Tuesday, December 3, 2024


#metoo movement

#MeToo or Monkey’s Paw

It is for the intelligent women to rise and caution women against using #MeToo spell as a vendetta tool and a mean to settle personal scores.

“Aaj ki Sweetu, Kal ki MeToo”: The dream of a men’s commission at ADHM

Like #Metoo, #Shetoo movement in India, is discretely underlined with misogyny more than anything else.

#MeToo from where to where

Have liberal feminists 'used' the sentiments of the traditional Indian women sentiments with #metoo?

#MeToo: Checks and Balances

The courage which the women have now found standing solidarity against their sexual predators should come to a logical end.

#MeToo #Stalking time for society to address these issues

Is stalking on social media sites not a step towards virtual #metoo?

Pro and Cons of # Me Too movement in India

#Me Too is a wake-up call for politicians of all hues.

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