः ।
दानमिज्या तपो ध्यानं दशकं धर्म साधनम् ॥
अर्थात :-अहिंसा, क्षमा, सत्य, लज्जा, श्रद्धा, इंद्रियसंयम, दान, यज्ञ, तप और ध्यान – ये दस धर्म के साधन है । ये शिक्षा केवल और केवल सनातन धर्म की हि उपज हो सकती है और है। अन्य मजहब जो विदेशों से भारत में आये उनमें उपर्युक्त तथ्य ढूढ़ने से भी नहीं मिलते।

सत्येनोत्पद्यते धर्मो दयादानेन वर्धते ।
क्षमायां स्थाप्यते धर्मो क्रोधलोभा द्विनश्यति ॥
धर्मो मातेव पुष्णानि धर्मः पाति पितेव च ।
धर्मः सखेव प्रीणाति धर्मः स्निह्यति बन्धुवत् ॥
अर्थात:- धर्म सत्य से उत्पन्न होता है, दया और दान से बढता है, क्षमा से स्थिर होता है, और क्रोध एवं लोभ से नष्ट होता है। धर्म माता की तरह हमें पुष्ट करता है, पिता की तरह हमारा रक्षण करता है, मित्र की तरह खुशी देता है, और सम्बन्धियों की भाँति स्नेह देता है। उपर्युक्त शिक्षा प्रदान करने वाला केवल सनातन धर्म हि हो सकता है।

बुजुर्गों का पैर छूकर आशीर्वाद लेने वाला सनातनी होता है, बहन, बेटी या बहु किसकी भी हो उसको अभय प्रदान करने वाला सनातनी हि होता है। १०० बार भूल सुधराने का अवसर देने वाला सनातनी होता है। युद्ध के अंतिम क्षणों में भी शांति का प्रस्ताव देने वाला सनातनी होता है। स्वयं के शरीर का त्याग के अपने हड्डियों से “बज्र” का निर्माण कराने वाला सनातनी होता है। अपने बड़े भाई के प्रेम में अयोध्या जैसी नगरी का सिंहासन ठुकरा कर वनवासी जीवन जिने वाला और अपने बड़े भाई के खड़ाऊ को सिंहासन पर रखकर राज करने वाला सनातनी हि होता है। करण, दुर्योधन, जयद्रथ, दुशाशन, द्रोण, कृपाचार्य इत्यादि जैसे वीरों से चक्रव्यूह के अंदर अकेले लड़ने वाला सनातनी हि होता है।

छोटों को हाथ जोड़कर नमस्ते और बड़ो को प्रणाम करने वाला सनातनी हि होता है। किसी भी जीव के दुःख को देख दुःखी होने वाला और उस दुःख का समाधान ढूढ़ने वाला सनातनी हि होता है।नदिया, समुद्र, पेड़, पर्वत, ग्रह, नक्षत्र, पशु, पक्षी और किट पतंगो को भी पूजने वाला सनातनी हि होता है।

वेद सनातन ने हि दिये। उपनिषद और पुराण सनातन ने हि दिये। विज्ञान(रसायन, भौतिक, जीव, वनस्पति, वास्तुकला, अभियांत्रिकी, चिकित्सा, सर्जरी, खगोलिय व अनुवंशिकी इत्यादि) सनातन की हि देन है। अंकगणित, बिजगणित और ज्यमितीय सनातन की हि देन है। समाजिक और गृह विज्ञान सनातन की हि देन है। योग, वायुयान, न्याय, परमाणु, सांख्य, वेदांत, मीमांसा इत्यादि दर्शन शास्त्रों का अस्तित्व सनातन की हि देन है। शून्य, दशमलव, Binary system और गति और गुरत्वाकर्षण के सिद्धांत सब सनातन की हि देन है।

आक्रमणकारी हुणो को मात देने वाली तलवार सनातनी हि थी। रोम के शाशक जुलियस सीजर को बंदी बनाकर उज्जैन के गलियों में घूमाने वाली तलवार सनातनी हि थी। सम्पूर्ण विश्व पर एक क्षत्र राज करने वाला सम्राट चन्द्रगुप्त विक्रमादित्य सनातनी हि थे। गोरी को १६ बार जीवनदान देने वाली तलवार सनातनी थी, सिकंदर को युद्ध में पराजित करके बंदी बना लेने वाली तलवार सनातनी हि थी।

चालुक्य, चोल, राष्ट्रकूट, सातवाहन, कुशाढ वंश, चौहान, परमार, सिसोदिया,

महाराणा प्रताप, छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज, गुरु गोविंद सिंह, छत्रसाल, हेमदित्य विक्रमादित्य “हेमू”, सुरजमल, पेशवा बाजीराव, अहोम साम्राज्य तथा ललितादित्य मुक्तपिड, हरी सिंह नलवा, महाराजा रणजीत सिंह व बप्पा रावल इत्यादि सनातनी हि थे जिन्होंने विश्व पटल पर अपनी धाक और छाप छोड़ कर इतिहास को अमर कर दिया।

मेरठ की छावनी में अपने बंदूक की एक गोली से स्वतन्त्रता का विगुल बजाने वाला सनातनी हि होता है। अपने नौनिहाल को अपने पीठ से बांधकर रणक्षेत्र में दुश्मनों का संहार करने वाली शक्ति सनातनी हि होती है। देश के आजादी के लिए दो काले पानी की सजा पाने वाला सनातनी हि होता है। अपने अदम्य साहस, दृढ इच्छा शक्ति और प्रबल राष्ट्रवाद से आज़ाद हिंद फ़ौज और आज़ाद हिंद सरकार का गठन करने वाला सनातनी ही होता है।

वो तात्या टोपे, वो बिस्मिल, वो आज़ाद, वो भगत, वो लाल, बाल और पाल, वो सरदार उधम सिंह, वो भगवान बिरसा मुंडा, वो टाट्या भील, वो चाफेकर बंधु, वो आज़ाद हिंद फौज के जवान, बटुकेश्वर दत्त, सुखदेव, राजगुरु, वो लाहीड़ी, वो मालवीय, वो गणेश शंकर विद्यार्थी, वो दुर्गा भाभी, वो निरा आर्या और कितने बलिदानियों का नाम गिनाऊ ये सब सनातनी हि थे।

५८३ रियासतों को ” भारत” में कुशलतापूर्वक “अधिमिलन” कराने वाला सनातनी हि होता है। देश में एक निशान और एक विधान के लिए अपने प्राणो को न्यौक्षावर करने वाला सनातनी हि होता है। “जय जवान जय किसान” के नारे से सम्पूर्ण देश को राष्टवाद के धागे में पिरोने वाला सनातनी हि होता है। सारे विश्व की शक्तियों से टकराकर भारत को परमाणु शक्ति बनाने वाला सनातनी हि होता है।

चन्द्रमा के दक्षिणी ध्रुव पर उतरने वाला चंद्रयान भी तो सनातनी हि है, जंहा उतरा वो बिंदु “शिव_शक्ति” भी तो सनातनी है। सुरज की आँखों में झाँकने वाला आदित्य भी तो सनातनी है है।
कोरोना काल में विश्व के सभी देशों की सहायता करने वाला भी तो सनातन धर्म हि था।

और तो और मित्रों वर्ष २०१४ से सम्पूर्ण विश्व को अपनी शर्तो पर नचाने वाला भी तो सनातनी हि है। ब्रिटेन का प्रधानमंत्री भी तो सनातनी हि है।

ये तो केवल नाममात्र के उदाहरण हैँ, सनातन की महिमा सनातन की हि भांति शाश्वत है, जिसका ना तो आदि है और ना अंत।

अत: हे मानसिक रूप से विकास ना कर पाने वाले मनुष्य रूपी झींगुर सर्वप्रथम सनातन को समझो फिर टिका टिप्पणी करो।
जय सनातन
जय हिंद

लेखक:- नागेंद्र प्रताप सिंह (अधिवक्ता)
[email protected]

The liberal, the joker & the storm at the top of the mountain



Only two of the many types of people who identify as “liberals” will be discussed here.

First, the educated Indian who dabbles a little in politics, follows American media and pop-culture extensively, and maybe knows a little something about Donald Trump and Brexit too. Enamored by all things WESTERN, he is fascinated by anyone who gets validation from the West. His opinions are made for him by mainstream media like CNN, BBC, NYTimes, and domestically by “independent” media of the subcontinent – The Wire, Newslaundry, Article-14, NewsClick etc. (because he’s too good for Indian Mainstream Media, which he contemptuously calls – Godi Media)

“If the entire global media is calling Modi a RW dictator, then surely he must be one. The BBC doesn’t lie. And look, Rahul Gandhi and The Wire and Magsaysay Award winner Ravish Kumar are saying it too. I’m sure now.”

Second, is the type who are actually leftists with a political agenda, but using the label ‘Liberal’ to fool the 1st category described above. These chaps run the “independent” media houses that the former group subscribes to. They pretend to earn money only from subscribers, but more often than not they receive foreign-money from some “saviour of democracy” or an agenda-driven philanthropist who lives to earn money by shorting big corporations.

The 1st type of Liberal, let’s call him, WokeBro, is actually a good person. He wants moderation and is instinctively afraid of any behaviour deemed EXTREME by so-called opinion makers. He hears things like :
“Hindutva and Hinduism are different” from erudite english speakers like Shashi Tharoor and Karan Thapar. They’ve seen the world; ofcourse it’s true. Right ?

“The RW is destroying democracy.”

“They want Hindu Rashtra where Brahmins will run the country, regressive manusmriti will become the new constitution, and Muslims and Dalits will be genocided.”

You tell someone something so insane, they just won’t trust you.
Unless you do it daily. Bit by bit.
And you felicitate the leftists who run those “independent” media houses by inviting them to speak at prestigious foreign conferences and seminars.

“They won’t just invite ANY random person to come speak on the human rights situation in India. “

“New York Times is saying it, BBC is saying it. Hell, even ChatGPT is saying it. And look a US congresswoman and an EU parliamentarian also say so; and even the guy who predicted The Tutsi genocide in Rwanda is saying that India is on the brink of one. They can’t all be wrong, can they ?!”

Every story about India, even a story about how India became the 1st country to land a mission on the Dark Side of the Moon, is prefixed by saying : Modi’s Hindu Nationalist India, where minorities are 2nd grade citizens.

‘Right-Wing’ and ‘Sanghi’ become cuss words.
They only see articles with pictures of saffron-clad men, weilding swords and daggers, out to turn India into a “Hindu-Rashtra”
These Liberals are educated people, and they don’t want anyone else to tell them what to eat, what to wear, who to date/marry; which is what they are told the Hindutva brigade will do.

A moderate-sounding political party like the INC appeals to them a lot.
These parties say soft things which sound like something Obama would say.

They regurgitate the talking points they read again and again; are thus, social-engineered to turn against Modi, the RSS and by extension against Hindutva.

“The SOUTH-ASIA EXPERTS all across the world are saying this, it’s obviously true !”


Hindutva = casteism, anti-muslim anti-dalit bigotry, cow urine drinking, love-jihad fanatics, end of democracy, hindu rashtra

Hinduism = spirituality, equality, good vibes, progressive, unity in diversity, democracy, freedom of speech.

These messages are drilled into their brains like nails. Using the combined might of left-leaning foreign media, and academia.


This is the message that filters down from the top of the mountain.
That is the sociology, liberal arts and history departments of Harvard and Rutgers and Oxford and such varsities of global prestige. And analogous departments at JNU, Ashoka University, Jamia, Jadavpur, etc.
Places our WokeBro dreams of studying.
Places that recruit and cultivate our 2nd category of ‘Liberal’ and teach them age-old leftist tactics.

Hindutva Bad. Hinduism Good.

Because you must absolutely out of your bloody mind to directly attack Hinduism in 80% Hindu majority India.

(But rest assured, their end-game is DECONSTRUCTION and DISMANTLING of Hinduism in its totality. By giving Dalits and tribals and OBCs a separate “non-Hindu” identity. THEY SAY SO THEMSELVES.
We know all this thanks to the internet and all of their conferences being livestreamed)

So. The modus operandi of the Leftist “independent” media houses and academia:

First you attack Hindutva. Bang Bang Bang!
Shift the overton window a little.

Abuse deities like Lord Ram. Call him a misogynist.
“Look how he tested his wife.”
(Because obviously, 21st century morality is only reserved for Hindu figures !)

Abuse Brahminism, but not Brahmins (that comes later).
All that is bad is a result of Brahminism.
No-one likes casteism. Or imposing men. So call for doing away with Hindu rituals done by Brahmins ie. Brahminical Patriarchy.
Overton Window shifts further.

Use examples from abandoned texts like manusmriti to further deepen existing caste fault lines.

Invoke the European trope of the academically bogus Aryan Invasion Theory.
Show Brahmins as foreign invaders who APPROPRIATED all the rich cultural and spiritual traditions of the Dalits and tribals – the “real indigenous peoples of India”.
Call to De-Brahminise, Yoga, classical music and art, Hindu Festivals. As these are stolen intellectual property.

In the meantime organise DGH-Dismantling Global Hindutva- conferences (Hindutva here is a mere dogwhistle for Hinduism).
Start building real academic support against Hinduism. Distribute toolkits on how to do disruptions/boycotts of Hindu speakers. And harass openly-Hindu students on college campuses. Alienate and stigmatize vocal Hindus, while incentivising deracinated Hindus who toe the line.
Spread your hateful message among like-minded NGOs and activists.

But what is discussed inside these conferences ?
Crux of their message is:
“Hindutva = Casteism = Brahminism = Hinduism”
And since ALL the problems of India originate from Caste, to eradicate all the multiple evils of India, the “final solution” is to deconstruct, dismantle and abolish Hinduism.

This is the take-home message at these conferences.
That, Brahmins ≈ White Supremacists of India. They are fascists. And you don’t engage with fascists in debate, and all tactics – even violence – is justified against fascists.

Ofcourse our WokeBro isn’t aware of the shit-storm brewing at the top of the mountain. At the bottom of the hill, all he feels is a cool light breeze on his face, as he feels happy about virtue-signalling and participating in the latest outrage cycle.
Moreover these conferences are not reported by his favourite “independent” media houses.

All he knows is: Hindutva Bad, Hinduism Good.


But then something weird happens.

A Youth Minister from Tamil Nadu, the son of the sitting Chief Minister of the State, actually says that shit in public.
The son of one of the seniormost Congress Party leaders, endorses that statement.
A barrage of wannabe politicians and low-level online scamsters go on social media, do insane mental gymnastics and try to defend his statement.

What did the minister say ?

The Minister doesn’t attack Hindutva. He doesn’t attack Brahminism.
He goes straight for the jugular !
He says SANATAN DHARMA needs to be eradicated, like mosquito-borne diseases Dengue and Malaria.

He says the stuff that’s not to supposed be said just yet. The Overton Window has not moved enough. The common people are not primed for this yet.

The Joker has made a huge Oopsie ! Just as the opposition alliance was taking shape and beginning to set the narrative.

And thus the veil has been lifted.
All doubts erased.
The sterilising rays of the sun fall and nothing is hidden now.

The attacks on Hindutva have always been a dogwhistle for attacks on Hinduism.
Just it was impractical/politically suicidal to say that openly.

But now it’s been said. The genie is out of the bottle. There’s no going back.

No more pretence.
The ball is in the court of the Hindu community now.
And the good-hearted honest liberal -our WokeBro- needs to make a decision.

   – @SusLibRealist on Twitter

Annamalai will emerge strong, future of TN is bright


The political strategy of Annamalai, Tamil Nadu state president of BJP appears to be, finish the false friend first and deal the enemy later during election where people would support BJP to defeat DMK, thanks to the unruly governance of DMK is quite right and prudent.  

The pseudo-friend is the real enemy of BJP because the pseudo-friend by travelling with the party as an important alliance partner and enjoying all comfort from BJP government at the centre is secretly stabbing BJP from behind. 

Therefore, isolating the pseudo-friend especially when the pseudo-friend is extremely weak and facing inner party fight and facing leadership crisis is the right strategy for BJP and that is what Annamalai, the state president of BJP is doing. 

People of Tamil Nadu knows well that BJP is the only party and Annamalai is the only leader who can challenge DMK in Tamil Nadu and not EPS or AIADMK. Therefore, dealing DMK is quite easy for Annamalai. If Annamalai fail to show the real place of EPS and AIADMK as on date means, the core anti-DMK voters may remain confused between AIADMK and BJP and when alliance between the two parties does not happen later in 2024, whatever be the reason, the BJP and Annamalai may not able to attract all such voters towards BJP mainly because, some voters may think AIADMK alone could challenge DMK and not BJP. 

If BJP and Annamalai position now and prove to the people of Tamil Nadu that BJP is the deciding factor in Tamil Nadu and not the weak AIADMK or its leader EPS who is facing dispute from OPS, and if necessary, a new alliance under the leadership of BJP will be formed in Tamil Nadu with clear assurance of ministerial berth to the alliance partners in central government in 2024 (Modiji is going to win and going to form the government for the third consecutive term), certainly that would cut to size the arrogance of EPS led AIADMK and also may pose stiff challenge to DMK. 2026 election is going to be a done deal for BJP, thanks to both the leadership of Annamalai and horrible governance of DMK. 

Measuring the strength of BJP based on the past vote percentage will be a wrong approach, which some BJP sympathizers are doing to impress BJP to have an alliance with EPS. BJP under Modiji and Amit Shaw is different, it has won the heart and soul of people of India, it has transformed India, made every Indian proud, India the country, entire world is eagerly looking for to do business with, all thanks goes to Modiji. 

Therefore, people of Tamil Nadu, especially the greater proportion of AIADMK voters are looking at Annamalai and BJP as their last hope against DMK and BJP will restore the good governance of MGR, Amma J Jalalithaa and Kamarajar. 

The anti-DMK voter base is quite strong and large in Tamil Nadu and therefore they are seriously looking for a leader who can take on the mighty money and muscle power of DMK. Everyone in Tamil Nadu knows Modiji is very honest, upright and bold who will not shy even to pledge his life for India.  Therefore, BJP is the only political force that can crush the muscle and money power of DMK easily and Annamalai alone can boldly oppose DMK from the pedestal of honesty, straightforwardness and simplicity. 

BJP should boldly announce that the party will not tolerate nasty criticism of EPS led AIADMK by siting over the shoulder of BJP and enjoying transient ‘amnesty and immunity’…….

BJP also must make it clear to EPS lead weak AIADMK that the party may be wiped out if it loses the grace of BJP and EPS needs BJP and not the other way.  Annamalai, while galvanizing all anti-DMK voters towards BJP also must send out the message clear and loud that EPS led AIADMK is weak and cannot deal DMK anymore and therefore voters should not waste their precious anti-DMK vote by supporting EPS led weak AIADMK. 

Now it appears, EPS led weak AIADMK is working against BJP and Annamalai secretly and at the same time is also putting up an image that it is the alliance partner of BJP. This would confuse the hardcore anti-DMK voters and also would affect the growth prospects of BJP in Tamil Nadu. BJP must be brave and bold in Tamil Nadu and must expose the weakness EPS led AIADMK and must present itself as the natural and the only option for all anti-DMK voters, nationalists, those who love spirituality linked Tamil culture and those longs for political representation, fairness and development. 

Annamalai is right and prudent, the central BJP must support Annamalai unconditionally to make the BJP a formidable force in Tamil Nadu.    

Game of Chess is a gift from India, just as Yoga


A bright young 18 year old boy from India, GrandMaster Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa has won Silver at the International Chess Championship* and earlier, GrandMaster Vishwanath Anand had won Gold in the year 2000 at this Championship. Therefore, this is perhaps an appropriate time to reflect on our heritage-link with this sport. 

Chess, just like Yoga, is essentially a gift of the Ancient Indian knowledge system to mankind. Everyone knows this, globally all chess organisations admit this and Google also says so! Now India has to work on projecting chess and repositioning it as a costless tool to sharpen intellectual prowess, something like a kind of Intellectual Yoga or “BrainYoga”. Also let us remember not to confuse this grand intellectual game with chance games of dice. Chess is not a game of chances but it is a war-game of strategic thinking, planning and executing an attack on an enemy.

Chess is another evidence of ancient India’s cultural current, softly and gracefully flowing throughout the globe, just like Yoga does. Contributing to the intellectual elevation of the human potential at almost no cost, no commitment and no demand. In that way, chess parallels Yoga. Yoga contributes to humanity by elevating health and wellness at no cost, no commitment and no demand.

It is no secret that what was once a very commonly played game in India has lost that place, albeit, due to very legitimate reasons. Finding peaceful leisurely time for this sport was nearly impossible during the centuries of assaults and oppressions of colonisers. Now that the tide has turned in favour, independent India is slowly finding its feet, it is the right time to work on India’s assets, intangible and tangible.

In most Indian languages, such as Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Urdu etc, the game of chess is known by its Arabaised pronunciation,“Shatranj”. However, it was not so before the foreigners colonised India. Wherever the Indic civilisation existed, from the Far-East to South Asia, chess was known by the original name “CHATURANG – चतुरंग”. In Tamil language and many other Asian languages such as Burmese, Bahasa Indonesia etc. it is still Chaturang, expressed as ‘Chaturnkam’ in Tamil or similar meaning in their local languages. 

The word ‘Chaturang’ carries a meaning. When applied to an army, Chaturang means ‘a strong full-fledged army consisting of all “4-Elements”. Namely, 1- foot-soldiers, 2- elephant mounted soldiers, 3- cavalrymen riding camels and 4- cavalrymen riding horses’. The army is led in the game by a King and Chief of the Army.

Chaturang has almost the same set of rules as those used in Chess today, however the titles of the pieces on the chequered board are not the same. The  Indian Chaturang pieces were secular soldiers but modern international chess today has religiously anointed soldier pieces such as Knights and Bishops.

Shatranj is just a mispronounced original word, “Chaturang”. It came came to be known as Shatranj in many languages in Asia and by names such as  échecs, ajedrez, schach, xadrez, check, shakhmaty, or chess in Europe. While Shatranj is merely Arabised** pronunciation of the Indian word Chaturang, the European name connects it to the word ‘Shah’, as the game of Kings/Rulers. In the Islamic ruler dominated regions such as India/Persia etc, the ruler was known as ‘Shah’ or ‘Shehanshah’. Eventually Chaturang took various local customised forms of ‘Shah’ in Spain, Portugal, France, Britain, Germany, Russia, England etc European countries and even in China.

Persian, Nepali, Sinhala languages etc and all the modern Indian languages such as Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali etc had no alphabetical or larynx deficiency, they being members of the Indo-European Language group, with roots in Sanskrit, were fully capable of proper pronunciation of every syllable of ‘Chaturang’ but had ironically began adopting the “ruler-friendly vocabulary” ‘Shatranj’ for the game of Chaturang.

Thus, most of the current names for chess do not capture the essence of the game as brilliantly as the original name “CHATURANG” that alludes to the spirit of the game, The Battle. This leaves a possibility that the world might welcome a more relevant name such as Chaturang in the future. Perhaps it can begin by making a positive narrative about it first in India, taking care not to waste away the goodwill of the game even though obtained by use of any other name.

Chess can be on the global stage as an ancient Indian game of Chaturang on the lines of Yoga for health and Chaturang for Brain Enhancement. Maybe India can host the FIDE office in India. Maybe India can begin with encouragement schemes, awards, incentives, coaching centres for Chess players in state capitals etc. and build on the potential that exists in the talented young generation of India. 


Chess Championship*: The International Chess Federation, well known by its French language acronym FIDE, is based in Switzerland. 

Chess Championship 2000: India’s first international success at the championships came in 2000, when Viswanathan Anand won the Gold. 

Chess Championship 2023: Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa now won the Silver at the FIDE World Cup in 2023.

Arabised** Arabs always replace ‘च – Ch’ with  ‘شوِِ‘ – ‘Sh’ or ‘س’-, ‘S’  simply because Arabic alphabets does not have any syllable equivalent to ‘च – Ch’. (We are aware that in Arabic, the Chai is Shy, China is Sin, Chocolate is Shockolate, etc. Secondly, Arabic alphabets ‘G’-‘ग’, ‘GH’-’घ’, and ‘J’-’ज’, have certain freedom of transpositioning resulting in tribe-wise/country-wise pronunciation differences. (We know that Gamal is occasionally Jamal, Sharga is Sharjah, Gabriel is Jibriel, etc). This led to Chaturang coming to be pronounced as ‘Shatranj’ and the original word began its life in the Islam dominated parts of the globe with Arab, Turkic or Mongol rulers in the mediaeval time as a new spoken word, “Shatranj”  – ”شطرنج” (in Arabic).

BRICS expansion: A path to a more inclusive and resilient global economy



The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) is an informal grouping of five major emerging economies. In August 2023, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been invited to join the bloc. This expansion would have a number of political and economic benefits for both the BRICS members and the new entrants.

Political benefits

The expansion of BRICS to include these six countries would have a number of political benefits. First, it would increase the diversity of the BRICS bloc, both in terms of geography and ideology. This would make BRICS a more representative and inclusive forum for discussing global issues. For example, Argentina and Egypt are both democracies, while Iran and Saudi Arabia are monarchies. Ethiopia is a developing country, while the UAE is a developed country. This diversity would give BRICS a broader perspective on global issues and would make it more difficult for any one country to dominate the bloc.

Second, the expansion of BRICS would strengthen BRICS’s position in the global arena. With a larger membership, BRICS would have a greater voice in international organizations and negotiations. This would be particularly important in the United Nations, where the United States and other Western countries have traditionally held a dominant position. The expansion of BRICS would give the bloc a stronger platform to advocate for the interests of developing countries.

Third, the expansion of BRICS would help to counter the influence of the United States and other Western countries. BRICS has been seen as an alternative to the Western-dominated international system. The expansion of the bloc would further strengthen this challenge to the United States and other Western countries. This could lead to changes in the global order, with BRICS playing a more prominent role in decision-making.

Economic Benefits

The expansion of BRICS would also have a number of economic benefits. First, it would create new opportunities for trade and investment between BRICS members and the new entrants. This would boost economic growth and development in all countries involved. For example, Argentina is a major exporter of agricultural products, while Iran is a major exporter of oil. The expansion of BRICS would create new opportunities for these countries to trade with each other.

Second, the new entrants bring with them different strengths and resources, which would help to make BRICS more resilient to shocks. For example, Saudi Arabia is a major oil producer, while the UAE is a major financial center. This diversity would help to protect BRICS from economic downturns in any one country or sector.

Third, the expansion of BRICS would help to reduce the economic dependence of BRICS members on the West. This would give BRICS more bargaining power in international trade negotiations. For example, China is currently the largest trading partner of many BRICS members. The expansion of BRICS would give these countries more options when it comes to trade, and it would reduce their reliance on China.


While there are many potential benefits to the expansion of BRICS, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed. One challenge is that the new entrants have different political and economic systems than the existing BRICS members. This could make it difficult to reach consensus on common goals and policies. Another challenge is that the new entrants may not be able to contribute financially to BRICS’s initiatives. This could strain the resources of the existing BRICS members.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of BRICS expansion outweigh the risks. The expansion of BRICS would make the bloc more representative and inclusive, and it would strengthen BRICS’s position in the global arena. It would also create new opportunities for trade and investment, and it would help to reduce the economic dependence of BRICS members on the West.


Overall, the expansion of BRICS to include Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE would be a positive development for the global economy and for the countries involved. It would help to promote economic growth and development, and it would strengthen the voice of developing countries in the global arena.


In order to ensure that the expansion of BRICS is a success, it is important to address the following challenges:

  • Reaching consensus on common goals and policies: The BRICS members need to find ways to overcome their differences and reach consensus on common goals and policies. This could be done through regular dialogue and cooperation.
  • Ensuring that all members are able to contribute financially: The new entrants may not be able to contribute financially to BRICS’s initiatives. The existing BRICS members may need to provide financial assistance to the

AIADMK under EPS soon to meet the fate of Chandrababu Naidu of TDP in AP


As a hardcore BJP member, a true admirer of Modiji and cheerleader of Annamalai, the decision of AIADMK to break the alliance with BJP in Tamil Nadu is a happy news than a day that brought some sadness, awe and shock.  TDP under Chandrababu Naidu went to an extreme extent to support congress party to defeat Modiji in 2019 which ended up in Chandrababu Naidu becoming irrelevant, a spent force and forgotten history not only in the state of Andhra Pradesh but also in India. 

BJP, although was not a very formidable political force in AP, but having an alliance with BJP had given TDP a national stature, national relevance and leadership value which Chandrababu Naidu lost completely by joining with congress. It is not just power, even the political relevance itself is a mirage for TDP today, thanks to the senseless act of Chandrababu Naidu in the past. 

Today the Uddav Thackrey led Siva Sena and JDU of Nitish Kumar, all are at the mercy of their once opponents, to remain valid and relevant. All of them betrayed BJP, stabbed BJP from the back by turning from parasitic political existence to pathogenic political existence.  Today all these political parties are nothing but ‘pathogens’ trying to do everything possible to cause serious disease to our nation which Modiji is preventing thanks to the love and support of millions of Indians.

AIADMK under EPS had survived all odds after the demise of Jayalalithaa thanks to the unconditional support of Modiji from the centre otherwise the party would have disintegrated and degenerated, long before. AIADMK has been dying, but thanks to the support of Modiji, the death of the party got delayed. But now EPS has decided to bury the party alive by deciding to snap ties with BJP in the state. If BJP could form an alliance with even smaller and tiny political parties in TN, still the party can give tough challenge to DMK and BJP also can win a few seats as the state president of BJP, Annamalai has done enough and more ground work for the party. 

The growth of BJP in the state is wrongly being sensed by EPS as a death warning to AIADMK, hence the party wants to target Annamalai but the supporters of Annamalai and the central leadership of BJP is not going to recognize the cry of EPS. AIADMK was a political force once upon a time and not now. The party lack a charismatic leader, just with money power, some party leaders still think, they can win election.  The corruption baggage of many AIADMK would sink them into loose sand, going to chock them to death, if the law agencies speedup the process.

In the political terrain of Tamil Nadu, the political fight is not between DMK and AIADMK but between DMK and BJP. BJP, at least at ideological level has grown big, large and gigantic in the state to oppose DMK and BJP alone can oppose DMK and that is how most anti-DMK voters in the state believe. AIADMK has lost its political will, leadership charisma, ideological clarity and relevance. BJP under Annamalai has brought the state politics into a strong ideological frontier and only DMK can oppose BJP from ideological battle field. 

On the contrary, AIADMK does not have any ideology and it was always seen as the main opponent of DMK to galvanize all anti-DMK votes besides own vote share. In a sense, AIADMK could win only by utilizing the anti-incumbency sentiments and hatred of people towards rowdy-ism and lawlessness of DMK rule. 

Today, BJP under Annamalai has occupied the strong position in opposing DMK alphabet by alphabet both politically, ideologically and also though exemplary leadership style that can be equated with the leaders of the past like MGR, Jayalalithaa, Anna etc.

The parliamentary election of 2024, EPS and AIADMK desperately need the initial and introduction of Modiji otherwise the party would disappear from Tamil Nadu politics. EPS must realize the bitter truth that AIADMK is at the mercy of BJP and Modiji and not the other way. If PMK and other smaller political parties in Tamil Nadu come to an agreement with BJP that they all would contest next assembly election as well and would form a coalition government, both DMK and AIADMK can be kept away from power.

But all these parties must agree to put their heart and soul into the forthcoming election in 2024, must secure huge vote share and must focus to weaken AIADMK in all possible way.  EPS has decided to write the epitaph of AIADMK which is a good sign. 

The day is not far away, like how all those AIADMK leaders used to crawl and creep at the feet of Jayalalithaa and Sasikala for power and position, the state would witness the same scene where many AIADMK leaders may fall at the feet of Annamalai for power and position.