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Can the BJP grow in Andhra?


Does the BJP have a chance in Andhra?

The answer to this puzzle we will test the Human Brain of Machiavelli. So complex is the AP caste tangle.
To put it plainly, the AP Caste tangle resembles a re-invented Snake & Ladder game. Caste A hates Caste B. Caste B hates both Caste A & Caste C. Caste D hates Caste A. Hence, Caste D & B are friends. But Caste D also hates Caste C. So, Caste C & Caste A become friends. Meanwhile, a Telugu Superstar’s daughter elopes with a person from Caste A. So, the Superstar’s caste which is Caste C increase their hatred towards Caste A. Meanwhile another Superstar’s son who is from Caste B marries a girl who belongs to Caste A. This leaves both castes confused. How come?? We are fighting on the streets and their kids marry??

So, how does the BJP enter this Mud Hole? Without itself getting muddied and thick with slush? If the BJP makes the State Chief from one caste, it puts away all those castes who hate the caste which the State Chief belongs to. However good a person he might be.

The basis of the AP Caste problem lies in the times of the great Mughal (Bahmani) push towards the South almost a Millennium back. Combined Telangana & Andhra which was one great Telugu land was the gateway to the South. Without conquering this vast area it was impossible to conquer South. Which the Bahmanis (Delhi Sultanate) realized was easier said than done. This great push which lasted for more than 2 centuries completely drained the resources of the Mighty Sultanate, and led them to disarray and ultimate demise across the entire country. The Bahmanis could only end up conquering only the Telangana portion of Telugu Land, and ruled over this land for almost 250yrs along with a certain portion of present day Karnataka, major portion of present day Maharashtra & Chattisgarh. The combined land being ruled by the Bahmanis (Nizams) made that land the biggest & largest Muslim Country in the World, at that time.

Ever wondered why in spite the National Average of Muslims being around 15%, and in some states hovering around 20% and in some around 25% the combined percentage of Muslims in the 3 great Southern States is just only 5-6%? With the exception of Kerala which has a Muslim population of around 20% which is not connected to a Muslim Invasion or rule in anyway.

Like Christianity which gained its reach into Kerala in and around the 2nd Century, Islam too found its way to Kerala through the seas during the times of the Prophet Mohammed himself. The unique geographical location of Kerala contributed to the introduction and growth of 2 alien religions almost around the same time they were initiated in their respective places without the swipe of a single sword or the firing of a single bullet. In comparison, growth of Islam in each and every other state of the country other than Kerala was due to invasions and Mughal/Muslim/Bahmani/Nizam rule. This data gains significance when the sub-data that, the Muslim population of the 4 Southern States of Telangana, AP, TN & Karnataka is not more then 5-6% as compared to the National average of 15%. The massive irony being that Telangana has ended up with a 12% Muslim population after bifurcation and AP to only 3%.

This was the contribution of Telugus in changing the course of History and restricting the Mughal domination only to the North of the Vindhyas and also gradually causing the complete demise of the Mughal/Nizam empires subsequently, which were sapped of resources, aim and commitment contributing to a huge 2 and half Century failure.
Which brings us to the fundamental query? What is the link between the failures of the Mughal push to the caste problem in AP?

When the Bahmanis started their push into the South they ran into a brick wall called as the Great Kakatiya Empire which was one of the largest Hindu Empire ruling those times. The Kakatiyas ruled with their capital at Warangal in present day Telangana and ruled over almost entire present day Telangana & Andhra, parts of Chattisgarh & TN. Their rule was from Year 1163-1323. Their area was so huge that, they encouraged 75 Chieftains called Nayakas to rule on their behalf in the far flung areas with a certain degree of autonomy, but with ultimate loyalty to the Kingdom. These Nayakas were selected based on valor, loyalty and Family names.

Everything was fine, until the Bahmanis started their offensive. The Nayakas who were ruling the bordering areas in the North & West came under attack. They repulsed the attacks and won many victories and were heralded as heroes by the King. This brought out egos & jealousies among the other Nayakas who were to the East & South of the Kingdom. But, the Kakatiya Queen Rudrama Devi brought unity among all of them and made them all jointly repel the repeated attacks of the Bahmanis. The Nayakas were initially opposed to a Lady leading them. But reconciled seeing the kingdom under threat. After her demise, her son Pratap Rudra who was also the greatest of Kakatiya Kings had to again face the brunt of the egos and rivalries between the jealous Nayakas. In spite of these problems he led the Kakatiya Kingdom to its greatest expansion.

Meanwhile based on Family names and titles the individual Nayakas started proclaiming themselves as individual castes. The 3 Main castes which evolved were the Kapu Nayakas, Velama Nayakas & Kamma Nayakas. The most prominent being the Kapu Nayakas, since Pratap Rudra who was an adopted son of Rudramadevi was himself a Kapu. Rudramadevi herself did not have any children. Among the Kapu Nayakas the most prominent being the Reddy Nayakas, who were ruling most part of the Telangana portion of the Kakatiya Empire along with the Velama Nayakas. The other Kapu Nayakas being concentrated in the East. The rivalry and jealousy among the Reddy & Velama Nayakas in present day Telangana was the most. It reached such a zenith that it almost threatened the combined resistance of the Nayakas against the Bahmanis. Finally the inevitable happened. In the great battle against the Bahmanis led by Pratap Rudra in 1323, the Velama Nayakas refused to come into battle and fight alongside the Reddy Nayakas, and the Kakatiya Army was defeated, and Pratap Rudra was taken a prisoner. While being taken to Delhi to be produced before the Sultan Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, the great Pratap Rudra committed suicide on the Banks of the Narmada.

After the victory, with great difficulty the Delhi Sultanate could manage to rule the Kakatiya land only for a decade, and had to withdraw to present day Telangana borders and consolidate itself into the Nizam Kingdom which ruled present day Telangana, South Maharashtra, South Chattisgarh & North Karnataka for 250 years.
The successful repulsion of Bahmani invasions for more than 2 centuries had its own fallout on Telugu land. Telugu society was thrown into complete chaos and disarray with individual chieftains based on family names claiming their own kingdoms. And balance Telugu land being governed by Kapu Nayakas, Reddy Nayakas & Kamma Nayakas, ridden with personal hatred & jealousies. The conquered Reddy & Velama Nayakas of Telangana adjusting themselves to the new regime submitted themselves completely to the Nizam who thought it prudent enough to rule their huge area through Hindus and not rather through Muslims. And who better than those Hindu Nayakas who were more loyal to their caste dominations rather than to their religion. This was a marked difference from the Mughal rule of Akbar and his descendants who preferred to rule their territory through loyal Muslim Chieftans.

The cruelty and barbarism by which these Hindu Velama & Reddy Nayakas ruled their people for 250 years to please the Nizams is unmatched in history. These Reddy & Velama Nayaka families and their descendants & relatives becoming the richest population of Nizam Land in present day Telangana. It would be a surprise to many that, when the Indian Government under Sardar Patel was planning to conquer Nizam, the Velama & Reddy Doras (Chieftans) unleashed a reign of terror on the Hindu population. Some even requested the Nizam to loan them his coveted Arab mercenaries to effectively discharge their terror activities. It is no irony that, 80% of MLAs and MPs from Telangana have always been Reddys & Velamas. And, the present CM KCR himself being a Velama, descendant of Velama Nayakas.

Meanwhile, out of the almost 70 years of Independence, 50+ years have been ruled by Reddys and balance by Kammas. The Corruption & Political Violence unleashed by these 2 Nayaka castes with more than a Millennium of hatred against each other has turned Andhra into a Political inferno. If Reddys who had aligned themselves to the Congress turned Andhra into a Playground kicking about freely, Kammas who had aligned themselves to the TDP turned Andhra into their backyard. The period of time the TDP ruled AP is less than 50% of the time the Reddys ruled AP. But Kammas control 80% of real estate in AP. 70% of colleges, 70% of financial institutions, 90% of Media Outlets. For a caste which is only 5-6% of the State’s population such huge assets tell a story of nepotism unparalleled. No Non-Kamma Politician can hope to grow in Andhra without the scrutiny of 40+ Media Channels owned by Kammas. To make matters worse the BJP interlocutor for AP is Venkiah Naidu who is a Kamma himself and a close confident of Chandra Babu Naidu. To make matters even worse, he has appointed another Kamma Kammampati Hari Babu as the State BJP Chief.
The Reddys have been left licking their wounds after the demise of their Christian leader YSR, and made to look lost and silly under a completely immature and childish Jagan Reddy who greets visitors in his Lotus Pond residence with a huge portrait of Jesus at the background. Jagan Reddy’s tales of corruption during his father’s regime would make a Robert Vadra look like a teenage & immature shop lifter. His mother goes one step ahead. She goes to a public rally with a Bible in her hand. The powerful Reddys most of whom being Hindus don’t mind being led by a Christian Reddy as long as he ensures the political domination of the Community in the State.

So, where is the Silver Lining in this entire worm and snake infested swamp??? The answer lies in 2 castes that are waiting in the sidelines. One is the Brahmins, and the other is the Kapus who were once the main Nayakas in the Kakatiya Empire. The Kapus who chose to be dormant these 70 years after independence have chosen to be more assertive. The advantage the Kapus have is their huge population of Andhra which amounts to almost 25-32% of the State Population. Their adulation to their caste icons Chiranjeevi & his brother Pawan Kalyan is unparalleled, who incidentally are ruling Tollywood unmatched ad unchallenged since 3 decades. Chiranjeevi set the dice rolling in 2009 by setting up the PRP. All he could manage was to refuse a chance to the TDP and allowing a majority to the Congress by splitting the votes. Though not achieving much, he succeeded in setting the cat among the pigeons. The flutter he created during his entry with a 16% vote share in the very 1st go gave an indication of things to come. His subsequent stalling of Jagan’s rise on the aftermath of his father’s demise completely wrecked Jagan’s plans and subsequently the Reddy domination in AP Politics. He played his cards well and merged into the Congress, which Jagan was threatening to purchase all his MLAs lock stock and barrel in his march towards the CM’s throne on his father’s demise. The purchase of the 16 PRP MLAs by Jagan would have ensured his CM’s post on the demise of his Father. In doing so he did have to pay a heavy price. He had to face the fury of the entire Reddy Community and the social indignation of the Kammas who chided him of being a corrupt person who sold himself to merge into the Congress.

His brother Pawan Kalyan took issues further when aligning with the BJP & TDP in 2014 he single handedly snatched victory again from Jagan’s hand and handed the state over to the TDP. But now issues between him and the TDP are coming to a passé. He seems to be maneuvering himself carefully without revealing his cards and not opening himself to the Kamma media. Things will be interesting to see how things turn up in the political cauldron of AP in 2019. How BJP develops him. His personal equation with the PM notwithstanding.

The Brahmins of AP need to wake-up from deep slumber. 70 years of Non-Brahmin power has sent the Brahmins into an ICU. The Brahmins of AP have resorted to massive migration since Independence sensing their total irrelevance in present day Telugu land. A population which was hovering around 8% prior to Independence in the Andhra region of the Madras Presidency has been reduced to just around 3% in the same geographical area. Reddys, Kammas, Kapus, Velamas are all Upper Castes. For all their bravado against Brahmanical culture and domination Tamil Nadu is being actually ruled by a Brahmin, namely Jayalalitha.

Unless the RSS goes deep into AP and re-develops the Brahmin community and leads them away from their rut the hope for BJP can be considered very dim. Since winning an election with the support of Non-Brahmin Upper Castes and with a leader from any of these castes is as unpredictable as a desert storm. Which is why if any State should deserve an award for Corruption each year since past 70 years, it is only Andhra.

Pawan Kalyan seems to be developing and striving for Brahminical qualities. And I believe honestly.
The BJP might feel that it has achieved the unachievable after winning Assam with just around 70% Hindus. But winning Andhra with 90-95% Hindus will be a challenge akin to milking a Bull.

But with the right strategy and approach the Bull can be converted into a cow and milked away as and when needed.


Editors Note: The above post has been edited to delete some offensive content

Corruption Crusader and Hindutva supporter must continue to support Modi but from Outside!


Knuckle broken, Snubbed, Lambasted, ask to ‘Zip it’, Treated like a child, Raped, Ripped Apart, Ticked off , If you have read all this on a single day, as Headlines in the top newspapers or news blogs  all over India very recently, it is all about a 76 years old corruption crusader, Hindutva supporter, Economist, Holder of Masters Honours degree in Mathematics and Master degree in Statistics, PhD in Economics from  Harvard University, former Professor at Harvard university, Professor at IIT Delhi, former Chairman of the School of Communication and Management former Planning Commission of India former Cabinet Minister, Group of Eminent persons called to Geneva to prepare a report of the United Nations (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)) on Economic Co-operation between Developing countries (ECDC).  The person who simplified trade procedures and formulated a new export strategy which became the forerunner of trade reform adopted subsequently for which Dr. Manmohan Singh was given credit for and he become famous.

I am sure, even a child in India would have guessed it right by now, Yes it’s indeed about our own Dr. Subramanian Swamy, who is like father to many of us. My own father is 77 years old, but still is a very big fan of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, so don’t even ask about me, i am aficionado of Dr. Swamy. All of us were literally hurt when the above media news appeared all over the world after “The interview”, if you don’t believe it here are some of the links for you.

Dr. Swamy with Modi.
Dr. Swamy with Modi.

‘Zip It’ Message Passed On To Subramanian Swamy, Say BJP Sources

To stop Subramanian Swamy from speaking, BJP cancels 2 functions

PM Narendra Modi snubs Subramanian Swamy: It is inappropriate, a .

Narendra Modi ticks off Subramanian Swamy

Narendra Modi raps Subramanian Swamy,

‘PM treated Subramanian Swamy like a child’: Congress hits out at

PM Modi snubs Swamy over fondness for publicity,

OMG !! Did Modi Just Rip Apart BJP’s Own Dr Subramanian Swamy

PM Modi lambasts Subramanian Swamy,

After Modi’s snub, Subramanian Swamy plays flute

Publicity stunts won’t benefit nation, PM Narendra Modi ticks off

The reason for the man of such a stature demeaned was beautifully explained by the following tweet from a twitter @presstitutebark.

Dear @PMOIndia Exposing Corrupt babus @FinMinIndia amounts 2 'seeking publicity'? @Swamy39
Dear @PMOIndia Exposing Corrupt babus @FinMinIndia amounts 2 ‘seeking publicity’? @Swamy39

As explained Dr. Subramanian Swamy is well known economist and Politician who currently performs his duties as an adherent to the Rajya Sabha .Popularly known as the anti-corruption crusader; Dr. Swamy is famous for his role and efforts in the unveiling of the popular 2G Spectrum Scam. A Harvard Alumni, Swamy is an intelligent economist and politician who, is loaded with the capability of taking India towards the route of becoming a world Super power. He is highly educated, deeply religious, and foresighted, influential leader who understands the threats which are being imposed towards Hinduism and right now is the only man with the right approach and attitude that can save the basic concept of Hinduism. He served as President for Janata Party till its merger with BJP. He has performed his duties as Cabinet Minister and also was a part of Planning Commission of India. Swamy is also noted for his efforts for the simplification of trading procedures and formulation of a newer and improved strategy for export. He has produced written work related with Indian foreign affairs and provided a detailed overview of the Indian relations with countries such as Pakistan, China and Israel.

The person of such high stature was ridiculed simply because of he was exposing corrupt babus mostly appointee of previous UPA government. Prime Minister’s Interview to a private channel is a Historic one for many reasons. It is the first such a interview by a sitting Prime Minister of the country, that too from a Prime Minister who believes in talking the common man directly through, his twitter handles, radio, his app, or through his website. The interview was over 100 minutes. In a historic interview ran over 100 minutes, next day, all that the newspaper had to report was all about ridiculing the Corruption Crusader and the Hindutva supporter nothing else. The following tweet explain exactly what was in the news after the famous historic 100 minutes interview, ironically this newspaper belongs to the channel that conducted the historic interview.

The person of such high stature was ridiculed simply because of he was exposing corrupt neta’s, mostly appointee of previous UPA government. Prime Minister Interview to a private channel is a Historic one for many reasons. It is the first such an interview by a sitting Prime Minister of the country, that too from a Prime Minister who believes in talking to the common man directly through, his twitter handles, radio, his app, or through his website. The interview was over 100 minutes. In a historic interview ran over 100 minutes, next day, all that the newspaper had to report was all about ridiculing the Corruption Crusader and the Hindutva supporter, nothing else. The following tweet explains exactly what was in the news after the famous historic 100 minutes interview, ironically this newspaper belongs to the same channel that conducted the historic interview. Most of the nation was shocked as the responsible media would highlight just this.

The outcome of the Historic 100 minutes Interview by the Prime Minister to the private channel.
The outcome of the Historic 100 minutes Interview by the Prime Minister to the private channel.


It is the only time, the mainstream media, opposition and the ruling establishment has come together in the recent past to ridicule someone for the reason well known to them. Each may have their own interest. The news merchant badly need breaking news to increase their TRP while it would be bonus to Split the BJP that is not so media friendly, the opposition wanted the honest man who fights their corruption case tooth and nail to be removed, while few in the ruling dispensation worried about his popularity and growth. The reporter, who did the historic interview, once was called Idiot, liar, stupid, on a live channel over 41 times for his usual boisterous stupid comments by Dr. Swamy so he has his own revenge to be taken. Here is the video for you to take a quick look.


At the same time, while Dr. Swamy was ridiculed and insulted in India, for exposing the corrupt, the European Union decides use this Theory developed in 1974 and 1984 to forum basis for EU study of monetary policy.











But to the dismay of all opposition, Media and Party Insiders who all were looking towards fishing in the trouble water, the Corruption crusader answered through his tweet in his own style.


swamy continue to support modi
swamy continue to support modi


As much as India requires people like Modi, India also badly requires honest corruption crusader and Hindutva supporter like Dr Swamy. To the utter shock of common supporters of BJP and of Dr. Swamy like us till this time, while writing the article, there is not a single supporting voice from the ruling establishment in favour of Dr.Swamy, but we get only following news, which is bitterly shocking and disappointing.

To add insult to injury, bjp cancel 2 function to stop Dr. Swamy from speaking.
To add insult to injury, bjp cancels 2 function to stop Dr. Swamy from speaking.

From all of the above, one can conclude the following:

  • It would unfair for Dr Swamy himself to continue with BJP as he was doing earlier.
  • BJP did not realise the value of Dr. Swamy and might have thought his price is only appointing him as MP at upper house.
  • The above is a lesson to all BJP leaders, what the Indian Media and Leaders from opposition would do them when they are out of power.
  • Dr Swamy did a grave mistake by investing everything in BJP by merging his party on 11th August 2013.
  • Exposing corrupt Neta’s could be considered as publicity stunt (!)

Here i quote from Gita, “Why do you worry without cause? Whom do you fear without reason? Who can kill you? The soul is neither born, nor does it die”


Swamy is a fearless and brave campaigner against corruption and never hesitates in exposing the black money as well as real faces of even the most powerful Indian Politicians. However, Dr. Swamy the Corruption crusader and the Hindutva supporter must continue to support Modi, as he himself has announced through his tweet, but he should do it from outside the BJP as he was doing before joining BJP, and spread head the Hindutva movement. As on today, Hindus do not have a recognizable face as its leader, which is major setback. There are thousands of problems faced by Hindus all over the world, Hindus, require such a well learned person, with legal, economics and religious knowledge, also who is articulate and multi lingual to spread Hindutva to give modern outlook.

Dr. Swamy should solve the following issues before 2019, by supporting Modi and getting his support for the following issues:

  1. Repealing discriminatory RTE.
  2. Restoring Temple control to Hindus
  3. Passing Stringent Anti Conversion bill to stop dwindling Hindu Numbers.
  4.  Passing Uniform Civil Code.
  5. Building Ram temple
  6. Introducing Bhagavad Gita in School.
  7. Stopping Hindu Exodus

With his stature and International support, Dr. Subramanian Swamy will be able to do much than the above, and there are million like me, who is ready to support him.

“Whatever happened, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is happening for the good; whatever will happen, will also happen for the good only. You need not have any regrets for the past. You need not worry for the future. The present is happening”.

A person with ocean of knowledge be it Politics, Economics, Law or Religion cannot be or should not be constrain himself and his talent within a party forum, where performance to deliver are limited. Being inside the party he will not be able to lead the Hindus across entire world, he will not be pursue corruption cases against the BJP leaders, when BJP goes Anti Hindu, he will not be able to expose them and so on. He has the people power, blessing of God and his own knowledge he has nothing to worry.

As I am completing the article twitteratis are trending #SwamyVsPresstitute to clear out, it the issue is only between Dr. Swamy and the Media, even the corruption crusader himself acknowledged such as trending by Retweeting a tweet from a handle @ritG74, but not a single voice from our own BJP Party!

Dr. swamy vs presstitutes
Dr. swamy vs presstitutes


Indian right wingers on the social media are turning into double edged swords


I have been watching since 2014 that many right wingers, Hindu nationalists and BJP/RSS/VHP/BJP supporters keep fighting day and night for trivial issues and they sideline the ideological base which they boast about. I wanted to write a small piece on this for a long time.

There is a big section of right wingers which ceaselessly involves itself into abusing, accusing and verbally attacking anyone who doesn’t agree with it. This section of the so-called right wingers aren’t loyal towards any ’cause’. Their stand depends on the stand taken by other people. In fact, if I say that many of them have ‘no’ stand, I wouldn’t be very wrong. There are many times when these so called right-wingers inflate issues without any ideological reasons and then drive it with emotional involvements. When it comes to choose between their leader and their cause, most of them stand for the leader and ditch the cause. This section of highly volatile confused right wingers are nothing less than a ‘Double Edge Sword’.

A group of people without any ideological support is deadlier than enemies. It is very easy to confuse and digress these these people. Just observe when a small group of journalists or writers systematically attack their beloved leaders on petty issue. You will see the energy flow of these RWs which is wasted in trolling and abusing. This soon explodes into thousands of RWs joining the troll army, abusing the journalist/writer by completely forgetting the reason of outrage and giving huge publicity.

It is very easy to subvert the right wing unity by manipulating statements given by one Right Wing leader as a tool against his competing Right Wing leaders. For Eg, from the Modi’s comment for RBI’s governor’s exit, media picked up one line from the whole 90 minutes interview and targeted S. Swamy. His supporters became uncomfortable despite knowing that any PM, if asked such question, would have reacted similarly. But interestingly, this one line over shadowed the whole 90-minute interview. This easily made Swamy supporters to abuse and troll Arun Jaitley. In reciprocation, Arun Jaitley fans abused S. Swamy and his supporters. Social media supporters of rival parties saw an opportunity. Fake handles of Jaitley and Swamy started playing around. The war of words which started between parody handles of Swamy and Jaitley soon turned out to be an open war between Swamy and Jaitley’s original supporters. Question is — who lost and who won? I guess you’re wise enough to judge. That’s how the opposition, with their existing ecosystem, nullified the interview given by PM. BJP has no solutions for this crisis. Their supporters are fighting among themselves. Many RW celebrities say that social media decides narrative of people, but unfortunately they too fall in the smart trap created by MSM and deviate to senseless discussions. My question to them is — by giving air to these irrelevant issues, aren’t you going to harm all your the work of 2014 in 2019?

Who’ll get the benefit the most from these internal fights of BJP supporters? Of course, the opposition parties. Social Media played a game changing role in 2014 elections, causing Congress it’s worst ever defeat after Independence. Congress realized the role of Social Media in narrative setting. It has realized how to dilute the impact of positive news and  drag discourses to negativity. We have been seeing this. If Right Wingers don’t learn the art of ignorance, if Right Wingers don’t learn to prioritize ideology over leaders, If Right Winger don’t learn to stay away from systematic provocations, they will lose whatever they gained in 2014.

Will there be sympathy wave if action against Gandhi family is taken by Modi?


Narendra Modi was a star campaigner during the assembly elections of 2013 which included Rajasthan. The then Gujarat Chief Minister was extremely vocal on the alleged land scams of Robert Vadra, the son-in-law of Sonia Gandhi. In the run up to the Lok Sabha elections of 2014 too, Modi and sundry BJP leaders went ballistic against the Gandhi family on the issue of land scams of Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law in the states of Rajasthan and Haryana. Ravi Shankar Prasad even released a booklet titled ‘Damadshree’ highlighting Vadra’s various land scams in the abovementioned two states.

It was then widely believed that the Bhartiya Janta Party government would act in this matter and bring the guilty to the book.  But even after Congress party’s repeated challenges to the BJP to take action against the son-in-law of Sonia Gandhi on this issue it has hardly moved anywhere. As per political commentators Modi’s 56” chest contracts considerably in acting against the first political family. The main reason attributed to this supposed inaction is that Sonia Gandhi will come back to power in 2019 riding the sympathy wave, a la Indira Gandhi if action is taken against her or her family members.

This appears true as even after forming governments in Rajasthan, Haryana and the Centre for nearly two years the Vadra land scam cases have not yet crossed the enquiry stage. Only last week the Rajasthan govt issued him a notice. On no other issue too, there is any hint of a government action against the powerful family. In fact, the only person who has taken the Gandhis to Court is none other than the maverick Subramanian Swamy in his personal capacity.

But is the notion true that Indira Gandhi came back to power because of a sympathy wave in her favour after the then Home Minister, Charan Singh hurriedly got her arrested for one night (though later he failed miserably to prove anything against her)?

I think it certainly was not the reason for the iron lady’s comeback. The reason why she returned to power was daily infighting between the then Prime Minister, Morarji Desai and Charan Singh. Almost every day newspapers carried their ugly fights on their front pages. By a curious turn of events Charan Singh, who was nursing ambitions of being Prime Minister himself ultimately dumped Morarji Desai and became PM with the help of India Gandhi!

It was a smart move by Indira, who exploited their infighting; broke the Janta Party and later withdrew her support to the Kisan leader even before he faced the Parliament. As a result, the government fell and fresh elections were necessitated. The Jan Sangha, which had merged with the Janta Party at the call of Jai Prakash Narayan went their separate ways on the issue of RSS membership and Bhartiya Janta Party was born. As a result, there was no single strong party or leader left amongst the non-Congress parties and hence Indira Gandhi’s comeback was a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, Indira Gandhi’s return to power was not due to any sympathy wave; rather it was in-fighting amongst the two biggest leaders of the ruling party and the subsequent parting of ways.

Let us analyze the 1980 situation with today’s: the scenario is completely different today than what it was more than 30 years ago. People had forgotten Emergency because a common man was hardly affected, save some cases of forced sterilization in northern India. But memories of gigantic corruption during UPA’s 10 years rule are still fresh in people’s minds and cannot be easily forgotten. The Congress Party is now considered synonymous with corruption.

The Janta Party was a hotchpotch coalition of different ideologies and aspirational leaders. But the BJP today has 11 crore members and Narendra Modi is the unchallenged leader within the NDA. BJP’s strength has deep roots as it is ruling the Centre and in as many as 12 States. Narendra Modi is undisputedly the No 1 leader in India like Indira Gandhi was at her hey days. Moreover, Rahul and Sonia Gandhi are nowhere close to the former prime Minister.

The National Herald case may become a big impediment for the comeback of the Gandhis, where they are on a sticky wicket. An adverse ruling by the Court could prove disastrous for them. As the case is not being fought by the ruling dispensation a cry of political vendetta is not likely to cut much ice with the people. A court ordered conviction is not going to bring sympathies but will only revive the memories of mega loot of the exchequer.

Apart from this, not only the political situation has changed in these 30 odd years but also the understanding of the masses. Elections after Indira Gandhi’s assassination and Ram Temple movement will perhaps remain the last occasions when people voted on emotion. People have now become inspirational will vote on performances. Narendra Modi has made “Vikas” the main electoral issue. Spread of education, competitive news channels and active social media have made today’s situation vastly different from 1980.

So there is no need to worry about any sympathy wave. I hope BJP strategists and government realise this.

Why Bhagavad Gita should be compulsorily taught in Schools in India


Should Bhagavad Gita be compulsorily taught in Schools in India?

The Bhagavad Gita has been inadvertently brought into the ambit of public discourse in the past few months. The question that has deeply divided opinions among various religious scholars, government and political parties is a very simple one. Should Bhagavad Gita be taught compulsorily to children in schools? This seemingly simple and innocuous suggestion has been made the subject of fiercely fought debates those who studies and learned Bhagavad Gita but not on national news channels. The media coverage around this issue has taken an inexplicable turn as it has been seen with conjunction to the idea of secularism. For the purpose of being objective and unbiased, let’s try to answer the question in a purely logical way.

Noble Book Rich of Excellent Examples

As we all know, Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture with 700 verses which forms a small part of the epic Mahabharata. Written in a narrative tone, the scripture is essentially an insightful and profound conversation between Lord Krishna and the Pandava prince, Arjuna. The text contains the counsel of Lord Krishna as he helps Arjuna to address a moral dilemma. It encompasses the answers to some of the most common trials and spiritual questions that a man faces throughout his life such as fulfillment of his/her duties, attainment of liberation and many more. How can then a profound scripture addressing the most innate issues of human life be harmful to school going children. Consider this verse from the book for instance.

“You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.”

Referred by the founding fathers of India, especially, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Mahatma Gandhi drew inspiration from this great text. It should come as no surprise that many religious scholars have described Gita as a way of life more than anything else. Precisely because the answers that Arjuna seeks are the ones that we might find ourselves pondering over from time to time? For instance, when faced with the choice of fighting a war against his own relatives, Arjuna is stuck in a moral quandary and gets paralyzed to inaction because of it. He seeks the guidance of Lord Krishna who is his charioteer and Guru. In a chapter titled Arjuna’s dilemma, one of the verses goes like this:

 “Seeing fathers-in-law, companions and all his kinsmen standing in the ranks of the two armies, Arjuna was overcome with great compassion and sorrowfully said, “O Krishna! Seeing my kinsmen standing with a desire to fight, my limbs fail and my mouth becomes dry. My body quivers and my hairs stand on end.”

We have all been in a situation which makes us feel scared and nervous at the same time. We often tend to make a mess of these circumstances either due to inaction or because of haste. But if we imbibed the learning of Gita at a very young age in our minds, wouldn’t it be much easier to tackle the uncertainties and challenges life throws our way. For instance, look at the answer to Arjuna’s dilemma given by Lord Krishna in Chapter titled ‘Path of Karma- Yoga’

“One does not attain freedom from the bondage of Karma by merely abstaining from work. No one attains perfection by merely giving up work. Because, no one can remain action less even for a moment; everyone is driven to action – helplessly indeed, by the forces of nature.

The wise should not unsettle the minds of the ignorant who are attached to the fruits of the work, but should inspire others by performing all works efficiently, without selfish attachment.”

After the soul stirring teachings of Lord Krishna, Arjuna finally heed the advice of fighting the battle against the evil with only the welfare of society in his mind or as referred in Gita to establish ‘Dharma’.

Lord Krishna profoundly compares the battlefield as life itself and the moral dilemma Arjuna is facing on the battlefield to the ethical struggles a man faces in life’s journey. Having quenched his thirst for meaning, Arjuna says to Lord Krishna:

“O infallible one, please draw my chariot between the two armies so that I may see those present here, who desire to fight, and with whom I must contend in this great trial of arms.”

This verse teaches us the importance of gauging our adversary, be it in the form of a person or a tough situation.


Refrainment from the Goodness of Religious Knowledge

Universities from across the world such as Seton Hall University have made it mandatory for students to study the Bhagavad Gita. It’s ironical that top business management institutes are teaching Bhagavad Gita as part of their curriculum while India’s young generation remains deprived of its benefits.

It seems hypocritical that we make people swear on Gita in courts to invoke their moral sense of judgment but are unwilling to introduce the scripture as a part of children education. Perhaps the trouble starts when we unnecessarily sensationalize the whole issue and give it a color of religion. As a secular nation, everything cannot be looked through the prism of religion and given a communal angle. Unfortunately, those who have vested interests in dividing the populace on the basis of religion find a way to amplify their voice through various mediums of media. The sensible voices have to be brought to the fore of this issue and only then can we become successful in establishing a sound base for our next generation’s prosperous future.

“Wherever there is Krishna, the Lord of Yoga, and wherever there is Arjun, the wielder of the bow, there will indeed abide, prosperity, victory, glory, and righteousness; this is my firm conviction.”

Universal Guidance of Morality

Religion has a lot to offer to humanity as a whole; not just for the people who follow it. Therefore what we need is to embrace the teachings of Bhagavad Gita for the values it instills in us. Gita offers a holistic approach to deal with many curveballs that life throws at us. Perhaps the most renowned teaching from the holy book is when Lord Krishna asks Arjuna to perform his duties without thinking about the results.

This is especially true in today’s scenario where children are overburdened with parental pressure to perform and excel academically. The cases of student suicide are a grim reality that reflects the current environment of cut throat competition and the herd mentality of our society. The question we have to ask ourselves is, “Do we want our children to fear or quiver at the slightest evidence of adversity?” If the answer is No! Then why not introduce them at a young age to a book described as ‘spiritual dictionary’ by the Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi himself. The public needs to disengage from the politics of religious segregation advocated by power hungry people. There is no doubt in the fact that our children are the future of our nation and we need to ensure they get the best possible education right from the start of their school life. Teaching of Bhagavad Gita will undoubtedly help inculcate the virtues we desire in the citizens of tomorrow and act as a moral compass in their times of distress. Keeping the children bereft of its insightful knowledge will do us no good for sure. The glorious future of our country demands for it.

“Good and evil of this world of duality are unreal, are spoken of by words, and exist only in the mind.”

Religious Literary Masterpiece

Bhagavad Gita as a noble piece of literature can provide numerous benefits to the students. Literature from any part of the world transcends time and its significance remain same for seekers of knowledge from every part of the world. Its epical heroes through examples allotted in simple plot allow its followers to extract the power of decision making. It gives us strength to pursue virtuous action and to serve the humanity with righteous deed. It is capable to teach readers with vice and virtues in a delightful manner. In spite of ancient nature of the noble book the power of guidance remains alive. One can easily absorb the essence, teachings and lessons through the actions of noble gods.  The epic nature of the story may sometimes become hard to keep track with. But if the book is referred, read and analyzed in chunks then it would be much easier to understand and seek guidance from. In terms of assigning Bhagavad Gita as a compulsory subject can be significant in many ways.

Krishna said,” Do you duty, Arjuna, as your nature dictates. All work fetters, as all fire gives smoke. Only selfless duty saves. Fix your mind on me. Surrender all deeds to me. All problems will be solved by my grace. Pride will lead only to your moral ruin. If, filled with pride, you say, ‘I will not fight,’ it is all in vain. You are foolish. Fight you will, your nature will make you fight. Your karma will make you fight. You will fight in spite of yourself.”  


If children at younger age are taught with the power of decision making, cause and effects of vice and virtuous deeds and the method of application of the epic stories in real lives then teachers would ever be so proud of raising children with a positive mind set. Children are the wonders of nature unaware of the realities of life. It is the core duty of the educational institutes to teach students with cause and effects of positive and negative actions. They should be made aware how a vice action can lead to destruction harming the goodness of peace. Apart from the theoretical learning children must be involved in short role plays and performances for in-depth learning. If they are aware of the significance of virtuous action they would play their part in warning other children from envy.

Teaching children at the very step of life about the beauty lied in Bhagavad Gita is to set positivity at the very beginning. In terms of teaching non-Hindu students or foreseers about the noble book, they have their rights to select an optional subject over the study of Bhagavad Gita. One should be free from obligations and must be provided with choice of decision. Academic institutions must provide ease to the non-Hindu followers, giving them a chance to consider the essence of Bhagavad Gita on their own will.

To discuss more on this please do join the authors blog here 


  1. Aaliyah Burton. (21 November 2014). Lord of the flies and Hinduistic belifes of evil. Retrieved from
  2. Aakash Joshi. (March 16, 2015). QDebate: Should the Gita be Taught in Schools?. Retrieved from
  3. THE Quotation and Sayings DATABASE. Retrieved from

The myth of ‘Saffron Terror’ is rooted in hatred against Maharashtrian Brahmins


The mystery in the myth of Saffron Terror lies in a Century old fight between the Hardliners and Softliners in the Congress prior to Independence. The Hardliners headed by Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak and the Softliners headed by Shri Gokhale and later on by MK Gandhi.

Like all the Indians in the world, wherever they might be settled at, I watched the events of 26th January, 2008 unfold like a massive man eating monster opening up to devour it’s innocent victims. I like many millions watched with horror as the Indian Media gave us a 24×7 account of a Pakistani Ajmal Kasab and his other Pakistani colleagues daring attack on Indian Soil. An attack, which took the lives of many innocents and additionally few of our warriors who had tried to stop them. Primary among them being, Hemant Karkare, Chief of Maharasthra ATS at that time.

I silently wept at the events unfolding. I wept at the loss of 6 of our best warriors being slain in one go. Karkare, Salaskar, Kamte and 3 Policemen, were killed without even having a go at the Terrorists. I was skeptical and I was tremendously angry too. How come three of the best policemen in Maharashtra got themselves killed without even putting up a fight? It was a deep mystery which the entire Nation was and is trying to find answers to.

And then the ex-CM of Maharashtra AR Antulay came out with a stunning theory that, these Mumbai attacks were carried out by RSS to eliminate Karkare who, at that time was actively spearheading investigations on Hindu Terror. It would also be interesting to note that, the 3000 Kg RDX which landed in India from Karachi for the Mumbai Bomb Blasts of 1993, landed at Shrivardhan which was once the MLA constituency of Mr.Antulay.

The entire nation was shocked and angry at this statement expressed. But, no one could summon the courage to oppose this insane theory. Since, the concept of ‘Saffron Terror’ was already silently introduced into the Indian Terrorism narrative just a few months before these attacks. This was possible due to the arrest of some individuals by the Maha ATS headed by Karkare himself in October 2008, linked to Hindu Right Wing Groups as responsible for the Malegaon Blasts in September 2006 as well as in September 2008. Both these incidents in Malegaon claimed most of the lives as Muslims, since Malegaon was a predominantly a Muslim dominated textile town of Maharashtra.

Hindu Right Wing organizations as well as Political Parties such as BJP and Shiv Sena cried themselves hoarse that, the phrase ‘Hindu/Saffron Terror’ was being wrongly and deliberately introduced into the Indian Political as well as Terror Narrative with active connivance of the Indian Media, specially the English Media, to convey specially to the peaceful Hindu voters of the Nation that BJP/RSS/Shiv Sena & several Hindu Organizations stood for violent means of political thought. A thought, which would and will lead the country into chaos and instability. And hence, such Political Parties should be shunned at the hustings, and such Organizations should also be shunned if not completely banned.

Expectedly, the existing Political dispensation of that time, the UPA was rewarded handsomely with this narrative being introduced. They won the 2009 General Elections. An election which was held just 5-6 months after the September arrests of ‘Hindu Terrorists’ & the October 2008 Mumbai Terror attacks, which was a month later after the arrests. All the Opinion Polls in the run-up to these elections showed the BJP led NDA leading over the Congress led UPA in the run-up to the hustings.

But what happened after the counting in May 2009 was nothing short of plain shock to everyone. The Congress led UPA won, with even more seats than in May 2004. The Congress Party personally gaining more as compared to May 2004. The BJP doing worse than in 2004.

The Hindu/Saffron Terror tag had worked. It was not the Secular Hindus, Muslims & Christians who defeated the Communal BJP. It was the bulk of the moderately pro-Saffron Hindu electorate who shunned the BJP at the hustings. Since, even a radical Hindu always has peace as his primary agenda in his mind. Peace for himself, his wife, his parents, his kids, his brothers, his sisters, his Nukkad, his Mohalla, his Village, his town, his city and finally his country. Evidence of this Hindu thought and way of life can be achieved when one enters any Hindu household across the length or breadth of the country. Whenever anyone enters any Hindu Household one is specifically greeted by silence. It is a self imposed Silence. Maybe the kids are playing, and shouting. But, the elders appear always silent. This is the Hindu concept of peace. On the contrary, if anyone tries to enter the household of a Muslim, one is greeted with over the top shouts at the doorstep. Shouts of the elders over one another or over their neighbors or kids. This is the Muslim concept of peace.

A Hindu cannot by nature defy this rule of peace, and also allow any other Hindu defy this basic rule of peace. A Hindu knows about the Muslim concept of peace since centuries. He is used to it and has accepted it. But what he is not ready to accept is, the Hindu concept of peace matching the Muslim concept. This is what he abhors. And that is why we have such a high percentage of Hindu Seculars in this world. What is the work of these Hindu Seculars? They don’t have the guts to oppose loud Muslims and overtly loud converting Christians and their Christmas carols in Christian households. But, they have more than enough guts to oppose those Hindus who oppose these loud Muslims & Christians. Since, the opposing Hindus are making some noise. This noise to a Secular Hindu is unacceptable.

But, many don’t realize, that, this is also the basic principle of a Hindu which defeats the argument of Saffron/Hindu Terror. Since, a Hindu can never be a Mass Killer of innocents. The Indian Secular Spectrum of that period, Political & Non-Political had slyly succeeded in introducing this concept like a drop of ink in clear water. It made some high profile arrests to that effect through the Maha ATS headed by its stooge Hemant Karkare. One of them being Col. Purohit a Maharashtrian Brahmin like Karkare himself and also a serving Military officer attached to the Military Intelligence Wing of the Indian Army.

It was also surprising that, why one of India’s foremost journalist at that period Rajdeep Sardesai also a Maharashtrian Brahmin like Karkare & Purohit never interviewed Purohit’s wife and family members. Wasn’t it a basic ethos of journalism that, opinions and views of both sides should be obtained? Or was it the fact that, if Purohit is guilty, so was his family? If he was an untouchable, so was his family?

I have lived in Pune for 27 years a place and city from which Col Purohit too hailed from. And there is not a single aspect of Pune life which is alien to me. It is a city which has made me what I am today. Due to which I am proud to call myself a Puneite. Pune is considered the heart of Maharashtrian Brahmin Power. The Brahmin Peshwas who took Hindu rule to its maximum zenith, including Bajirao the battle genius ruled from Pune. It is also no co-incidence that Marathi in its most purist form is spoken at Pune. A language, which I (a non-Brahmin), speak very fluently and proudly along with my own mother tongue Telugu. I can read and write Marathi but cannot do the same in my Mother Tongue having done my schooling in Pune.

Pune is so rich in culture and history that any other city in the country which can parallel Pune is only Varanasi in the North and Bhagyanagar (Hyderabad) in the South. But, even Varanasi & Hyderabad can pale in comparison to the Nationalist fervor existing in Pune. Long before a certain MK Gandhi a NRI as per current Indian Laws reached the Indian shores from the country South Africa which was ruled by the same imperialists who ruled India, the Indian National Congress which came into existence to politically fight the British had Bal Gangadhar Tilak a Maharashtrian Brahmin from Pune as one of its prominent members and leaders. Tilak had joined INC in 1890 5years after it was formed in 1885, and a good 20-25 years before a certain MK Gandhi reached the shores of India on the invitation of Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

Tilak was totally opposed to the soft policies of other Congress leaders and later MK Gandhi’s ‘Ahimsa’ as a means of freedom and was India’s foremost Hindu Radicals having coined the sentence ‘Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it’. It is not just coincidence that, the 1st incident of armed insurgency against the ruling British Crown in India was at Pune by the Brahmin Chapekar Brothers who assassinated Commissioner Rand a British Civil Servant in 1897. Rand had adopted brutal means to suppress the plague which wrought havoc in Pune during the late 19 Century. Tilak was charged no less than 3 times on charges of sedition by the British, which no other Indian Leader was ever charged with.

India lost this great and foremost patriot in 1920 when he was released after his 3rd incarceration from Mandalay in present day Burma on charges of sedition. A person responsible to convert Ganesh Chathurti from a single day festival into a 10 day Ganeshotsav festival to counter the British Rule of non-assembly of more than 5 people at one place at that time. The irony is not lost that MK Gandhi came into prominence in the Indian struggle for Independence movement in the same year of 1920, that too, only after Tilak’s death. The beginning of, one of the many such several coincidences which brought people like MK Gandhi and a certain Jawaharlal Nehru to the limelight.

It was precisely due to this huge divide between the ardently Nationalistic Hindu School of thought within a certain section of Congress and those who espoused ‘Ahimsa’ led by MK Gandhi, that the so called hard liners understood the futility of serving the Congress in its existing form. This led the way for the founding and emergence of the RSS in 1925 by Shri Hegdewar a Brahmin of Telugu descent but settled in Nagpur after the death of Tilak in 1920.

It is since then, a certain section of the Congress Party led by the Nehru-Gandhi Family, for whom Nationalism was a word just to be mouthed rather than be observed, both before and after Independence, have continuously tried to discredit the Maharashtrian Brahmins since more than a Century for their ardent Nationalistic stand. The immediate discrediting of the RSS on the aftermath of Gandhi’s assassination being one among the many such attempts.

The Congress Party very well knew that, if they succeeded in discrediting the Maharashtrian Brahmins in present day Terror World they would have succeeded in discrediting Hinduism in a Major way too and subsequently also discrediting the Political and Organizational Spectrum aligned towards the Hindu cause, which were their main Political and Social Challengers since the days of Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak more than a Century ago.

With this knowledge it can be safely said by me that, majority of the Maharashtrian Brahmins and specifically those from Pune are Nationalists and committed to the RSS ideology. The power of BJP flows from the RSS in Nagpur founded by a Maharashtrian Brahmin, Shri Hegdewar from Nagpur who had his roots from Nizamabad District in present day Telangana. But the fact that many don’t know that, the power of RSS in Nagpur flows from the Brahmins of Pune. And not even a single Brahmin from Pune or for the matter anywhere in India can be a terrorist. The natural inference being Pune is the heart of Indian Nationalism. A city so pure, until a man called Sharad Pawar came along and teaming up with another highly corrupt individual Suresh Kalmadi ruined the pure as white reputation of Pune. Of course, now both Pawar & Kalmadi are history, and Pune has regained its lost glory.

While the Marathas the other major Political Caste & Class of Maharashtra were divided between Congress, NCP & Shiv Sena, 100% of Maharshtrian Brahmins were married and loyal to the RSS/BJP. So it was not without reason that all of Maharashtra’s Brahmins watched in horror as a fellow Brahmin Karkare was heading a team which was committed to indict fellow Hindus, one of them being a fellow Maha Brahmin Col Purohit on the previously unheard charges of Hindu Terror.

How can it happen that, the entire Indian Media, who don’t waste time in getting both sides of the opinion involving any incident with a Muslim, Christian or a Secular Hindu like Tarun Tejpal or Shashi Tharoor, not even once interview the family members of those arrested on Saffron/Hindu terror charges?

One of these esteemed Media Personalities being a Maharashtrian Brahmin Rajdeep Sardesai himself. Can this be excused? Since October 2008, I have always tried to gauge the response of my Maharashtrian Brahmin friends on the aspect of the death or so called ‘martyrdom’ of Karkare. On one side he was being hailed a hero in the entire nation, but, the response from Pune was strangely cold. Stunning Silence was the response to any questions or opinions on Karkare. It didn’t take rocket science to figure out and understand that, Karkare had become an untouchable among the deeply and fiercely Loyal & Nationalistic Brahmins of Maharashtra and specifically Pune. If Karkare was an untouchable, Rajdeep Sardesai had become an outcast. Not that it mattered to a person like Rajdeep. But all the same that was a reality. It took 9 years of silence from them.

But a single video of an interview by the great Madhu Kishwar of Col Purohit’s wife has taken the Social Media by storm over the past few days. One glance at the Facebook posts of Mahrashtrian Brahmins as a response to this video and injustice speaks volumes at their pain and anger.

Like all wrong logics with sinister intentions, the abysmally wrong logic of Saffron/Hindu Terror coined during September 2008, with the sole aim of bringing the Congress back to power 6 months later in May 2009, has been rejected by the very same Hindus in May 2014 who saw through the lie of the Congress and the Media. That too, this rejection was conveyed with pain, grief, loathe & anger which went on to give BJP its 1st full Majority in the Nation’s Parliament. It being ironical that, they were defeated by the same person whom they had tried to picture and present as a ‘Mascot of Hindu Terror’, Shri Narendra Modi.

Now it’s time that, the conspiracy of this highly wrong & twisted logic be opened up before the Nation as soon as possible. And people involved in the conspiracy and behind coining this dirty and obnoxious phrase be brought to book on the same. Whether Politicians or Media, and however highly placed or ‘touch me not’ they might be.

This is the greatest service to Hinduism and Hindus which the present BJP government can do and should do.

BJP needs to act like a ‘Party with a Difference’


“Politics is a dirty thing and all politicians are dirty or corrupt”, This line was used for almost everyone after 1990’s when lot of scams started tumbling out with no party being able to form government at the centre and UPA from 2004-14 is a recent example of corrupt politics at large. We also had people like Shri L.K. Advani who resigned from central government till the charges were proven to be false. But lot of people still believe that most politicians are same from all parties and they don’t fight for the ideology they represent, which is true to an extent.

There was one such incident which I remember happened in Jaipur in 2013. There was a tobacco factory in Burmese colony of Jaipur, Rajasthan. That factory used to produce famous Ankur Ghutka and pan masala. Those from north-India will know that it’s a famous Ghutka brand. People of the colony were trying to get the factory closed for some years but due to deep pockets of the owner, they were unable to.  They decided to unite their efforts to close down the factory and letters were sent to all the important departments of the government of Rajasthan on behalf of the colony and not individuals.

The MLA of the area, Shri Ashok Parnami (Party-BJP) came and gave assurance that the factory will be closed. The people of the colony also went to meet the then Mayor of Jaipur, Smt. Jyoti Khandelwal (Party-Congress) who also gave same assurance. But after some time when nothing happened.. it was learnt that Khandelwal said that since the owner of the factory is also Khandelwal. They can’t do much about it as it might irk the Khandelwal community. Same way Ashok Parnami also said much can’t be done on this. One thing is important to note that during that time BJP was not in power but it was Congress government in state.

But both Cong-BJP people said nothing can’t be done, probably both might have gotten party donations from the owner of the tobacco factory. Finally people wrote a letter to ED with rtd. HC judges and got help from them which paved the way to remove that factory. In the ongoing process, Congress’s Mahila Morcha state level official who also resides in the colony also joined BJP since she saw BJP as the rising party. Ashok Parnami later gave financial help by getting the husband of the said official a liquor shop. Unfortunately Ashok Parnami was made BJP state head by Raje the CM of Rajasthan in 2014. Also the taxes on tobacco & Pan Masala products were also reduced by the BJP government in 2015 which was spearheaded by Ashok Parnami.

Modi may not take bribe but not everyone in BJP is like that. People of India have voted for Modi in 2014 and not for BJP. BJP of ABV-LKA era was also corrupt and still has same corrupt practices as those of Cong at state level. One of the reasons why BJP lost Delhi elections was the corrupt practices of BJP Delhi unit. AAP by all means was a new comer and hence seen as clean but they are also indulging in corrupt & low-level politics with new scams coming in light every day. Many people have voted for BJP due to their ideology and some due to RSS. But I am sure no would like to support a party which still can’t get rid of corrupt practices at state or Parishad levels. I hope people are not led down by Modi in the fight against corruption at state or city level and people who have the merit and clean image are given preference.


P.S: The above information comes from the residents of the colony who have talked about it. There were also articles about the same in 2013 local newspapers which are now unavailable online.

BJP and Modi – Hits and Misses till mid 2016


India is very young (median age of 27 years), thereby making it an utmost necessity that its youth be put to use in constructive, nation building work lest it get sucked into crime or terrorism.

PM Narendra Modi, for one, is a die-hard optimist. BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) is a vehicle which keeps Nation first. It is an ideal combination for India’s prosperity.

If one goes by the media narrative, we are in midst of multiple duels – that of India vs Bharat (meaning the West-eulogising ruling elite vs rural have not’s), that of neo-modern India (as a 70 year old independent nation) vs classical India (as an 8000 year civilisation) as well as crony capitalism/ crony socialism vs market economy cohabiting with a welfare state.

Presented here is a brief on Hits and Misses in first 2 years of Modi Government.

Two years of Narendra Modi
Two years of Narendra Modi Government


An economy running on old structure of PSU’s (Public sector units), led Congress to take India down the road of “Crony socialism” – old industrial families (akin to the crony capitalist Oligarchs of Russia) in connivance with dynasty Congress party patriarchs in Government, extracted benefits from the state through corruption and distorted free markets. Congress promoted wasteful public expenditure in guise of “Remove poverty” sloganeering – today hundreds of PSU’s exist which make no commercial sense – 4,00,000 employees get paid from Taxpayer’s money for no work and losses.

Under this rule were distributed loans worth many crores to dubious promoters, all of which are now NPA on books of Banks.

Modi has done away with legacy Crony socialism. Latest recommendations from Niti Aayog clearly say that Government should be only in industries, which are strategic or are must-needed in the long-term, even if they are commercially nonviable.

Then there is the IT (Information Technology) sector, commanding great heights and which has been promoted vigorously by Modi.

Modi’s primary focus is rightly on implementation of laws, rather than instituting them, for every problem. He is also weeding out old, useless laws.

Modi has abolished crony capitalism by a fair business regime which gives equal opportunities to entrepreneurs while promoting capable executioners. Case in point is the new Airlines policy which gives a uniform platform for new entrants, or auctions in Coal and Spectrum.

Modi is treating Indian and Foreign businessmen on equal footing, by a fair regulatory regime and by allowing wide ranging participation in auction of land and minerals. FDI limits have been massively increased across the board.

Modi is also rapidly promoting de-personification of country’s Institutions and making them accessible on the internet. The National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) project, is connecting all 250,000 gram panchayats in the country through optical fibres, using the networks of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd, RailTel Corp. of India Ltd and Power Grid Corp. of India Ltd and laying additional fibres. A total of 1,30,000 kms of fibre is being laid.

A stable regulatory regime needs continuity of policies and control on over zealousness of Public servants to go by the letter of the law rather than the spirit of it. Modi has accurately recognised this and drastic change of commercials and policies, be in Budget, or in regular administrative policies, has been done away with.

Modi is pushing massive infrastructure investments to boost GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and create a modern nation – be it in highways, ports, waterways or airports.

Modi’s vision is an India completely internet connected and truly integrated into a globalised world.

Modi has also created a truly secular Government, which doesn’t recognise castes and aspires to harmonise and promote uniform religious laws conforming to human values of freedom, equality and liberty. His motto is Constitution first and Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas – to be with all and to help in everybody’s development.

No one interested in upliftment of India can ignore Agriculture – Indian farmer needs to bring his produce to the market directly, have access to cold storage, warehousing, move up the value chain by getting into branded products and also conform to modern requirements like organic products. Modi’s National Agricultural Market (NAM) is a step in the right direction. He has also diversified agricultural insurance by getting Government to pay for Farmer’s premiums.

Modi is creating robust Export capacities with latest Technology, with Make in India initiative, albeit in an environmentally sustainable manner. He was instrumental in global signing of the Paris Accord.

Looking at US-Canada border or the free movement of people and capital in EU (European Union), Modi is aspiring to create the same for SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) – Project Mausam and increasing connectivity to Bangladesh, Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway, Sri Lanka (bridge over the sea), Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan (Through Chahabar port in Iran) have been achievements for his Government.

Modi also aspires to make India a Financial hub of the world like London, with much deeper, widely held, efficient capital and debt markets. Modi’s vision is to keep taxes low and make INR (Indian National Rupee) fully convertible to enable the rich of the world to do business from India and make it a favourite destination for world’s richest and for headquarters of MNC’s (Multinational Corporations).

However, Modi is plugging Black money loopholes – Mauritius treaty revision, enhanced KYC norms for P-notes, agreement with Switzerland being case in point.

Modi also wants to strengthen the INR, because India is primarily a consumption theme, imports are high and infrastructure development necessitates import of technology intensive capital equipment. But this is WIP (Work in progress).

Then there are other popular initiatives – Clean India campaign, Save and educate Girls, curb on Black money, targeted subsidies through Aadhaar, Make in India, Jan Dhan Yojana, Mudra loans, GST, Defence production, Smart cities, the Power revolution, Digital India, Skill India, increase in Forex reserves by $100 billion and interlinking of rivers.


It is in Education and Healthcare that some reform pieces are missing – The base for a robust social fabric is proper education & healthcare, especially for our women and children – solutions like India’s light-asset, neighbourhood schools of pre-independence have to return. In Healthcare, there is hardly a substitute for investing in high-end Hospitals.

Modi seems to be ignoring India’s burgeoning population – He would do better by instituting, for a fixed period, stiff restrictions on Government jobs to families with more than one child, to arrest population growth and raise standards of living across the board.

Besides GST (Goods & Services tax), Modi could transition the black money economy of India to a cashless economy like that of Sweden, by abolishing Income Tax in the long term. He is promoting technologies like Mobile Wallets already.

Licence Raj is gone from India, but Inspector Raj still remains. India is too lenient, democracy as practised here is too distorted and there is lack of fear of the adverse in minds of those with even small power. Public services, in West, Middle East, China, Japan, Europe, South Korea or ASEAN, are devoid of corruption. So, while corruption in top echelons there is humongous, but not in daily necessities – like Licenses, water, electricity, real estate certificates etc. Modi has completely removed top level corruption in India. But the only way out now for culling corruption at lower levels, is to bring death penalty for corruption in any public service.

Given the lack of respect for law in mind of many Indians, stemming from a Judiciary mired in humongous number of Court cases and hence in permanent coma, Modi can unclog Courts by moving intra-Government cases to arbitration panels. Modi should also slash on multiple appeal layers of our judiciary system to ensure justice is quickly & correctly delivered.

This is a tricky issue for the Government since Judiciary reports to no one – NO ONE in the system! While Modi has attempted to correct this by NJAC (National Judicial Appointments Commission) Bill, but Judiciary seems to love its “independence” so much so that it is not correcting itself and merely usurping more powers from the Legislature. Crores of cases are stuck, a large part of Judiciary is corrupt and there is no check and balance on them, just on the pretext of Judiciary’s “independence”!

Modi should bring a law to curb incessant sensationalism by Indian media.

Lastly, Modi should aspire to do away with all Reservations (in selections or promotions) because they kill meritocracy and sap institutions, but keep them only for sections which have been historically wronged, like SC’s/ ST’s (Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes), but that too up to a sane level and only in selections.

Going by how BJP and Modi are accomplishing things one by one, India is indeed in the right direction.

Should BJP consider Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi for UP CM candidature?

No doubt that Rajveer Singh, Varun Gandhi, Manoj Sinha, Rajnath Singh and Smriti Irani are ahead in the race. But, if BJP is willing to experiment and do something that it has never done before, it should consider Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi for CM’s post in Uttar Pradesh.

For those who are not aware, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi is one of BJP’s most prominent Muslim leaders. Currently, the recently elected Rajya Sabha MP from Jharkhand is Union Minister of State for parliamentary affairs and is also one of BJP’s vice-presidents. Naqvi has worked as Union Minister of State in Vajpayee government. He hails from Allahabad and has been associated with right-wing students union since college days. The Muslim leader started his political career with Janta Party. Not just state of Uttar Pradesh, but his knowledge about all the states is impressive. The Minister of State has worked as party’s spokesperson for Hindi channels in the past.

The 58-year-old MP recently attracted a lot of attention when he indirectly hit-out at P Chidambaram by saying that the person who is responsible for the theft of documents in Ishrat Jahan encounter case must be punished under laws for anti-national activity.


Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi

In spite of underworld and Islamic State’s threats, he has firmly been with the BJP even during its bad phase. May it be Gandhi family, Chidambaram, Manmohan Singh, Mayavati, Mulayam, Kejriwal, or leftist journalists; Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi has the ability to give a point-by-point rebuttal to everyone. His language skills and witty one-liners manage to bring a smile on viewers face during debates.

As a journalist, I think Naqvi’s knowledge is as good as that of Rajnath Singh and probably better than Smriti Irani.

He created controversy for the BJP, right after 26/11 attacks by making anti-women comments about candlelight-march participants.

You may criticise me and laugh, but highlighting Naqvi as CM or even as deputy CM’s face in UP elections would help BJP to not only prove their secular credentials, but may also help it to sail safely through caste politics complications in UP.

The state has witnessed a considerable rise in riots under Akhilesh’s rule. Both, Hindus and Muslims are complaining about law and order.  Even the BJP lost Bihar polls and Prime Minister was asked questions about non-existent ‘religious intolerance’ while in the UK. Roping in a Muslim face to discuss all these issues during the UP elections will add more credibility in party’s overall stand against the SP government.

Such step would perhaps bring political tsunami. It would possibly change the way Muslim population looks at the Bhartiya Janta Party. This will positively impact the party in other states as well.

Famous and influential Indian personalities who pose a threat to Hinduism


I am penning this article in the background of the deadly Orlando attacks. It is now no secret that, religion has become the major cause for strife in this world. Previously, countries officially backed by their armies were prepared to go at war with each other for the sake of religion. Then, when a semblance of maturity started to envelop mankind after the 2nd World War and countries were asked to be more mature in response to provocation, religious bigots felt threatened. Since, being mature and without conflict was against the very purpose of religion invented by man. Hence, these same religious bigots invented Terror groups operating within the fringes of so called stable and mature nations. These groups waging war against those whom they deemed as enemies to their religion. Sometimes against their own country which housed those groups.

Nations gathered together with more cohesiveness to cut off the supply lines of these terror groups. More level headed talk and plain speak was being encouraged. Countries seen supporting these groups were being warned. Directly and Indirectly. The influence of these groups seemed to be waning, when, suddenly out of nowhere terror evolved from groups to lone wolves. Lone wolf terrorists now becoming the single most cause of concern for nations across the globe.

The 2 man-made religions at the centre of this conflict being Islam & Christianity. Being a Hindu, I am really not concerned about these 2 religions. I am really not concerned about the negativity surrounding these 2 religions. They might be great. Let us all assume they are. But where does that leave me and more than a billion Hindus who are basically peace loving? Both these religions being expansionist religions. The propagators of both these religions not satisfied with their present following. They simply want more and more adherence. The more they seek an expansionist adherence, the more they keep increasing the chances of conflict.

To know the reality of the challenge in present day India, it is very important to know how and through whom the challenge is being propagated in my country. I have identified a bucket list of those who present a ‘Clear and Present Danger’ to me and my religion and my brothers and sisters. In my 3 part series, I shall be tackling specific Individuals, Political Parties and NGOs who present a ‘Clear and Present Danger’ to my country and our way of life. This effort of mine is in not an indication that Hinduism is in any kind of danger. I foresee Hinduism evolving into the World’s foremost religion in the coming 100 years. With people across the globe tired of constant conflict and stress. No religion being capable of the capacity to offer solace and comfort from this constant conflict, the automatic choice becomes Hinduism. All the same like a dying cobra whose dying bite still capable of killing, the people and organizations mandated to ensure the expansion of the other 2 major religions in India will keep trying till their last breath, and ensure a minimum amount of chaos in our country in the process.

1. Kancha Illiah.
A Telugu like me born into a Shepherd’s caste (Kuruma Golla caste) in present day Telangana which is identified as a BC caste as per Indian Caste census. How he then became a Dalit is a mystery? Courtesy the Rohit Vemula case, it is now an open secret about the Conversion-Christianity-Dalit status nexus for the sake of academic and professional growth. And since his conversion, is openly championing the cause of his new Religious Masters. How? By deriding and insulting Hinduism in various forums and through his literary works. His specific hatred towards Brahmins & RSS is reflected in all his talk shows and literary works. His strong educational background and his connections to the Church and the leftists make him a very formidable challenge to deal with. He according to me is Hinduism’s numero uno enemy.

2. Sonia Gandhi.
Her agenda is now an open secret. Her Italian birth and her strong Vatican connections and her position as the most powerful person in India since the past 10 years until a certain Narendra Modi came and displaced her, makes her an extremely formidable foe of Hinduism. The very fact that she heads a party which controlled the Education Ministry for 10 long years, which oversaw wide ranging curriculum changes in school text books which even her late husband and Mother-in-law did not dare to touch is now a stuff of legends. Overnight names in English and Math Text books were changed from Hindu to Christian and Muslim sounding names in the CBSE Curriculum. Her Christian CM Stooges like YS Rajashekhar Reddy personally oversaw an attempt to convert AP into a Christian State with tacit understanding of the powerful Reddy Community. His blatant and daring attempt to sell land in the Holy Tirumalai (Tirupati) Hills to Missionary Organizations which houses perhaps India’s most Holy Hindu Place of worship which is the Balaji Temple being the stuff of legends.

3. Christian Reddy Politicians of AP & Telangana.
Suddenly, overnight it was not known which Reddy was a Hindu and which was a Christian, or which Reddy was married to a Christian Reddy. It is now confirmed that AP was ruled by at least 2 Christian Reddys. Namely YSR himself and N. Janardhan Reddy (CM from 1990 – 1992). Other Reddy CMs still being suspect. The wife of the last CM of United AP Kiran Kumar Reddy is a Christian. And the most powerful Telangana Congress Leader Jana Reddy who was almost tipped to become CM of United AP in place of Kiran Kumar Reddy too being a Christian. Irony being, Jana Reddy still fancies himself as the future CM of Telangana if and when Congress comes to power in the State. No need to mention that YS Jagan Mohan Reddy son of the late YSR and who heads AP’s Main Opposition Party YSRCP again is a Christian. The vote share difference which YSRCP had as compared to TDP in the 2014 Assembly elections being less than 2%. While TDP secured 46.3%, YSRCP secured 44.47%. There is or was no doubt left that YS Jagan would have completed the unfinished task set about by his father under the patronage of Sonia Gandhi. YS Jagan’s sister YS Sharmila ending up marrying a Hindu Brahmin Anil Kumar and converting him to Christianity. Anil Kumar thus becoming the 1st Brahmin in the country to convert himself into Christianity and also now becoming India’s foremost Evangelist in the process. He is more famously now known as ‘Brother Anil Kumar’. He now lauds over a several thousand crore Evangelical Empire.

4. Aamir Khan.
His hatred for Hindus and Hinduism can be judged from his talk show ‘Satyameva Jayate’, where each and every topic he chose on the talk show was directly or indirectly referring to the problems of Hindu culture and it’s certain wrong practices. His marriage to Kiran Rao who happens to be a Hindu Telugu Velama from Telangana whose Paternal Grandfather Raja Rameshwara Rao was a vassal of the Nizam and ruled Wanaparthy Samasthanam of Mahbubnagar District (KCR’s MP seat when he was an MP) seems to have made him more anti-Hindu. Kiran Rao’s Maternal 1st cousin being actress Aditi Rao Hydari. Both their mothers being sisters. The Grandfather of Aditi Rao’s Father Akbar Hydari was the Prime Minister to the Hyderabad Nizam. The Raja of Wanaparthy (Paternal Grandfather of both cousins) later being integrated into the Congress Party by Nehru, after losing his title on the aftermath of Operation Polo effected by Sardar Patel. He was a several time MP from Mahbubnagar constituency, which was later represented by another Velama KCR, now present CM of Telangana. Aamir Khan’s frustration at BJP coming to power can be judged by his famous statement that, his wife did not feel secure in India after BJP coming to power.

5. Barkha Dutt.
No need for introduction on Ms.Dutt’s background. Her background check will give a list of youtube videos showing her open anti-Hindu stands and arguments. She is easily India’s most hated journalist. To make matters worse, she has chosen to keep her personal life fiercely secretive. A highly hypocritical trait considering that she considers it her birthright to tear apart other people’s personal lives and the Hindu Culture by trampling on the feelings of Millions through her professional work. Her war coverage of Kargil, 26/11 & Pathankot attacks which seem to give the terrorists a bird’s eye view of the positions of Indian troops and security apparatus makes her a primary suspect to carry out anti-national activities. Let alone anti-Hindu activities.

6. Rajdeep Sardesai
This guy seems to be the joker of the pack. Highly intelligent and cunning, he has no hesitation in stepping back from his stated position. While Barkha Dutt is known not to compromise on her stated positions, Rajdeep has many a time conveniently withdrawn his stated controversial positions on critical issues, only to withdraw and regroup later. He is not known to judge a situation fairly in his journalistic coverage, and along with his sleeveless sporting wife Sagarika whose journalistic career has come to a complete standstill makes a deadly combo against Hinduism.

7. Karan Thapar
This journalist represents a coiled rattle snake, ready to strike. His single most hatred towards the BJP & RSS is evident from his several interviews and talk shows with BJP & RSS Personalities. His questions carry the venom of a Black Mamba, and the confused reply of the BJP/RSS guest becoming a non-stop Breaking News Headline. Reports that he also works for the Pakistani ISI brings him into the top 10 list of anti-Hindu personalities having a field day in Modern India.

8. Prannoy Roy
This personality needs no introduction. There is enough evidence that his News Network NDTV works under combined Vatican & Saudi patronage. And now his network is under the red with the ED (Enforcement Directorate). That his co-editor is Barkha Dutt who also finds herself in this list doesn’t endear himself exactly to the Hindus of India. The fact that his mother is Irish Catholic and his wife Radhika is sister of Brinda Karat who is among the top 5 CPI(M) Politburo Members doesn’t exactly help his credentials of being a true Hindu Secular in the real sense. Another fact that he is 1st cousin of India’s foremost anti-National Arundhati Roy completing his identity vortex of also being counted as among India’s foremost anti-Hindus.

9. Arundhati Roy
The less said about her the better. Daughter of a Keralite Syrian Catholic mother, she is the only one in the entire list who is open and vitriolic on her anti-India stand. That too, being an Indian. She seems to hate everything which India represents. Armed with her self serving lessons on history, she has gone on record opposing the Indian State on sensitive subjects such as Kashmir. The fact that she is a writer of International Repute makes her a very dangerous phenomenon on the anti-India as well as anti-Hindu skyline. That she has to be tackled ideologically with the topmost priority would be an understatement.

10. Nidhi Razdan
Coming to think of it, she is actually a Hindu Kashmiri Pandit, which automatically qualifies her to be in the forefront of pro-Indian or pro-Hindu narratives. But rather she has chosen herself to be an ideal bluff to Barkha’s sustained aggression against Hindus on the NDTV Coverage skyline. Her contempt at the invited pro-Hindu guests at her news program gives enough evidence against her anti-Hindu and anti-Hinduism stand.