the answer is that the role of religion in any entertainment show should prevail as long as it doesn’t hurt religious sentiments of any of the community.
जैसा अनुमान था बिलकुल उसी टोन से शुरुआत हुई। JNU में भुखमरी/सामन्तवाद/जातिवाद/अत्याचार/मनुवाद/ब्राह्मणवाद/संघवाद/पूंजीवाद से आज़ादी माँगी जा रही है और पुलिस मुसलमान होने के कारण...
By allowing the Kissing scene from the series “The suitable boy” in temple where the boy Is Muslim, and the Girl is Hindu, Netflix is trying to glorify “Love Jihad” which is menace that India is fighting right now.