The recent incidents of killings and lynchings in Manipur have struck fear into the hearts of its residents. Disturbing videos of violent confrontations and...
Given the legal opinion and the views of the government in favour of the law, it is unlikely that Section 124A will be scrapped soon. However, the section should not be misused as a tool to curb free speech.
The policy places a welcome emphasis on a holistic, learner centered, flexible system that seek to transform India into a vibrant knowledge society, rightfully balancing the rootedness and pride in India as well as acceptance of the best ideas and practices in the world of learning from across the globe.
इसी बीच लोगो ने एक बहुत ही विकट अवधारणा बनानी शुरू कर दी कि राष्ट्र निर्माण का सारा दायित्व केवल सरकार का है। लोगो का मानना था कि यदि ब्रिटिश सरकार हमारी सारी परेशानियों का कारण हो सकती है तो हमारी खुद की बनाई सरकार इन सब परेशानियों का निवारण क्यों नही हो सकती है।
प्रजातांत्रिक व्यवस्था के दो मुख्य स्तम्भ हैं, कर्तव्य एवं अधिकार और यह व्यवस्था सुचारु रूप से चलती रहे ,इसके लिए इन दोनों स्तम्भों के बीच संतुलन होना बेहद आवश्यक है।
It is high time we start focusing more on concentrating our resources towards building well-equipped hospitals at taluk and district levels rather than coming up with more ‘world-class’ hospitals in cities.
Article 370 and 35A do not target any caste, creed or religion. There is no seizure of land from people living there. All it seeks to do is to provide them with same rights as the rest of India enjoys.