Saturday, July 27, 2024


Main Stream Media

Delhi, enough is enough!

Is there no one in this country who have a reputation to say "Enough is Enough"? The stakeholders of the society including Media, Professors, Principals, Political parties are exploiting the situation for their own motives.

Why can’t we humiliate Dr. Manmohan Singh?

No party enjoys criticism of its leaders. But Congress has a slightly different approach. When criticized, they don’t react with anger, but with disbelief.

Republic: How 29 tweets sent a shiver in Lutyens Delhi

Republic hasn’t aired for even one second yet. The Lutyens media is screaming purely out of panic fear.

Are we as bad as Jihadis?

Entertainment industry (Anurag Kashyap, Aamir Khan, Shirish Kunder, etc) is on mission to save Indian secularism and culture, which RSS is otherwise killing, by it's maligning communal propaganda.

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