Sunday, May 19, 2024


Why peaceful borders with India pose a threat to Pakistan’s sovereignty

Although a religion may have some influence on the culture of the society as a whole but it can never disassociate an individual from the much broader way of life which defines culture. Indonesia is a great example of the above stated distinction.

Ali Sohrab shows his anti-national fangs by calling Sharjeel Imam a “leader”; is the Muslim society shooting themselves on their foot by supporting this...

Ali Sohrab has a track record of being involved in anti-Hindu and anti-India activities. In the backdrop of the Ram Mandir verdict in 2019, he was booked for hurting religious sentiments of Hindus by a tweet that is now deleted.

PM-CARES: Why it is not under the ambit of RTI

PM-NRF, a similar trust was set up by PM, Jawaharlal Nehru in his "personal capacity" in the year 1948. Interestingly, PM-NRF too, isn't under the purview of RTI and CAG.

Who Is “it”?

Black lives matter, and Martin Luther showed us the Gandhian principle to show this to the world. Please do not incite violence as "it" thrives on one simple mistake of yours.

3 befitting replies of Narendra Modi

What strength, is PM Modi made up of, we will never be able to know. But we know one thing for sure. The man is class, India's pride. Even his detractors and critics wish for a Modi at their side!

When we fought with just hope: A heart touching tale of 1962 India China war

A battle which broke Chinese morale, as 1300 Chinese fell in order to capture 120 Indians.

Federalism: A case sui generis

Our constitution is a meticulously and magnificiently drafted vision document, which furthers the pluralist ideals with social solidarity, ensures pace of economic development with protection of downtrodden.

साउथ कोरिया में संघ जरूरी क्यों

मैं विग़त 8 महीनो से साउथ कोरिया में रह रहा हूँ। यहाँ भारतीय लोगों की संख्या क़रीब 13 हज़ार हैं। पर एच॰एस॰एस न होने के आभाव में मैंने महसूस किया है, कि भारतीय लोग संगठित नहीं हैं। और संगठित नहीं होने के कारण लोग अपनी संस्कृति से दूर जा रहे हैं।

ऊपर लदी थी प्याज की बोरियां,नीचे थे गौवंश, वाहन में आपातकालीन ड्यूटी की स्टीकर लगाकर की जा रही है गौवंशों की तस्करी

झारखंड में झारखंड गोवंशीय पशु हत्या प्रतिषेध अधिनियम 2005 लागू होने के लगभग 15 वर्ष पूरे होने को हैं। इसके बावजूद प्रशासन की नाक के नीचे प्रतिबंधित पशुओं की तस्करी लगातार हो रही है।

MNS bares its anti-Hindu fangs

Raj Thackeray’s haphazard attempt to relaunch his party as Hindu outfit has failed, leading to desperation and cheap politics.

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