Saturday, July 27, 2024


Shekhar Gupta

From where Shekhar Gupta is? Shekhar Gupta & Et al. works for whom?

Did Shekhar Gupta ever ask any Chinese, why you Chinese never supported one India? Why did you leave  India to fend for when it was being divided on non secular non plural principle  and attacked there after with all the terrorism?

Don’t denigrate Indian democracy please

Modi government works along the lines of “Development with Dharma”. In six years, Modi government has launched several schemes and worked for the welfare of people from all sections of society.

Tales of the Lutyens’ top cops

During the last few months, Lutyen Czars took upon themselves the duty to shower respects on two of so called Top Cops. If they thrust 'Top Cops' on any ex. Police Officer, its not for nothing. One is Ved Marwah, who passed away recently, and the other is Julio Ribero.

Shekhar Gupta loses the Burqa of neutrality: Ends up peddling Congress agenda

Before BJP advent, elections were won by diving Hindus along caste lines in UP. With Congress trying to make a comeback in UP, more and more attempts will be made to pitch castes against castes.

93% Muslims view Hindus favourably, but only 65% Hindus view Muslims positively- writes ThePrint

The data above clearly shows how the growth rate of Muslim population is likely to be higher as compared to that of Hindus in India in the next 40 years.This is only possible if the Muslims are more comfortable and confident living in this country than their Hindu counterparts, that is opposite of Islamophobia; but the title of ThePrint’s article suggests otherwise.

How media and vested interest group destroyed our Army’s perfectly working, very effective Covert Intel Unit: Part-2

media instead of being the fourth pillar of democracy has been used by establishment and vested interest groups to peddle their agenda and try to change public perception.

The gruesome triple murder of police personnel in Kashmir and this “threesome” is responsible

They're weakening our national integrity by backstabbing our arm forces and govt.

Casteist elitism of Lutyens’ Media

When it comes to question of accountability from Indian Media, the age old saying comes to mind…Who will guard the guards?

Why would Indian Express blank the police statement that might have put the ‘Aadhaar FIR’ controversy to rest?

Why Indian Express has blanked the statement of Delhi Police which could have answered most of its insinuations

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants

To expose our liberals' views in the sunlight (which even keeps venomous snakes away) will only help in awakening our asleep citizens and begin the process of disinfection.

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