Saturday, July 27, 2024


Pakistan Army

Pakistan: The state in a state of peril

Though the survival of Pakistan for 70-odd years in itself is a big feat for a country being run by the elites for the elites, but the recent public-led campaigns against the army, the government, and the political parties have left Pakistan standing on a point of no return.

Two Pappus, one on each side of the border

India’s Left-Islamist gang should put their foot in their mouth for being happy in a grossly wrong premise of Bilawal Bhutto’s recent weird address in the UN in New York

The resolution on Islamophobia adopted by the UN proposed by Pakistan is a mistake

Pakistan has been trying for years to divert attention from its misdeeds when it comes to guaranteeing religious freedom for its citizens by pretending in the United Nations that “Islamophobia” would be the big problem.

How to counter the pro-terrorism propaganda by some multinational companies

We can minimize future mischiefs by teaching a strong lesson to these MNCs today.

Democratic Taiwan shouldn’t be another Crimea & Afghanistan

Democratic Taiwan vows to defend her independence comes what way. But, it is difficult to believe that despite Taiwan’s determination, the isle nation is safe going by the giant PRC’s determination and its leaders recently exhibited belligerence and land hunger.

Never ending war in Afghanistan

It is suggested to solve the Afghanistan crisis, why not try India's shown path halting the Western troops' withdrawal for a few years?

No wonder, Gen Bajwa was shaking and perspiring

he fact that better trained Indian Wing Commander Abhinandan shot down F-16 with his Bison when air-to-air kills is the least probability in aerial warfare would have added to his worry!

अस्थिर और बौखलाए पाकिस्तान का विधुर विलाप

बीते सप्ताह पाकिस्तान के विदेश मंत्री शाह महमूद कुरैशी एवं आईएसपीआर के डायरेक्टर जनरल बाबर इफ्तिखार ने एक प्रेस वार्ता के दौरान भारत पर तंज कसते हुए यह आरोप लगाया के भारत, पाकिस्तान को अस्थिर करने की मंशा रखने के क्षेत्र में कार्य कर रहा है। यह वैसा ही है जैसा फिल्म वेलकम में उदय भाई का कहना कि मजनूं उनकी एक्टिंग स्किल्स से जलता है।

Is Pakistan on the cusp of a revolution?

e open revolt of the top brass of the Sindh police accentuated by the massive opposition protests against the army & Imran Khan’s government points to a new societal and institutional upheaval in Pakistan.

Pakistan nuclear weapons amidst domestic turmoil Imran Niazi- Qamar Bajwa worried

Today, it appears that Pakistan is on the verge of a civil war with Nawaz Sharief leading the PDM alliance against Imran Govt supported by Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa and ISI chief Lt Gen Faiz Hameed of Pakistan ARMY.

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