Saturday, July 27, 2024



Letter from Shivaji to Aurangzeb on Jiziya

Jizya was not the only tax that Hindus had to pay. Most Oppressive was KHARAJ, which could take away up to 66% of earnings. It was a significant tax right from Akbar's time.

Jagdish Temple, Mewar

When Aurangzeb invaded Mewar, he sent Ruhillah Khan and Ekka Taz Khan to demolish the famous Jagdish temple which was built in front of the Maharana's palace.

Indian Army and the dream of Aurangzeb

What Aurangzeb could not do centuries back, that is, converting Kashmiri Hindus to Islam, the Indian state allowed their genocide by Muslims and mass exodus from Kashmir thirty years back from today.

Cruelty of Aurangzeb and foolish tolerance of Hindus

Mughals had bad policies for Hindus. Either convert or die.

What to believe

We just have to keep our priorities right, both Hindus and Muslims & continue living in harmony for betterment of society.

Frog in the boiling water: Dying Hinduism

India has been losing a part of herself, a part of her soul every time India was attacked, oppressed or Indians failed to decide. Don't be a Frog! Choose wisely while you still can, there might be a time where demographics would not let you choose.

Be bored but don’t ignore such leeches in your newspapers

My baton is with you readers next time when you find such leeches in your newspaper.  I am bored, I say.

5 Cases where True Indology exposed Audrey Truschke

Her claims have been busted, but she continues to peddle her agenda

Kashmiriyat and other betrayals of India

The anti-Hindu brigade bunch is partly “brainwashed” and mostly “funded” which either way is not good for India’s unity.

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