Saturday, July 27, 2024


Ideological intolerence

The right wingers versus the rest

Right-wing critics of the left have become increasingly vociferous in recent years, and vice versa. This article probes some of the fundamental concerns that separate these two parties.

Then they ‘woke’ me up.. – a lucid satire

With the ideology war stronger than ever, the tide has turned hard on someone like us who sometimes bat for the system.

Dear Harris Sultan, all religions are not equally intolerant: Hindu intolerance and Islamic intolerance are way apart

What’s the difference between a Hindu issuing a death threat and a Muslim doing the same? I’d say the very difference between trolling and murder.

Open letter to blind followers, liberals, journalists – hashtag hate

eft, right, center – who are you? Can’t there be people who are unbiased?

Cult worship and politics, not new to the world

In any time and in any part of the world, personalities and heroes are worshiped. But now, we've to be cautious that heroes should be admired on their performance and not on their fake promises.

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