Sunday, September 29, 2024



The US-China power struggle in the Pacific Ocean region

The Pacific region is becoming a pawn in the game of power politics among traditional and regional powers over recent years. The assertive and...

Decline of Christianity in West and its subsequent rise in non Christian countries by dubious means

the church is rapidly losing its popularity in secular European countries and it is just holding on in countries where the Christianity is a state religion

Europe and the United States relationship in the critical mode

If Europe Union member countries and Norway consider NATO rule, then they will have to pay 2 percent of their GDP in NATO. This would mean that the defense budget will increase directly by 50 percent.

Europe: Shrinking economies and expanding terrorism

Radical Islamic terror and sluggish economies of European countries make Europe to stoop at its lowest.

London terror attack and the big elephant in the room

Will UK & EU actually wake up at least now to an existential threat (of Islamic Terrorism) that has festered and thrived like a cancer in every part of it?

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