Lockdown Extension
Role of the WHO is under the scanner
ravendra -
Not surprisingly, WHO is the latest victim of Trump administration. USA stopped funding to the WHO while questioning its credibility and role in dealing with contagion Corona.
Pardadigms of working women in lockdown
Whether it is work from home or work away from home the womens have full time to works and household chores despite no maids available due to lockdown.
India’s Covid response conundrum
Will India surprise the world with handling this crisis drawing from the accolades it received the way Polio eradication was dealt with many years ago?
The war against COVID-19 is a psychological one and our nation is winning it right
How the pandemic has engulfed our minds and how the Government is spearheading a fight against it.
Coronear 2020- The year of a new beginning
To avoid landing into an existential conundrum, it is important that we start giving back what mother-nature has bestowed upon us. Else, ‘to be or not to be’ will no longer remain just Hamlet’s soliloquy.
‘Make a life’ vs ‘make a living’- Learning it the hard way
While the cooped-up citizenry is ‘busy’ figuring out ways to tip the scale in their favor, the myriad concerns that this pandemic has raised can be brought under one umbrella- ‘make a life’ vs ‘make a living’.
If I were Narendra Damordas Modi
Keeping you home is tough for you but tougher for the govt.
Improved quality of air and increased survival of corona? Is there a new danger hidden under our carpet
Many even ardent followers of Modi also have expressed their displeasure and anger against Modi for his unplanned lock down and his habit of giving nation, a surprise at short-notice.
Battling cabin fever- Why is it worth the wait
Lockdown has brought many usual yet not unanticipated things which were absolutely much needed.
An open letter to all Chief Ministers of India to support Central Government’s decision about further Lockdown, in case of need
State Governments must not try to pressurize the Central Government for a premature lifting of the LockDown, for economic reasons, which can have tragic consequences.