प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की अध्यक्षता में केन्द्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने निर्णय लिया कि आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव के एक के अंतर्गत 15 जुलाई 2022 से अगले 75 दिनों तक सरकारी टीकाकरण केंद्रों पर 18 वर्ष से अधिक आयु के सभी नागरिकों को नि:शुल्क कोविड-19 टीके की सुरक्षा खुराक दी जाएगी”।
People in our country can admit that mental health is not as discussed as it should be. The fear of not being able to achieve something due to problems that aren’t physical, like a cold, essentially means those problems do not exist.
Every parent should understand that as COVID-19 pandemic has not yet ended and therefore it's better to continue Online classes for them also parents should look after their children as well while they are attending online classes and should make sure they are learning well and also help them with their studies.
h of digital media is rising exponentially, there is still a significant population outside its coverage, especially in backward areas of states like Uttar Pradesh.
he Covid-19 virus that brought the world down to its knees two years ago, has lost intensity but is refusing to go. New variants are being reported every now and then.
This highly infectious fatal disease (COVID -19) gave us an opportunity to bring this noble habit of ‘social distancing’ into practice in our day-to-day life and adopt this habit for our future betterment.
From being a self-reliant vaccine producer and a global vaccine hub, India underwent a harrowing transformation and became the centre of a massive Covid-19 battleground.