From Bin Laden to Al Zawahiri: The evolution of America’s targeted killing strategy
Ayman Al Zawahiri is reported to have been killed in a smooth ‘surgical missile strike’ by the USA, firing two Hellfire R9X missiles on the target, and apparently without any collateral damage.
Why Biden presidency is an extension of Trump Foreign policy 2.0
It will be hard for Biden to undo the policy decisions of Trump administration ranging from the Middle East, China, India, Taiwan, Tibet & beyond.
Unfortunately, we remember our fundamental rights but forget our fundamental duties
Since ancient times, people in India have had a tradition of performing their duties — even in partial disregard of their rights and privileges. Since time immemorial, an individual’s “kartavya” — the performance of one’s duties towards society, his/her country and his/her parents — was emphasised.
Vote Trump 2020: Why an Indian prefers Donald Trump to be re-elected as America’s president
brijesh -
Here is why Democrats especially the combination of Biden-Kamala Harris is just the kind of duo India would not like to have in the White House.
दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया- संबंध और संघर्ष
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अमेरिका का बढ़ता प्रभाव दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया के लिए, और ख़ास कर भारत के भविष्य को ले के अच्छा है?
The inconvenient truth of China-centric globalization
China is a brilliant case study to illustrate how globalization can change the fortune of a nation and how overwhelming economic dependence on a nation can increase the vulnerability of the rest. Today, any disruption in China can disrupt the global economy.
America & Iran lock horns
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Despite countries with exactly opposite cultures, America and Iran do not maintain political equanimity at this point in time. Donald Trump remains utterly suspicious at Iran’s nuclear agenda.
West shrugs Saudi executions
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Saudi Arabia has been in the center of news for its execution of 37 people in recent days. As many as 33 people were reported to be followers of the Shiite sect.
Donald Trump’s Trade War
With the concern over the trade mounting each day, the world is watching in anticipation what the mercurial President has in store
America remains largest arms dealer
India is at the top of the arms buyer country. India has purchased 12 per cent of the total weapons sold in the world.