Saturday, July 27, 2024



Is there a Kashmir Policy under Narendra Modi govt.?

Narendra Modi's govt. approach is very clear - it wants a lasting peace in Kashmir, and not a short term band-aid, for which army will have to be given a free hand.

An appeal on behalf of Jaish-e-Mohammed

May Bharat, the country of Kufrs, be soon converted to an Islamic State. Inshah Allah.

One war India must continue to pursue despite WC Abhinandan’s return

War against Pakistan though is something India never initiated. Never. So, how can it pursue that?

Pulwama, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and 20 billion Dollars

Should India give a second thought before trusting countries like Saudi and USA, that have the history of playing double standards?

A chilling possibility: a much bigger conspiracy been pre-empted at Pampore?

Pakistan state actors hand in recent terror attacks?

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