Friday, October 18, 2024


Muslim Appeaseent

Poor Muslim representation in Indian politics

Since the past some years a question crops up in the social media off and on, about the poor representation of Indian Muslims in the country’s politics. Raising such a issue after seven decades of independence is grossly baseless.

हम कब सुधरेंगे और कुछ सीखेंगे

इस देश में भाईचारा बढ़ाने का सबसे सही तरीका यही है की हिन्दू अपनी बेटी और बहनो को चारा समझ कर उन भाईजान के सामने डाल दे।

The anti-CAA protests shall not appeal to the realists

One should expect similar outrage with the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code, for a foe with vested interests utterly refuses to see sense.

Shashi Tharoor and Mr Hamid Ansari, no sermonising please

The Ex-Vice-President should have taken all this into cognisance before making the statement of equating portrait of Jinnah with Victoria memorial

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