Sunday, October 27, 2024



Thoughts on civilization

The days were indeed violent, and no right-thinking citizen would yearn for their return.

India’s Stockholm syndrome

The first leaders of independent India committed greater injustice in 60 years than the British or the Islamists in all of history by audaciously ignoring the power to reset the course to the future of the country; the cowards succumbed to selfishness and what I can only ascribe to the Stockholm Syndrome.

Ayan invasion theory- A myth

What’s shocking to me is that a certain section of India holds up to the AIT and consistently tries to prove it right despite many genetic/ archeological/ historical evidences. Now who is that section that I am referring to ? The “left” of India.

Hindu Astrology: The forgotten science

Against the popular belief of superstitious, Astrology is based on mathematical calculations, based on which planets are aligned and after which predictions made.

Aryan Invasion theory-myth created by colonial powers, sustained by left historians

Aryan–Invasion/immigration theory must be discarded and it should be studied with fresh approach with simultaneously taking into account literary and archeological evidences.

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