Thursday, October 24, 2024



Here’s how the Indian Air Force may look like in 2030

India will be power-packed for her self-defense, like never before!

Exposing Rahul lies on Rafale- Part 2

It is obvious that Congress is really bad at negotiations and gives secondary importance to the security of the country. It pushes the country upto the wall, making it bleed in paying up more.

Exposing Rahul Lies on Rafale- Part 1

Exposing Rafale lies bit by bit the elaborate hoax build by Rahul and some media houses over the years.

Indian single SU-30MKI successfully dodged 4-5 F-16’s BVR missiles, certainly a bad news for the West

IAF recently confirmed that nearly 4-5 American BVR air-to-air missiles (AIM-120C-5) were fired at a single Indian Sukhoi-30MKI aircraft from fleeing F-16

Had the UPA given such confidence and support to our defence forces in the past?

The way several congress men doubt the surgical strike and the non-military pre-emptive air strike at the terrorist base in Pakistan proves nothing but how indifferent the age old party is towards our country and how the age old party and its dynast are questioning the integrity and bravery of our defence forces.

Modi breaks the backbone of terror deep inside Pakistan

For Pakistan, the writing on the wall is clear. It will face more audacious strikes from India in the coming days.

Why Rafale Jets deal is a Fair-Deal- explains Vishnu Som of NDTV

Vishnu Som is not a right-winger, NDTV is not pro-BJP. Vishnu Som, being a Defence editor of the NDTV, his words carry weight.

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