It is not possible to say definitively which system is better for Indian democracy, as both the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) and the Collegium system have their own strengths and weaknesses.
The opposition must provide credible and substantial evidence to second their myriad allegations else all the allegations must be perceived as vile and malicious aspersions.
O'Brien is one of the most disruptive MPs in the Indian Parliament and if ever he turns to being a quiz master again, he will do well to include a question that asks, "Who is the most rowdy Rajya Sabha member of all times?"
17वीं लोकसभा के दो वर्ष पूरे होने पर जब लोकसभा अध्यक्ष ओम बिड़ला ने अपने प्रगति रिपोर्ट जारी की, तो आंकड़े सामने आए, जो प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र दामोदरदास मोदी के दूसरे कार्यकाल के दौरान भारत की संसद को दुनिया के संसदीय विश्व में एक अलग स्थान दिलाते हैं।
It is the farsighted vision of current government — dedicating the new Parliament building to the country by the 75th year of Independence in 2022 —which will nurture the atmanirbhar nation’s aspiration.
As politics dominates the bureaucracy, and reins in business, civil society and the media, we need governance that is free of the “criminal” virus. Capability is not sufficient.
British Constitution is concerned not with a particular group of people but with the compendium of people who are not alike but may appear to be antagonistic to one another.
The whole country wants the two houses decisively address the key issues so that India can come out of the present pandemic, convert the crisis as an opportunity to build strong infrastructure for public health and rejuvenate the economy.