Sunday, September 8, 2024


Economic Slowdown

Going global; staying local- A thought experiment, protecting success

We might need a new parameter, like metric system to define economic development and all the terms associated with it, which can be understood by anyone.

20 lakh crores package: Freebies or growth oriented?

About 20 lakh crores package, the stimulus declared is 10% of our GDP, highest in the history. It is going to touch every individual directly or indirectly.

Aatmanirbhar Bharat (Self Reliant Bharat)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taught us how to convert adversity into opportunity.

Indian policymakers made 21 mistakes and adopted easiest method – lockdown to abdicate their responsibility

India err on the side of extreme fear, ignorant epidemiology and medicine over novel coronavirus and purchased our economic disaster.

Study of Indian economy: Challenges & opportunities in the post-COVID scenario

Our economics must be more benevolent, it must not just benefit our people but also we must be in an advantageous position to help others

Bad loan of 68000 Crore written off: Revisiting the Anatomy

Given the prolonged impact of lockdown, the government not only announced an economic package for the industrial sector but intensively working to help the farmers and labors also.

Post Corona world order: Implications and opportunities for India

Major lesson that has been evolved from this tragedy is that over dependence on global supply chain nay well be counterproductive.

Road-map for government actions during and after the coronavirus pandemic

This article provides the steps that governments should be taking as their countries move along the pandemic curve

Impact of Covid-19 on Indian economy and the way forward

As with the disease that it impacts the lowest income group the most, the infected economy will also hit the unorganized sector the most.

Can India ever be free from COVID 19- effects of science when enters into politics?

corona is going to stay. It means, whether corona is going to kill more and more people or not, but certainly corona is going to kill our economy and livelihood, if lock down continues.

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