Saturday, July 27, 2024


#metoo movement India

Certain traumas are beyond our imagination: Islamic practice of female genital mutilation is one of them!

In 2016, Dr Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin came out in support of continuing Female Genital Mutilation within his community and upheld the practice as something that is beneficial for the body and soul.

Azam Khan dangles between to be or not to be

What Azam Khan, Samajwadi Party MP, uttered in the Parliament was too sweet as it was the quality of Urdu language reacted none other than his wife Tazeen Fatima.

#MeToo or Monkey’s Paw

It is for the intelligent women to rise and caution women against using #MeToo spell as a vendetta tool and a mean to settle personal scores.

“Aaj ki Sweetu, Kal ki MeToo”: The dream of a men’s commission at ADHM

Like #Metoo, #Shetoo movement in India, is discretely underlined with misogyny more than anything else.

This Durga Puja, Let ‘Her’ Voice Be Heard!

Here’s an article that talks about a new movement taking shape against India’s patriarchal, conservative society and defining the way we have been defining sexual harassment.

‘Incoherently coherent’ thoughts on MeToo and Hindu-Right

This is a humble exercise to initiate this for the challenges that MeToo has brought forward.

#MeToo from where to where

Have liberal feminists 'used' the sentiments of the traditional Indian women sentiments with #metoo?

India’s current predicament

The government should try to provide the best government not the maximum government.

#MeToo: Checks and Balances

The courage which the women have now found standing solidarity against their sexual predators should come to a logical end.

मीटू के कारनामे

मिटू इस महीने एक ऐसा दहशतगर्द शब्द हो गया है कि कोई युवती अगर तोते को मिट्ठू कर के बुलाये तो भी लोगों को लगे यह मिटू कह रही है।

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