Saturday, July 27, 2024


Liberals on Sabarimala Issue

क्या हमारी विविधता ही आज हम पर लांछन है?

आए दिन हिंदू मान्यताओं की ना सिर्फ़ मज़ाक उड़ाई जाती हैं बल्कि उनको पिछड़ा और नीचतम कह के उनकी इज़्ज़त भी उतरी जाती हैं: और इन सब में सुप्रीम कोर्ट भी सहभागी बन रही है

So what happens next at Sabarimala

Now that the SC has ordered something that is against the temple commandment, will temple perform Punyaham?

Supreme court’s Sabarimala ruling was flawed-rejection of ‘stay plea’ is more fallacious

Not just Sabarimala, but there is no specific sanction in any Hindu scriptures to impose gender bias in Temples: did supreme court not review Hindu scriptures before passing its judgement?

Current ramifications of activism in India

Activism has come to India following practices of activists in developed world. The activists sometimes appear to be rather adamant n prone to confronts and often seem to be distanced from the local culture and traditions and politicized.

Snowflake activists who fly back instead of continuing the fight for (selective) ‘gender equality’

Trupti Desai who should have taken her fight on foot and walked to Sabarimala when denied cabs, instead flied back. Is this a persistence of a genuine activist?

Sabarimala crisis- What lays ahead

With the temple due to open today evening for its annual season that last for 56 days, a last ditch effort to find a solution also seems to have ended?

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