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Another hitjob: Army is NOT being hired to teach patriotism


Indian media has plummeted to the absolute depths of low level journalism. Such is the scene that their own articles reveal the truth which they are trying to hide. Today’s topic of outrage was a news story broken by India Today that the HRD Ministry proposes to hire Army men to teach patriotism.

See this news piece by India Today. It is titled: “After national flag, Smriti Irani ropes in Army to teach nationalism on campus“. It further says:

In yet another controversial move to “instil nationalism” among India’s youths, Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani has now decided to rope in the Indian Army to teach patriotism in the universities controlled by the government.

The story has seven paragraphs, the one above is the first. The remaining six are all dedicated to the hoisting of flag issue with no mention of any details of the above proposal of hiring army-men to teach patriotism. Please note that the piece says the Army is supposed to be hired in Universities.

Next, move to another story, again by India Today. This one is titled  “HRD ministry proposes to hire Army veterans to teach patriotism in schools”

Although the title says that the Army will be hired to teach patriotism, the byline and the main article says something completely different:

Byline:Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani had proposed hiring retiring junior commissioned officers and soldiers as physical training instructors at central government schools.

Main Article:Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani had proposed hiring retiring junior commissioned officers and soldiers as physical training instructors at central government schools. That plan has now been set into motion. “Soldiers retiring from the army after completion of 17 years of ‘colour service’ and JCOs at the end of their military tenure who are willing to join central schools are to be posted as PT instructors,” sources said. “Soldiers are physically fit and are trained to be mentally robust even in the most difficult situations. With their personality and bearing, they will also influence students positively,” sources added.

So although the headline says that the soldiers will teach patriotism, the article says that retiring army men will be hired to be physical training instructors. Why this vast difference in headline and actual article? Also please note, the article states that the army-men will be hired at Central Government Schools, whereas the 1st article mention that they will be hired at Universities. In fact, in the second article, “Universities” is not even mentioned.

Moving along, in the second piece, finally we get to the paragraph about nationalism:

Apart from physical fitness and mental toughening, soldiers will also inculcate a spirit of nationalism and patriotism among school students. “Soldiers carry with them stories of unparalleled valour and sacrifice from Siachen to counter-terror ops and from aiding civil authorities during natural calamities to keeping the interests of India First. These examples will certainly inspire students,” sources privy to the proposal told Mail Today

Can you see the difference? The piece itself says that the primary motive of hiring army-men is to be PT instructors, and apart from this, they may inculcate nationalism. But, the devious and deceitful headline says that the army-men are being hired for teaching patriotism alone!

Moving ahead, another shocker. This next paragraph states that this in fact is just a pilot project:

The pilot project will begin at select central schools and if the feedback is positive it will be extended to other central schools across the country, as well as private schools.

Yet, the news story is being played out as if it is a full blown all-India exercise. Why? This same paragraph makes another startling disclosure:

“While PT classes are compulsory for students, interaction with soldiers and classroom talks on nationalism, patriotism, military deployment in counter-terror operations etc will be optional for students to attend,” the official added.

The official states that interaction with soldiers on issues like nationalism will be optional! Can you understand the scale of this hitjob:

1. Retiring army-men may be hired as PT Instructors NOT for teaching nationalism

2. It is only a pilot project and NOT a pan-India exercise

3. They will be hired in Governement schools and NOT in Universities

4. Their job will be to impart physical training and interaction on nationalism will be OPTIONAL.

BJP get ready for Kurukshetra 2019 Here is your Chakravyuha and Brahmashirsha astras part 2


BJP get ready for Kurukshetra 2019

Here Are Your Chakravyuha & Brahmashirsha Astras (Part II)


Having detailed what the BJP Party must do to secure victory in the 2019 election in the first part of this article,(you can read hereconsider now what the Government must do simultaneously:

  1. The current Government must set the agenda for the Media and Opposition to follow, not the other way around. The Government must work smarter, not just harder.
  2. The Government must provide daily, weekly and monthly media briefings, as informed earlier. If they lack the necessary talent, they must outsource it.
  3. It must convert monthly the Mann ki baat into a live interview program immediately. If leaders are worried, they must organize their own friendly reporters to ask suitable questions. No matter what, please interact with the media and deliver the interviews.
  4. Revive the ‘DD,’ the national government owned channel, and transform it into an international channel, following the standards of BBC and CNN. Only advertise in government-owned media and ensure that your party and ministers only provide exclusive interviews or perform debates in those government-owned channels. Also ensure that you send the best spokesperson only.
  5. Do not exaggerate achievements or make elaborate promises while in power. Tone down this rhetoric. We cannot afford another India Shining style exaggeration while the obvious reality is that it cannot improve while the Congress Eco system is determined to hinder development.
  6. Realize quickly that, with the Eco system of Bureaucracy and Judiciary, people will oppose them, whether they be media or many of the state governments. Delivering only 30% of its promises by 2019 will be a miracle. Hence, while the party focuses in states where it suffers from weak support and opposition rules, the government should focus on those locations where it enjoys power, advancing projects forward, bringing them into reality: smart cities, roadways, port and bullet trains.
  7. Install many better-performing ministers, like Piyush Goyal, Nittin Gadkari and Sushma Swaraj. If none are present within the party, hire some or outsource these roles. To deliver promises, better ministers must be providing leadership.
  8. New announcements will not provide future election victory, but implementing announcements will. For example, the government announced AIIMS and the new IIT two years ago, and not even the land has been identified for one to this very day. In a similar way, you must install a separate Ministry of Disinvestment, or outsource this role.
  9. The previous UPA Government destroyed the Indian education system in various ways, beyond their ill-conceived Right to Education Act. The government must ensure a successful revamp of the education system and syllabus to save our children.
  10. The Government Intelligence System, even after two years of power, appears to be infested with Congress Ecosystem sleeper cells. Why doesn’t the government have any information on the church attack in Delhi, price increases of food grain pulses, Rohit vermula or JNU? This must be resolved.
  11. Please move Mr. Arun Jatliey out of the Finance Ministry. The entire government and party will benefit from this necessary change.  You can read the reasons from here on Why Jatliey should be removed from the finance ministry. 
  12. More than 800 projects are currently stalled. If only 100 of them get started, major economists tell us that the economy will flourish. It is mandatory to commence those projects, or shift those projects to states that enjoy a friendly, business-oriented environment. For example Chandrababu Naidus Andhra Pradesh provide this opportunity.
  13. The government must realize that Hindus have voted this government into power, and they alone can return the government to power. It very sad for 80% of Hindus interests to be neglected, with no country to support them. Hindus have only one country – India. Hence, India must care for Hindus by ensuring that they have freedom to manage their religion and a culture they belong to.
  • The Government must introduce the bill for ‘no religious conversion,’ even if it may fail since it requires

    constitutional amendments and UPA will not support it. But, let the people understand that you are serious about protecting Hindus.

  • When minorities manage their Religious and Cultural affairs, Hindu temples become mismanaged and looted by the government for selfish gain, in the name of government management. Hindus should immediately receive the right to manage their temples and cultural affairs freely, without government interference. Begin this at least in the BJP-ruled states.
  • When government-funded or government-aided minority educational institutions do not have any reservations through the Right to Education Act, it is very sad that the Hindus-owned educational institutions do not receive any government aid whatsoever, being forced to provide reservations. The government should provide a right to education by itself. If not, then law must be applied to the minority institutions as well, whether aided by the government or not – similar to Hindu Education Institutions.
  • Ram Mandir has been the notorious promise which birthed the BJP. Yet years have passed without this important issue receiving serious attention. Be sure to pray at the Ram Mandir before you are file for the next election, or release your election manifesto from Ram Mandir.
  1. If you were told that you could win a Noble prize by being friendly to the Congress Ecosystem and to those who were abusing you since 2002, you are hearing an outright lie. Be assured that you will not receive a Nobel prize. People who voted for you are patriots, yet their families are suffering for a generation as a result of the Congress misruling and appeasing the powerful mafia and eco system. I have already decoded the media intention here that shies away in addressing you as the Prime Minister Hence: .
    • Destroy the eco system.
    • Hire a better law minister and Attorney General. Ensure the punishment of all 2G, 3G, CWG and others scammers before 2019. Be sure to imprison the Lalu Prasad kind of convicted persons, rather than letting them manage the country.
    • You have done your bidding both in Pakistan and Kashmir. Now turn from this and refuse any further misadventures. Instead, consider the possibility of going to war with Pakistan, better to accept the truth it is inevitable one day if not today
  2. Countries progress only when the Judiciary works promptly and efficiently. While you may be limited in your authority over the Judiciary, it is heavily infested by the Congress eco system. Why not provide them with sufficient Judges and facilities? Why not force the Supreme Court to open branches in every state? They may not comply, but the people will notice your intentions and appreciate them.

Brahmashirsha Astra

imagesOnce your chakrvuyha is ready, it is the time to use the Brahmashirsha Astra. Brahmashirsha Astra is four times more powerful than the Brahma-astra, used on a situational basis during the final leg of Kurserthra war:

  1. Reservation in the Private sector: Since you must recover the SC and ST from the grip of Congress, having been fooled by Congress for decades, propose an Equality Act. This will ensure that all private organizations who avail any form of government subsidy, either through tax, rebate or free land or power, must be forced to reserve 15% to SC & ST, while 10% to the Poor, irrespective of caste. This will yield a 25% overall reservation. Require that either the corporate meets the 25% reservation, or they forgo the rebate or incentives they would receive. Corporate must assume some social responsibility, though the caste-based reservation system is an Indian phenomenon. All other countries, from the UK to Brazil to Japan and the most prominent throughout the Middle East, have a reservation system, ranging between 30% to 100% from sector to sector for their nationals. This Equality Act should be over above the government job reservation in government organization. Since they complain that government institution jobs are shrinking, this will really offset the concern.
  2. Loan waiver for the farmers: Ask Arun Jatliey, or whomever will be the next Finance Minister, to reserve RS. 1.50 lac crore. Yes, 1.5 lac crore, when the government can write off 1.5 lac crore loans given to corporates because of crony capitalism, should be able to set aside another 1.5 lac crore, or more, to be used as the Agriculture Debt and Farm Loan Waiver scheme. This restored UPA back into power in 2009. At that time, Chidambaram gave over 54,000 crore; but then again, it was 10 years ago. By 2018, you will need least 1.5 lakh crore for this scheme.
  3. Final Brahmashirsha Astra: The Middle class, which voted for you significantly, is disappointed over the Income Tax. The key factor for the average India citizen is personal income tax, not corporate. Therefore, the BJP endeavor to totally abolish this tax. This will energize the middle class and correct the economy. This will not impact the budget in a significant way. Mr. Jaganathan has provided a detailed analysis of this here.

If we consider all the subsidies and benefits given annually, Indian agriculture receives benefits in excess of Rs 3,00,000 crore every year, between center and states and bankers. If Rs 3 lakh crore annually is inadequate to make farming viable for the majority of India’s farmers, the remedy cannot be to subsidize them more in the same way. Be realistic. You cannot solve in five years all the problems that Congress created in 60 years. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to continue in power, which makes another 1.5 crore reasonable.

Many rightwing friends may disagree with my support for these Brahmashirsha Astra. But returning to power for another two terms is absolutely vital. Otherwise, India will never see Achhe Din again. You are fighting an ecosystem, which resembles a termite-infested nation. The only way to regain power is by doing exactly what I have asked of you, and by doing it for Amit Shah.

Since NDA is not expected to receive even a working majority in Rajya Saba until 2019, your only hope in the present is to pass as many as bills as possible in the current session in Lok Shaba. Then, wait for six months, and by December call a joint session for parliament to pass all the bills at once!

Clock boy Ahmed Mohamed played the victim card and reached a whole new level


Most of you must have come across American clock-bomb-boy Ahmed’s story somewhere. But, a brief flashback about the series of events from Ahmed Mohamed story is necessary to understand the way forward.

In September last year, Ahmed Mohamed made it in the headlines all around the world. This 14-year-old boy from Irving’s MacArthur High School was questioned by school authorities and local law enforcement agencies because of his clock that looked like a bomb.

The boy had first shown his weirdly assembled clock to his engineering teacher, and the concerned person asked him to not to show it to other teachers as someone might become nervous because of the way it looks.  Clock beeped during English class, and Ahmed gladly showed it to his teacher. The instructor confiscated it, showed it to the school principal, and called the police.

Cops questioned the young boy for around an hour and thirty minutes according to reports. They kept him at city’s juvenile detention facility, took fingerprints, photographs, and allowed him to go home only after verifying certain details.

Alright, he was handcuffed for few minutes, but the world did not end there!

Was this overreaction, or did the teacher perform his duty as a citizen by reporting something that he was suspicious about?

Experts on homemade clocks suggest that Ahmed bought a normal bedside alarm clock, took it out of its case, and screwed it into his suitcase.  So, to make things clear, he did not INVENT anything.

Ahmed 's clock in suitcase

Look at the clock’s photo, does that appear like a normal clock? According to experts, clock in the suitcase does look weird, perhaps, like a bomb! The young boy screwed it in the suitcase and secured it with cable.

Just imagine, you are a teacher, and your student brings something that looks like a bomb inside your class, won’t you feel suspicious?

Almost all the American schools have zero tolerance for suspicious items since 9/11 attacks. Besides that, the United States witnesses several shooting incidents involving armed kids. Plus, according to reports, Islamic State is also training kids online to act as suicide bombers. American cities are often put on high-alert because of bomb threats.

A lot of young teenagers from around the world have gone to join ISIS, including some boys from the state of Mississippi. Islamic terror outfit-Boko Haram- is already using children as suicide bombers in Nigeria. So, perhaps, Ahmed’s teacher, high-school principal, and cops were not wrong when they detained and asked questions about the clock to Ahmed. The district’s policy allows them to do so. Even non-Muslim students have been arrested on similar charges before in the US.

One of the largest Muslims groups in the US, Islamic Association of North Texas also supported the school and police authorities. The Muslim welfare organization said in their statement that the teacher reacted in the right manner after considering all the incidents that took place in the US during recent months.

(Thank God, BarkhaDutt, RajdeepSerdesai, Mitali Saran, ShabanaAzmi, and gang did not blamePM Modior BJP for Irving police’s act)

Three months of fame followed

As director Sajid Khan pointed out in one of his Wednesday columns- “People start believing in what they watch and read, even if it’s nonsense.” This is what helped Ahmed as well.

From September 16th news reports about this incident started emerging on all the American news sites and TV channels. Ahmed was tagged as a victim of Islamophobia, racial profiling, and he became an overnight star. Hashtag-#IStandWithAhmed reached number one position on social networking sites.Muslim journalists working in the British media houses used this incident to make usual claims suggesting that the US is irredeemably racist, morally corrupt, and followers of Islam are under siege in the country.

Leftist, liberal, and Muslims from all over the world started looking at this kid as their war hero. He along with his father and elder sister started appearing in the morning, afternoon, and night shows on TV channels.

This prompted President Obama and founders of tech companies to invite Ahmed at some of their high-profile events. We better not discuss the list of goodies, gifts that he received. Free stuff worth thousands of dollars was also couriered to him by Microsoft.

Press conferences and interaction with journalists exposed their intentions?

“I have lived in the US for more than thirty years, and I or my kids were never treated this way,” said Ahmed’s father Mohamed during one of his interactions with reporters.

He lied, because, Ahmed’s sister-Eyman Mohamed-had agreed in one interview that she was also suspended from school for three days when she had threatened to blow up the school.

Ahmed with father and sister

Several journalists also pointed out that Ahmed’s sisters scripted all his answers for questions during press briefings. Even social activist Mark Cuban pointed out the same observation while on ‘Real Time with Bill Maher show.’

Some journalists decided to run a background check on young boy’s father. Surprisingly, they found that his dad is Islamic activist, and had run for an election to be the president of Sudan, twice! He had also attracted attention in September 2011 when he participated in Quran discussion event organized by anti-Islamic pastor Terry Jones. In spite of these reports, mainstream media still continued to present him as their war hero.

Decided to move to Qatar

Qatar’s major educational institution offered a scholarship to Ahmed. His family even declared their intention to move to Qatar.

But the young boy and his family decided to play their victim card again. He once again made it in the headlines by demanding $15million as compensation from the city of Irving and its school.

During November last year, his family demanded an apology and $15million from concerned authorities just because he was questioned about his weird clock.  Boy’s lawyers threatened to file a civil action against Irving School District and the City of Irving. He also demanded written apology letter from the police chief and local mayor. This attracted a lot of eyeballs, because initially, this so-called victim of Islamophobia had said he is not interested in money and won’t request anyone to apologize.

People who supported him earlier started abusing him after realizing his ‘real’ intention. He has not received any compensation or apology letter as of now, while writing this report.

Currently, Ahmed is in Qatar with his family. He had posted his image with Mozabint Nasser, (a member of Qatar’s royal family) in November 2015 on Twitter. Then, another one clicked at a Doha-based restaurant during last month.

He was questioned because he created a hoax bomb

As mentioned earlier, he did not invent any clock. What he did was just like pouring cereals into a bowl and then saying that he invented cereals!

Police claimed that they arrested the kid for making a hoax bomb. Anyone making jokes about bombing airport would also face same charges and treatment.

So, let’s be clear, Ahmed was arrested because his suitcase clock triggered bomb hoax, and not because he is Muslim. But it appears his sister and father made him a stooge. He suddenly disappeared from the news after November 24th possibly because he faced a lot of criticism. This stunt did help him make it in headlines, but his plan to make millions defamed him, and may keep on haunting him throughout his life.

Kanhaiya, the posterboy of left, does not want you to know this about Left and Dr. Ambedkar

A new star is born. Shri Kanahiya Kumar, the President of Jawahar Lal Nehru Students Union, has emerged as the new poster boy of the Indian left. A brilliant orator, a great communicator, he has managed to establish a new connect with the people and put life back in the moribund left. The ham handed manner of his arrest and the despicable physical assault on him have given him a new halo. His speech in JNU and his subsequent interviews after his release on bail has been hailed by many.

Listening to his speech I could not but admire his oratory, but analyse the contents and it sounds vacuous and rhetorical. I will try to analyse the main themes/points of his speech.

Communism and Dr. Ambedkar.

Shri Kanahiya Kumar said, “We have full faith in Babasaheb… We have no faith in the deep rooted caste system in this country… we want to trash the traditions of exploitation, Jativad, Manuwad and Brahmanvad…In this country casteism is the biggest issue..speak against casteism”

No right thinking India can dispute the depravity that caste system has perpetuated in this country. For all right thinking Indians Dr. Ambedkar is a venerated figure. However, when Shri Kanahiya accuses other parties of Brahmanvaad, it is but natural that the Communist party, of which he is a representative, be subjected to the same scrutiny.

First, we need to understand what Baba Saheb thought of Marxism as a philosophy. Babasaheb had studied Marxism and rejected it in favour of Buddhism. In his writing “Buddha or Karl Marx”, Babasaheb says, “liberty, equality and fraternity can only co-exist if one follows the way of the Buddha. Communism can give one (equality) but not all.”

In the same essay he questions the ends adopted by the Marxists. He writes “Can the Communists say that in achieving their valuable end they would not have destroyed other valuable ends? They have destroyed private property. Assuming that this is a valuable end, can the communists say that they have not destroyed other valuable ends in the process of achieving it? How many people have they killed for achieving their end? Has human life no value?”

On the communist state utopia (which so many of my communist friends still believe in and aspire for) he had this to say, “At any rate (they) have no satisfactory answer to the question what would take the place of the State when it withers away, though this question is more important than the question when the State will wither away. Will it be succeeded by anarchy? If so the building of the communist state is a useless effort. If it cannot be sustained except by force and if it results in anarchy when the force holding it together is withdrawn what good is the communist state? The only thing that could sustain it after force is withdrawn is religion. But to the Communists’ religion is anathema…The Russians are proud of their Communism. But they forget that Buddha established communism as far as the Sangh was concerned without dictatorship…a miracle which Lenin failed to do.”

So before any attempt is made to project Baba Saheb as a Communist or even a Communist sympathiser there is a need to read and reflect on his views about Marxism.

Second, there is a need to reflect on the treatment meted out to Babasaheb by the then Communist Party of India (CPI).  In the 1952 elections from Bombay Central (which Babasaheb lost to Congress candidate NS Kajirolkar), Communist Party of India (CPI) founding member and leader Shripad Amrit Dange had instructed his supporters to waste their ballots rather than vote for Babasaheb. In fact, Babasaheb attributed his loss to the communist campaign against him. The communists had sufficient influence in Girangaon and had they not launched that visceral campaign against Babasaheb, he may have won.

Forget about the past, let us see what those seeking to appropriate the legacy of Dr. Ambedkar have to offer to the dalits in the present. Shri Kanahiya has publicly stated his admiration for Rohit Vemula who lost his life in extremely tragic circumstances. In his article in Hindustan Times (Lal Salam to Jai Bhim: Why Rohit Vemula left Indian Marxists) Rohit’s friend Jashwanth Jessie talks of the disillusionment of Rohit Vemula with the Student Federation of India (SFI), affiliated to CPI (M), of which once he was a firebrand leader. SFI comrades instead of valuing him subjected him to humiliation. Jashwanth writes, “His disillusionment with the communists happened when he discovered that the boys and girls who had given up their faith in God could not bring themselves to abandon their faith in the caste system. He quit the SFI after he was discriminated for his caste…After his unsavoury stint with the communists…He became acutely aware of not just the Brahmanical tendencies of the individual CPI(M) activists but the theoretical flaws of the left as a whole in understanding the Indian social order.’’

Third, has Shri Kanahiya reflected on the composition of the highest decision making organs of the Communist parties i.e. their Central Committee and the Politburo? Why is it that none of these parties have never had a Dalit in these decision making bodies in the last 50 years and remain a preserve of the upper castes? It is interesting to note that even the Central Committee of the extreme left (CPI (Maoist)) who claim to be at the forefront of the fight for tribals is heavily dominated by the Andhraites and hardly has any tribals.  While Shri Kanahiya can brand it tokenism, at least the so called right wing brahamanical reactionary party in his eyes, the BJP, is being led by an Extremely Backward Caste person in the Prime Minister.

It is also interesting to note the caste composition of the Left Front ministry under Shri Jyoti Basu. Between 1977 and 1982 the ministry comprised of 35 per cent Brahmins, 31 per cent Kayasthas, 23 per cent Baniyas and a paltry 1.5 per cent dalits. This when West Bengal, as per the 1991 census, had the highest concentration of Scheduled Caste population in the country (24 per cent).

Fourth, it was also under the Left Front government’s watch that the largest massacre of Dalit Namasudras in the history of this country happened in Marichjhapi, Sundarbans in 1979. Some scholars and journalists have branded the massacre of these Dalit refugees from Bangladesh as a ‘genocide’ with reports of 3000 to 17,000 deaths. All this after Jyoti Basu himself had supported the relocation of these refugees from the inhospitable Dandkarnaya to Sunderbans. Its support for the refugees from East Bengal was one of the major reasons for the Left’s ascent to power. In January 1978, soon after the Left Front government ascended to power in West Bengal, minister Ram Chatterji of the Marxist Forward Block and Ashok Ghosh of the All India Forward Block visited the refugees and assured them that “Five crore Bengalis will welcome you back to Bengal extending 10 crore hands.” Alas instead of the extended hand what the refugees on their relocation to Sunderbans got was the iron hand of the ruthless government and its cadres. Branded squatters, Dalit Namsudra men, women and children were mercilessly blockaded and starved, their hutments burnt, women raped, elderly and children killed and their dead bodies thrown in the rivers for crocodiles to eat.

Sadly, while the left leaning NGO’s and environmentalists are at the forefront to protest violations of any and every human rights in India, in case of Marijhapi they have maintained a deafening silence. The brute reality is that for the liberal left, tigers and tourism triumphed over the interests of hapless Dalits.

I hope Shri Kanahiya Kumar and other young communists will reflect on what Periyar, another stalwart of dalit movement had to say about communism. Delivering a speech in Trichy on 21 February 1943 he said, “All the talks on communism in our country is bogus. Our youth must be kept away from such talks. ..So I appeal to the youth to be aware of these communists. Communism here, as it is, is a sugar coated pill. Beware!”.

Indian nationalism

One of the confusing arguments I heard from Shri Kanahiya was “I am a patriot but not a nationalist.” “Nationalism is a European concept. India is a land of diversity – she has no one uniform identity”.

Well if nationalism is a European concept, so is Marxism and Socialism. So are Democracy and Fundamental Rights. Should a concept be discarded just because it originated outside India or should it be embraced if it possesses intrinsic value and be adapted to the genius of the land and its people? The problem with Indian communists is their failure to adapt to Indian genius and instead remain hostage to sterile dogmas. While it is true that Indian nationalism remains a work in progress and it is easy to mouth homilies about diversity of India and challenge assumptions underlying Indian national identity, it is plain disingenuous to believe that no fundamental principle underlines Indian nationalism. Except the separatists who seek a divorce from the Indian nation, the ‘lowest common denominator of Indian nationalism’ on which both the ‘religious right wing nationalism’ and the ‘official secular Nehruvian nationalism’ agree on is the sanctimony of India’s ‘territorial nationalism’ and this has acquired sufficient political and mental hegemony in India. Both believe in India’s ‘sacred geography’ and India’s ‘ancient heritage’. As Ashutosh Varshney writes, “These ..have yielded two principal imaginations about India’s national identity – the secular nationalist and the Hindu nationalist. The former combines territory and culture; the latter religion and territory.” 

This is why the abominable slogans about the breakup of India in JNU evoked such passionate reactions. While the privileged students of JNU in their gated community may appear ‘surprised’ at the reaction and may swear by the ‘freedom of speech’ argument, talk to the people on the street and there are few takers for this kind of freedom of speech argument. A friend of mine remarked that people in Munirka who draw financial benefits from JNU by giving their rooms for rent to JNU students are ready to forgo these benefits and do not want them in their houses. As Varshney writes “Therefore, just as America’s most passionate political movements concern freedom and equality, India’s most explosive moments concern its “sacred geography”….Whenever the threat of another breakup, another partition, looms, it unleashes remarkable passions in politics. Politics based on this imagination is quite different from what was seen when Malaysia and Singapore split from each other in 1960’s, or when Czech and Slovak Republics separated in 1992. Territory not being an inalienable part of their national identity, these territorial divorces were not desecrations. In India, however, they are desecrations of sacred geography”.

While Indian nationalism has seen challenges in form of separatist nationalist movements (Dravidian movement, Punjab, Kashmir, Naga etc.) it has remained flexible and adaptable enough to adjust and appropriate these sub national identities within the larger Indian identity. Devising ingenious mechanisms like the grant of special rights and status to regions, linguistic reorganisation of states and federalism etc. the streams of sub nationalism were accommodated within the river of larger Indian nationalism. So what if India was a land of ‘diversity’, this diversity could flourish within the ‘unity’ of India. So one could be a good and proud Tamilian or a Kashmiri or a Sikh or a Muslim and yet remain a proud Indian. Naipaul summarized it well when he wrote “India is now a country of million mutinies..But there was in India now what didn’t exist 200 years before: a central will, a central intellect, a national idea. The Indian Union was greater than the sum of its parts.”

One can however understand where Shri Kanahiya’s statement is coming from when one understands how divorced the left is from the Indian ethos, mind and genius. It is their flawed understanding of the national question which in the past made them support the demand for Pakistan and today leaves them bemused or derisive when India is referred to as ‘Bharat Mata’. PC Joshi, one of the tallest leaders of the Communist Party of India wrote about the demand for Pakistan, “We held a series of discussions within our party and came to the conclusion in 1941-1942 that it (Muslim League) had become an anti-imperialist organization expressing the freedom urge of the Muslim people that its demand for Pakistan was a demand for self-determination… A belief continues to be held that League is a communal organization and what Mr. Jinnah is Pro-British. But what is the reality? Mr. Jinnah is to the freedom loving League masses what Gandhiji is to the Congress masses. They revere their Qaid-e-Azam as much as the Congress does the Mahatma. They regard the League as their patriotic organization as we regard the Congress. This is so because Mr. Jinnah has done to the League what Gandhi did to the Congress in 1919-1920 i.e., made it a mass organization.” (Congress and the Communists, PC Joshi, People’s Publishing House Bombay, p 5).

Now to the question of patriotism. Since Shri Kanahiya does not believe in Indian nationalism, it begs the question if he believes in ‘sub-nationalism’ or ‘separatist nationalism’? So he is ‘patriotic’ to whom? To what does he owe primary and highest allegiance? To ‘sub nationalism’ within India or to ‘separatism’? Or as a member of the ‘vanguard’ party, does his allegiance to his ‘party’ triumph over his allegiance to everything else? Remember, in China the primary loyalty of the Communist party member is to the Chinese Communist Party and not to the Chinese Nation. The Chinese Armed forces, i.e. Peoples Liberation Army, as an arm of the party, does not fight for the Chinese Nation but for the Party. Is his the same kind of patriotism?

The right wing government’s inadequate allocation of resources for social sectors

Shri Kanahiya Kumar lamented the cut in the education budget. He stated “The government has cut the higher education budget by 17 per cent. Our hostel has not been built for four years. We haven’t wifi till date.”

While it is no body’s call that sufficient funds should not be allocated for education in the country, judging educational growth simply by how much government funding is being provided for education is a very simplistic way of analysing the efficacy of education being imparted. Let us take the example of Kerala. It has been touted as a state to be seen as a role model of social development worthy of emulation by other states. Scholars like Amartya Sen have constantly eulogised the Kerala model and the Left is especially proud of its near universal literacy and high social indicators which many attribute to its ruling the state for long. Now for some reality check. A study by the Centre for Socio Economic and Environmental Studies (CSES), Kochi titled “Kerala’s Education System: From Inclusion to exclusion?” highlighted the following:

  • The government’s subsidy policy covers only the fees which forms a small component of the private fees and the disadvantaged sections have to bear several other costs like examination fees, cost of reading and writing materials, study tour etc.
  • More than 80 per cent of Engineering colleges, Pharmacy colleges, nursing colleges and schools are in the self-financing sector. Similarly, most of the management courses, medical courses (allopathy, Ayurveda and homeopathy) are also in the self-financing sector.

The Communists also take great pride in the other social indicator i.e. provision of quality health care in the state. However as per the report released by the Health Ministry, (National Health Profile 2015 by the Central Bureau of Health Intelligence) people in Kerala spend the maximum amount from their own pocket on health care expenses. People in rural Kerala spend Rs. 244 per month on health care (national average Rs. 95.18) and Rs. 275 in urban areas (national average Rs. 145.71). As per reports, the health and education spend of Kerala has continued to hover around 1 per cent of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP). So before the leftists condemn other governments about their lack of commitment for social sectors, there is also a need to have a relook at policies and actions in states where they are in power.

As regards the crib about hostels and wifi in JNU, sorry Shri Kanahiya but you sound extremely elitist and ‘we are special’ kinds. Have you ever compared the hostel and hostel rooms available per capita in JNU with other universities of the country, say an Allahabad or a Patna? It was also interesting to see all Ivy League Universities jump to JNU’s support but I did not see resolutions in support of JNU coming from any of the nearly 480 odd publicly funded Universities in India. If they identify so much with JNU why are no vocal agitations going on in these Universities of the hinterland? Classic case of ‘elites’ standing with the other ‘elite’.

If the gated community of JNU is not a bastion of privilege what is? Is it not true that the Indian government spends approximately Rs. three lakhs per student in JNU and the University has one of the best teacher student ratios in the country.  As regards academic freedom in JNU, well I was listening to a podcast of Bhanu Pratap Mehta in which he was being interviewed by Mosharraf Zaidi ( and he stated that he had decided to leave Harvard (where he was teaching) and come and teach in JNU. He was soon to be disappointed with the way things were in JNU and decided to go back. And this is the experience of an acknowledged intellectual of this country who cannot be accused of being a right-winger.

Capitalism is rapacious and exploitative

Shri Kanahiya laced his speech (as all communists do) with the exploitation that capitalism brings. Now let us critically evaluate the communist commitment to communist economic precepts when they are in power. The whole world acknowledges that post 1991 reforms, absolute level of poverty has declined in the country. Government resources have increased and so has social spending. It is another matter that the communists refuse to accept it.

Let us look out how the states of Kerala and West Bengal have fared on unemployment and inequality. As per the Economic Review of Kerala, (state ruled for a long period by the Left Front government) at 7.4 per cent Kerala has the highest unemployment rate amongst the big States in the country and only Nagaland and Tripura (another left ruled state) fare worse than Kerala. The unemployment rate of Kerala is three times the national average (2.3 per cent). Incidentally women unemployment is worse with a rate of 47.4 per cent as compared with 9.7 per cent for men.

As per the Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC), Kerala was also one of the most unequal states in India having a Gini coefficient of 0.35 in rural areas in 2011-12. Similarly, for the urban areas, Kerala was amongst the nine states which showed the widest rich-poor gap since 1973-74.

The Socio Economic and Caste Survey also brought out a startling fact that the level of agricultural landlessness was 72 per cent in Kerala and 70 per cent in West Bengal. The story of deindustrialization of West Bengal under the communists is too well known for me to repeat. In terms of the per-capita income, Bengal under the left front witnessed a sharp decline in relation to other states. While on per capita terms it ranked 5th nationally in 1980-81, by 2000-1, its rank had slipped to tenth.

Further, if capitalism was so rapacious and exploitative why did the Left Front do a U-turn in 1994 and bring out a new industrial policy welcoming investment from foreign firms and domestic private sector? Why was a special 11-member committee headed by Shri Somnath Chatterjee created to win over the industrialists? Why did the industrial policy of 1994 acknowledge that there was growing sickness and stagnation in the economy and the state was starved for investments? Why did it acknowledge that the interest shown in Bengal by NRIs and MNCs was a ‘welcome development’?

The history of communism in this country is a history of U-turns and subsequent expression of regret whether it is on the support of Muslim League in the creation of Pakistan or the support by CPI to the imposition of Emergency. It reminds one of Munir Niazi’s couplet, “Hamesha der kar deta hoon mein”.

Communist sophistry has no parallels. They can speak and sound convincing about anything. It is only in communism that oxymoronic words like ‘democratic’ and ‘centralism’ can be combined together and be elevated to a principle and mantra. But the genius of India is that it finally rejects sophistry and accepts leaders with sincerity. Gandhi was no great orator but this country is yet to produce a greater mass leader than him.

(The writer is an independent analyst. The views expressed are strictly personal.)

BJP get ready for Kurukshetra 2019 Here is your Chakravyuha & Brahmashirsha astras


BJP get ready for Kurukshetra 2019

Here Are Your Chakravyuha & Brahmashirsha Astras (part 1)


If BJP fails to win the 2019 elections, India will not only remain a poor country forever, but will also disintegrate. This happens to be the longstanding wish of many in India, including those from JNU, supported by the Congress and communist parties. (Also read why Acche Din can come, only if BJP comes to power here. )

The Winning Approach for BJP Ahead of 2019

After nearly two years in power and three financial budgets, it is not at all too late for BJP to prepare for 2019 if it genuinely desires to win.

This year, in which five states are going to the polls, BJP has already lost all of them, except in Assam, where pundits expect a strong fight. Meanwhile, in 2017 there will be only a few states where it will provide stiff competition: Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Punjab. Victory is uncertain in each case, however. Pundits expect this present BJP trend to continue through 2018, considering the way the party has been preparing itself for the election in the last two years. Recent defeat in Delhi and Bihar prove this.

The reason for recent and anticipated losses stems from the way that Mr. Amit Shah leads the party, not from actual government performance.

So it is better to focus on the mother of all elections, with sufficient time available for preparation. If BJP utilizes time constructively between now and then, regardless intermediate losses in state elections, a strong reemergence of the BJP to power in 2019 becomes very possible.

NDA’s 2004 Loss – A Quick Recap:

Though both BJP and Congress enjoyed the same voter base size in 1999 and 2004, Congress managed to steal 40 seats from BJP in 2004. Why? Because Congress focused on rural areas, playing the same old tricks as before: dividing Hindus and increasing pressure on them in the name of Secularism. For Congress, Secularism targeting and is clamping down the majority community. At the same time, they appease other social segments, playing caste cards and poverty cards when BJP focused on the India Shining Campaign.

Congress successfully leverages these caste, community and religious cards to its advantage. For this reason, they have enjoyed power for 60 of the 70 years since independence, even though they have failed to deliver a major part of India from deplorable education and poverty, without proper infrastructure.


Why Congress Lost to NDA in 2014:

  1. This loss occurred as a result of two successive terms of anti-incumbency and a series of major corruption scandals. Most coalition partners, along with their own party’s senior leaders, deserted the party, fearing they would lose the election before the polls were announced. Modi surged into power, the powerful orator with the support of able campaign managers, and the poll guru, Amit shah, delivering a spectacular performance at Utter Pradesh. He enjoyed a clear majority, after three decades in Indian Politics finally a party had its own majority.
  2. Congress not only lost the election, but also failed to become an opposition party, being unable to gather necessary seats. They did, however, bounce back in the Bihar elections with an anti-Modi campaign, where the Nitish Kumar government owns the election with the thumbing majority. Though there are several reasons for this victory, the primary factor is that BJP cannot succeed against united opposition.

To win the state elections from 2017 (considering we have already lost all 2016 state elections) and to win the mother of all elections subsequently in 2019, BJP must trap opposition inside the Chakravyuha, then kill them using


Brahmashirsha Astra. Brahmashirsha Astra is four times more powerful than the Brahma-astra. I recommend using 3 Brahmashirsha Astra. However, Prime Minister Modi can determine usage on a situational basis during the final leg of Kurserthra war. Even in Mahabharata, only Parasurama, Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Ashwatthama and Arjuna possessed the knowledge to use this. In Kalyuga, I am certain that only Prime Minister Modi is able to use Brahmashirsha Astra.

Goals for the BJP PARTY to prepare Chakravuuha:

“The secret of successive winning is for the ruling party to consider itself to be the main opposition party. By doing this, they not only maintain combat mode, but remove the opposition space.” – Kanimozhi

  1. It appears that the reelected party leader, Amit shah, has lost his mojo and enthusiasm after the beating BJP received in Bihar. BJP must re-strengthen its cadres, because as soon as it gained power in 2014, it made serious attempts to increase party membership. This included talk of a drive for ten crore party members drive and more, which dissipated quickly. Winning an election requires cadres, and they must be educated and energized.
  2. Of the five states going for to the polls this year, Tamil Nadu is one of the largest. BJP has done nothing credible in the last two years to increase party strength. The election date has been announced as of today, and they haven’t even secured a single, proper coalition partner. They tried to recruit the Vijayakanth DMDk leader, based on a report given to a BJP leader.

“If you think I am still in the NDA, why didn’t your leaders see me during their Chennai trips, and why wasn’t I told before your party decided to admit Sarath Kumar?” he reportedly asked Javadekar, according to the BJP source.

Attempts by Murlidhar Rao and Pon Radhakrishnan to placate the Captain failed, even as the DMK stepped up efforts to seal a poll pact with him. After forming the rainbow alliance for the 2014 LS polls, the BJP failed to convene any meeting of its allies. Neither did it participate in joint agitations. This is the current scenario across the country: zero action at ground level and no coordination with vital partners.

  1. The party needs a superior spokesperson. If it cannot find one within the party, it should recruit from another party or outsource this crucial role.
  2. BJP leaders should allow more from within party to promote up the ladder, not forgetting the ladder they climbed themselves. Loosing Prasanth Kishore, forgetting the likes of Dahyaji Gobarji Vanzara, and even likes of those Sadhvi Pragya and Shrikant Purohit will not give confidence to loyal party members or new ones considering joining the party.
  3. BJP should begin working with the government closely, to pass bills that satisfy party workers and its voters.
  4. The party should focus only on states where it has low presence or none at all. For instance, it should focus on Tamil Nadu, rather than focusing on the states like Gujrat, where it will win easily.
  5. The party should develop a proper ecosystem, similar to Congress at the earliest, with government help. It must set the present agenda for the nation to follow, rather than answering opposition accusations redundantly. For example, rather than boasting about the excellent budget presented by the Government or jumping to the street to create awareness of Chidambaram and his sons foreign Investment scam or the Irshat Jahan case, the party remained silent, later started defending against opposition charges on Rohit Vermula and JNU, which the party had nothing to do with anyway.
  6. Instead of being a ruling party and setting the narrative and agenda for the nation to follow, BJP resembles a mute spectator. While BJP leaders and workers are getting killed by several parties in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Bihar and West Bengal, BJP offers no protest whatsoever, while congress continues to obstruct parliament even over flimsy issue or manufactured issues, such as church attacks.
  7. The party should form a party media wing, with its own channels and magazines, employing excellent multilingual, educated young men and women as spokespersons across India, trained and educated on party policies and the sins of the opposition.
  8. The party must find a new coalition partner, while preserving current partner intake. BJP seems to fail both at recruiting new partners and retaining old ones.

These proposals must happen for the party to succeed in the 2019 elections. The current strategy will fail, and there are no easy alternatives. A serious, all-encompassing effort must take place. But there is more. These points are only one half of the solution. Stay tuned for a second installment to learn the second half of this vital chakravuya  and Brahmashirsha Astra.

(To be continued)

You can reach the author through tweeter @kanimozhi. Also you can join the tweet group @kuruksetra2019 to Share your idea and support BJP for 2019

Modi continues to confound the Left and the Right

Those who called Modi a mascot of Right Wing Hindu Fringe had to eat crow in 2014 because of his massive victory. Fringe doesn’t get absolute majority. No one calls him that anymore. Soon after he took over, he launched the massive J.A.M. (Jan Dhan Aadhar Mobile)  initiative for direct inclusion of the common and poor people in government’s subsidy, support, development programs. Modi continued with MNREGA, after revamping it.  The Left chose to ignore this massive grassroots welfare thrust and the Right said that Modi has no vision and that he was continuing where the Congress left. The Left decided to play up ‘intolerance’ and ‘divisiveness’

The ‘great’ Arun Shourie famously snarled that ‘NDA is nothing but Congress plus Cow’

Take this year’s budget. Massive hikes in allocations for rural and farm sectors, rural connectivity, and MNREGA, and affordable housing on one hand, and extra 10% dividend tax for those getting more than Rs 10 Lakh dividend (Tata, Ambani’s and Adani and some others less famous will pay more), refusal to remove retrospective taxation from the books on other hand, have confounded both the Right Wing and Left Wing. Modi Sarkar has gone a step further by getting the Aadhar Law passed for enabling direct transfer of a wide ranging subsidies. Supreme Court had restricted Aadhar due to lack of legislative sanction.

Rahul Gandhi, Congress, Commies and others on the Left have have to eat crow again for calling Modi  Right Wing leader and his government a Suit-Boot ki Sarkar. Even the Communist leaders, when asked, mutter “nothing in the Budget for the corporate sector”. Some people on the Right continued to sulk because they did not find ‘big bang reforms’ of their type.

Congress has two reactions: A) The Budget Copies Congress Ideas  B) The Budget Lacks Vision! This eloquently showcases Congress’ intellectual prowess!

India doesn’t have real Right Wingers. Those who oppose the Left on any subject automatically become Right Wingers, Reactionaries, Bigots, Fascists, or Fanatics.  There are some who insist on calling themselves Right Wing because they oppose MNREGA, other subsidies, and they insist on privatization. They also follow Harvard and Forbes economic prescriptions. They prefer MNCs more than Desi corporations. They favor Desi Corporations more than MSME companies. And they favour any business over consumers.  But even they aren’t in favour of markets deciding everything.


But we, at least most of us, are neither Left Wingers nor Right Wingers. So far we have been stuck between these two fringes. What does the PM Modi mean for us?

We have to take into account that there is this huge X factor, called PM Modi. Why?  When you were not reading TOI \ IE\ The Hindu made-to-order headlines and when you were not watching scripted histrionics  of TV anchors,  did you notice that the previous summer went without so much of load shedding? Now our Power Minister tells us that there is enough power in the grid to meet demand from any state.  Have you noticed that railways have shown improvements in cleanliness and ticketing (Oh their website actually responds in real time!)? Have you noticed that pace of highway construction has accelerated from 11 km to 16 kms a day? (target 30!) Do you know that rural electrification is ahead of its targets? Aren’t you getting LPG refills just by a phone call? Aren’t you getting IT refunds faster? Even the eternally sick Air India is likely to make cash profits by next year.

Both the Left and the Right have missed these ‘small’ improvements like revival of Coal India, Railways, NHAI, Oil Marketing Companies and Income Tax Department-all in Public Sector or in Government sector.  You know why. The track record of the Left suggests that it is just not interested in any improvements. It’s agenda is to create unrest somehow and exploit it. The Right ideologically opposes any government involvement and the public sector.

The Right has been saying that ‘ease of doing business’ is just a slogan and has been asking questions like ‘show me the GST?’ and  ‘How about withdrawal of retrospective taxation?’  Consider this. There is a lawyer with a major law firm who writes, “The Finance Bill, 2016, ushers in an unparalleled effort to simplify and rationalize some of the cumbersome requirements in the existing direct tax regime. The thrust of these changes has been to provide relief to small taxpayers and to reduce tax disputes.” Lawyers usually issue disclaimers. But this is an unambiguous message. Full text is here

The hardworking Modi and his cabinet is the X factor that confounds the Left and the Right. Here is what we can expect under Modi Sarkar.

  1. Better irrigation, rural and national road connectivity, rural electrification, crop insurance, 1000’s of fertilizer retail outlets with soil testing facilities and national agricultural market platform will result in higher agricultural growth and farmer income on which still majority of us depend
  2. Ease of doing business, Start up India, and special scheme for SC \ ST entrepreneurs will create more jobs. The idea is not to depend on just big manufacturing. Skill training boost will help these.
  3. Continued thrust on Make in India will increase jobs and increase economic activity leading to multiplier effects
  4. Pace of black money detection and recovery will increase. See my article

There are many other initiatives to support above, but these are too many to list here. During the  Congress regime the massive allocations mentioned above would be bad news because it would have meant more money in pockets of netas and middlemen. The X factor crosses that out.


Modi Sarkar still has a lot do. But PM Modi has shown that the government machinery and Public Sector behemoths can be made to work better and faster. States have more financial space and a supportive working Central Government with many outstanding schemes. State Governments are even more crucial now.

If you keep looking for only  big ticket privatization, tax benefits, and high profile arrests and raids, you will continue to miss the massive transformation underway. The Right has been missing this.  PM Modi has gone ahead and launched massive grassroots transformation. Both the Left and the Right have missed this real change.

Neither the Left, nor the Right have worked out a framework that our Bharat needs. Both have copied their ideologies from the West. Karl Marx, like Adam Smith, was a Westerner.


But why should we care about the Left or the Right? For the first time since independence, we have a government which doesn’t follow anything blindly.  It takes time to work things out. This government may make mistakes. But its intent is right. It is competent too.  Let us now elect our state governments wisely.

Powerful imageries – from Slumdog to World Cultural Festival


“I want to ask you a question, I am not sure if it is appropriate, but I am really curious to know” one of my colleagues asked me in an informal gathering during my stay in Brussels.

“It is about your country, I have never been there” he added further.

“Yes – of course, please feel free to ask and I would be happy to answer” I knew the colleague quite well. I have been interacting with him for some time.

At this point we went into a corner and he asked in a hushed tone “I watched the movie Slumdog Millionaire – Is India really like that? I was planning to visit but wanted to check with you first.”

I was not prepared for an expected question like this. I tried to comfort him nonetheless – no it is not that bad. Soon I realized that I was trying to tell a story contrary to the powerful projection of a movie that was winning Oscars that time. Also the mainstream media in India was shouting – we should not hide our dirt and filth, it is truth, we should not shy away.  This one-sided self-inflicting love affair with negativity, unfortunately has become the politically correct narrative in Indian media over time.

So when it contrasts with the colorful image of 150 countries uniting at Yamuna bank, celebrating their cultural heritage on the themes of world peace and prosperity, the media story tellers get shattered. This is not their “idea of India” – the story is moving beyond their script. Some of the media anchors focused on all the controversies e.g. hours and hours of debate on environment. They could not restrain their excitement when rain looked like disrupting the start of the festival. “Yamuna’s revenge on con men” – one of the media anchors tweeted. Well the environment concern is ok but when the story moved beyond the controversies most of the media just gave a skip.  The moral of the story is “if there are no negative news, there is no news”.

In any news event there is one main story and several side stories. The media sometimes creates the side stories to suit their narrative to attack the main story. In case of WCF the main story was completely bulldozed by all the controversies on NGT, use of army, fine and penalty and many more. It is not fair to say that these aspects had no merits, some of them may be correct as well. The question that one need ask however is – did media forget to cover the event and the positive aspects of the event. Did the allegedly manufactured side story completely overrun the main story? The same phenomenon was evident in the JNU incident. The main story was the anti-national slogans and there were several side stories like lawyers attack, video authenticity etc. The media used the side stories  to overrun the main story, thereby being unjust in the fair coverage. When the story get inconvenient they focus on the sideshows.

The balanced story telling of a news event from media is important when they talk of ethical journalism. It is not that the media should not have opinions on the news events – they must have. However there is difference between editorial and news reporting. The two should not be mixed up at all. The story and images are flashed around everywhere; they become the truth for all those who don’t see it first-hand. For my friend in Brussels slumdog is the truth while for those visiting India at Yamuna Banks in WCF it is different imagery. The foreign media and a large audience are even more detached from true stories on the ground, so they rely more on what the Indian media tell them.

During one of the self-justifying rambling during prime time TV program, a media anchor said – “our job is not to praise the establishment or government. Our job is to constantly criticize them, criticize to the core. If the government wants someone to sing paeans they can hire darbari media. We are like revolutionaries – we will attack the government for everything even remotely perceived wrong. We are not obliged to praise. This is what we have studied in our journalism classes and our ideals are JP movements”. Though I am not sure what are taught in the journalism classes, there is an evident flaw in this line of argument. If the journalists look at everything from the lens of criticism and revolution they will end up reporting Slumdog stories only.

As our PM quoted during the world cultural meet –“The world will not value us if we keep criticizing ourselves all the time”.  

The Durga-Mahishasura Debate: Perspective of a Practicing Hindu

I never thought that I would be writing this article in the first place. But the raging debates in the country along with several interpretations of the story being widely circulated in the media (print, news and social), made me change my view. Yes, I am going to talk about the very common story of Mahishasura and Goddess Durga, since the interpretations of this legend, common to the worshipers of the Goddess (especially in Bengal) are quite uncommon in the media diaspora. I am not a scholar of this subject, but I thought I would take up the challenge and share whatever little information I have, just to respect my “freedom of speech”! May the Divine Mother guide me through this difficult task. To get into business, I have learnt from my school texts that the worship of the Mother Goddess was inherently non-Aryan and was later included into the Hindu pantheon. I have heard people opine that Durga is not mentioned in the Vedas. Well, I do not know whether such beliefs are still prevalent in the current scenario, but yes the Goddess has been mentioned in the Tait- tiriya Aranyaka of the Krishna-Yajurveda in the Maha Narayanopanishada:

Tam Agnivarnam tapasa jwalantim Vairochanim karamaphaleshu jushtam
Durgam Devi’gm sharamaham prapadye sutarasi tarase namah

Unfortunately this (one of the earliest) description of the Goddess does not ascribe any specific form to Her. The above verses just describe Her as One having the luster of fire, Who is the consort of the Illuminated One (Supreme being) and Who helps us safely cross the ocean of life. That is all. There is no mention of any “fair-skinned” lady with several murderous weapons killing a “dark-skinned” king by treachery. Of course there are more esoteric meanings of this hymn but I do not wish to delve into those areas.

Instead I would focus on the present form of the Divine Mother which I guess was conceptualized after the Vedic era – may be during the Puranas. But whatever be the imagery, the underlying concepts remained the same. So much so that one can find in the Siddheshwari Tantra:

Apare mahadustare.atyantaghore
Vipatsagare majjatam dehabhajam
Twameka gatirdevi nistarahetuh
Namaste Jagattarini trahi Durge

Again, the Goddess has been described as some One who guides us through the ocean of troubles-the ocean of life. The Durga Saptashati popularly known as “Shri Shri Chandi” also attributes similar qualities to Her, by describing Her as Durgabhavasagara-naurasangya ie. the boat-person who saves us in the ocean of worldliness.

So does that mean that there has never been any idol of the Goddess, let alone Mahishasura? Of course there has been and there has been many. All the relatively newer texts like the Puranas and the Devi Mahatmyam etc. do have several images of the Devi and many of them depict Mahishasura too. So then who is Mahishasura? And is it very sinful to worship Him? To answer these questions I would like to share a little story from the Kalika Purana– one of the three main Puranas which serve as guide-books for performing Durga Puja, especially in Bengal. This story can be found in the 60th chapter of the Kalika Purana in verses 139 − 164 in the form of a dialogue between king Sagara and the sage Aurva. The story begins with a very pertinent question asked by the king to the learned sage:

Sagara: O! The Learned One! The Divine Mother has slain many demons in the past, but why is it so that She has granted this special status to Mahishasura? Why is it so that She is always seen with Mahishasura in Her images?

Aurva: O! King! Rambhasura, the father of Mahishasura, had pleased Lord Shiva through extreme penance and got a boon that the Lord Himself would take birth as his son in three consecutive lives. And thus was born Mahishasura, an avatara of the Lord Himself, due to the union of Rambhasura with a female buffalo (mahishi). When Mahishasura became a tyrant and got cursed by Maharshi Katyayana, to be killed by a woman, Lord Shiva said lovingly to His consort Parvati :

Shiva: Oh Devi! Presently, Lord Vishnu, in the form of the Great Lion is unable to carry You anymore. Now that My yogic body of Mahishasura has been cursed by the great sage, please be kind enough to slay it down and grant it the mercy of your lotus feet. From now on, I Myself shall carry You in the form of Mahishasura along with Lord Vishnu.

Mahishasura is none other than an avatara of Lord Shiva Himself. The images of Goddess Durga also corroborates this story as She is seen standing with one foot on Mahishasura(Shiva) and the other on the Lion (Vishnu). Now images of Devi (Shakti/Prakriti ) standing on Her consort (Purusha) are not very uncommon in the Shakta philosophy-and this too is supposed to have deep interpretations which are out of scope. The image of Purusha and
Prakriti might also be represented in a position of a sexual union. So if the flag-bearers of “freedom of expression” try to deduce such a meaning from these images they are welcome to do so. Sex was never a taboo in Hindu philosophy-especially in the Shakta schools. But surely, the interpretation of Durga and Mahishasura as a symbol Brahmanical tyranny does not hold ground after this. If one is steadfast in believing otherwise, then I would suggest them to pick up any guideline for performing Durga Puja, available in Bengal. There one would find that on each day of the Puja festival after worshiping the Devi and Her Companions, the Lion and Mahishasura are duly worshiped. The obeisance to Mahishasura reads:

Om Mahishastwam Mahaveera Shivarupa SadaShiva
Atastwam pujayishyami kshamaswa Mahishasura

So every worshiper of Durga, worships Mahishasura too – knowingly or unknowingly! Also the fair skin colour of the Goddess cannot be taken to be a symbol of Aryan dominance. To be very specific, the Dashabhuja murti of the Devi which we are familiar with is supposed to be yellow or reddish yellow in colour according to the Kalika Purana. But as mentioned earlier the said Purana mentions three rebirths of Mahishasura and on the first occasion He was slain by the Goddess in the form of Ugrachanda which is an Ashtadashabhuja murti with dark complexion (Kalika Purana, Chapter 60, verse 124).

In Hindu philosophy, there is no concept of a devil or an anti-god. The Vedas and the Upanishads clearly mention this.

Ekam Vaidam vi babhuba sarvam…………………. Rig Veda (hymn 8.58.2)

i.e. All that exists is One and It has taken all these various forms. Of course we have demons and monsters but they are various forms of the same Brahman. Similar words are echoed by the Goddess in the Durga Saptashati :

Ekaivaham jagattatra dwitiya ka mama para

or Who else is there in this whole universe apart from Me ? Thus it is not very intelligent to portray our various demons as symbols for the oppressed class.

Also finding sexual innuendos or insulting Gods and Goddesses as sex-workers is pretty childish. An insult for insult’s sake. Sex-workers, despite being despicable to most of us – the commoners, are the children of the Almighty too. The Almighty is not partial. Thus such childish blabbering might be laughable but should not be a concern for the practicing Hindu. It only exposes the intellectual impotency of the ones using these adjectives.

India’s Biggest problem


I have often contemplated, what is the biggest ailment to our great country.

When I was younger, I used to think it is corruption. Its easy to think in those lines, given the news and atmosphere we are exposed to. However slowly I have come to a realization that corruption and various other issues like criminalization, waste, inefficiency and almost all other problems of our society are a result of a bigger problem. The root of all other problems.

The problem is our Judiciary.

Courts are supposed to be a weapon in the hands of the common man. However, such is the state of our judiciary that the common man is the most afraid of the system and the hardened criminals and the law breakers rig the system to their advantage. In no other modern democracy, can a case go on for decades.

Think, if our courts delivered quick and efficient justice, most of the corrupt, and criminal elements of our society would not have had the courage to take the law into their own hands. They care 2 hoots for the courts and simply engage a lawyer who will take dates on their behalf on one ridiculous pretext or the other.

I just read a report that in contract enforcement, India’s rank comes in at 178 in the world. Out of 188. Let that sink in. Contract enforcement is the sole jurisdiction of the courts. Even tin pot dictatorships have a better judiciary than us. Why would any foreigner invest in India, if there are no guarantees to their investments.

What galls even more is the holier than thou attitude of our Judiciary. Refusing to even acknowledge the problem and blocking all attempts to reform, from outside or inside.

We seriously need a solution to this problem. We need more courts, more judges, time bound case decisions, better use of technology. We need to take lessons from other countries, best practices adopted.

Supreme court will need to take a lead in this, as it is its domain. Instead of wasting time on frivolous issues it need to sit down and come up with a solution to this. As this is the most urgent issue facing India.

Which side are you on? -An Open Letter to the students of JNU

This open letter was first published in the online issue of Frontier (a Kolkata based weekly founded in 1968 by Samar Sen) on March 9, 2016

My dear students of Jawaharlal Nehru University,

The current protest organised by you has reached national heights, although you are now being dubbed as “anti-nationals”. One of your 5-Star supporters, Mr. Rahul Gandhi has also been declared as “anti-national” by the ruling NDA. I was a student of Calcutta University during the Emergency period in the 70s and could remember well how the RSS and the ultra-left political organisations were being declared as “anti-nationals” by the then Congress Government of Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Police crackdowns in the University campuses were banal affairs at that time. Only the CPI (your arrested leader’s party) was exempted.  I could remember that we protested against the entry of a former Commissioner of Kolkata Police, Mr. Ranjit Gupta in our Department of Anthropology just after the lifting of Emergency since he used to visit our department to take some classes on Applied Anthropology! Mr. Gupta was famous for his  police operations to clean-up Naxalite outfits in Kolkata and the districts of West Bengal and a great favourite of the then Congress Chief Minister Mr Siddhartha Sankar Ray, who again was the  blue-eyed boy of  Mr.Rahul Gandhi’s grandmother. Today’s protestors against police crackdown in the campus are yesterday’s political bosses and we have seen many such role reversals in the past and ready to see more.

Under this backdrop, I would like to raise two important issues for your consideration. Being the most progressive and vanguard group of students of the country may I ask why you are not agitating on the continuation and prolongation of the  Ordinance promulgated by the present NDA Government on the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013? With this Ordinance, the NDA Government has actually held up a progressive law which was enacted by the former UPA Government through the long process of democratic consultation in which the present BJP was very much a consenting party as major opposition through the two Parliamentary Standing Committees. The Ordinance diluted the Social Impact Assessment and the Consent clauses of the 2013 law which replaced the Century old shameful and draconian colonial legislation. This Ordinance, as the experts say, has already weakened the democratic and Constitutional institutions of our country and we are back to square one, of course packaged by ‘Make in India’! Why are you not agitating against this Ordinance? Is it not against the majority will of our nation? Is land acquisition less important than the hanging of a person convicted of attacking the Parliament House?  Even outfits like the Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), the RSS’s economic wing, and the Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, the RSS farmers’ body has been protesting to the land Ordinance along with left political parties but you remain silent on this agenda related to the livelihood of millions of farmers of the country.  WHY?

My next point relates to the issue of bringing the major political parties under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005. As you may recall that the Central Information Commission in its historic order issued as early as 3 June 2013 categorically stated:

“We have, therefore, no hesitation in concluding that INC/AICC, BJP, CPI (M), CPI, NCP and BSP have been substantially financed by the Central Government and, therefore, they are held to be public authorities under section 2(h) of the RTI Act”.

Ironically, all the six political parties who were party to this historic decision of the CIC were united to oppose the order and they are still opposing it! Why? Take for example, the arguments leveled by the former general Secretary of CPI (M), Mr Prakash Karat, who is your alumni and another 5 Star supporter of your movement and he took the leading role to oppose the CIC decision. Let us listen to Mr.Karat’s arguments. He wrote an article in People’s Democracy, the weekly organ of the party on 9 July 2013. The article is entitled “CIC is Wrong: A Political Party is not a Public Authority”. He however began by praising the RTI Act:

Under the RTI Act, anyone can access information from government or a state institution regarding the decisions taken, about the expenditure incurred and the relevant file notings on matters concerning the body. The purpose of the act is to allow citizens access to information about the government and publicly funded state institutions which may affect the lives of the rights of citizens. The CPI (M) had supported the legislation and its adoption as a democratic step forward.

But then Mr.Karat expressed his displeasure with the CIC decision. According to him:

Political parties are not governmental organisations or state funded entities. There is no constitutional provision for a political party. A political party is an association of citizens who come together voluntarily to form a party. This can be on the basis of the fact that they subscribe to a particular ideology, programme and leadership, which the party stands for or espouses.

It seems that Mr.Karat did not carefully go through the steps through which the CIC arrived at its conclusion.  Nowhere in the order did the CIC mention that the political parties are “governmental organisations”. CIC only stated and quite explicitly, that political parties are institutions which are indispensible in constitutional democracy and influence and affect the lives of the public in a substantial manner and should be transparent and accountable to the public, like other ‘public authorities’.   It is better to quote from the CIC text:

The Political Parties mobilize public opinion  around  their  ideologies  and  beliefs  and  contest  elections  to  form  government.  No democracy can exist today without Political Parties. An ordinary citizen does not have direct access to the government except through his elected representative and cannot hope to be part of the government without being a member of a Political Party…… Political Parties continuously perform public functions which define parameters of governance and socio-economic development in the country.

I am sure that Mr. Karat will not disagree with the opinion of the CIC as regards the public functions performed by the political parties. But then, why is he so much apprehensive about the extension of the RTI Act to political parties? The answer to this crucial question is given by Karat himself in the People’s Democracy article. Let us hear in his language:

Now by the CIC’s new order, anyone can ask for access to internal deliberations of a political party. They can ask for relevant material and papers which went into the decision making and the views of various office-bearers of the party concerned. If such a procedure is adopted, it will harm the very mode of inner-party functioning.  Within a party, discussions are held and it is on the basis of confidentiality that certain decisions are taken. To demand that such deliberations be made available will be a serious infringement on the nature of inner-party discussions and the way decisions are taken by a political party. This can lead to an undermining of the structure of political party itself. By such a dispensation under the RTI Act, for example, a BJP member can demand information about the internal  matters of the CPI(M) and vice versa.  Opponents of a political party can thus utilise the RTI Act as an instrument against another party.

It is evident from the above quotation that Mr.Karat and his party would like to maintain ‘confidentiality’ as regards the ‘views of various office-bearers of the party’ which went into the decision making process of the party resembling bureaucrats who also wanted to make documents and files under the label ‘confidential’ and before the promulgation of the RTI Act the colonial Official Secrets Act 1923 was in full force to maintain such confidentiality. Then, what is the difference between a government bureaucrat and the Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)? Mr. Karat fears that if the RTI law is extended to political parties, then it may be misused by one political party against the other. So what? If BJP uses RTI to know the decision making process of the CPI (M), then, CPI (M) could also use the same for the BJP. Going by the results of these RTI revelations people will then be in a better position to judge on the basis of real facts which party followed more democratic decentralisation for arriving at decisions and which did not.

Are you convinced by Mr.Karat’s arguments? Don’t you think that you should not only hold brainstorming seminars on the progressive side of the RTI Act, but also organise rallies against all the National level political parties who are united in opposing the historic ruling of the Central Information Commission? Why you are silent on this vital issue of democracy? Is it less important than the current issues around which you are agitating? Finally, I am surprised to learn from the media that your leader Mr.Kanhaiya Kumar will now visit West Bengal to join in the state election campaign in support of the left front parties. Have you forgotten the role of the left just a few years back during the Singur and Nandigram incidents? Have you forgotten how the capitalist friendly communists of Bengal sabotaged the land reform and decentralised planning programme of their own creation for the sake of inviting big capital in West Bengal? And you are going to campaign in support of these people? In the sphere of higher education have you forgotten what the left front government and the political parties have done during their thirty years of rule? How they choked the voice of protest in the university campuses of West Bengal?

When will you really become independent and bold enough to shout an emphatic ‘no’ to all the political parties who have made the university campuses their playground for winning petty party agendas?