Saturday, July 27, 2024



Narrative has changed, will the ground reality change too?

Hindutva forces had been ignored for over a century; we have entered the 2nd phase of fighting now, wherein you see constant battles being fought on a daily basis on some issue or the other; and if we keep on this path, we will surely emerge the winner.

Modi-Shah, tough or not?

When is Modi-Shah going to be ruthless, against domestic Terrorists?

Time to bite the ‘Rani bullet’ for Namo-Shah like Advani had many times

Rajasthan Chief Minister should be changed, and here is why

Is Varun Gandhi a victim of surname politics?

In an ETV survey for BJP’s CM face in UP, Varun Gandhi got 51% votes while Rajnath Sigh trailed at 28%. Is Varun Gandhi sidelined unfairly?

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