Saturday, July 27, 2024


PM Narendra Modi

Hail Narendra Modi, the first Prime Minister for poor, Sab ka vikas

The 10% reservation for economically weaker section in the upper caste without affecting the existing reservation system is indeed a game changer and certainly such move with foster India’s growth in several frontiers much faster than what it is now.

BSP, the ring master or walking stick of congress in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh?

The poll outcome is not against BJP or Modi but against some local leaders in the respective states

Shelf-life of Siva bhakti of the dynast

The Siva bhakti expressed by the dynast in scientific sense will fall under the category of seasonal, niche product.

India’s $620 billion defence market attracts Lockheed, Airbus, and Saab

The man behind the curtain is Prime Minister Narendra Modi

आदर्श ग्राम के रूप में ग्राम ककरहिया का चयन

आदर्श ग्राम जयापुर एवं नागेपुर के बाद, प्रधानमंत्री जी के मार्गदर्शन में ग्राम ककरहिया भी विकास पथ पर अग्रसर है।

Are we inching towards New India?

New India deserve new, simple, stricter, less time consuming, transparent and implementable laws.

Modi’s killer media strategy

PM Modi is treating media just the way it should be: Neither abusing nor pampering.

विरोधियों की चाल पर भारी पड़ते मोदी के 3 साल

मोदी सरकार विकास के रास्ते पर सरपट दौड़ी जा रही है और विपक्ष अपनी गलतियों से कोई सबक लिये बिना महाविनाश के रास्ते पर उससे भी ज्यादा तेजी के साथ दौड़ लगा रहा है.

Learn the basics Ashutosh

Ashutosh's article published in Indian Express with a title including words like ‘Revenge’ and ‘RSS’, speaks volumes of a frustrating frame of mind consequent of the Delhi MCD poll.

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