Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Exposing Pakistan Sponsored Terrorism

Pakistan cannot find Hafiz Saeed inside its territory, just like Ravindra Mhatre’s killers, and all of PoK

World's soft corner towards Islamic terrorists is nothing new.

Pakistan: Is it all coming to a head now?

The path on which Pakistan is hurtling down could have devastating consequences for the country and its people – unless there is a genuine realignment in the power dynamics in the broader national interest.

Dismemberment of Pakistan: Implications for India

Brinkmanship that the Pakistan PM displayed on the podium of UN general assembly, reflects his utter disdain for the UN charter.

HOWDY MODI! Trump welcomes Modi in Houston!

Earlier, USA was important for India and now India is important for USA, This is difference that Modi brought.

Why Pakistan is screaming nuclear weapons against India

Pakistan is now worried, as why India is not taking it's nuclear deterrence seriously. Jihadist Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan accepted that Pakistan trained terrorist outfits.

India’s elevation

Seeing China's attitude towards Kashmir issue, New Delhi should consider expressing concern on the South China issue, Taiwan or Hong Kong issue.

Policy paralysis- Pakistan foreign policy

Indian nationalism is unique because Indian nationalists include Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Jews and other tribes fighting brainwashed people of their own community.

An open letter to peace-loving Pakistanis

At some stage of their lives, every generation of Indians has experienced a violation of their trust by Pakistan.

अगर चीन सहयोग करता और मसूद अज़हर पर आतंकवादी होने की वैश्विक मोहर लग ही जाती तो क्या हासिल होता?

2008 में हाफ़िज़ सईद को संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने "वैश्विक आतंकवादी" घोषित कर दिया, इंटरपोल ने भी "रेड कार्नर नोटिस" जारी कर दिया, 2009 में अमरीका ने एक करोड़ डॉलर का इनाम घोषित कर दिया। क्या हुआ? हाफ़िज़ आज भी न सिर्फ खुलेआम पाकिस्तान में घूम रहा है।

Future of India with NaPak-istan

India has to repeat her history on the west front. In answer to “Bleed India with thousand cuts”, we have to “Break Pakistan into 3-4 parts”.

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