Saturday, July 27, 2024


Secular face of BJP

Nationalism and selective secularism

the word "Nationalism" is equated with the word "fascism" or the sense of Nationalism is portrayed as against the idea of India. It is not incorrect to deny that the secular lobby is phenomenal at drawing false equivalences.

Is this a period of ideological inversion in India?

Has Today's BJP, for all intents and purposes, given up the "appeasement of none" credo and is aggressively appropriating the 'secular' tag from its original claimants?

Let’s talk #Core

It can just not be ignored by the BJP that after singing 'vikaas, vikaas aur sirf vikaas' tune for 4.5 years, Modi and BJP had to pull out the 'Mandir Wahin Banayenge' and 'Jai Shri Ram' tunes right ahead of elections.

Rajnath Singh: From Bharatiyat to Kashmiriyat

Why is the home minister a "Hindutva" blue eyed boy turning from Bharatiyat to Kashmiriyat?

Return of the liberal BJP: Influence of liberal Jamat

The romanticism & fascination around this pseudo 'Kashmiriyat' is amazingly nonsensical & ironical.

It’s time to charge, time to change

Are we tolerant and peace-lovers or just coward?

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