आध्यात्मिक गुरू विद्या नरसिम्हा भारती द्वारा 'स्वर मौली' की उपाधि से सम्मानित स्वर साम्राज्ञी भारत रत्न लता मंगेशकरजी को अन्तिम विदाई पूरे राजकीय सम्मान के साथ दी गयी। इनके बारे में जितना भी लिखें कम ही पड़ेगा।
Thank you, Pundit Jasraj for giving an understanding to great music. You're the geniuses who again brought music to the reach of common people. Now heaven must be pleased to have you in their midst.
While other Sabhas have gone digital, in a practically desperate bid, in tune with the times, in the sale of season and daily tickets, Music Academy has not joined in.