Sunday, September 8, 2024


Pakistan Army domination on Politics

Pakistan nuclear weapons amidst domestic turmoil Imran Niazi- Qamar Bajwa worried

Today, it appears that Pakistan is on the verge of a civil war with Nawaz Sharief leading the PDM alliance against Imran Govt supported by Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa and ISI chief Lt Gen Faiz Hameed of Pakistan ARMY.

The cat & mouse game

We handle Pakistan with ‘confrontational defense’, ‘covert attack’, clubbing it with elements of दंड and doses full of भेद; whether its POK or Baluchistan.

Why peaceful borders with India pose a threat to Pakistan’s sovereignty

Although a religion may have some influence on the culture of the society as a whole but it can never disassociate an individual from the much broader way of life which defines culture. Indonesia is a great example of the above stated distinction.

An open letter to peace-loving Pakistanis

At some stage of their lives, every generation of Indians has experienced a violation of their trust by Pakistan.

Imran Khans will come and go: In Pakistan nothing is permanent but terrorism

No Pakistani politician is ever going to be able to give you a definitive solution to the Kashmir problem, because they won't last long enough to do so. Stop waiting for the sun to set in the east for the 22nd time.

On why we shouldn’t be bothering what Pakistani Government & Media is saying

Any attempt to cite the Pakistani army reports and media reports to spread skepticism on whether or not the attacks have hit the targets should be refuted with historic sense and conscience.

Can India trust a post Nawaz Sharif Pakistan?

Pakistan Elections and and their impact on Indo-Pak relations.

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