Tuesday, November 12, 2024


A true freedom fighter Veer Savarkar

How Savarkar saved Indian army

Remembering the call given by him in his birthday celebrations in 1939 to Hinduize the Military and its implications.

Forgotten Heroes-I: VD Savarkar

In this article, an eminent personality and grassroots worker who lived his youth years in Andman jail, Vinayak Damodar Das Savarkar will be discussed.

“मैं विनायक दामोदर सावरकर बोल रहा हूँ”

अंडमान जाते हुए मुझे मेरी 16 वर्ष की आयु में ली गई प्रतिज्ञा आज भी याद की "अपनी मातृभूमि को दासत्व से मुक्त कराने की प्रतिज्ञा"।

Why Hindutva is the biggest anti-caste force of India and how Veer Savarkar was the pioneer of it

Hindutva has been and is far from casteism another proof of this is that so many Ddalits and OBCs vote for BJP!

The Triangle:- Savarkar, Gandhi & Ambedkar

Savarkar is wrongly credited or criticized for introducing the concept of ethnocentric Hindutva in India. It was Chandranath Basu (1844-1910), a Bengali litterateur, who first coined the term Hindutva in 1892 in his writing.

#VeerSavarkar could have well been called ‘Vidvaan Savarkar’

Veer Savarkar more widely known for his acts of valour was a giant amongst intellectuals, fit to be also called 'Vidvan Savarkar.

भारत में जातिवादी टकराव सच है या राजनीति

हाल के ही दिनों में दो प्रमुख घटनाएँ सामने आयीं है जिसे देख के लगता है की भारत में जातिवादी भावना भरी गई है ताकि हिन्दुओं में टकराव बना रहे और कुछ तथाकथिक धर्मनिरपेक्ष राजनितिक दल अपना प्रभाव और प्रभुत्व भारत में बना के रख सकें।

The reality of the Veer Savarkar’s mercy petition to the British government; was it really voluntary or out of compulsion?

Nehru never faced the same cruelty which Savarkar faced. Being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he had family connections with the British authorities, and was friends with them; this spared him from most forms of cruelty.

Which way to Freedom?

So far as the intellectual space is concerned, the books written by Savarkar pave the way to true freedom and provide a start.

भारतीय इतिहास के एक स्वर्णिम अध्याय का नाम है वीर सावरकर

जिसके भाई को जेल भेज दिया गया हो, पत्नी और भाभी बेघर हो गईं हो, ससुर की नौकरी छीन ली गई हो, वह इन मुसीबतों में भी अपने लक्ष्य से पीछे नहीं हटा, बल्कि मुसीबतों के पहाड़ को चीरता चला गया। उस त्याग, समर्पण और राष्ट्रभक्त का नाम है सावरकर।

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