Sunday, May 19, 2024


Indian army

Roads: From the horse dung on Britain streets, to Progressive India

Nehru's poor insight of the economic planning was evident when JRD Tata supported a nationalist party as an opposition to replace the communist party for a free economy & healthy development - Nehru questioned JRD’s decision.

श्रीमद भगवद गीता सैनिकविषादयोग एवं सांख्ययोग

रणभूमि के मध्य में खड़े अर्जुन की तरह हम सैनिक भी इतने वर्षों से अपने भाई इन अफसरान के लगातार शोषण, बैटमेन जैसी कुप्रथा, अलग रसोईघर अलग संडास और विरोध जताने पर कोर्टमार्शल ऐसे अनेको ना ना प्रकार के पापाचार विरुद्ध कुछ कहने से अपने आप को रोक रहे थे.

Ex-soldiers’ role in de-radicalization of Kashmir

The Modi government has shown the political will and therefore, there is no reason for Kashmir issue to linger on beyond next five years.

Love-hate relationship between the military and social media

Defense news are LEAKED rather than SHARED on Social media. And we've to be cautious!

10 years have gone by, the wounds are still raw, the fear still palpable

Difficult to conclude if the death cheated me or I cheated the death on that fateful night.

Celebrating surgical strike day: “रस्म-ए-शहादत”

Surgical strike gave a message that the response to terrorism will not come in form of condemnation but solid punitive action will be taken by India to punish the perpetrators.

Liberals’ Kashmiriyat – Full of hypocrisy

Liberals' Kashmiriyat interpret Islamic terrorism as fault of Hindus.

Anatomy of a Secular state

the list of terminologies so far Left wing has come up regarding the definition of being a secular state

India changes tack in dealing with China, and it’s no small issue

ndia’s refusal to back down in heights of Dohklam in 2017 is indeed an inflection point.

The Rashtriya in our Rifles

A note on Rashtriya Rifles and counter terrorism units of our Army.

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