Friday, September 20, 2024
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फ़्रांस को खा रहे, ब्रिटेन को खाने की पूरी तैयारी है, सावधान भारत वालो अगली बार तुम्हारी बारी है

जी हाँ मित्रों इनका इतिहास हि अपनों और गैरों के खुन से सराबोर है। ये नमकहराम एहसानफ़रामोश जीवो का झुण्ड है। ये यूरोप में ईसाइयों से लड़ रहे, इजराइल के यहूदियों से लड़ रहे, भारत के हिन्दुओ से लड़ रहे और इसके आलावा ईरान, सीरिया, जार्डन, व इराक इत्यादि देशो में खुद से हि लड़ रहे हैँ।

इनसे इंसानियत की उम्मीद करना बेमानी है। अरे इन्होंने अपने हि दूसरे खलीफा उमर को कत्ल कर डाला, तीसरे खलीफा उस्मान को ४५ दिन तक भूखा रख कर कत्ल कर डाला और चौथे खलीफा अली को खुदा की इबादत करते कत्ल कर दिया तो क्या आपको और हमें मारते वक्त इन्हें दया आएगी नहीं ना।

अरे जब क़र्बला की धरती पर गोद में पानी की एक बून्द के लिए तड़प रहे बच्चे को तिर से बेध डाला और फिर हजरत इमाम हुसैन का कत्ल कर डाला तो फिर ये आपको क्या छोड़ेंगे।

आज फ़्रांस का कोना कोना जल रहा है और जर्रा जर्रा बर्बाद हो रहा है और उसे जला और बर्बाद कर रहे हैँ, वही आस्तीन के सांप जिनको शरणार्थी समझकर फ़्रांस के तथाकथित उदारवादियों और वामपंथियों ने फ़्रांस में बसाने के लिए एड़ी चोटी का जोर लगा दिया था। आज जब उनकी रोपी हुई फसल जहर बन कर पूरे फ़्रांस को बर्बाद कर रही है, तो वो धोखेबाज अपने मुंह को सिलकर और अपना काला मुँह लेकर ना जाने कौन से और किसके छेद में घुसकर बैठ गये है।

ये शरणार्थी नहीं अपितु वो नमकहराम प्रजाती है, जिस पर कोई विश्वाश नहीं कर सकता।

मित्रों आपको याद होगा कि फ़्रांस में कुछ वर्ष पूर्व उनका अपना उत्सव मनाया जा रहा था। चारों ओर खुशी और आनंद का वातावरण था, परन्तु फ़्रांसिसियो को इस प्रकार आनंद मनाता देख इस नीच प्रजाती के हैवान को अच्छा नही लगा और उसने अपना भारी भरकम ट्रक उस आनंद मनाते नाचते गाते लोगों की भिड़ पर चढ़ा दिया और करीब ७० से ज्यादा लोगों को तत्काल मौत के घाट उतार दिया। हालाँकि बाद में उस जानवर को पिंजड़े में बंद किया गया फिर उसे सजा भी दे दी गयी।

इसी भयानक हत्याकांड के बाद फ़्रांस में एक नया कानून अस्तित्व में आया और पुलिस को अधिकार दिया गया कि, यादी उसके द्वारा रोके जाने पर वाहन चालक गाडी यादी नहीं रोकता है तो पुलिस उसे गोली भी मार सकती है।

अब अफ़्रीकी मूल का इसी प्रजाती का नौजवान जब अपनी गाडी चलाता हुआ, कुछ पुलिस वालो के सामने से गुजरा तो उन्होंने उसे रोकने के लिए हाथ दिया, परन्तु ये जंगली लोग किसी को कुछ नहीं समझते अत: उस जंगली ने रोकने के बजाय अपनी गाडी की चाल और तेज कर दी अत: पुलिस वालो ने उसे रोकने के लिए गाड़ी की टायर पर गोली चलाई और इत्तेफाक से वो गोली उस नाहिल को लग गई फिर क्या था एक मौके की तलाश में बैठे इस् दंगाई प्रजाती के लोगों ने पूरे फ़्रांस को आग के हवाले कर दिया, जी भर कर लूटपाट की, अनगिनत गाड़ियों को जला डाला और तो और इन मूर्ख जाहिलों ने फ़्रांस के सैकड़ो वर्ष पुराने पुस्तकालय को भी जला डाला।

अब आप क्या कहेंगे इन धोखेबाज और गद्दारों को।अभी कुछ वर्ष पूर्व हि फुटबाल विश्व कप के दौरान फ़्रांस ने मोरक्को को हरा दिया तो इन्हीं नमकहरामों ने लूटपाट मचायी थी, वे नाराज थे की आखिर फ़्रांस ने मोरक्को को क्यों हरा दिया।

अब आप बताइये फ़्रांस एक विकसित देश है। फ़्रांस में गरीबी नहीं है। फ़्रांस में बेरोजगारी नहीं है। फ़्रांस में जीवन शैली उच्च स्तर का है फिर क्या कारण है कि, जिस फ़्रांस की धरती पर आश्रय मिला, जिस देश का नमक खाया, जिस देश की हवा में सास ली, जिस देश से सहारा पाया उसी देश को ये दीमक खोखला कर रहे हैँ।

मित्रों इनकी फ़ितरत जी हाँ इनकी फितरत हि ऐसी है, इनकी बुनियाद हि झूठ, फरेब, धोखा, नमकहरामी और हैवानियत पर टिकी है।

पोलैंड ने समय रहते इन जंगलियों को अपने यंहा घुसने नही दिया और यही कारण है कि, पोलैंड की जनता सुखपूर्वक जी रही है और फ़्रांस की जनता सिसकियाँ ले रही हैँ। आज फ़्रांस की हालत Ukraine से भी बदतर हैँ। मित्रों युकरेन तो युद्ध लड़ रहा है पर फ़्रांस किससे युद्ध लड़ रहा है।

मित्रों याद रखिए आप खेत के एक ओर आम के पेड़ लगाए और दूसरी ओर बबूल के पेड़ लगाए। आपको आम के लिए:-
१:- सुरक्षा के उपाय करने होंगे;
२:- उसे समय समय पर पानी देना पड़ेगा;
३:- खाद भी देना पड़ेगा तथा
४:- सूरज की रौशनी भी मिलती रहनी चाहिए।

वही बबूल के लिए ऐसा कुछ भी नही करना पड़ेगा, उल्टा एक ऐसा दिन आएगा की आप पाएंगे कि “बबूल तो फल फुल रहा है पर आम धीरे धीरे सुख रहा है और एक दिन ऐसा आता है कि आम सुख कर गिर जाता है और बबूल पूरे खेत में फैल जाता है।

ये वही बबूल के वृक्ष हैँ यदी आम के साथ इन्हें रहने का मौका दिया तो ये आम का वही हश्र करेंगे जो फ़्रांस के मूल निवासियों का हो रहा है।

आज हम भारतवासियो को भी सोचने और समझने की आवश्यकता है। हमारे देश के साथ हिन्दुओ की खाल में छुपे अंग्रेजो के चाटुकारों ने जिस प्रकार से दुश्मनी निभाई वो किसी से छिपी नहीं है।

इन लोगो ने हमारे देश का बटवारा इस्लामिक मजहब के आधार पर करवाया। इस्लामिक मजहब वालों के अनुसार पाकिस्तान को इस्लामिक राष्ट्र तो बना दिया परन्तु एक युक्तियुक्त योजना के अंतर्गत भारत को हिन्दु राष्ट्र नहीं बनने दिया।

कुछ अयोग्य पर चालाक भेड़ियों ने हिंदुस्तान पर कब्जा किये रखा, मध्य मध्य में स्वर्गीय लाल बहादुर शास्त्री जी और स्वर्गीय अटल जी के रूप में कुछ स्वच्छ हवा का भी झोंका आया परन्तु हमारा असली राज्य २०१४ के पश्चात अस्तित्व में आया और इस देश की सुरक्षा के प्रति कुछ आवश्यक कदम उठाये गये।

पर कीड़े मकोड़ो की तरह पैदा होने वाले ये रोहंगिया और बंगलादेशी विषाणु हमारे देश के लिए खतरा बन चुके हैँ। कुछ वोटो और उनके जरिये सत्ता प्राप्त करने की लालच में हमारे यंहा के मानसिक गुलामो ने इन्हें अवैध रूप से भारत में बसाने में कोई कोर कसर नही छोड़ी है।

आज किसी मोहल्ले में चले जाइये घरो में काम करने वाली ज्यादातर महिलाये या तो बंगलादेशी हैं या रोहंगिया और इनके कारण आज परिवार खतरे के मुहाने पर खड़ा है।

आज किसी भी आन लाइन बिजनेस करने वाली कम्पनी को देख लीजिये जैसे अमेज़न, फ्लिपकार्ट, जोमेटो, स्विग्गी और डोमिनो पिज्जा इत्यादि इनके यंहा हर दूसरा डिलिवरी ब्वाय आपको इन्हीं शांतिदूतों के कौम का मिलेगा।

मोबाईल रिपेयरिंग की ज्यादातर दुकाने आज यही शांतिदूत चला रहे हैँ और रिचार्ज के नाम पर ये हमारी माताओ और बहनो के फोन न. आसानी से प्राप्त कर इसका अनुचित लाभ उठाने से पीछे नहीं हटते।

लव जिहाद के कितने भयानक और हैवानियत को भी डरा देने वाली सच्चाई किसी ना किसी रूप में आपके सामने आती रहती है। कभी कोई लड़की ३५ टुकड़ो में तो कभी मिक्सी ग्राईंदर में पीसी हुई मिलती है ।

कोई जाहिल पत्थरों से कुचल कर सरेआम एक जीती जागती लड़की को मार डालता है। आज हर गली हर कुचे पर ये अवैध घुसपैठिये अपना स्थान बना चुके है।आज हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था, समाजिक व्यवस्था, सांस्कृतिक व्यवस्था और धार्मिक व्यवस्था को पूरी तरह नष्ट करने के लिए तैयार बैठे हैँ।

आप पश्चिम बंगाल के पंचायती राज चुनाव का हश्र देख ले। पश्चिम बंगाल के कई जिले आज आम हिंदुओ के लिए सपना बन कर रह गये हैँ, वंहा घुसपैठियों का गैंग अपने चरम पर अपराधिक कार्यवाहियों को अंजाम दे रहा है।

याद रखिए जिस प्रकार CAA को लेकर इन घुसपैठियों की सहायता से पुरी दिल्ली को जला दिया गया था और सैकड़ो निर्दोष हिन्दुओं का कत्ल कर दिया गया था, अरबो की सम्पत्ति का नुकसान हुआ था, वैसा हि कुछ UCC को लेकर भी किये जाने की पुरी तैयारी कर चुके हैँ ये घुसपैठिये।

अब अपने अपने मोहल्ले, गाव, जिले और शहर को बचाने की जिम्मेदारी आपकी और हमारी है। मोहब्बत की दुकान की आड़ में देश को तोड़ने की पूरी तैयारी की जा चुकी है।

सावधान रहिये सावधान रहिये सावधान रहिये।

लेखक:-नागेंद्र प्रताप सिंह (अधिवक्ता)
[email protected]

महाभारत से ‘भारत जोड़ो यात्रा’ का संदेश और लाभ

भारत में यात्राओं का लंबा इतिहास रहा है या यूं कहिए कि भारत का बहुत सारा इतिहास यात्राओं में छुपा हुआ है। जब चर्च और इस्लाम के संस्थापकों का जन्म भी नहीं हुआ था तब से कई विदेशी यात्री भारत की महान प्राचीनतम सभ्यता को जानने के लिए भारत की यात्रा करते रहे हैं। ईसा मसीह के जन्म से भी लगभग 300 वर्ष पहले अर्थात आज से लगभग 2500 साल पहले यूनान के इतिहासकार मेगास्थनीज ने 302 से 298 ईसा पूर्व के बीच भारत की यात्रा की और इंडिका नामक पुस्तक में भारत के बारे में अपनी यात्रा का वर्णन लिखा। इसके अलावा भी टॉल्मी (ग्रीस यात्री, 130 ईसवी), फाह्यान (चीन, 405 से 411 ईसवी), ह्वेनसांग (चीन, 630 से 645 ईसवी), इत्सिंग (चीन, 671 से 695 ईसवी), अलबरूनी (उज़्बेकिस्तान, 24 से 530 ईसवी) इब्नबतूता (मोरक्को, 1333 से 1347 ईस्वी) आदि अनेक यात्री कुछ न कुछ जानने की इच्छा लेकर भारत आते रहे।

भारत को विश्व गुरु ऐसे ही नहीं कहा जाता उसके पीछे एक समृद्ध विरासत है। मगर विडंबना देखिए कितनी आसानी से लिख दिया गया कि 1498 में वास्को ‘डी’ गामा ने भारत की खोज की थी। यदि वास्कोडिगामा ने 1498 में भारत की खोज की थी तो ढाई हजार साल पहले मेगास्थनीज ने कौन से भारत की यात्रा की थी यह बात समझ से परे है। और भी क्या-क्या इतिहास के नाम पर पढ़ा दिया गया होगा यह शोध का विषय है। खैर छोड़िए यह काम हम इतिहासकारों के लिए छोड़ दें। हम तो यात्रा की बात करते हैं। एक यात्रा अभी अभी खत्म हुई है। इसका नाम आप जानते ही हैं। पर मेरे अनुसार इस यात्रा का नाम ‘महाभारत से भारत जोड़ो’ यात्रा होना चाहिए। क्योंकि इस यात्रा से महाभारत के बारे में कई ऐसी बातें पता चलीं जो हम पहले नहीं जाते थे।

जैसे – पांडवों ने नोटबंदी नहीं की थी। पांडवों ने जीएसटी भी नहीं लगाया था। लगभग 5000 साल पहले पांडवों के साथ पता नहीं कौन से धर्म के पर सभी धर्मों के लोग रहते थे। यह सब बातें जानने के बाद ध्यान में आया कि पांडवों ने और भी बहुत सारे काम नहीं किए थे। जैसे पांडवों ने पाकिस्तान नहीं बनने दिया, बांग्लादेश नहीं बनने दिया, पांडवों ने धारा 370 भी नहीं लगाई, पांडवों ने पूजा स्थल कानून (places of worship act 1991) भी नहीं बनाया जिससे हजारों मंदिरों पर अवैध कब्जा वैध हो गया, पांडवों ने संविधान में संशोधन करके ‘सेकुलर’ शब्द भी नहीं जोड़ा था। लेकिन कोई बात नहीं बाद में कुछ लोगों ने इन कामों को भी पूरा कर दिया।

इस यात्रा से आपको और भी बहुत सी ज्ञान की बातें मिल सकती हैं। जैसे-कोरोना काल में कोरोना योद्धाओं पर फूल बरसाने से कोरोना नहीं भागता लेकिन टी शर्ट पहन कर भागने से बेरोजगारी कम हो जाती है। ताली-थाली बजाने से किसी का उत्साहवर्धन हो या ना हो लेकिन दाढ़ी बढ़ाने से महंगाई का बढ़ना बंद हो सकता है। दीपक जलाने से प्रकाश फैले या ना फैले लेकिन R.S.S. को कोसने से नफरत फैलना बंद हो जाती है। इस यात्रा के नेताओं ने बताया कि इस यात्रा में कुत्ते, सूअर, इंसान सभी आए किंतु कहीं कोई नफरत नहीं दिखाई दी। सही बात है कुत्ते, सूअर, इंसान सभी आए लेकिन गाय दिखाई नहीं दी। शायद उसके आने से नफरत फैल सकती थी या उसके गोबर से गंदगी फैल सकती थी। हो सकता है कि सेकुलरिज्म खतरे में पड़ जाता। लेकिन बीच सड़क पर बीफ (गौमांस) पार्टी करने वालों के साथ चलने से प्यार फैलता है। धर्मनिरपेक्षता बढ़ती है।

इस यात्रा के बहुत से सकारात्मक पहलू हैं। इस यात्रा से संदेश गया कि कन्याकुमारी से लेकर कश्मीर तक भारत एक है। अच्छा हुआ धारा 370 को इस यात्रा से पहले ही हटा दिया गया था नहीं तो यह यात्रा कन्याकुमारी से जम्मू तक ही हो पाती। क्योंकि जिस स्थान पर तिरंगा फहरा कर इस यात्रा का सफलतापूर्वक समापन हो गया उस कश्मीर में तिरंगा फहराने के लिए मुखर्जी को अपना बलिदान देना पड़ा था। जब 370 समाप्त हुई तो कुछ लोगों ने मजाक में कहा कि कौन-कौन कश्मीर में प्लॉट लेगा अरे कोई प्लॉट ले या ना ले लेकिन लोग तिरंगा फहराने तो जा ही रहे हैं। कम से कम गंदगी तो साफ हो रही है। काश देश समय रहते जागरूक होता तो यात्रा कन्याकुमारी से लाहौर तक होती, लेकिन तब हम अहिंसा की पूजा में व्यस्त थे। कुछ और पहले यात्रा होती तो शायद कन्याकुमारी से कंधार तक होती, लेकिन तब हम जातिवाद में व्यस्त थे। समय रहते यात्रा होती तो कन्याकुमारी से कैलाश मानसरोवर तक होती। लेकिन तब हम हिंदी चीनी भाई भाई के नारे में मग्न थे और कैलाश मानसरोवर पर चीन का कब्जा हो गया।

इस यात्रा से हमारी बहुत सारी भ्रांतियां दूर हुईं। जैसे- ‘अखंड भारत’ कहना सांप्रदायिकता है। ‘भारत जोड़ो’ कहना धर्मनिरपेक्षता है। जय श्री राम कहने से हिंसा फैल सकती है इसके स्थान पर जय सियाराम कहिए इससे गरीबी, बेरोजगारी, और महंगाई नियंत्रित होती है।

खैर देर आए दुरुस्त आए। यात्रा सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न हुई। और देश को बहुत लाभ हुआ।

बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद! जय श्री राम

Beyond monetary policy: Crafting resilient economies amid supply-driven inflation


Over the past few months, in light of subsiding inflation, both the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Federal Reserve (Fed) made the strategic decision to hit pause on/reduce the frequency of rate hikes. The increase, which started over a year ago and was one of the steepest hikes in history, appears to have accomplished its primary goal of controlling inflation, but not without considerable time and immense challenges.

The year has seen a cascade of bank failures in the US, ironically precipitated by these very rate hikes designed to keep the economy in check. While Monetary Policy (MP) has proven to be a valuable tool in combating inflation, over-reliance on it can unleash unintended and disastrous consequences.

In many scenarios, inflation has been largely propelled by demand-side factors, where MP plays a near-perfect role. Take for instance the period of skyrocketing inflation that the US grappled with in the 1970s, and Brazil in the late 1980s. These were clear instances of demand-driven inflation, where MP — a tool to control the value of money in the economy — can effectively regulate the demand for goods and services.

However, in an era where inflation is predominantly driven by supply-side factors — as has been the case since the late 2000s — MP can’t be the sole tool we depend on. MP is by nature a reactive approach, and while this fits well with controlling the pernicious effects of demand-driven inflation, its effectiveness diminishes in the face of supply-side inflation, which is mostly precipitated by exogenous shocks like the COVID-19 crisis, the Ukraine war, or the Suez Canal blockage.

Another evident limitation with MP was seen in the 2008 crisis. The housing bubble, propelled by soaring home prices due to low mortgage rates, became a significant driver of core inflation in the US. While MP can temper demand for houses to some extent, the negative implications are that it could potentially dampen economic activity across sectors that have no direct correlation to the problem at hand, thus triggering a recessionary environment.

This doesn’t discredit the necessity of MP but underscores the need to question its sole efficacy during periods of supply-driven inflation.

Countering supply-driven inflation demands a combination of proactive, forward-looking policies and MP. Consider Egypt’s situation, which was significantly impacted by reduced wheat imports from Ukraine and Russia. A discerning trade policy ensuring a diversified wheat supply chain would have improved resilience against inflationary pressures.

While hindsight always provides 20/20 vision, as the saying goes, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best time is now.” This underscores the need for policies addressing supply-driven inflation that consider the unique constraints and possibilities of a given country.

India, for instance, possesses ample raw materials for domestic sourcing. However, due to inadequate logistics infrastructure, imports from international markets often become a more cost-effective option. The government is making strides in the right direction with road network expansions and the launch of the National Logistics Policy, which holds the potential to curb domestic logistics costs.

Given that India is one of the largest importers of petroleum (approximately 21% of India’s total import bill), enhancing public transport capacity through improved domestic connectivity could pave the way for policies incentivising the use of public transportation (for instance the German Public Transport Allowance), thus reducing overall fuel consumption.

While these examples may seem like targeted policy interventions, they represent the exact arsenal of tools needed. Tackling enduring supply-driven inflation requires precisely such dedicated, sector-specific, and forward-looking policy tools.

Even though MP can alleviate the immediate impacts of supply disruptions by easing demand, the true key to an economy resilient to supply-side shocks lies in the development of efficient logistical infrastructure, judicious use of resources, and diversification of value chains.

Lord Jagannath- God of Universe

One of the most auspicious and anticipated Hindu festivals is the Jagannath Puri Ratha Yatra, which attracts devotees not only from India [Bharat] but across the world.

The celebration of this festival witnessed the grand procession of Lord Jagannath also refers as the incarnation of the Lord Krishna who in turn the incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu – Preserver of the Universe. Besides Puri being the main site of celebration, people throughout India also celebrates Ratha Yatra in many ways.

Each year the Ratha Yatra begins with the worship of the idols of Balram [Elder brother of Krishna], Subhadra [sister of Krishna and balram] and Krishna himself in the form of Lord Jagannath by the millions of devotees across caste and creed. Much before the beginning of the actual celebrations, devotees decorate the Puri Jagannath temple with flowers, diyas and with delicate wood work of the temple complex.

Ratha Yatra is also known as Navadina Yatra, Dasavatara yatra or Gundicha yatra. According to the traditional Odia Calender, celebrations occur on the second day of Shukla Paksha. This festival takes significant place in the traditions and spiritual path in the Sanatana Dharma. Puri’s Yatra symbolizes fraternity, peace and harmony. According to the tradition, if anyone takes part in the procession and draw the chariot will get good fortune and will get rid of all the impure karmas.


The chariot used in the Ratha Yatra is totally made of the neem tree wood which eventually deconstructed and used as firewood in the temple kitchen. Around 1400 carpenters and devotees begin the work of building three massive chariots from Akshaya Tritiya [ this year on 22 April] every year for this Ratha Yatra of holy trinity. The entire work is done in front of the palace of the King of Puri. This palace is known as Ratha Khala which is Chariot yard.

The canopies of Chariots are madewith 1200m of cloth and about 15 skilled tailors work on it. Four wooden horses are fixed in front and ancient practices like hand length instead of measuring tapes, wooden pegs and joints instead of iron nails are used in making these chariots with complete precision. The structure, model, design, and measurement of the chariots remain the same every year which is an example of perfect artistry.


There are many mythological stories regarding the origin of Ratha Yatra. According to one legend, Lord Jagannath with his brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra visit the Gundicha temple every year as promised to queen Gundicha, wife of King Indradyumna, who built the Jagannath Temple of Puri. The present statutes of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and goddess Subhadra were made by lord Vishwkarma at the temple known as Gundicha temple, from a wood log.

It took many months and while Lord Vishwkarma was creating these idols of the deities, queen Gundicha opened the door but lord vishwkarma told the king Indradyumna to not open the door of his room before the completion of the idols, and after the door opened lord vishwkarma disappeared leaving the statutes incomplete thats whhy hands and some portion of the Lord Jagannath idol is incomplete but gives spiritual strength to its devotees.

Since it is believed that Lord Jagannath along with his siblings come out of the temple only once a year to visit their birth place as promised to Queen Gundicha. The Gundicha temple is around 3 km away from the Shri Jagannath temple. The deities stay at Gundicha temple for 8 days and on the ninth day they take return journey, which is known as Bahuda Yatra [In odia language Bahuda means return].

After the Bahuda yatra, the day three presiding deities of the Puri Shri Mandir enters the temple is known as Niladri Bije. With Niladri Bije the Ratha yatra festival comes to an end.

During the festival, deities are adorned with 208kg gold to complete their remaining limbs. Lakhs of devotees come to Puri to pull the Chariots. It is believed that Lord Jagannath comes out of the temple only once in a year for those who cannot enter the temple.

For people seeking Moksha, the Ratha Yatra hold enormous significance. It is also believed that on the fourth day after the Ratha yatra, Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Jagannath, comes to Gundicha temple in search of Lord Jagannath.

By Nikhil Pawdia, student of Delhi University, MA

The cacophony on Uniform Civil Code

A lot of fuss has been generated recently after the Prime Minister of India talked in Bhopal on 27 June 2023 about the need of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) for the country. A section of Indians, particularly the Islamist-Leftist gang, has started crying that UCC will destroy the diversity of Indian culture and compel Muslims to compromise with their religion.

Some are even creating more confusion by saying that UCC does not mean Common Civil Code (CCC) and will only address the disparity between men and women of each individual religious group in civil issues. Faizan Mustafa, an India law expert, belongs to that category of confusion creator. The stereotype cacophony of ‘death of democracy’, ‘secularism in danger’ and ‘violation of Constitution’ is on top gear in India now.

This gang of evil Indians should know that Hindu Civil Code in India, enacted during the 1950s, applies to Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains also. During the past 60 years, the Hindu Civil Code, in no way, could destroy or weaken the culture and religion of Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains. Goa has a Uniform Civil Code since 1870. Muslims, who are about 10 percent of Goa’s population now, have never faced any religious problem for UCC. So, ‘death of democracy’ and ‘secularism in danger’ are stupid propaganda only.

If UCC is ‘violation of Constitution’, then why did the makers of Indian Constitution keep the provision of UCC in the Directive Principle of State Policy (DPSP) of our Constitution? Article 44 in DPSP states that The State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.

All India Muslim Personal Board (AIMPLB) was formed in 1973, at the behest of Indira Gandhi, with the objective of protecting and promoting the application of Islamic personal law among Muslims in India. It is an NGO. But its very name gives a connotation that, it is a statutory body. If the-then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, was faithful to the Article 44 of the DPSP of Indian Constitution, why she allowed its formation?

AIMPLB has all along been a thorn in the side of UCC. Following the recent comment of Modi-ji on UCC, this NGO has called for opening of Sharia Courts in different parts of India. This evil Islamist design should be nipped in the bud.

Indians crying against UCC now should not forget that the Supreme Court of India had also asked the Centre in 1985, 1995, 2003, 2015 and 2019 to consider about UCC. Thereafter, while hearing two separate PILs on UCC during January 2022, the Supreme Court granted one “last opportunity” to the Centre to make its stand clear on the implementation of UCC in the country.

UCC is intended to replace Personal Law and bring out common law applicable to the people of all religions/faiths. Civil Code relates to marriage, divorce, maintenance, inheritance and adoption. If Muslims of India could forgo Sharia (Islamic Law) in case of Criminal Laws, what logic would they have to stick to Sharia in case of Civil Laws in a selective manner?

Some overzealous Islamists and Mullahs are even propagating that UCC will not allow Indian Muslims to wear skull cap and burqa and they will be disallowed to keep a beard too. What a brain-dead community? In actual, UCC will make the practice of Niqah Halal illegal. Moreover, the ill practice of polygamy, child marriage, absence of proper maintenance for divorced woman and discriminatory inheritance law, compromising the rights of daughter, in Muslim community will be addressed. Adoption of child will also find a place in their community, which is not allowed under their present Sharia-based personal law.

Muslims of British India created Pakistan for them in 1947 as they considered themselves to be different from Hindus. They cried Pakistan ka matlab keya, La Ilaha Illallah. They called Pakistan their New Medina. The violent history of their ‘Pakistan Movement’ during 1940 to 1947 is known to all. So, it will be better if this restless group of Indian Islamists and its Leftist supporters, who are opposing UCC in India, can relocate to Pakistan now.

Embracing diversity: The power of cultural exchange


Culture, the intricate web of beliefs, values, customs, and traditions that defines a group of people, is the essence of our identity. It Molds our perspectives, influences our behaviours, and shapes our interactions with the world. Culture is not static; it evolves with time, adapting to changing landscapes and intermingling with others. The significance of cultural exchange in fostering understanding and harmony cannot be understated. Culture is a kaleidoscope of colors, traditions, and beliefs that enrich the human experience. It is the tapestry of our identity, shaped by generations of shared history and unique customs.

Embracing diversity through cultural exchange is a powerful force that fosters understanding, respect, and unity in our interconnected world. Cultural exchange is more than just a fleeting encounter with another culture; it is a journey of discovery, compassion, and learning. By immersing ourselves in different cultures, we break down barriers and build bridges of understanding. Through travel, language learning, and participation in cultural events, we gain insights into the rich tapestry of human experiences.

The world is a mosaic of cultures, each contributing its unique colors and patterns to the grand tapestry of humanity. Traveling to different lands and immersing oneself in diverse cultures opens windows to the shared experiences that unite us as human beings. From the bustling markets of Marrakech to the serene temples of Kyoto, every culture imparts valuable lessons in humility, respect, and compassion.

Language is a fundamental aspect of culture, acting as a portal to comprehend its nuances. Learning a foreign language allows us to break barriers and build connections with people from different backgrounds. Language exchange programs and online platforms have become bridges that enable individuals to communicate across borders, enriching their understanding of the world and the people who inhabit it.Cultural festivals and celebrations are vibrant reflections of a community’s identity.

From Diwali in India to Carnival in Brazil, these festivities embrace their cultural heritage, welcoming all to partake in the joy and camaraderie. These events become opportunities for cultural education, promoting cross-cultural tolerance and appreciation. Cultural exchange goes beyond geographic boundaries. In the digital era, social media and virtual platforms facilitate connections between people from different cultures. Engaging in conversations, sharing perspectives, and participating in virtual cultural events create an interconnected global community.

The art and literature of a culture encapsulate its soul and history. Through poetry, novels, music, and paintings, we glimpse the essence of a people’s struggles, triumphs, and aspirations. Access to translated literature, international films, and diverse art exhibitions enriches our understanding of cultures beyond our own. Yet, as we celebrate cultural exchange, we must approach it with respect and sensitivity. Cultural appropriation, the misuse or commodification of another culture’s symbols or practices, should be avoided. Instead, cultural appreciation acknowledges the significance and context of customs and traditions, fostering a spirit of admiration without appropriation.

Education plays a vital role in promoting cultural awareness. Introducing cultural studies in schools and universities fosters understanding, empathy, and open-mindedness. Learning about world history and the contributions of different civilizations cultivates a global perspective, shaping well-rounded citizens of the world. Culture is a kaleidoscope of colors, traditions, and beliefs that enrich the human experience. It is the tapestry of our identity, shaped by generations of shared history and unique customs. Embracing diversity through cultural exchange is a powerful force that fosters understanding, respect, and unity in our interconnected world.

Cultural exchange is more than just a fleeting encounter with another culture; it is a journey of discovery, compassion, and learning. By immersing ourselves in different cultures, we break down barriers and build bridges of understanding. Through travel, language learning, and participation in cultural events, we gain insights into the rich tapestry of human experiences. Cultural exchange is not confined to distant shores; it starts within our communities. Embracing diversity in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools enriches our daily lives, promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding on a personal level.

In conclusion, cultural exchange is a transformative force that unites humanity in our shared experiences. It opens hearts and minds, dissolving misconceptions and promoting empathy. Embracing cultural diversity fosters a more inclusive and harmonious world, where the beauty of our differences shines brightly, illuminating the path to a better future for all.


Why UCC is important for adoption reforms in India


The concept of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is much debated in India. The Constitution of India talks about UCC under article 44 and imposes a non-justiciable duty on the state to secure a UCC for its citizens. India is a country with great religious diversity.

The Indian legal system includes customs along with statutes and legislations to form law, and the personal laws of Hindus and Muslims find their sources in their respective religious books. The UCC is an initiative to alter the discrepancies of the personal law system and make an attempt to see the personal matters through one single lens. 

The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is a proposal in India to formulate and implement personal laws of citizens which apply on all citizens equally regardless of their religion, gender and sexual orientation. The UCC has been envisaged by the makers of our Constitution under Article 44. It includes matters such as marriage, divorce, adoption, and inheritance. As adoptive parent  I am sharing my views on the necessity of UCC from perspective of adoption only. 

Current Drawbacks of Adoption Laws in India: 

There are several reasons why a UCC is important for adoption laws in India. Currently, there are different adoption laws for different religions. This can lead to confusion and uncertainty for adoptive parents and children. There are a number of drawbacks, including:

Inconsistency in eligibility requirements- The eligibility requirements for adoption vary depending on the religious community. This can make it difficult for adoptive parents to navigate the adoption process, and can also lead to disparities in the treatment of adopted children. For example, under Hindu law, a married woman cannot adopt a child, while under Islamic law, only a man can adopt a child.

In Shabnam Hashmi v. Union of India, the petitioner was a Muslim who had adopted a young girl when she was small. She filed the petition for recognition of the night that a person belonging to any religion could adopt a child since the Muslim law did not allow for adoption. The case dealt with the right to adoption by virtue of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000, the Rules of 2007 and the CARA guidelines.

The Supreme Court held that the JJ Act was an enabling legislation and it aims at achieving the purpose of a Uniform Civil Code. Thus, it was held that any person belong to any religion could adopt a child subject to the rules framed.

Difficulties in transferring parental rights- The process of transferring parental rights from the biological parents to the adoptive parents can be complex and time-consuming. This can be especially difficult for children who are orphaned or abandoned. 

Lack of uniformity in the rights of adopted children- The rights of adopted children vary depending on the religious community. For example, under Hindu law, an adopted child is considered to be the natural child of the adoptive parents, while under Islamic law, an adopted child is not considered to be a blood relative of the adoptive parents. 

Discrimination- The different personal laws governing adoption can also lead to discrimination against certain groups of people, such as single people, same­sex couples, and interfaith couples. This can make it more difficult for these groups of people to adopt a child.

Lack of clarity- The different personal laws governing adoption can be complex and confusing. This can make it difficult for people to understand their rights and responsibilities as adoptive parents or children. In Rajwinder Kaur & Anr vs. Central Adoption Resource Agency, according to the Delhi High Court, if a child is adopted in accordance with HAMA rules, it is not necessary to use the rules of the JJ Act, 2015 to ensure that the adoption is legal.

Without assistance from anybody else, without acknowledgement from CARA or any governmental authority, an adoption carried out in accordance with the conditions outlined in HAMA would be significant. In this way, the JJ Act of 2015 and CARA Guidelines of 2017 would not be relevant in relation to adoptions under HAMA, whether domestic or international, direct or indirect.

How a Uniform Civil Code Can Help 

A UCC would help to overcome these drawbacks by providing a single, uniform set of adoption laws for all citizens of India. This would ensure that all children have the same opportunities to be adopted and that all adoptive parents and children have the same rights and responsibilities, regardless of their religion or the religion of their adoptive parents.

It would also simplify the process of transferring parental rights and make it easier for adopted children to inherit property and other assets. UCC would provide clarity and certainty for adoptive parents and children, and it would make it easier for them to access the legal system.

Benefits of a Uniform Civil Code for Adoptive Parents and Children 

A UCC would benefit adoptive parents and children in a number of ways, including:

Easier and faster adoption process- The process of adopting a child would be simplified and made more efficient under a UCC because of a single, streamlined process for adoption. This would make it easier for adoptive parents to bring children into their families.

Greater clarity about the rights of adopted children- The rights of adopted children would be clearer and more consistent under a UCC. This would give adopted children greater certainty about their legal status and their rights to inherit property and other assets. It would make it easier for adoptive parents to obtain financial assistance for their children. This would also ensure that all parties are treated fairly.

Increased social acceptance of adoption- A UCC would help to increase social acceptance of adoption. It would help to reduce the stigma associated with adoption. This would make it easier for adoptive parents to raise their children in a supportive environment.

Reduce discrimination- The UCC would help to reduce discrimination against certain groups of people, such as single people, same-sex couples, and interfaith couples, who may currently face challenges in adopting a child. It would make it easier for adoptive parents to adopt children from other religions.


A Uniform Civil Code would be a valuable tool for improving the adoption laws in India. By providing a single, uniform set of laws governing adoption for all citizens, the UCC would make the adoption process more consistent, less confusing, and more accessible to all. This would benefit adoptive parents and children by making it easier for them to adopt a child and by providing greater clarity about their rights and responsibilities. 

A UCC is not without its challenges. There is some opposition to the idea of a UCC, particularly from religious groups. However, the potential benefits of a UCC for adoptive parents and children outweigh the challenges. It would help to ensure that all children have the opportunity to grow up in a loving and stable home.

The paradox of modernity: How its impact on Indian culture surpasses colonization


Two factors—colonization and modernity have had a profound impact on Bharat’s cultural fabric. While colonialization imposed external dominance, modernity pose a unique internal challenge. Modernity, characterized as the process of becoming civilized, is frequently associated with Christian perspectives and Westernization.

Its impact on Bharat’s culture is beyond that of colonization, as it threatens our traditions, festivals, and knowledge systems. This piece highlights the meaning and origins of modernity, cultural resistance during British rule, the influence of modernity on our heritage, and the significance of preserving our cultural legacy.

When observed from a Christian perspective, modernity is often associated with development and civilization. During the colonial era, Christianity and Western philosophy developed the belief that modernization meant renouncing indigenous traditions and practices and adopting European ideals.

This Christian-centric perspective promoted the idea that indigenous civilizations were primitive and needed to be civilized. Modernity’s correspondence with the Christian perspective generated an ideological divide between Western ideals and indigenous culture.

The Resilience of Indigenous Culture during Colonization

During the two centuries of British colonization of Bharat, many attempts were made to erode and replace indigenous culture. However, despite these challenges, Bharat displayed exceptional resilience. The tenets of diverse faiths, deeply rooted in spirituality, philosophy, and rituals, constituted a strong defense against the infiltration of Western ideals. Cultural adaptations, imparting the knowledge system, and the persistence of religious practices played a crucial role in preserving the spirit of the indigenous culture.

Indigenous culture continues to persist for many centuries after the invasion. Various festivals continue to be celebrated with enthusiasm fostering an aura of unity and identity among communities. Ancient knowledge systems, including philosophy, astronomy, medicine, and mathematics, are still cherished. The unwavering devotion of people, communities, and organizations to conserve and promote our rich legacy is responsible for cultural resilience.

Although culture has effectively survived colonization, the younger generation, heavily influenced by Western ideas, typically perceives their culture as outdated and irrelevant. Globalization and the dominance of Western Culture are the causes of the erosion of indigenous knowledge and traditions. They are less conscious of the significance and symbolism underpinning our traditional beliefs, resulting in less adherence to the traditions, morals, and practices.

Eurocentric Modernity and its Impacts on Indigenous Cultures and Societies

It is crucial to understand that the colonizers, who believed their race to be superior and who aimed to set themselves apart from the colonized, were the ones who introduced the concept of modernity. They portrayed themselves as having a scientific or logical worldview, which supported the Eurocentric perspective through which modernity was perceived.

This Eurocentric perspective had a powerful impact on the indigenous society as they adopted the notion of being judged against this Western standard. To be considered “modern” or “civilized,” they started to apply modern logic and reasoning to their cultural traditions and to follow Eurocentric norms.

The idea of European culture as the pinnacle of modernity has persisted throughout history, serving as the standard by which indigenous cultures all over the world are judged. A universal standard for morality, ethics, religion, language, and knowledge has been established using this method, often ignoring the rich diversity and complexity of other cultural systems.

The imposition of Eurocentric standards, and attempts to adopt them, had profound consequences on the indigenous societies. They have had to balance preserving their cultural traditions with trying to live up to the standards imposed by the prevailing European worldview. The impact of this Eurocentric perspective on indigenous civilizations deeply penetrated culture, affecting ideas about identity, self-worth, and societal systems.

The Clash Between Modernity and Cultural Identity

Modernity has brought remarkable developments to science, technology, and communication. The attraction of Westernization, however, has caused a disdain for traditional knowledge and practices. To be considered modern and progressive, the younger generation often seeks to distance themselves from their cultural roots as being exposed to global trends and influenced by Western media. This alienation from their roots has resulted in a lack of understanding and appreciation for the depth and diversity of Indigenous culture.
The clash between modernity and traditional practices can be observed in many aspects of daily life. People’s behavior has been greatly influenced by modernity, as have ethnic norms, traditions, literature, art, manners, and attire. For example, wiping off kumkum from the forehead before entering a professional setting is one example of modifying religious symbols or practices that reflects the internal conflict individuals face as a result of societal pressures and a perceived clash between modernity and cultural identity. Similar issues develop when people are hesitant to express their religious views or rituals in public areas or workplaces.

Striking a Delicate Balance

Finding a careful balance between valuing and nurturing our historical traditions while embracing progress and development is necessary to preserve Indigenous culture in the face of modernity. Recognizing that not every tradition, belief, or cultural practice is intended to be followed in the same manner in contemporary society is essential. It doesn’t always diminish our culture’s essence when we change certain aspects to fit contemporary sensibilities; rather, it maintains its continuation and relevance. It is crucial to develop an atmosphere that promotes historical pride and encourages young people to explore and understand their cultural origins.


Beyond the effects of colonization, modernity brings unique challenges to Indian culture with its Christian-centric viewpoint and Western influences. Although culture remained resilient under colonization, the hybrid colonialism that is modernity poses a challenge to our traditions, beliefs, and knowledge systems.

Maintaining our cultural legacy necessitates striking a delicate balance between preserving and nurturing our traditions while accepting progress and growth.

As a society, we must recognize that a person without knowledge of their past, history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots. Our cultural legacy is the form through which we reflect on who we are, where we have been, and where we hope to be as a nation.

The increasing polarization of American politics


The polarization of American politics has been a growing concern for many years. In recent years, the divide between the two major political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, has become even more pronounced. This polarization has made it more difficult for the government to function effectively and has led to a decline in civility in public discourse.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the increasing polarization of American politics. One factor is the rise of social media, which has created echo chambers where people are only exposed to information that confirms their existing beliefs. Another factor is the increasing use of partisan media, which has led to people getting their news from sources that only present one side of the story.

The increasing polarization of American politics has a number of negative consequences. It makes it more difficult for the government to function effectively, as laws become increasingly difficult to pass. It also makes it more difficult for Americans to have civil conversations about important issues.

There are a number of things that can be done to address the increasing polarization of American politics. One thing is to support reforms that would make it more difficult for social media companies to spread misinformation. Another thing is to encourage people to get their news from a variety of sources, including those that they disagree with.

Here are some specific examples of how the increasing polarization of American politics has made it more difficult for the government to function effectively:

  • In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult for the government to pass any legislation, even on issues where there is widespread public support. This is because the two major political parties are so ideologically opposed that they are often unable to agree on even the most basic of issues.
  • The increasing polarization of American politics has also made it more difficult for the government to address major challenges such as climate change and gun violence. This is because the two major political parties have very different views on these issues, and they are often unwilling to compromise.

The increasing polarization of American politics has also made it more difficult for Americans to have civil conversations about important issues. This is because people are increasingly unwilling to listen to or engage with people who have different political views. This is a problem, because it makes it more difficult to find common ground and to solve problems.

Here are some specific examples of how the increasing polarization of American politics has made it more difficult for Americans to have civil conversations about important issues:

  • People are increasingly likely to dismiss or attack the views of those who disagree with them. This makes it difficult to have a productive conversation about important issues.
  • People are increasingly likely to avoid talking about politics altogether, for fear of getting into an argument. This prevents people from learning about different perspectives and from understanding the issues that are important to other people.

The increasing polarization of American politics is a serious problem that is having a negative impact on country. We need to find ways to bridge the divide and to restore civility to public discourse. This will not be easy, but it is essential if we are to address the challenges that we face as a nation.

The increasing polarization of American politics is a serious problem that is having a negative impact on country. It is making it more difficult for the government to function effectively and for Americans to have civil conversations about important issues.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the increasing polarization of American politics, including the rise of social media and the increasing use of partisan media. However, the most important factor is the increasing ideological divide between the two major political parties.

The two major political parties are now so ideologically opposed that they are often unable to agree on even the most basic of issues. This makes it difficult for the government to function effectively and for Americans to have civil conversations about important issues.

There are a number of things that can be done to address the increasing polarization of American politics. We need to support reforms that would make it more difficult for social media companies to spread misinformation. We also need to encourage people to get their news from a variety of sources, including those that they disagree with.

It is also important to remember that we are all Americans, and we have more in common than we have differences. We need to find ways to come together and bridge the divide, so that we can address the challenges that we face as a nation.

Here are some specific things that we can do to address the increasing polarization of American politics:

  • Support reforms that would make it more difficult for social media companies to spread misinformation.
  • Encourage people to get their news from a variety of sources, including those that they disagree with.
  • Find ways to have civil conversations with people who have different political views.
  • Volunteer for organizations that are working to bridge the political divide.
  • Donate to organizations that are working to promote civility in public discourse.

Threat of terror in Jammu and Kashmir growing, aiming at forest department employees


Terror groups with a base in Pakistan have been acting more aggressively in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. When these terrorists started attacking state servants, the situation deteriorated quickly. In a recent incident, two representatives of the forest department were attacked by terrorists in the Pulwama region in South Kashmir’s Bangender Bridge area. This article explores the incident’s specifics, the police’ response, and the ongoing pursuit of the assailants.

The Terrorist Attack

Terrorists targeted two employees of the forest department at Bangender Bridge on a fateful day, killing them both. The cops responded quickly and arrived on the scene after learning of the situation. The injured officials received prompt medical attention at a nearby hospital. Tragically, after a day in the hospital and despite the greatest efforts of medical professionals, one of the officials passed away from his injuries.

Police Investigation and Response

The terror attack came to be known as FIR No. 79/2023, and the Pulwama police launched an investigation into it. The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act’s Sections 16 and 20, the Indian Penal Code’s Section 307, and the Arms Act’s Section 7/27 were all cited in the case. Senior police officers and further reinforcement arrived at the area to gather information and acquire evidence.

Reliable sources claim that the terrorists had targeted a group of Budgam district workers for the forest department who were stationed close to Bangender Bridge in search of timber smugglers. Two people were hurt when the terrorists started shooting at the workers. Imran Yousaf Wani and Jahangir Ahmed Chechi, representatives of the forest department, were among those hurt.

Security Measures and Search Operation

In response to the attack, the authorities took swift action to contain the situation. The police, Indian Army, and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) cordoned off the entire area and launched an intensive search operation to locate the assailants. During the search, two empty cartridges of AK-47 ammunition and one bullet head were recovered, indicating the gravity of the situation.

Manhunt for the Attackers

The security agencies initiated a massive manhunt to track down the terrorists responsible for the heinous attack. It is evident that the authorities are resolute in their efforts to neutralize the threat and maintain peace in the region. The safety of civilians and civil employees remains a top priority, and every measure is being taken to ensure their protection.


The recent escalation in terror activities perpetrated by Pakistan-based outfits in Jammu and Kashmir is deeply concerning, especially with the targeting of civil employees. The attack on forest department officials near Bangender Bridge is a stark reminder of the prevailing security challenges in the region. The authorities’ swift response, investigation, and ongoing search operations demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding civilians and combating terrorism.

While the situation remains tense, the determination of the police and security forces to eliminate the threat and apprehend the attackers instills hope for a peaceful future in the Union Territory. Cooperation and vigilance from the local communities are crucial in countering terrorism and ensuring the safety and prosperity of the region. Only through collective efforts can Jammu and Kashmir overcome these challenges and move towards a brighter and more secure future.