Wednesday, September 11, 2024


psuedo liberals

Brace for ad Jihad

Delusionary fairy tale

A case of conditional feminism

Why is the definition of feminism so shallow that a woman would support another woman ONLY if her agenda is met? Are we giving the right environment to our future generations?

A fun story to differentiate being secular or plural

Majority advocates of secularism fails to distinguish between a secular and a plural state.

In support of “What-About-ism”

If you are not fair and equitable in each scenario- if you are cherry picking, you are a hypocrite. WhatAboutism is just a mirror to tell you that.

भारतीय लिबरल (उ’धा’रवादी)

देश के लिबरल्स के रवैये को देख के इन्हें उदारवादी की जगह उधारवादी कहना हीं ठीक होगा क्योंकि उनकी उदार सोच उधार मांग के लायी गयी सोच लगती है और ये सोच सिर्फ तभी सामने आती है जब चंद दक्षिणपंथी हिन्दू इनके सोच की कसौटी पे खड़े नही उतरते।

Conversations with a Modi hater

Modi haters are either traditional/ex-Congress supporters (turned AAP supporters) who are embarrassed now to support Congress publicly or folks just genetically wired to secular definitions. But, there is also a big brigade out there, which is just confused and clueless.

How the so-called liberals and media attacked my personal life for my tweet

Attempt to misinform the public about OROP must be resisted. I tried to do just that, and faced the wrath of hate-brigade

Right to dissent – the ‘intellectual’ way!

Right to dissent is a vital tool to keep the incumbent government in check. It's meaning and value is lost in the ongoing discourse - where abusing the motherland is kosher.

Characteristics of Pseudo-intellectuals on day of Terror Attack

Tell tale features of Pseudo Intellectuals

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