If a thriving tree (a country) can't differentiate between a bird (refugees) who wants to build a nest and the parasite like cuscuta (infiltrators in the form of refugees) which started it's relationship with a sweet hug and will end up devastating every cell in your ecosystem you are doomed.
छात्र तो मोहरा भर हैं असली राजनीति तो वे समझ ही नहीं पा रहे। शायद इसीलिए 27 फरवरी को रामजस कालेज के प्रिंसिपल राजेन्द्र प्रसाद छात्रों के बीच खुद पर्चे बाँट रहे थे जिसमें उन्होंने साफ तौर पर लिखा कि देशभक्ति की हवा तले शिक्षा को खत्म न होने दें।
Over the past few days, some people want Azadi, some raise slogans, some fight for Najeeb some for Rohith but not one fights for the state of education. Not one says that education should not suffer.