Sunday, September 8, 2024


Black Money

NaMo’s DeMo Flop

The author writes a critique of demonetisation

With GST PM Modi attacks inflation, black money and tax evasion with biggest tax reform of independent India

With double monitoring, at state and central level, the transparency would increase, thereby ensuring lesser black money and corruption.

How Indian economy reacted during the last six months after Demonetization

Digital Economy is a wonderful move by the government. The only need of the hour is to educate people about the ease of Digital Transaction.

Benaami property: Next step in fight against black money

Just demonetization is not enough to curb the black money. Now government should be ready to implement the same on Benaami Property in form of gold or real estate.

BHIM: The eWallet killer

BHIM app is a simple, convenient & powerful competitor to existing eWallet apps which operate on commission or earning interest on money before crediting to merchants.

Demonetization: It came, it saw and it has already conquered India

Knowingly or otherwise, demonetization has already changed the trajectory of India.

Remonetisation: Solving the Currency Conundrum

The article explains how replacement of banned Rs. 500 is not happening by an equivalent replacement but by adding a substantial quantity of notes of smaller denominations.

ईमानदार की अफीम

ईमानदार आदमी को त्याग मे भी बड़ा संतोष मिलता है, और संतोष पाकर ईमानदार हाइ हो जाता है। संतोष ईमानदार की अफीम है, और वो मोदी जी ने 8 नवंबर से भर भर के बांटी है।

A toast to all my fellow Indians

The recent demonetization has bound us all in a moral endeavour to forge for ourselves a more transparent, fair and equitable system apart from its obvious effects like bringing down the drug trade, trafficking, terrorism, etc.

Government mistakes are OK: When will the government system become accountable to common man?

System has glaring problems and the country has got great young plethora of educated people to solve them. The system needs to put accountability in itself and the country can do miracles.

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