Saturday, July 27, 2024


paid media

Influence or ignorance?

Finding Bilkis Dadi in 100 influential people for 2020, I started my research on her and was astonished to see except for a convenient interview with Rana Ayyub, she literally has no idea what she is fighting for.

The politics and commerce of anti-Hindu content in mass media

In the past few years in India, we have come across an unusual situation where a number of mass media outlets seem to be “two timers” as in one branch of the organization will support the nationalist narrative and the other will support the leftist narrative.

An open letter to Arfa Khanum

Dear Arfa, lets expose those who want to expose the selfless individuals Jamaatis

Misuse of journalism- Washington Post

Rana Ayyub yet again plays with her favourite topic- Connect Prime Minister Modi with Islamophobia, anyhow.

What the Right needs to learn from the Left!

From Bernie Sanders calling it an attack against the Muslim community in the country to India's very own media houses calling it a state-sponsored 'Pogrom', the left has been able to put forward their narrative and most importantly, promote it.

रवीश जेल क्यूँ जाना चाहते हैं?

रवीश का प्राइम टाइम के दर्शक एकदम मूर्ख होते हैं. वो प्राइमटाइम पहले टीवी पर देखते हैं. फिर यूट्यूब पर इसके बावजूद, जब भी किसी भक्त से भिडंत होती है तो हर बार उन्हें धोबिया पछाड़ का सामना करना पड़ता है.

रविश कुमार- 19 साल की लड़की ने पाकिस्तान जिंदाबाद क्या कहा कि मंच पर घबराहट मच गई

रवीश कुमार का लगभग प्रत्येक प्राइम टाइम "It suites my agenda" वाले मॉडल पर आधारित होता है जिसमें वे उन सभी खबरों को प्राथमिकता देते हैं व बार बार करते है जो उनके राजनीतिक महत्वाकांक्षा को सूट करती हैजबकि हर उन अन्य खबरों पर वाइट वाश करते है जो उनके Selected narrative के अनुकूल नहीं होती है।

Journalist Faye DSouza’s video on the NMC Bill hides more than it illuminates

To educate all stakeholders regarding the provisions of the Bill, her efforts seem intended to fan discontent among people about the Bill than to actually educate people.

Rana Ayyub is an Islamist masquerading as a journalist

The choice of Ayyub for framing the narrative about India’s elections spoke poorly about Washington Post’s editorial choices.

How media fixes truth to fit its facts

The fourth pillar, our communicators- Media, please don’t promote facts sacrificing the truth, don’t furnish wars to fit your pictures.

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