Saturday, July 27, 2024



Fascinating debate on reservations in 15% states’ quota to pan India pool

Reservation in India is a touchy and dicey subject. And in Tamil Nadu, it is a hot potato. It is minefield, so to say.

A role model or a wrong model

Why would somebody want to follow Rahul Gandhi? What can a person possible learn from his personality?

The importance of Jignesh Mevani

Mevani needs to guard against many aspects of traditional dalit politics if he wants to make a long stride in politics.

Gujarat election: Caste engineering or national destruction?

Does rising of Casteist leaders ensure political empowerment to backward castes or National Destruction?

Time to review our reservation system

The proposed time frame for reservation post independence is already over. What next?

Why National Commission for Socially and Educationally backward classes is important

Educational backwardness along with caste, should also be the determinant for reservation for holistic development.

Why politicians usually shy of talking about reservation

It is still to be known that how much the reservation has so far helped the communities like SC/ST in upbringing their life quality. But it is evident that it has helped politicians who stand on ideology that supports reservation.

Class warfare

Why do only certain politicians particularly from OBC/Dalit get preferred treatment from the Lutyens media.

Undercurrents in UP elections 2017

The UP election results have shown that the walls of identity politics are crumbling and a new grammar of mass politics may be unraveling underneath.

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