Saturday, July 27, 2024



Shilpa Shetty, the poster child of publicity, now seeks privacy!

The poster child of publicity is now demanding privacy from her fans. Is it a realistic expectation for Mrs Shetty?

Data sharing is here to stay and for long

There may never be an end to data theft and data leak, not until there is a massive data breach involving people’s private data, that the majority of people finally wake up and decide enough is enough.

It was never a DILEMMA!

Social media is a ubiquitous reality of our lives. This write-up intends to see it impact in light of the evolution of artificial intelligence.

Right to life is fundamental to right to privacy

The times we live in are such that the right to privacy seems so esoteric though it may be too basic for a man in his ‘castle’, for the world and India are now in the midst of a war against a virus, to just live, in the first place.

Addressing the elephant in the room: Privacy amidst public health crisis

While publishing any kind of data, any entity, be it govt., should not compromise upon the privacy of any individual.

EU GDPR like framework can answer all data protection & privacy woes

With the advent of recent privacy breach by Cambridge Anaylatica which led to misuse of many Facebook users' data either by tricking them to...

Cambridge Analytica scandal – is Data Privacy a mirage?

Social media companies have long taken the naïve user for a ride.

How to keep yourself safe in a digitally connected world, especially on mobile

In today’s world only living off the grid will save you from the web of data sharing.

What is Aadhar and are the concerns about it valid?

Many privacy and security related concerns are being raised. Let’s find out about them.

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