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Is India’s real self rule from 2014- flustering the non state organizations?


Can anyone reason it out as to why a Billionaire not connected to India by birth, family or business interests of significance is interested in a regime change in India? Why is George Soros working overtime to unseat a democratically elected mass leader on the back of the most ironical excuse of saving the Indian democracy?

If Mr. George Soros is so much enamored with democracy and its preciousness to defend it in every nook and corner of the world by lavishing out millions of money, then why is that he is shying away from confronting the communists/authoritarian regimes like N.Korea, China, Syria, Lebanon, Cuba, Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc. Why is he interested in India where the Democracy is quite safe?

Mr. G.S was declared a persona non grata in his own country of birth, Hungary, as he was found to disrupt the ruling regime’s strict immigration policy. Incidentally George Soros was also seen taking the cudgels for Rohingyas cause with Indian govt. There have also been allegations that Soros was behind the brother hood movement in Egypt.

His support for the boycott movement of Jewish state clearly brings into focus the true religious leanings of Mr. Soros. Even though he was born as a Jew it is said that he posed as a Christian to escape persecution in the concentration camps of the Nazis and since then has been a Christian sympathizer although he outwardly poses to be a man with no religious leanings.

Mr. George Soros is a very rich man, it is not clear as to how he made is money. He is described as an investor. That could mean anything from a stock market punter to opportunistic speculative investor in appreciating assets to possibly even a money laundering agent. He is also accused of cornering and paralyzing the Bank of England through currency market manipulations in the past. George Soros’s ill reputation to cause disruptions in various govts has been well documented. However what is really  mysterious is his real intention and the real source of his funding behind all these disruptive acts. No business man worth his salt would be found squandering away his hard earned money in disrupting established govts in various Nations, without a tangible return on his investments. If Mr.GS is spurred  by philanthropic sentiments, then  there are hundreds of avenues that would be vying for his attention and that which would not have anything to do with destabilizing of govts.

Two logical questions follow– Whether the money being squandered belongs to him or is he the fund manager of other financially very powerful institutions? On matters of refugees, why does he feel the compulsive need to poke his nose and assume extra constitutional status over the concerned official  U.N body?  

If we follow the quizzing trail of who or which could be that powerful and rich institutions whose interests converges with what Mr. G.S is explicitly attempting, then we may find some possible clues to arrive at a reliable guess as to the mysterious hand behind GS.

Next to economically advanced countries, most richest institutional bodies are the Abrahamic religious  bodies. The Abrahamic religions are obsessed with ever expanding numbers of its followers and the missionary activities cost lot of money for which there is no dearth of funds from its donors. The attainment of their objectives, however depend  on some congenial environment.

The congenial environment for Religious conversions  at the outset would envisage- a weak govt which can be arm twisted to toe the lines laid by the religious organizations or else made to face the consequence of losing the political power through weakening of its support base. A kind of quid pro arrangement with the govts that spells out “you overlook our activities and we assure you support base“ augurs well for these groups.

The next factor in the congenial environment for religious  conversion is lowly developed state of economy with wide spread poverty and illiteracy. The tribal belts of India experience maximum  religious  conversions. Many of us would have witnessed and heard about sustained agitation by poor village population against some economic development project coming up in their vicinity.

These villagers are so poor that they cannot sustain even a single day without earning their daily lively hood, but surprisingly enough they would be seen participating in months long protest. Any economic development would rob away the potential inducement power of money in influencing the religious conversions or would perhaps make the religious conversion projects that much a costlier proposition. The prolonged kundakulam project stands out as a vivid example of engineered protest by missionaries.

Another fertile ground for religious conversions is the refugee camps and relief camps where people uprooted from their main dwellings are forced to live in subhuman conditions. Many of them become easy prey for religious conversions. There have been news reports that Yazdi refugees in Middle East have complained that there had been undue pressure on them by the relief providing missionaries to adapt to Christianity. Even in the Rohingya refugee camps near Bangalore there have been reports of refugees converting to Christianity.

At this juncture if should we take an eagle’s eye view, then it could be clearly seen that the objectives that GS and the Missionary institutions pursue have great degree of convergence. Therefore a hypothesis that George Soros is indeed a most plausible front manager for the rich religious institution gains much credence. With his prowess in making riches in investment market, George Soros would become the ideal man to manage the huge funds of richest religious institution through appropriate investments. He would also become an ideal ally in pursuing their end objective without inviting undue publicity on them especially given his Jewish background.

Juxtaposed against their objective of ever expanding conversions of faiths, the changed scenario in India post 2014 that saw A strong govt headed by a Leader who cannot be arm twisted and also a strong political party that cannot be brow beaten by blackmails that hinges upon erosion of support base, does present a big botheration for the syndicate of GS and the missionaries. 

That Modi’s speedily rocketing popularity, the anti conversion laws passed by many states and India’s assured fast strides in the economic development- poses a very big challenge for the merchants of conversion will rank as  the rank bad understatement ever. Modi’s govt further dealt a deathly blow to these groups by coming down very heavily on many wayward and dubious NGOS. Many of these dubious NGOs instead of coming clean on indictments by the Govt agencies opted to close down their shutters. It is very shocking that even Institutions like Amnesty International, preferred to shut their offices than open them to bona fide govt scrutiny. George Soros’s fully funded Open society foundation too had to face lot of heat in this regard.   

It was then natural to expect the counter attack from these peeved group of forces and thus started a well orchestrated chorus of “Democracy under threat” & “save democracy” campaigns through all the well known sources that practice anti Modism for a price  to put the Modi govt on the back foot. The western Media biggies like NYT, WP, Time, Guardian and not to forget the BBC all of them have their regular source of fund from the richest religious institution fully assured all in return for a negative publicity campaign to be unleashed by them on the current ruling regime in India.

In Modi’s case his govt had to contend with not only the menace of missionary forces that were driving turbulence but also on the other hand his govt had to deal severely with the Chinese sponsored disturbances and dissensions with the collusion of Jihadists.

Thus for many political scribes and anti Modi organizations the pursuit of anti Modism presented a gold mine that was there for their taking. The Democracy in peril narrative that is being fabricated and pushed around by them brings up a valid question as to whose democracy is in peril? The increasing voter base of Modi govt does not give any such indication what so ever.

Day in and day out many depraved elements in the opposition parties compete with each other to  abuse Modi in a most derogative language. Every issue is dragged from Parliament on to the street  democracy. People  get away with passing unsubstantiated disparaging remarks  over  constitutional bodies like election commission, Judiciary etc. As a matter of fact  many such provocative  acts are willfully indulged only with the sole  intention of inviting action from the authorities so that such actions could be advanced as a case of  disregard  for Democratic rights. Out in the real world away from the media world  –  One wonders  where  would one find signs of democracy in Peril . Oh ! Yes of course  !  some extra privileges and extra degrees of freedom  enjoyed under weaker  regimes  by  few  of  these  fear mongers of  ‘Democracy under peril “  chorus  group    would definitely  have  melted away .   

The neighborhood country Pakistan has  a track record of Military regimes interspersed with democratically elected govts under the remote control of the country’s army . But  curiously  enough  The NGOs and the prodemocracy activists have  nothing to do with it . Even in the  Indian state of  J&K  when  the very basic tenet of democracy , that of guaranteeing equal opportunity to all  was denied to state’s non Muslim population , the post 2014  very   busy ‘ save   democracy’ activists  were then   found  enjoying Lutyen club privileges without any care for the refugees from that state . All the same  this very gang was ultra  quick to come to the rescue  of  the  stone pelters  , suicide bombers  and arsonists  by   fighting  for their rights .

Very unfortunately   for the “ Democracy  in peril “  chorus  group   ,  some important developments  have  gone against their  interests . Congress  has taken a heavy drubbing in many elections  without any conviction  left  for  its revival  , the hope of AAP filling up  the opposition lead party role  has been blown away with no hope of  getting  restored again ,  the coalition govt  experiments  everywhere  continue to   come out as cropper thus  reinforcing the public faith in  backing a single majority party . The international developments have caused  major realignment in foreign policy of many countries  . India under Modi has emerged  has a very  crucial  ally for the US and western powers  , including Australia  and Japan . A govt under the aegis  of   those parties which signed secret MOU with china  will hardly  have any backing from these block of Nations . Thus  squandering  millions in the name of creating a typhoon but having to contend  with creating  minor ripples  , will become  the year round ordeal   for the “ Democracy in peril “  narrative peddlers .  

 There is  enough of discernible evidences from  very  many  tool kit exposures  as  to conclusively  establish that the countries opposition  strategy  is being charted   by the non state organizations  , that in turn  would  throw up a very scary  and disquieting  implication  as to what could have been   the  state of affairs when today’s opposition was in power ?  could  it have been  the case of  govt policy being charted  by the  non state organizations ???  making a  sham of the  process  of   Democratically  elected govts .

 Are  we Indians  overlooking  the  stark  reality  that perhaps  the year 2014  really  ushered  in the Independent self rule  for  India the first time around  , although  the country celebrates  75 years  of Independence .  

महिला सशक्तिकरण: भारतीय राजनीति


महिला सशक्तिकरण एक बड़ा विषय है, जिसे भारतीय राजनीति में विशेष ध्यान दिया जा रहा है। आज के समय में, महिलाओं के लिए अधिक से अधिक राजनीतिक अधिकार होने चाहिए जिससे वे समाज के साथ साथ राजनीतिक दलों भी समान भूमिका निभा सके। महिला सशक्तिकरण के माध्यम से उन्हें जीवन के अलग- अलग क्षेत्रों में आगे बढ़ने का मौका मिलता है और समाज में समानता और सामंजस्य की भावना फैलती है।

भारतीय राजनीति में महिलाओं को सक्रिय रूप से शामिल करने के लिए अनेक उपाय किए जा रहे हैं। महिलाओं के लिए राजनीतिक पार्टियों में आरक्षण का प्रावधान है जो उन्हें समान अवसर प्रदान करता है। उन्हें उनके साथ होने वाली समस्याओं को उठाने का मौका मिलता है और वे नेतृत्व की भूमिका निभा सकती हैं।

पूर्वी यूपी और बिहार में महिला आरक्षण को लेकर कुछ कदम उठाए गए हैं जो महिलाओं को राजनीति में अधिक सक्रिय बनाने में मदद करेंगे। इसके अलावा,महिलाओं को राजनीति में अधिक सक्रिय बनाने के लिए और भी कदम उठाए जाने चाहिए। महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने के लिए, उन्हें शिक्षा और प्रशिक्षण के लिए अधिक संसाधन प्रदान किए जाने चाहिए। इसके लिए सरकार ने विभिन्न योजनाएं शुरू की हैं जैसे महिला उत्थान योजना, महिला सशक्तिकरण योजना और अन्य।इसके साथ ही, महिला उत्पीड़न के मुद्दों को उठाने के लिए सक्रिय कदम उठाए जाने चाहिए।

महिलाओं के लिए सुरक्षित और उद्योगप्रति माहौल बनाने के लिए सामाजिक एवं कानूनी व्यवस्था मजबूत होनी चाहिए।महिलाओं को सक्रिय रूप से राजनीति में शामिल करने के लिए समाज के साथ-साथ सरकार को भी उनके लिए संबंधित नीतियों को बनाने की जरूरत है। उन्हें समान अवसर और संरचनात्मक समर्थन देने के लिए नीतियों के बनाए जाने का समय आ गया है। अंततः, महिला सशक्तिकरण एक ऐसा मुद्दा है जो देश के सभी अंगों में महत्वपूर्ण है।

राजनीतिक दलों को इस मुद को गंभीरता से लेना चाहिए और महिलाओं के लिए संबंधित नीतियों को तुरंत लागू करना चाहिए। इसके अलावा, समाज को भी महिलाओं को सशक्त करने में अपना योगदान देना होगा। समाज को अपनी सोच और व्यवहार में बदलाव लाने की जरूरत है। इस तरह से, महिलाओं को राजनीति में सशक्त बनाने के लिए एक समृद्ध और अधिकांशतः सहमत माहौल की जरूरत है। एक सशक्त और स्वतंत्र महिला न केवल अपने लिए बल्कि समाज के लिए भी उपयोगी होती है।

अंत में, हम सभी को समझना चाहिए कि महिलाओं के सशक्तिकरण का अर्थ है समाज मे समानता दिलाने के लिए, समाज को उनके अधिकारों को समझने और समर्थन करने की जरूरत है। इसलिए, हमें सभी को मिलकर महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने में योगदान देना चाहिए। यह हमारे समाज का आवश्यकता है और यह हमारी जिम्मेदारी है।

The dangers of judicial activism and overreach


One of the foundational elements of democracy in India has always been the judiciary. It is the organisation in charge of defending citizens’ rights and upholding the Constitution. But there has recently been a heated discussion about the judiciary’s function in India, particularly the line between judicial activism and judicial overreach.

In a democracy, the judiciary’s duties include upholding the Constitution, ensuring justice, and interpreting the law. However, a contentious discussion over judicial activism and overreach has recently been focused on in the court. Judicial overreach occurs when judges go beyond their constitutional authority to make decisions based on their convictions, as opposed to judicial activism, which entails judges actively interpreting the law to solve societal concerns.

When judges actively interpret and uphold the law to defend citizens’ rights, this is referred to as judicial activism. This entails taking action to solve concerns that the government has neglected to address, such as instances of human rights breaches or the adoption of laws that might be unlawful. To ensure that the government and other institutions are held accountable to the public, judicial activism is regarded as a crucial weapon.

However, judicial activism occasionally oversteps its bounds and becomes a judicial overreach. When judges stray from their constitutionally mandated authority and interfere with the executive and legislative branches’ operations, it is known as judicial overreach. This could result in a situation where the judiciary starts deciding on policy rather than just interpreting and applying the law.

The debate over judicial activism and overreach in India has been ongoing for several decades. Supporters of judicial activism argue that it is necessary to ensure that the government and other institutions are held accountable to the people. They argue that the judiciary must be proactive in addressing issues that may not have been adequately addressed by the government or other institutions.

Opponents of judicial activism, on the other hand, argue that it can lead to a situation where judges are making policy decisions that should be left to elected representatives. They argue that judicial activism can be used to push a particular political agenda, which can be detrimental to the democratic process.

In recent years, several high-profile cases have brought the discussion of judicial activism and overreach to the forefront, making it a particularly divisive topic. For instance, in 2018, the Indian Supreme Court overturned a law from the colonial era that had made same-sex partnerships illegal and legalised homosexuality. As it was beyond what had previously been thought to be the jurisdiction of the judiciary, this decision was widely regarded as an example of judicial activism. 

The matter was once again brought to light when the Chief Justice of India recently expressed opinions that were seen as extreme by some and for which they have suggested that a person of such status should have refrained. However, others also connected his opinions to “Western Wokeism”. As a result, the Indian court, which is revered as the protector of the Indian Constitution, has come under fire for embracing the ‘urban elitist view’.

The debate over judicial activism and overreach is an important one for the future of democracy in India. While judicial activism can be an important tool for ensuring that the government and other institutions are held accountable to the people, judges must remain within their constitutional mandate. This means that they must interpret and enforce the law, rather than make policy decisions that should be left to elected representatives.

It’s critical to achieve a balance between judicial activism and overreach, even though both have proponents and opponents. Judges must use restraint and refrain from going beyond their constitutionally granted powers. Judges must be prepared to interpret the law in a way that advances justice and upholds the rights of all citizens. The judiciary must be unbiased, independent, and dedicated to protecting the Constitution and the rule of law.

Ultimately, the role of the judiciary in India will continue to be a subject of debate and discussion. However, this debate must take place in a constructive and respectful manner, wherein the focus is on upholding the Constitution and protecting the rights of all citizens.

Who will prosecute the prosecution?

“We hold that the Investigating Agency in the given case should be made responsible/accountable for their negligent, cursory, and inefficient actions,” the Rajasthan High court said in its order on 29th March, 2023. Is there anything new? Have we been here before?

It was on  May 13, 2008, when bombs went off one after another at Manak Chawk Khanda, Chandpole Gate, Badi Chaupad, Chhoti Chaupad, Tripolia Gate, Johri Bazar and Sanganeri Gate. The explosions left 71 people dead and 185 injured.The Ashok Gehlot government has promised an appeal. Can they get a  reversal  of the order? We wait with bated breath, as always.

“In the given case, for the reasons stated above, in spite of the case being of heinous nature, 71 persons losing their lives and 185 persons sustaining injuries, causing unrest in the lives of every citizen, not just in the city of Jaipur, but all across the country, we deem it appropriate to direct the Director General of Rajasthan Police to initiate appropriate Enquiry/Disciplinary Proceedings against the erring officers of the Investigating Team,” observed the court while acquitting the accused persons.

“The circumstantial evidence must be complete and incapable of explanation of any other hypothesis than that of the guilt of the accused and such evidence should not only be consistent with the guilt of the accused but should be inconsistent with his innocence. In the present case(s), the prosecution has failed to do so, resultantly, the Court is left with no alternative but to acquit the accused,” the order said.

Remember the 2G judgment of a Special Court, Delhi where CBI was stated to have ‘miserably failed’ to prove the charges’ against 21 accused. The Supreme Court has said on multiple occasions reminded State to ensure ‘professional investigation’. State of U.P. v. Ashok Kumar Srivastava (1992), a landmark verdict highlighted the importance of a fair and thorough investigation by the police in criminal cases. The Court observed that the accused cannot be held guilty merely on the basis of suspicion and conjecture, and that the prosecution must prove its case beyond reasonable doubt.

In the same year, in State of Haryana v. Bhajan Lal (1992), the apex Court laid down guidelines to be followed by the police and the courts, in cases where the investigation is not conducted properly. The Court observed that the failure of the police to investigate a case properly can itself be a ground for quashing the proceedings.

And in Ram Bihari Yadav v. State of Bihar (1998): In this case, the Supreme Court held that the prosecution cannot rely solely on the statements of witnesses if the investigation is found to be defective. The Court observed that the prosecution must provide independent and reliable evidence to prove its case.

Then came the classic in Zahira Habibullah Sheikh v. State of Gujarat (2004) where the top court observed that the failure of the police to conduct a proper investigation can result in a grave miscarriage of justice. No dearth of  precedents,you see. We can multiply such instances by the dozens.

These judgments have emphasized the need for a fair and thorough investigation by the police in criminal cases, and have suggested that if poor investigation led to derailment of justice, there must be ‘consequences’ ‘accountability’ on the prosecution.

The Supreme Court of India, in the landmark judgment of Prakash Singh v. Union of India (2006), held that the police force in India must be made accountable for their actions and non-actions in the investigation of crimes. The court emphasized the need for police reforms in the country and directed the central and state governments to implement several measures to ensure the independence and accountability of the police force.

One of the key aspects of the judgment was the establishment of State Security Commissions (SSCs) in each state, which would be responsible for ensuring that the police force is functioning independently and efficiently. The SSCs were directed to lay down broad policy guidelines and give directions for the performance of police duties.

The judgment also directed the central and state governments to implement several other measures to ensure police accountability, including the establishment of a Police Complaints Authority (PCA) at the state and district levels to inquire into complaints of police misconduct, the separation of the investigation and law and order functions of the police, and the setting up of a National Security Commission (NSC) to oversee the functioning of central police organizations.

The Prakash Singh judgment emphasized the need for police reforms in India and laid down several measures to ensure the independence and accountability of the police force. The judgment was hailed as a significant step towards ensuring the rule of law in the country.

We are deeply touched that it is only 16 years since, as the Prakash Singh directions continue to gather dust. “Not much dust has gathered to disturb the peace of the political and police administration, we suppose’, a mischievous tweet ran, after the tragic Jaipur acquittals. Cynicism and sarcasm are hardly ‘Justice’ for the victims. Do we care?

CBI said on  21st Dec,2017, date of 2G verdict, “The judgement has been prima facie examined and it appears that the evidence adduced to substantiate the charges by the prosecution has not been appreciated in its proper perspective by the learned court.” And we wait for a final imprimatur from the Delhi High Court.

It is singularly unfortunate that our criminal justice system is not just  ‘creaking but plain simple broke’ as jurist Harish Salve said, and needs not band aid fixes, but desperate surgical remedies.

Now that Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot government has said much the same thing as CBI said in 2017, We the People shall have to wait for the Supreme Court to pronounce for the nth time!
In the meanwhile, can we at least shed a tear for the victims please?
(Narasimhan Vijayaraghavan, writer, is practicing advocate in the Madras High Court)

Whether it’s gun or drugs, ruination of Kashmir’s youth is Pakistan ulterior motive



Woolie is Slang used for Mixture of Drugs“.

The decades-long violence in Kashmir, which was sponsored by Pakistan, led to a killing spree in which thousands of Kashmiri youngsters perished from bullets while their mothers still wail and wait for them to come home. According to certain rights organisations, over 100,000 people have been killed since 1989, although according to official data from Indian sources, the number of civilians murdered as a result of the insurgency is estimated to be over 50,000.

In nutshell, since 1989, cross-border terrorism has been rife in the Kashmir Valley of Jammu & Kashmir, causing a severe socio-economic downturn that required the unrelenting efforts of security forces and the current administration of Jammu & Kashmir to counteract.

In addition to contributing to social and economic deterioration, it had also upset the natural equilibrium. Many traders were forced to relocate their trading centres from the Valley to other parts of the country, and a large number of others were forced to look for an alternative source of income to survive the economic crisis. The conflict has affected all significant sources of livelihood for the local population, including agriculture, horticulture, tourism, and the handicraft industry.

The Pakistan-sponsored strategists are determined to harm Kashmir’s youth in one or the other way, and they target all the attempts time to time, made to settle and safeguard the region’s youth. Education is the main sector that terrorism impacted. Because of hartals and curfews, schools were forced to close for months, losing valuable instructional time. Many government schools that serve children whose families cannot afford to send them to private institutions have been devastated by terrorists. In 2015.

In addition to it, separatists supported by Pakistan planted their people to amplify the feeling of secession among students at all academic levels, from elementary to tertiary. Illegal appointments and widespread favouritism turned educational institutions into a centre of separatism, instilling in young people an “anti-national” attitude. Once these faculty were planted, they used bribes to fill open academic jobs, which hurt education overall. Thousands of students lives were wrecked by the failing educational environment, rampant violence, and conflict, which increased socio-psychological trauma among the populace.

In order to deprive Kashmiri youth of their opportunities and force them to pick up weapons and become cannon fodder for Pakistan and its allies in Kashmir, the playgrounds were abandoned and turned into graveyards. People who supported terrorists and separatist camps illegally occupied the playfields for their personal purpose.

However, since 2019, things seem to have changed. Over the past three years, Kashmir has seen a return to normalcy as terrorists and Pakistani stooges who were active in the Valley are now cornered and their ability to maintain a parallel system has been dismantled.There are no longer any terrorists carrying weapons or grenades since the security forces and Jammu and Kashmir Police have taken them down to size. There are no more cross-fires or grenade attacks. Both shutdowns and stone-throwing episodes are nonexistent.

The return to normalcy in Kashmir has brought peace to the common man. He performs his daily tasks in peaceful conditions. The return to the normalcy led to businesses staying open full time, which increased sales and profits for businessmen.Youth are free to continue their activities in Naya Jammu and Kashmir by taking part in sports competitions that are held in every part of the city.

As a result, more than 17 Lac people took part in various sports activities, among whom a number of young people were chosen for National and International competitions and the remainder are performing admirably.

Jammu and Kashmir nowadays is progressing towards peace, prosperity, and development across the board, from the reforms in the education sector to all other sectors. However, as the infiltration of weapons and terrorists is becoming more difficult, Pakistan has now turned to drug trafficking to degenerate the youth of Jammu and Kashmir and to finance terrorism in the valley.

Jammu and Kashmir has experienced a sharp increase in drug trafficking in recent years, with heroin and marijuana among the illegal substances that are grown and processed in Pakistan and Afghanistan before being trafficked into Kashmir.

Kashmir has overtaken Punjab as the most drug-affected region in the nation, with 1.2 percent of the population reportedly abusing drugs, with a drug use rate of 2.5 percent. At least six lakh citizens of Jammu and Kashmir were impacted by drug-related issues, according to the state-level narcotic coordination committee meeting, which was presided over by the Chief Sectary in November 2022. Each year, a drug addict in the Valley spend lakhs, which raises Kashmir’s crime rate. Recent rape and murder cases in Kashmir are an indication of the rise in crime.

Pakistan has revised its policy to “Bandook Se Na Goli Se, Baat Banegi Woollie Se” in light of the fact that smuggling weapons and ammunition into Kashmir is becoming more difficult by the day. As a result, drugs function now whereas weapons & ammunition do not.

The biggest challenge in Jammu and Kashmir at the moment is narco-terrorism, sponsored by Pakistan. Ruling elites around the world and human rights organisations need to pay attention to this grave concern. The bloodshed has already cost the lives of a generation of Kashmiris and we can’t afford to lose another to drugs.

The Author is the Scholar of Journalism & Mass Communication & can be reached at [email protected].

Unleash the power of Yoga: Why India needs an international Yoga organization

The ancient practice of Yoga, originating from India, has gained tremendous popularity worldwide in recent years. Yoga is more than just physical exercise, it is a holistic approach towards health and wellbeing that involves physical, mental, and spiritual practices. However, despite its Indian origins, yoga is being appropriated by Western countries and marketed as their own, diluting its cultural and spiritual significance. In this context, it is imperative for the Indian government to take proactive steps to preserve and promote yoga as a form of Indian soft power.

India has a rich history and tradition of yoga, and it is important to acknowledge and protect this heritage. The Indian government has taken some steps in this direction, including the establishment of International Yoga Day, which is celebrated globally every year on June 21. While this initiative has been successful in raising awareness about yoga, it is not enough. India needs to do more to preserve and promote yoga as a part of its cultural heritage.

One of the most significant steps that the Indian government can take is to establish an international organization dedicated to yoga. This organization could be responsible for promoting and educating people around the world about the true essence of yoga, its cultural and spiritual significance, and the Indian philosophy behind it. Such an organization could also provide internationally recognized degrees in yoga, including PhDs and higher degrees, to ensure that the practice is preserved and promoted in a way that is consistent with its Indian roots.

Furthermore, establishing an international organization would help India retain control over the narrative around yoga, preventing it from being appropriated by other cultures. This is particularly important in the era of globalization, where cultural appropriation is becoming increasingly common. By promoting yoga as a form of Indian soft power, India can ensure that its cultural heritage is protected and respected globally.

In conclusion, the Indian government must take proactive steps to preserve and promote yoga as a form of Indian soft power. Establishing an international organization dedicated to yoga is a crucial step towards achieving this goal. Through this organization, India can educate the world about the true essence of yoga, preserve its cultural and spiritual significance, and prevent it from being appropriated by other cultures. It is time for India to take the lead in promoting and preserving its cultural heritage, and yoga is a great place to start.

The impact of Delhi’s air pollution on health and tourism


Delhi, the bustling capital city of India, is known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse cuisine, and vibrant markets. However, in recent years, the city has also earned a notorious reputation for being one of the most polluted cities in the world.

Delhi’s air quality has deteriorated to alarming levels, with high levels of pollutants and particulate matter in the air. This has resulted in a range of public health concerns, as well as an adverse impact on the tourism industry.

The impact of Delhi’s air pollution on health and tourism is a complex issue that requires urgent attention. The poor air quality in the city has serious implications for the health of its residents, with a range of respiratory and other health problems caused by exposure to pollutants. 

Additionally, the high level of air pollution has also impacted the tourism industry, with visitors reluctant to visit the city due to concerns about the impact of pollution on their health. This article will explore the impact of Delhi’s air pollution on both health and tourism, as well as the measures being taken to address this critical issue.

Impact of Delhi’s Air Pollution on Health

Delhi’s air pollution has become a major public health concern, with serious implications for the health of its residents. The city’s air quality is characterized by high levels of particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. These pollutants have a range of impacts on health, including respiratory problems, cognitive decline, and long-term health problems.

Exposure to air pollution can lead to a range of respiratory problems, including asthma, bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). These conditions can cause coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.

They can also exacerbate existing respiratory conditions, making it more difficult for people to breathe and increasing the risk of hospitalization and premature death. Children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution on respiratory health.

Research has also linked air pollution to cognitive decline, especially in children. Exposure to air pollution can lead to decreased cognitive function, including impaired memory, attention, and decision-making skills.

This can have long-term implications for academic performance and overall well-being. In a study conducted in Delhi, researchers found that children exposed to higher levels of air pollution had lower cognitive development scores compared to children with lower exposure. 

The Impact of Delhi’s Air Pollution on Tourism

Delhi is home to so many tourist attractions that are attracting tourists from all around the world. But, due to air pollution that is increasing in Delhi day by day, the number of tourists is impacted massively.

Despite being a city full of tourist attractions, Delhi’s air pollution has had a major impact on the tourism industry. The city’s poor air quality has become a growing concern for tourists, with many choosing to avoid the city altogether. As a result, the tourism industry has suffered a significant blow, with a decrease in the number of visitors to the city and a negative impact on the economy.

While Delhi’s government has taken steps to reduce pollution levels in the city, there is still much work to be done. It is essential that both the government and citizens take urgent action to reduce pollution levels and protect the health of residents, while also promoting the city as a safe and healthy destination for tourists.

By taking proactive steps to improve air quality, Delhi can ensure that it remains a top destination for travelers from around the world, while also promoting sustainable and responsible tourism practices.


In conclusion, the impact of Delhi’s air pollution on health and tourism is a major issue that requires immediate attention.

The government and citizens of Delhi need to take urgent action to reduce pollution levels and protect the health of residents, while also promoting the city as a safe and healthy destination for tourists.

This includes implementing measures to reduce pollution levels, promoting clean transportation, and increasing awareness about the impact of air pollution on health. It is essential that both local and international tourists feel safe and healthy while visiting Delhi, and efforts must be made to ensure that the city becomes a sustainable and healthy destination for visitors from around the world.

Germany’s leaders need to have their brains rewired


Germany is one country in Europe which grew rapidly with US assistance following the second world war. Its growth was impressive. It invited global admiration. Tight monetary policy, a reputation for quality and engineering excellence marked the way forward. It was hard work all through and it paid the country rich dividends.

However, modern Germany is an entirely different story. It is today an integral part of the European Union that was formed on 1st November 1993. Along with Italy and France (and the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Ireland) it is one of the biggest contributors to the European Union. It is in fact the biggest as it contributes an average of nearly 31 billion Euros every year to the EU that increases with each passing year. All seemed to be going well until the Russian special operation on Ukraine began in early 2022.

One year after the war it is baffling and astonishing to discover the hard fact that no country involved either directly or indirectly in the war wants peace. India is a notable exception. The developed world very clearly does not want what India wants. Inevitably this suggests that different factors (such as pressure from its American allies) are at play. A good example is Germany.

This is a country whose leaders need to have their brains rewired to help them change their vision. Since the war began in Ukraine, Germany has been sending military assistance to Ukraine along with financial and humanitarian aid. Germany then joined EU efforts to stop Russian gas imports at a time when it needed such imports the most. Interestingly, neither the EU nor the US have stopped Russian nuclear energy imports.

Germany has traditionally been dependent on cheap imports of Russian oil and gas. Nearly 40 percent of its needs have been met by Russia. When President Trump warned German leaders that they were excessively dependent on Russian energy, they smiled at him with condescension, gave him coy looks that suggested that the US President did not know what he was talking about. But President Trump had got it right and the Germans had got it wrong.

Angela Merkel espoused a more sensible approach to restructuring Germany’s ties with Russia. She recognized the fact that there could be no solution without Russia’s active participation. She recognized the fact that Germany has no option other than reaching a settlement with Russia and this included Ukraine. 

Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger and Jeffrey Sachs and several other leaders in Europe would privately  agree with her. But the entire European Union has shown no backbone in resisting NATO’s efforts to break ties with Russia and using the war in Ukraine to wage a full-fledged shameless proxy war to destroy the Russian economy through a series of wide-ranging economic sanctions that was aimed at crippling the Russian economy.

It has taken a war in Ukraine to realize the brutal truth that the emperor has no clothes! Germany is today running from pillar to post for cheap oil and gas, while it’s population is reeling under the effects of inflation, an unprecedented energy crisis, a cost of living crisis   and businesses closing at rapid speed. The IMF predicts that Germany and Italy are certain to slip into recession in 2023.

The German consumer has for decades been used to low inflation and price stability. There is massive social unrest in Germany. German voters want their interests protected first and who is to say that they are wrong? Discontent is widespread. Lights have been dimmed in all public buildings. Heating has been restricted. Soaring energy prices have prompted the German government to go in for a massive loan of 200 billion Euros to subsidize energy prices. This step has not been well received by its European allies.

The sanctions imposed on Russia by The West have harmed the US and Europe more than they have harmed Russia. The IMF has actually scaled down its growth projections for Russia; it has admitted that Russia has done better than most countries and that it’s economy has proved to be remarkably resilient.

On September 10, 2022, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said: “We will stand by Ukraine for as long as necessary…even if the German voter goes against the decision”. This is a remarkable statement. She is basically saying Ukraine comes first then Germany! The German voter will not be pleased. And not just the German voter. The same Minister made inappropriate comments on Kashmir and later withdrew it. Yet again it was the same Minister who injudiciously declared that Germany was at war with Europe. She later had to correct herself. She is clearly unqualified to handle foreign affairs and has no experience of diplomacy.

Germany is today paying the price of uncritically toeing the NATO line of aggressive war mongering. Along with France it was an active participant to the Minsk accords according to which NATO would not extend its boundaries eastwards. This was an undertaking given to Gorbachev that NATO has violated with impunity. Unfortunately, there was no written agreement as the Russians in the wake of the demise of the cold war took the Americans at their word.

President Putin has been portrayed in the West  as an unrepentant aggressor who desires to extend the Russian empire across the Baltic states and threaten countries like Sweden and Finland. He is portrayed as a power hungry mentally deficient autocrat who is hell bent on destroying the West. Nothing could be more removed from the truth. Russia had made it clear several times that it has no interest in taking over Ukraine.

President Putin is a patriot and a nationalist who has put the interests of his country at the forefront. The West did not listen to his warnings and did not take him seriously. The Russian President has no interest in annexing Sweden or Finland. He does not even have an interest in occupying Ukraine. The West has failed dismally in understanding him and the German government leads the pack. This includes the Nordic countries and the Baltic states and Poland; the last is reported to be concocting plans of reclaiming parts of Ukraine that was once part of the Polish-Lithuanian empire.

According to projections, Germany’s economy would shrink by 0.3% in 2023, after growing by just 1.6% this year. Inflation is forecast to hit 8.1% this year and 9.3% in 2023.” Until 2024, 1.8% growth and 2.4% inflation could be expected. The situation is so grim that Germany, as has the rest of Europe, gone back on its commitment to meet its climate targets. It is reopening its nuclear plants, gone back to dependence on coal and is desperately looking for ways and means to become self-sufficient in energy.

The truth of the matter lies in the indisputable fact that the EU did not think through its strategy of getting rid of their dependence on Russian gas and oil. Alternate options were not in place. Hidden fault lines are now coming into the open. Serbia, Hungary and Bulgaria have openly come out in favour of establishing ties with Russia. Other countries are expected to follow. Efforts are in progress to fix a price cap on Russian energy exports but this move is unlikely to succeed. President Putin has threatened to retaliate.

Within the EU countries are divided. There are reports that the EU is running out of further military assistance to Ukraine unless they dip into their stockpiles. Similar reports are emerging out of the United States. It is one big mess.  But European leaders maintain an outer façade of a unity that is actually tenuous and fragile. If Germany sinks then Europe sinks. The stakes are high for Germany. When will its leaders wake up, bring an end to the war and reconstitute their ties with Russia is as yet, a  matter of speculation.

The German Chancellor also appears to be a deeply divided personality. He is caught between political correctness and doing the right thing. Astonishingly, Chancellor Scholz has not uttered a word on the American destruction of the Nordsteam pipeline. This is all the more remarkable because it is Germany and Russia that have in the main paid several billions of dollars in building it.

The German government has forgotten that the maximum sacrifices that were made in the fight against Nazism came from Russia. It was Russia that suffered the most. Over 25 million casualties. It was the Soviet Red Army that liberated Auschwitz. Germany owes much of its prosperous industrial growth to cheap and generous imports of Russian gas and oil, not to speak of coal. On the face of it. The country comes across as an ungrateful and graceless nation whose memory of recent history is remarkably selective. It certainty has a rather extraordinary manner of expressing its gratitude.

Germany’s leaders need to rewire theory brains as it is in the wrong place. The country has been singularly responsible for triggering two of the most devastating wars of the twentieth century with much blood on its hands. It was also responsible for exterminating an entire race by using some of the most brutal ways known to humankind. Having caused and experienced unparalleled human suffering, it must know that it has a compelling responsibility to bring about peace through a negotiated settlement rather than supplying weapons to a country where the regime is dependent on neo-Nazis for its survival.

14,000 ethnic Russiand have been slaughtered by the Zelensky regime that was propped up by the West, Germany was an active participant to the Minsk accords. Is it not a matter of shame that the Zelensky regime remains completely unaccountable for the massive funding it has so far received?

Does it need a lot of intelligence to realize the fact that the peace that is proving to be so elusive in Ukraine needs to be urgently placed on the agenda upon a war footing and Germany has  a responsibility in making that happen? Leadership does not consist in explaining why this or that did not happen. It consists in making things happen.

By Ramnath Narayanswamy: The author is a Distinguished Professor in FLAME University, Pune. He is also a former Sovietologist.

Khalistan movement: The challenge for India’s government


● About Movement

The khalistan movement is a fight by some misguided Sikhs for a separate and Sovereign state in present day Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. They are demanding for separate state from India. Which should be governed according to their believes in their religion.

● History of Khalistan Movement

The seeds of this hatred was grown by the Britisher during the partition of India and Pakistan. Because the large part of Punjab was came under Pakistan and the capital of Maharaja Ranjit Singh great Sikh empire, went to Pakistan and also the birth place of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. While most Sikh found themselves in India, they were a small minority in the country making up around 2 percent of the Population.

Further in 1966, the Punjab state was trifurcated into Hindi speaking, Hindu majority states of Himachal Pradesh and Haryana and the Punjabi speaking Sikh majority Punjab. After some years in 1980, a man named Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale had grown so much that he started to become a problem for the government. He and his follower were also getting increasingly violent. He with support from Akali Dal’s leadership launched a civil disobedience movement called the Dharam Yudh Morcha. He took up residence inside the Golden Temple, directing demonstration and clashes with the police.

In 1984, the situation in Punjab had become increasingly untenable for the government. At the end Indira Gandhi took the fateful decision to order the Indian Army to flush out militants from the Golden Temple and neutralise Bhindranwale. Operation Blue Star began on June 1, 1984 but due to fierce resistance from Bhindranwale and his heavily armed supporters, the Indian Army’s Operation become larger and more violent.

According to government 83, Indian soldiers were killed and 249 were injured in the Operation and more than 300 khalistan supporters were killed in Operation. While the Operation was ostensibly successful in it’s aims Bhindranwale was killed and the Golden Temple was freed of militants.It also galvanised the demand of khalistan, but after that Operation many other violence takes place. And the result of that PM Indira Gandhi was assassinated by two Sikh bodyguards. A massive violence took place at that time.

●Current Situation

From last one and half year the khalistan supporters are raising again. They doing violence and disrespecting India’s sentiments. Now they getting support from the Sikhs who live in foreign countries majorly from Canada, Australia, USA and Britain.They abuse with the Indians who lives their.Just like Bhindranwale now a man named Amritpal leading this movement in India. He is assembling the people for this movement and they had also done roits with the police last month. But now the Amritpal is missing and police is searching him.

We can see that the pattern is going same as Bhindranwale case. If Indian government doesn’t take action on it now, then may be history can repeat itself.

Parsing the drivel and the delirium-I

What is not learnt at (the age of) 5, cannot be at 50

  • -Ancient Tamil proverb

Even at its lucid best, Rahulspeak, veering wildly between the recondite and the fatuous, has invariably flummoxed and perplexed the laity and the cognoscenti. Even as the pundits, perhaps out of discomfiture, glossed over the grotesquerie and shied away from calling out the logical deduction of the utterances – from Jupiter velocity to rural to urban transition dictating a nation’s foreign policy, his repertoire is certainly breathtaking.

He has been in sparkling form of late – his venting of bile and ressentiment in Britain to, what could be best described as a carefully chosen, well-disposed audience assembled reportedly by a very expensive PR firm; and after his judicial conviction for collective denigration of a community. Obviously, in Britain the PR firm could not go beyond the bespoke suit he adorned; he did look very dapper.

His invidious invectives have largely centered on certain key points. How well do they stand scrutiny?

Democracy in peril:

What kind of peril is Indian democracy presently in? Elections are held transparently and fairly, transition of power takes place smoothly, even the whining about EVM is absent now, as opposition wins elections when they muster public support. Majoritarian rule – what else can a democracy be, but the will of the majority, isn’t that the very spirit of democracy? Sufficient safeguards are enshrined in the Constitution for religious and linguistic minorities. Is the opposition not allowed to function, contest elections, do they not take out rallies and hold forth? Has anything been pushed down unwilling throats? Whence the danger?

It is that in two successive elections, Congress has been trounced soundly and could not notch up even 1/10th of LS seats. So powerful was the hallucinatory conviction of return to power that on the eve of elections results in 2019, Rahul is said to have called DMK leader Stalin to ask him what ministerial portfolios he desired for his MPs in his Cabinet!  Still unable to snap out of the delusory dynastic entitlement, inability to come to terms with people’s overwhelming verdict is gnawing him no end. BJP under Modi has usurped his crown, stolen the family silver.

His vituperation in effect can but imply that because Congress has been relegated electorally, in all fairness, BJP should graciously concede a certain number of seats to Congress to save democracy!  A noble thought that was certainly missing when Rajeev won 400+ in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s assassination. And when BJP had just 2 seats. This angst is directly traceable to his Democractie, c’est Congress; Congress, c’est moi, syndrome. This bristles with traits of puerile petulance.

It’s in fact the Congress, not democracy, that is in danger, the contours of a Congress-mukt Bharath staring at the eye.

Democratic autocrat: This is the new coinage being bandied about, at least conceding that it’s democratic power that vests in Modi. It inevitably implies that Modi has to shoulder the blame for absence of a strong opposition, it’s his bounden duty to take efforts and nurture an opposition, popularize it.

A strong leader is a sine qua non for effective functioning of any Government. So is the case with a newspaper or a Corporate or an organization or any institution. Listen, but rely on one’s own counsel. Otherwise, being pulled in different directions, speaking in different voices, chaos and anarchy are bound to ensue. What are the autocratic dictates that have been pushed with an iron hand by the Government? Is there anyone in Congress who can talk back to the first family or take a different line, express dissent? Isn’t he an autocrat with unchallenged power albeit without any accountability?

Not being allowed to speak in the Parliament is plainly risible. More often than not, they disrupt, make unsubstantiated allegations, tear papers, disrespect the chair in the House, rather than mount a credible offensive. When Congress condescended to allow the Parliament to function, was any concrete counter policy proposal, any meaningful criticism, any healthy debate put forth?

As a student, I used to love reading in the Indian Express full reportage of speeches in the Parliament by Bupesh Gupta, Piloo Modi, Lohia, N G Ranga et al and how Nehru parried them, apart from Frank Morae’s’ mordant articles. Now, tell me, in the recent past has there been any memorable oration in the Parliament by any opposition leader, any quotable quote?

Capture of Institutions

Institutions being the exclusive preserve of the left is kosher but not so otherwise. This is their righteous contention. The domination of the left was not so long ago so complete that, to cite just two examples, Economist Bibek Debroy on graduation was advised not to think of any posting in any University or Government institution, given his different economic ideology.

A clique of who’s who of Mumbai (then Bombay) took up the issue with the Editor of Times of India in 80s to stop publishing Swapan Das Gupta’s articles. Such was the intolerance to any different idea, monochromatism the norm. History, education, foreign policy, economic planning, press, it was the same stranglehold. So much so, Arun Shourie in his inimitable style asked if the hymen of the leftists was thicker. The leftists’ same sense of entitlement, belonging at play here.

While the concern about institutions is commendable, nonchalantly holding the supreme institution, the Parliament itself, to ransom for purely personal reasons has been par for the course for the family. When in the National Herald case, the Magistrate refused at first to exempt the mother-son duo from personal appearance, Parliament was stalled for the entire session. Interests of the family being indistinguishable from those of the country seems to be instilled in their very psyche. It was the l’etat c’est moi chutzpah on display.


The high-octane tirade quickened after the Judicial verdict on the ‘All Modies Are Thieves’ case was out.

Honourable Rahul was convicted for disparaging in public a respectable backward community. He was afforded a reasonable opportunity to defend himself. He refused to apologise for the slur in question branding a community collectively as thieves. Not in the heat of the moment, but subsequently too, he declared he was not a Savarkar to apologise.

Any equation with Savarkar is an exercise in outrecuidance. Savarkar was a scholar, an eminent intellectual, a master theoretician, a freedom fighter, who was sent to the dreaded black prison in Andaman Island, condemned to solitary confinement with just a sliver of sunlight in the room. The mere fact that the British feared him and considered him a threat to the Raj and did not handle him with kid gloves as they did with Gandhi and Nehru is proof enough of his stature and uncompromising patriotism. Few people emerge sane from a prolonged solitary confinement. 

If India were to be under an alien yoke today, Rahul and his gaggle would probably be in some fashionable neighbourhood in London. Or Rome. Bereft of any natural appetite, aptitude for politics, but for the dynastic entitlement he will not even be in politics. Condemned for imprisonment for 50 years, Savarkar spent more than 15 years in jail under inhuman conditions. Rahul cannot stay in India for six months at a stretch. His grandmother Indira Gandhi went on record that Savarkar’s defiance of the British Government had its own important place in the annals of our freedom movement. Government of India had brought out a postal stamp in his honour. 

And Rahul has already apologized to SC twice. A momentary lapse of memory? This is the third such case and that makes him but a habitual offender. And his pointed, repeated denigration of Savarkar reeks of sciolism. Many impartial observers feel the verdict is a condign comeuppance for him.

After the verdict, any person of normal conscience would have felt remorse at the sweeping remark collectively marking a community as thieves. Rectitude requires it. Blindsided by a deep conviction of congenital immunity, he seems convinced he is not subject to the law of the land.

If legal circles are to be believed, in the case filed against him by RSS for his assertion that RSS was responsible for Gandhi’s assassination, the Court upholding RSS contention is a cinch in that the Supreme Court has already held that acts committed by an ordinary individual member of an organization do not make the organization itself culpable. Unless of course, it could be proven that a plot was hatched at the organizational level. There is hardly any wiggle room here. With tawdry tripes, it looks like he has tied himself in knots.To be continued ….