5 Articles by
T S Dhakshinamurthy
Retired banker. As a youngster published poems in Youth Times, Mirror, Indian Express, Poetry Chronicle, Poesis etc.
Translated modern Tamil poems into English for Sahithya Akademy's special edition on Tamil Poetry.
Translated Ionesco's Rhinoceros from French to Tamil, published by CreA, Chennai.
Served as a Volunteer with Sneha, Chennai Chapter of Samaritans International (non religious organisation for prevention of suicide and helping the lonely, depressed etc.
Interests include art films, religion, politics, economics, rock music, cricket etc.
Rush headlong, it’s raining freebies
It is imperative for us to have in place a comprehensive Act fixing responsibility on how tax payers’ money should be utilized for better governance and betterment of the society at large.
Parsing the drivel and the delirium-I
If India were to be under an alien yoke today, Rahul and his gaggle would probably be in some fashionable neighbourhood in London.
Nupurquake and after effects
In India calling Sri Ram a drunkard, taking his statue in procession while beating it with chappals, the evangelists hurling abuses, equating Hindu gods with Satan, abhorrent comments on Lord Nataraja and Lord Krishna, portrayal of Ma Kaali with a cigarette, insinuating her to be a lesbian, et al do not constitute blasphemy.
Citizenship Amendment Act, Dec. 2019 and attendant issues– The state of the Hindu in India
The attempt here is to study the state of the Hindu in India today.
Rafale – Case of purloined pages
Government has repeatedly clarified that the documents are outside the ambit of RTI Act, thus out of the public domain.