Saturday, September 21, 2024


15th August

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech on independence day- A thought exercise

What do we expect in Prime Minister Modi's this year's speech amidst the gloomy times.

Unlocking the 74th year of independence

Unlike the last decades, this year is not only different in nature of celebration due to COVID- 19 but also marks some very historic and tragic events that marked the 73rd year of Independence.

आजादी आपनी सोच में लायें

जिस दिन हम भारत को उसकी खोई हुई अखंडता लौटा देंगे उस दिन हमारी ओर से हमारे वीरों को सच्चे श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित होगी।

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