Saturday, July 27, 2024


Jack Dorsey

What went wrong with Twitter India? Firsthand account from Parliament

why India is so important for social media platforms companies including Twitter, and what went wrong with the Indian management of these companies.

तो क्या भारतीय संसद से सीधे भिड़ना महंगा पड़ा ट्विटर इंडिया को?

एलन मस्क, ट्विटर के नए मालिक को एक भारतीय सलाह- हमारी संसद में बैठे माननीयों से संवाद इतना आसान नहीं होता, जरा संभल कर।

Elon Musk’s Nayak moment and Twitter’s free spech

The slogan “The bird is freed” and Nayakism of Twitter new owner, unjustly designated by many as ‘free speech absolutist’, are the biggest jokes of the century as the bird is not going to be freed in any case.

School ‘Twitter’ before it’s too late

f the micro blogging site Twitter is not schooled now for its willful disobey and disregard to Indian sovereign laws, note it will be too late to do the same by the victim that is sovereign India.

Why I will log out of Whatsapp, and why Signal has nothing to do with it

SM networks are not just messaging apps anymore. They are tools in the hands of Global business tycoons and Left-Liberal media barons & Politicians.

Twitter, Patriarchy and Brahmins- Projected villains of Indian intellectualism

Besides in their efforts to vilify, these twitter scholars have failed to take into account the regional variations.

Decoding the pseudo phobia of “Brahminical Patriarchy”

ould Jack hold a Nazi sign in Germany without understanding the full context of it, just because it was gifted by an “activist”? Would Jack also hold the sign telling the story of "Racism" in USA?

Jack Dorsey an ill-informed Gullible about Racism behind ‘Smash Brahminical Patriarchy’ Placard

He did it, and did it intentionally, a plan that had been formulated well in advance – as it seems; the way this gentleman is unapologetic and  has chosen to ignore voice of dissent.

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