Saturday, July 27, 2024


Rs. 72000 yearly to be given by the congress to the poors

Nyay as proposed by Congress is Anyay

A good litmus test for middle class voters to think about is - "Can I live all my life with 70% of my income taken away by the government?". If the answer to that is no, please vote against Rahul Gandhis Minimum Income Scheme.

Congress manifesto and tax terrorism – Middle class and youths have lots to worry about

Congress party over 70 years of its rule has made India poor, strategically remained the poor as poor and now the same congress wants to uplift the poor people. The manifesto of congress party is nothing but crocodile tear.

Minimum income guarantee: Who for?

Is that how the Congress will solve the omnipresent question: “Where are the jobs?”. The answer is, “You don’t need one.”

Story of Aditya: From meme creator to NYAY scheme holder

Satire: Read this piece if you think that NYAY scheme, the greatest mankind scheme can do wonders to eliminate India's poverty.

From politics of hatred to false promise by the dynast – Let us save India, elect democracy once again

Exploiting poor, minority appeasement for vote bank politics, misusing the office to institutionalize corruption and scam, perpetuating nepotism and dynastic culture in politics are the wonderful gifts of congress party to India.

Why Congress’ promise of NYAY looks like ANYAY for Indians

NYAY may put our economy under pressure and there would be more burden of subsidies and ultimately the one who will bear it will be Middle class.

Rahul Gandhi’s open support for money laundering

The Congress is promising to remove the licensing requirement; the shell companies will mushroom all over the country and the gains from demonetization will be lost. The corrupt will have a field day and nothing could be done about it.

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