Sunday, September 8, 2024



Indian Muslim and the Ummah!

It is the endeavour of every Muslim to believe in the Universal Brotherhood, Ummah, it is manifestation of the fact that all Muslims are one and same, the difference of nationality is temporary only to be overthrown once the aim of Islamisation of the unbelievers is complete.

Why we need more Sadhvi Pragyas

To keep the torch burning of one of the world’s oldest civilization which actually believes in peace – Support Sadhvi Pragya.

Let’s bring back the discourse on Dharma and Adharma

As long as we keep reading our scriptures with a colonial or leftist mindset, we will never understand the difference between Dharma and Adharma. It is about the blatant misuse of power against the weak, what exactly happened in case of Sadhvi Pragya.

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